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  1. 99.9999% of people who are actually going to vote made up their minds long ago.
  2. Inside of the front door to our cabin. That sign has been keeping the summer sun at bay going on 14 years. He will be missed.
  3. If we don’t do something, it will only get worse: At the Texas GOP,party convention, the state party changed its platform to call for a new requirement that candidates for statewide office must also win a majority of votes in a majority of Texas’ 254 counties to win office, a model similar to that of the U.S. Electoral College. Under the proposal, the 4.7 million residents of Harris County would have the same voting power as the 64 residents of Loving County.
  4. I'm not contradicting shit; my worry stems from what I saw. I haven't looked at a single poll on the damn thing, because they're completely meaningless this early. More people are going to watch themis via social media snippets than watched the whole thing. No shit the ratings are down, of course they are. Do you not remember the circumstances last time?
  5. Kinda wishing for Walter at this point. Had one magical run last year with high expectations going into this year and didn’t even make it out of the regional going 0-2. Was even gifted the East Carolina regional.
  6. @linux I agree with what you are saying. This isn't a game, we aren't fans. This is a duty, we are citizens.
  7. Then we shall die. Because that horse isn't carrying anyone. It is not impossible, and it's disingenuous to say otherwise. And to completely ignore the possibility in light of that performance last night is asinine.
  8. We dumped Turtle Tom when it was obvious the product sucked and the donors were unhappy. But we’re at the stage where if we dump Biden now, the new candidate has a strong change of going 5-7 before turning things around in a year or two.
  9. Apparently he is going to wear 9. dad and son with the 69
  10. If anyone wants a real nightmare scenario, consider Trump winning in November and expanding the court to 13 justices so he could pick an additional four, including any replacements for those who might retire.
  11. Sure like people need to have the discussion that he is a lizzard person from mars, not. at the end of the day panic crying about plan B only depresses the vote. I know it is still 4 months away, but if every little gaffe from now until then brings the doom brigade we are fulfilling prophecy. Polls did not move, survey groups moved for Biden, stop panicking.
  12. Hopefully his mom becomes the new head coach. I'm sure things would go well.
  13. This. The majority of Americans are truly stupid and deplorable. No person alive can have a D by their name and win big. Not possible.
  14. Unfortunately, 40% or so in this country would like to take the US back to a time where we owned slaves and women served as 'breeders' who can't vote.
  15. Joking or not, I still like the idea above of letting Hayes coach both sides. If we're going to be political about this, let's go all in. Honestly, how many hours a day are required to a national team coach? Surely, they aren't doing jack shit all 95% of the time. How long does it take to text "hey bro, what's up, how's Italy?" once a week?
  16. This thread is going exactly as expected.
  17. Once again we are not fans we are the players, we decide if we let nervous Tom on the sidelines make us choke a handoff. Getting rid of Biden is impossible, get it through your heads and even if a divine character of bible fame, united the tribes it was still going to be close result (relatively speaking I think 2020 was a dominant loss for Trump)
  18. Sure we can. We just gotta renegotiate Emma Hayes’ contract and pay her what we’re paying the men’s which will never be at the level of top managers anyway. Fuck it, give her more money, it’s not mine and the women’s side has more than earned it.
  19. Can we switch that to food and expensive prostitutes?
  20. Remember kids: it wouldn't be close if we had a modern, grown up Constitution that doesn't dictate that we the select a chief executive based on the notion that we shouldn't hurt the feelings of white men who own black people.
  21. It shouldn't have been close in 2016 or 2020 either (and the GOP shouldn't control nearly as many states as it does and it shouldn't have won the House in 2022). But it is, because we're a very divided country and there's a whole lot of stupid assholes we share it with.
  22. Dooming is just depressing the vote, stop pretending we are fans here, we decide the outcome through votes and effort, (and money but fans also do that)
  23. I mean, I don't blame him. Travis Chestnut is now going to be a legend in aggy baseball lore. He'll be able to just walk right into any insurance agency in the Greater Houston area and get a job there any time he wants. He'll never have to pay for a beer in public again, unless he orders an import.
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