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  1. I've seen this play out exactly on Pornhub, the three went home together and bro fucked the wife in front of the cuck husband.
  2. I get it. You’re a beta cuck pussy that spends his days in the cloak room jerking off Denison but in the real world actions have consequences but the fact that you went so triggered by it tells me your hair is purple and your Facebook badge celebrates your vaccine status.
  3. Stupid people who like to call other people betas then run away with hurt feelings if you don't agree. It's an army of spineless punks sprinkled with some really dangerous psychopaths and cynics just raking in the graft. Sadly, it's a juggernaut.
  4. Those guys have a low beta. I have a high beta. I’m a 10.8 index and my average score is around an 86 at my home course. But on any given day I can shoot a 95 or an 82. My low round ever is a 77.
  5. imagine being such a beta-cuck that you incessantly rail against a politician in your safe space, and the second the thread you've hijacked with politics is moved to the politics board (where you'll be asked to defend your assertions), you scurry off like a cockroach. what's up with that @BabaYaga? why are you such a snowflake?
  6. I ain’t calling in shit. This parent wears this kinda shit as a badge of honor. An arrest probably furthers the martyr status. I feel bad for the teacher. Real fucking fun coming to work each morning having to look over your shoulder from the faculty lot to your classroom. The spouse In question is a real beta cuck, the kind ‘real Texas men’ make fun of even though they all have a wild amount in common. Might be cathartic to shove a mask in his mouth while beating the shit out of him to square up karma.
  7. . . . only talking sense. Very Beta white dude - ass up - under her skirt. That Chinese Tiger thingybop is thirsty for a bottom. Don't look into his three eyes.
  8. Chad Advice: Alphas don't lean towards an other man - only Betas do that with another man.
  9. I hate Ron Paul. HATE. I worked in Congress when he was a member of our delegation. De. Spies. but to paraphrase him: They don’t hate us because we love freedom, capitalism, and titties. They hate us because we are over there. For all you pro occupation cucks: you are arguing we should occupy a country indefinitely to protect our nation. This isnt fucking German, they aren’t an ally. The only people who like us in Afghanistan are the elite who rely on us to be muscle for their klepto state. we’ve spent Close to 3 trillion in that country. You could replace America’s highways from coast to coast, harden all our ports and airports, and still have cash for Medicare or school improvement with that kind of coin. We lost. You can either wallow in your shit or get on with the future. There is no victory, just an endless occupation, while the Taliban shadow controls the country side and we live in denial of the human and treasure cost of our folly and debacle.
  10. Not a doctor disclaimer added, but I would expect you likely have pretty good protection. The J&J data out of South Africa was decent against Alpha and Beta. The booster data I've seen for the mRNA vaccines shows a substantial immune response against Delta. I haven't seen any data on boosters with J&J, but will keep my eyes peeled and post if I do. Two things to think about. 1) There may be a substantial increased immune response if you delay the second shot. There's evidence emerging that this is the case for mRNA. It may, or may not apply here. 2) You may not need one for 6-8 months and getting the second one now may limit when you can take the next booster. I'm not sure what I'd do personally, if I was in your shoes, but I would likely wait until a little more data comes in depending on my viral exposure. If you are healthy with no co-morbidities and reasonably confident you can keep from getting infected for a few weeks, I'd wait and see if some more consensus emerges.
  11. Listen Incels and Cucks, You cannot apply today's cancel culture and anti-rape messaging to the past. I mean, was rape even a crime back then? /Bob Stoops and Joe Mixon's attorney.
  12. they won't learn any lesson. california coastal exceptionalism. the cigars of those schools watched larry scott set a course for the sun. tree and cal will quit d1 football before they will consider weaponizing. the pac is doomed. the old pac8 will go down with the ship, USC will go indy, and the entire Cal and Cal State systems will drop to d2 or quit altogether. washington & oregon are fucked. wastate and orgstate are turbofucked. the cards are with utah, colorado and arizona state, with arizona along for the ride. that's who the ir8 need to be pushing hard with, all-in, and doing it creatively, with apple or amazon as the backchannel. the streamers need a beta test for the new world and a mountain-something is perfect.
  13. Cucks aren’t known for being very assertive
  14. Ecstatic about the move. Texas belongs in a conference that is passionate about football. This should greatly benefit benefit recruiting, along with NIL. Also, it was an added bonus to see aggy cucks lose their minds. As far as locations, I don’t really care for CS, Louisiana, or Mississippi, but I’m looking forward to games in places like Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and SC.
  15. Viagra + Vaccine = Alpha with big pp. Viagra + No Vaccine = Welcome to pegging, cucks.
  16. Update for the J&J folks on here. South African single dose J&J study showed it did reasonably well against Beta and Delta in a real world setting with 480,000 health care workers. Good news regarding hospitalizations and deaths, though a little below the mRNA numbers. No idea on transmission rate though, so still mask up and keep your viral loads low. https://time.com/6088040/johnson-jj-shot-delta-variant/
  17. Update for the J&J folks on here. South African single dose J&J study showed it did reasonably well against Beta and Delta in a real world setting with 480,000 health care workers. Good news regarding hospitalizations and deaths, though a little below the mRNA numbers. No idea on transmission rate though, so still mask up and keep your viral loads low. https://time.com/6088040/johnson-jj-shot-delta-variant/
  18. You may need a beta blocker before you go to the doctor or good weed.
  19. This is why I keep encouraging people to wear a valved N95 with paper right now until we get this data. My read on it is that Pfizer wears off slightly sooner than Moderna. This is likely due to a combo of two things: 1) Moderna's second dose is 3X larger than Pfizer's and produced more side effects, so possibly more immune response. 2) Moderna's second dose is delivered a week later than Pfizer. There is evidence this induces a stronger immune response. A couple of papers on this recently came out. It will be a temporary boost and it may not even be a real signal. Pfizer was used earlier and in other countries that have been have been looking for breakthrough infections, while we really haven't been collecting the data until very recently. I strongly doubt it's much more than an extra month. Both of them would be fine against Alpha, or Beta at the 6 month mark. It's Delta and some of the other variants packing nasty combinations of mutations that are the problem.
  20. I meant mostly his not being an overly aggressive hobbit cuck with people demanding their approval to fill the gaping hole in his heart. He's just a laid back friendly dude. Does he need to show more urgency, I don't know maybe he's going over the same shit we're all worried about or maybe he's not worried about it at all and is confident we'll win no matter what. Maybe he's got a plan maybe he doesn't time will tell if he's successful at Texas or not. Mario Cristobal is 52-57 all time as a head coach and we're worried about him stealing every single recruit.
  21. Their delusional illogic was that because Texas is leaving for the SEC, that all the Irate8-DipShit8 would all have to tighten their belts to such an insane degree as to squeeze-out/close-down olympic sports in order for them to keep playing football. These mental midgets, by this illogic, freely ADMITTED to having no agency at all, so not only will Texas be taking away their gravy-train money, but single-handedly destroying the olympic (bowel) movement because they, as mindless automatons, will automatically shut down their olympic sports programs (which they must contend put *so many* competitors in the olympics, or something?) in order to throw what money they do have into football (again, no volition at all, mind you), all because "Evil" Texas left them to rot in their own sewers in their shithole towns. A hard effort to blow themselves up to be so "big" and "important" while Texas somehow is not, yet we need you, so you can't go! We're SO HORRIBLE and SO EVIL that we can't possibly be allowed to leave them to Oblivion as we go to the SEC, yet if we were actually that evil, no one would care where we went. I realize half of it was making a show of it that they tried for their voters, but the constant personal attacks by those cunts and cucks (Kolkhorst, Birdwell, mainly, and Whitmire's condescending slow-rambling-drawl reminds everyone of how much time was being wasted) were not only tiresome, but unbelievably gives me an even lower opinion of the TxLege than I had when this day started. What a dazzling display of pathological narcissism by the have-nots in the Irate8-DipShit8 in that hearing yesterday! We cannot leave the Big12 fast enough! We damn well better be in the SEC in 2022 or this "4 years of living with the ex-wife after the divorce" will suck shit!
  22. Only cucks tell their wives everything.
  23. Oh boy.. this is something. Let's say it were true. TX/OU were so butthurt over the one great season by both of these schools that they ordered Bowlsby to not crown a champion? Doesn't that reflect more on Bowlsby as a beta cuck and as not acting in the interests of the B12 and could therefore be grounds for termination?
  24. The data point is real, but spurious and your interpretation false and disinformation when you spread it. The alpha variant originated in the UK in Nov 2020 and became the dominant strain by December 2020. After that point, almost everyone contracted the Alpha variant. The vast majority of UK infections have been alpha variant infections with very little possibility for any breakthroughs to occur. They have not been exposed to variants that can re-infect Alpha until now and they are seeing re-infections. By Dec 2020, only 1.8% of England had contracted Covid. Thus, some number close to 1.8% of the population could even theoretically be re-infected with a variant, because that's the amount that contracted the wild type strain. 1% being reinfected suggests a lot of them did. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveypilot/24december2020 We know anti-bodies to the wild type and variant strains confer extended immunity against that strain, so no one should expect to see alpha re-infect previous alpha patients. Beta was the dominant variant the UK was exposed to, but it doesn't seem to re-infect people. Gamma and Delta and all the ones to follow carrying the same mutations do and will continue to re-infect people without vaccines and boosters.
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