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  1. If you read their breakdown of its “success” and then how they handle transfers, the former raises eyebrows and then the latter rolls the eyes. Regarding “success” of the ratio being a forecaster of success, they include Michigan from last year, whose ratio was like .54 and one or more of the Clemson teams whose ratios were also below .60. Conveniently, for the number to be “debunked”, someone would need a number below .50. Okay then. On transfers, they basically say it hasn’t mattered and would be a lot of work to change. Then they laud all of the media services and talking heads who use the numbers as gospel. The truth is that it’s an easy story each cycle to digest and then pontificate upon and that’s what works with the idiots in sports media. I went through yesterday while listening to a conference call and did ATM’s quick and dirty real numbers and they’re like a .45 for this season. It’s wildly off from the posted numbers. That doesn’t help ATM at all, btw. If they don’t post a great w/l ratio this year, they’re going to be harshly mocked for “not developing talent” like the others with high numbers. One other thing is that I am not even sure if they use a composite system. I think they just use the 247 independent rankings because both groups are CBS subsidiaries. If my memory is correct and that is true, it makes the “data” even more flawed.
  2. Had to invent new rules because a candidate is a toddler who can’t shut up, and that alone didn’t disqualify him, we are truly fucked.
  3. I had to explain to an aggy grad last night that we most certainly did not fire Pierce on Monday and that our AD did not make any sort of statement on it until after others brought it into light.
  4. My favorite part of the past few days—and the part I want to believe the most—is that because of the Jimbo contract, we head to the SEC with the Ags having a Triumverate of Trev fucking Alberts, Mike Elko, and Vacant Head Baseball Coach.
  5. I had just relocated to the UK that year a few months before the Tour. We didn’t make it to Paris that year, but just being caught up in the race and watching that final TT live in our local pub with some other Americans and amazing Welsh friend & neighbors is one of my best memories. Most thrilling cycling moment for sure, and high up on general sport moments as well. For so many reasons, I just don’t see how that ever gets topped.
  6. His helmet has armor and he's wearing a gauntlet that is like Beskar. According to book nerds, it's from a Legends book and one about Thrawn that Timothy Zahn recently wrote. Cortosis is the material and it disrupts the Kyber crystals inside lightsabers. That's why they shut off and later restarted. If we're okay with the literal plot armor of Beskar that keeps Mando from dying from repeated blaster shots, we should be okay with this new one. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cortosis
  7. We're so lucky that the portal timing lined up with our efforts to block aggy from winning their otherwise-inevitable championship!
  8. I’m glad I’m not the only one whose brain went there. “WE THOUGHT YOU WAS A TOAD!”
  9. I am involved in a multi-player game where each time Trump claims online that this debate will be rigged against him; I have to eat one psychotropic mushroom. It is 9:00a in Atlanta currently and somebody is already wildly pandering to his base. As such, I am somehow in Burma, tripping balls. I can taste colors, but have no appetite. I somehow picked up Mandarin on the way here. My legs are swollen as hell, but I've somehow lost 10 pounds. I gave myself a haircut and have frequent bowel movements. Mack Brown turned me off of post-event press conferences forever. But I got a feeling this 'debate' will largely be uneventful, it'll be the myriad post-debate clips/memes/quotes that will determine the fate of our Nation. I am going to go now and buy some melons and hats from that shady looking guy on the motorbike. Remember, before you dose...hydrate.
  10. Let me check if Ivan is alri... Oh shit, better go back to my hiding spot
  11. https://www.kxan.com/news/west-campus-man-charged-with-indecent-exposure/ “This is just an offense that is unfortunately under punished,” said Attorney Ben Gergen, who has no affiliation to this case. “I fully expect the DA’s office to do everything they can under the laws we have now to make sure that Mr. Brown does not get released on Bond and he is not back in our community any time soon.”
  12. Should try, depending on if we can get any aggy pitchers. Gotta try. We still have 6 days until the portal closes, and really 8 since a player can enter on July 2 and the school has 48 hours to put the name in.
  13. I mean, I won't count Patty out yet. Or ever. It really depends on what she wants - NIL, chance to win a title, academics, post-college network, etc.
  14. I think they got the best player in this cruddy draft in Castle. I actually like the Dillingham trade. He’s an exciting player but he’s going to get targeted endlessly in a playoff series. There will be moments of buyer’s remorse watching him but if you look at the Sochan experiment and now Castle, you can see where this roster building is going - they want to put long switchable wings on the perimeter and let Wemby clean everything else up. Dillingham does not fit with that vision at all. And the other options at 8 really didn’t move the needle either. I know it’s not sexy for now, but they are going to choke people out, as long as they don’t choke themselves out from three first. As far as the picks go, that’s an absolute haul for the 8th pick in this mediocre draft. Ant will probably be playing for the lakers by then. Look at it like this - they turned a stiff in Poeltl into an unprotected first and a swap that’s only first pick protected. It’s insane value. They can either repackage it in the near future or they will have killer draft capital when they are carrying a huge cap number down the road. This team isn’t owned by Steve Ballmer or the vc bros in San Francisco. This is a small market franchise. They are going to have to work the cba rules like a mother to remain competitive when Wemby is the highest paid player in the league. For the win now crowd, it also opens up more cap space and a roster spot for vets this year. This was good business all the way around. That was a great night for the Spurs.
  15. At Smart Buy in Austin, Texas, you can find a wide range of solutions for your office furniture needs. We are happy to take you through our assortment of closeout, scratch-and-dent, and used office furniture with our committed staff of professionals. Savor a flawless experience as we help you locate the ideal components and provide free office layout planning assistance. We offer delivery and installation services, whether you're in Austin or not. Take a look at our large selection of desks, desk chairs, cubicles, bookcases, and other items to make outfitting your workplace a fun and easy process. Visit us: https://smartbuydesk.com/

  16. We may want to poach some, but it sounds like they have all banded together with the "Fuck Schloss, we're not going anywhere" mindset. Several of them have made social media posts to that tune.
  17. My beautiful darlings. I got to hang yesterday afternoon with my boy, Quinn Ewers. This is now the third summer I have been blessed to spend a little time with him. He is such a nice young man. He's quiet, really personable and will represent any franchise well at the next level. He looks a little taller to me, but maybe I am shrinking. Dude has a cannon for an arm. He made some amazing throws. This year, I brought two footballs for him to sign to go along with my Longhorn QB collection. Collect 'em all! I'm keeping one, but stay tuned for Surly news about the other one. It could involve you! Cheers!
  18. Aaaand here we go, the far right is starting to remove books by the hundreds from school libraries, and they're targeting anything and everything that could oppose their culture war https://www.jta.org/2024/06/26/united-states/texas-school-district-agrees-to-remove-anne-franks-diary-maus-the-fixer-and-670-other-books-after-right-wing-groups-complaint
  19. So Aggies are going to go fully Philly on us? Does that include eating cheese steaks, wiping the mess on your stained t-shirt and beating your spouse too? They are going to throw shit at us and start fights! All over their coach not wanting to stay at their school? Makes total sense. I welcome the hate. For shits and giggles, I may get a stuffed collie and drag it behind my truck when I attend a game there. That will show them!
  20. Dipshit Garza was always going to drop the charges And blame the police regardless. It’s who he is. You have found your champion.
  21. Don’t remember which terminal, but it seems like the whole area is more fucked than normal, and it took 2.5 hours from our arrival gate to our midtown hotel. In hindsight, we should have taken the train. Oh well, travel bitching is over, and I’m back to loving this town. Saw Hamilton for the first time last night, and holy shit, that show is not overrated in the slightest. Such intelligent, sharp, and funny writing, and the talent all around is phenomenal. We have a little more somber morning today at the 9/11 museum, but then taking my stepdaughter shopping in West Village.
  22. Mckennie went awol before second DA Playoffs. Fcd wanted him to go to UVa which would have ensured their rights to sign him later, so he disappeared for two months until he turned 18 and could sign with Schalke. Soccer in the US is a suburban sport. I think that the rise of mixed parentage and the ascent of middle class black families are more responsible for a diverse women’s team than the powers that be lifting an invisible cap.
  23. Spurs fans: this draft sucks Also Spurs fans: wtf why did we trade the 8th pick and not take matas burzegis or whatever the fuck his name is!!!!!!!
  24. Yikes. I use Gmail for my personal, but for work, it's terrible. Used it at a job I had almost a decade ago. Outlook is the way to go.
  25. With Vegetables coming back there absolutely no excuse why we don't beat ou every year from here on out.
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