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  1. This could be the fatal flaw in the ESPN consolidation move. On the positive side, consolidation means fewer teams, so fewer slices of the pie, and better average quality of game televised, at least theoretically, since you'll have, even just with UT/OU in the SEC and no other major changes, more games where a brand name is involved and more of two brand names matching up. On the negative side, though, it's like, the NFL (or NBA/MLB/NHL) has a stable group of teams, which rarely changes with expansion or maybe a team moving to a different city, and they're evenly distributed across the country. If you grow up in Texas, you can choose the Cowboys or the Oilers/Texans, or you can just follow whichever team you want, for whatever reason. With CFB, I grew up a Tech fan and did my undergrad there, so if you cut my school out, I'll still be watching them as best I can, but I'll be watching 0 Super SEC and as little as possible of anything else on ESPN. We'll have two schools in Texas in the Super League, if it comes to that, but I'm not going to be a UT or aggy fan, like some sort Texas State Bobhorn cuck, since Tech is out of the top tier. I'm just out. I won't be doing the "Tech is my favorite tier 2 team, and UT is my tier 1 team". Fuck no. I know there are plenty of t-shirt fans that do follow UT/aggy - and there will be more - and there will also be big fans of the IR8 schools that still watch the SEC and whatever comes after it because they just love college football, but I think most of us will just watch our teams in our minor leagues, if that, and otherwise find some other form of entertainment. I also think, when you see more and more entire states or even regions of the country with no representatives in the top tier if it gets down to as small as 48 or less, you'll lose a lot of casual fans there too.
  2. How has he not managed to grift $6mm from that tens of millions pouring into his "legal fund" to fix that plane? Or why hasn't somebody like Mike Lidell just done it for him and called it a business expense and signed himself onto the plane's usage docs? Some cuck like pillowman will obviously still let Trump keep his current livery.
  3. Not before the SEC brass told them to fall in line. That is the one thing we have been missing all these years, someone more than just us telling them to get fucked. When it comes from other sources they beta right into line.
  4. Yes. Don't be simple minded. Just because your team is needed doesn't mean they aren't overpaid. Willingness to pay your team 39 million instead of their worth, 9 million, makes TX/ou gracious and your school subsidized out of necessity, hence a freeloader. Its another reason Nebraska left. The wanted even more freeloading than TX/ou were willing to afford them. So they decided to get some other dumb cuck, B10, to pay their welfare. The gall. Lastly, you don't know shit about fuck about Texas' business dealings with SEC so crawl back under your rock.
  5. Almost half. The Hogs did beta testing on ARK last spring and are doing a full rollout this fall. Theirs just randomly assigns "English for Foreign Language All Students", "rith'metic" and "PE", though.
  6. you definitely put off a cuck vibe in your posts.
  7. What a beta cuck. Am I doing this right?
  8. what a fucking cuck this guy is. Hell, he's basically forced to continue to gargle Trump's balls even now, because anything else is recipe for failure. As of noon, he hasnt even changed his pinned tweet, fucking lulz. the photo CNN is using also cracks me up.
  9. No clue. Been slammed, so just trying to keep up with all of this on here as a fan as it pertains to recruiting and team right now. Just the headline on here at some point, so not sure what all is said in there. If they're saying something similar to what I relayed, who knows? I'm sure they've begun working on applying as much pressure in as many ways as they can to force the dissolution of the Big 12 or a happy settlement for both programs to leave soon. I'm sure the Big 12 is dicklessly posturing, meanwhile every program is attempting to sort out its options, the least attractive of which is undoubtedly keeping the Big 12 intact in some sort of absurd stalemate for months on end. Think about the choices, actually: 1) Do nothing. Wait to get paid by OU and Texas, then negotiate with media, collect dollars, dissipate into nothingness as other things get firmed up. (This seems the most on-brand for the Tagalong 8 and Bowlsby, yet also the worst choice.) 2) Add new partners to the Big 12, such as UCF, UH, USF, Cincy, BYU. (This could actually make some sense, so they'll avoid this at all costs.) 3) Every man for himself, run for your lives: -Kansas turns to the AAC and focuses on building a basketball conference since the Big 10 seems indifferent; -Tech and TCU go west if they can, which is starting to get leaked by both of their camps, yet not from the Pac 12; -WVU begs the ACC to consider them and then joins the Big East or AAC quickly (I think they bail first, and I mean soon); -OSU should be offering to fuck, cuck, and/or suck whoever will pick up the phone out west or north; -Baylor goes AAC and convinces themselves that they meant to do that; -ISU needs to find some sort of unscrupulous move that unlocks the ability for them to blackmail their way into the Big 10, such as luring the Big 10 West division to a party in Ames, plying all attending presidents with roofies, and then photographing all of them getting pegged by NowThis' wife and KarenKeyLargo; -KSU should just admit that they're functional retards who haven't even been trying for almost the entirety of the last two decades and their body is ready to join the Big Sky Conference. (I assume some of these moves will eventually get attempted.) 4) Find a way to syndicate a group of themselves into a merger with someone like the AAC and then act like they're still a P5 conference. (This would take vision and strategy, so we should assume there's a .001% chance of this happening, merely because we can actually summon the notion out of the ether.) If they sit around and fuck with Texas and OU, the lawyers will be leaning heavily on things like vetoing new team choices, sovereign immunity, and who knows what else.
  10. Which is great because the last 10 years of S-E-C shit talk from A&M has really soured OU fans and they have come with knives against aggy since this move has been announced. So if they try and suck up to OU to piss us off it’s only going to make them look like cucks when OU pushes their shit in.
  11. That dude is not wrong. Can you imagine how absolutely fucked they would be if Jimbo went to LSU. No rational person would want that job AND Jimbo would negative recruit the fuck out of aggy at LSU. The contract they gave him previously set them up for this exact scenario to happen. They have to change that shit immediately IMO, even if he’s an overrated piece of shit cuck
  12. Lol, that is a perfect beta cuck move for the fighting Texas jimbos Something, something, your mom Gold.
  13. This thread is pure.fucking.gold.jerry Props to the most witty gooner I've ever witnessed laying the smackdown on that cuck aggy, lmfao for real
  14. So this is a long ass thread (140+ tweets) that provides a really good and approachable overview of the vaccines and the immunology in the context of delta and the discussion around booster doses. Worth a read through imo, but here are the bottom line conclusions. Thread is full of cites and receipts. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1417544454223843333.html How to summarize what this all means? - We don’t yet have data to support additional or higher doses of COVID vaccine for the general public. - In making the case for a 3rd dose of its vaccine, Pfizer presented data from ongoing follow-up of phase III study participants to the White House COVID Response Team this week, but this data has yet to be shared publicly. This data must be shared publicly. Based on the available data, some exceptions and groups in which I think an additional dose of COVID vaccine might be indicated include: - People who received the J&J vaccine, especially elderly persons who mount weaker immune responses to vaccination. Why? The J&J vaccine offers less robust protection against the Beta & Delta variants. - Solid organ transplant recipients and other significantly immunosuppressed persons. We’re still studying heterologous prime-boost vaccine regimens. This is when the 1st dose of a vaccine is one kind (e.g. J&J or AZ) followed by a 2nd type of vaccine (e.g. Pfizer or Moderna). Preliminary data suggests that mix-match regimens may be more potent. Does it make sense to get tested to see if you’re immune after vaccination? The FDA recommends against it. This is completely unnecessary for most people. However... If you are in a high-risk group (e.g. solid organ transplant recipient), it may make sense to get tested in consultation with an infectious disease specialist or immunologist. It’s important that the right test be ordered and interpreted correctly. The right test is a quantitative, high-sensitivity Spike protein antibody test. Many COVID antibody tests detect antibodies against nucleocapsid antigen. You will test negative on these tests if you were vaccinated, not infected.
  15. So much this. In the current GOP it's not so much about how you actually do your job or what your values are, it's about what you SAY to the shitheels on social media! It's inconsequential that Liz's voting record is much more conservative than her replacement, she won't bend the knee so she's actually a libtard/cuck/rino/loser who must be primaried and destroyed at all costs!
  16. Ted Cruz somehow thinks he can be president which is absolutely ridiculous. He’s battling Lindsey Graham for who is the biggest cuck cocksucker of Trump’s micro dick and at least ladybugs has the excuse that he’s gay. Even hardcore trumplicans hate Ted Cruz but he’s apparently unaware of that fact. Or just doesn’t care because he’s a psychopath. His own family hates him. He will die alone.
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/15/politics/donald-trump-kevin-mccarthy-meeting/index.html The GOP is definitely the party of cucks.
  18. He never posted again after Bell signed. It was a beta version of NowThis.
  19. The really sad part is that he was outnumbered about 15 to 1, but all of the timid betas in the room just stood there while he dropped them one by one.
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