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  1. We aren’t going to the SEC to make friends. Or to be “equals.” We aren’t subservient people. We’re going to the SEC to represent the state of Texas. And to win. No, it doesn’t mean more to us. We’re Texas. Now, let’s start talking schedules.
  2. the next two games are going to define the story of this season. overall, the only way this season can be sold as a positive is if we win out and finish the regular season 9-3. 8-4 is pure meh and anything worse is a disaster. but i have serious doubts that this team is going to be able to go into either waco or ames and win, let alone win in both places. yesterday was a disaster and, i fear, is going to directly lead to a much different outcome to the season and overall perception of the program than what we thought possible at this time yesterday.
  3. his players make 3's we can usually win, they don't and we don't(unless we are playing little sisters of the poor and can rebound well enough to make up for it). I realize the 3 pointer is a large part of winning and losing in basketball these days but our dependency on it to win against bad and good teams has to be the largest in college basketball. its not like we go 4 for 12 or 6 for 19. we are either 10 of 15 or 1 for 20.
  4. On what do you base this? Win who over? The people already support single-payer. Healthcare professionals support it. You are never going to win over the private health industry. They're never going to say, "Ok fine, we get it, we're inefficient and a huge drain on public resources, we give up!" That's not how capital works.
  5. 91-54. 51-22 on the road. .698 win %. not sure what record we're chasing here, but there has to be one. last year at this time we were 87-58 and about to start a six game winning streak. to match last year's record, we need to go 10-7. very doable. if we do that, oakland needs to go 13-4 to tie us.
  6. Got to hold serve at home. Winning on the road in the Big 12 is not going to be easy. We already got 1, not expecting one this weekend. But we need to go 2-0 next week at home with KSU and OSU. Really need to go 4-1 in our next 5, which would include a road win @TCU and at home against Tennessee in the Big 12/SEC challenge.
  7. I have a weird feeling that we are going to show up and play great tonight. Does that mean we will win for sure, no. But I do think we are gonna get some runs and be very competitive.
  8. this is hilarious. all we had to do was tell OU we were finally ready to go to the SEC. of course, true to form we fucked it all up by hiring the 7 win coach before announcing.
  9. South Austin


    Fucking A it was. I was there, and had also witnessed live the last five years of OU wins. And we knew that team was going to be special, coming off the 2004 Rose Bowl championship season and the win at Ohio State.
  10. Texas’s win over Rice is probably the Big 12’s second best OOC win, behind UH pulling it out over UTSA I’m going to be irritated when we lose to one of these teams
  11. Pruitt is about to get fired and there are some internal issues ( sound familiar)? A lot of us were pissed we were selected for a bowl and thought it was shitty Army didn’t get to go so it is a win-win.
  12. Giles’s inability to recruit is overblown. I’ve forgotten how good Texas used to be and I was there from 2006-2010. We need to win and that is the bottom line. Kids go to Bama to sit on the bench because they win.
  13. I understand the reasons to go for the win. But I think the tension gets to some of these qbs who aren't used to being in the spotlight. ND has the best win so we should be the best undefeated team.
  14. You don't get it. When Republicans win, it's God's will. When Democrats win, it's a victory for Satan. And then those Democrats are going to try to do things like healing the sick and feeding the poor. We can't have that.
  15. It’s all about tonight for me. If GS just comes out and blows the doors off Toronto, this is going to be a short series. Toronto has to win tonight. Going into game two with the pressure of ”this series is over if we don’t win” is a tough task. Obviously a slight over reaction, but Toronto is in trouble if they don't win tonight. I don't see them winning more than once at GS (if at all)
  16. We can't expect to keep winning if our bats go completely silent once we go up three runs. It's like we think the other team is going to stop trying. We've gotten away with it so far, but it's gonna come back and bite us in the ass at some point. Hope this isn't it.
  17. Meh. Go with wanting to see aggy heads explode. If TCU wins, it’s going to go two ways. They will build on it. Or they are a one hit wonder and don’t win another until 2080. They might get another between now and then, but if we’d get our heads out of our own asses, we could win a few titles and be a mainstay in the top ten year after year until 2080.
  18. We have so many weapons that we can still win when a few of them go cold in a game. It's been a while since Texas has fielded such a talented roster.
  19. There is nothing delusional about thinking we can win 6 games we’ll be 7-14 point favorites in going forward. Thinking we can’t is more removed from reality.
  20. Is that a fact? Are we out of it? And yes any season we don't make the title game is not a good season. Going to the some middling bowl and winning it means nothing, as recent history indicates.
  21. Draw is tomorrow. Madrid Atléti Bayern Barça Dortmund PSG Shitty and The Arsenal. None will be easy; none we can’t win. This is where we want to be, boys. Lets. Fucking Go.
  22. Too bad we have to play defense as well. We are going to have to score a lot of points to win most of our games. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. yep..and which is completely worthless in this format. when I saw the Sunday I knew we had to win that first game. we are going to have to do it the hardest way possible.
  24. I hear ya... but let's get past LT first. We all saw how overlooking what we thought was going to be an easy win the last two years worked.
  25. We can still go to the sugar bowl and notch a 10 win season. Overall impressive as hell for year 2. We should have great expectations for the future of Texas football.
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