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  1. I hear ya... but let's get past LT first. We all saw how overlooking what we thought was going to be an easy win the last two years worked.
  2. Klopp Klopp Klopp!!! Such the perfect manager for the club. Now let’s win the EPL! We need to go back mdmost. The club has been on a roll since we last went.
  3. Do we know whose winning right now? I guess the polls close pretty late tomorrow night and we will all find out. I think it’s going to be close.
  4. He is not going to change shit if he doesn’t have to and we are good enough to beat most of the teams left and stumble in to 10 wins. We are Michigan and Herman is a slightly better Harbaugh.
  5. I'm guessing the thought is we split the next two in order to get to Cole's start where we dominate it back and go back to Houston down 2-3 and win it in in 7.
  6. Whole lot of words, and apparently we are getting Urban Meyer in 2020. Its going to make the 2020 farewell tour much more tolerable knowing we will be back to winning in 2021
  7. Well if we win in Stillwater, one of Alabama and LSU are going to have lost so we might move up. Heck I suppose Georgia might have lost as well.
  8. If we go to the SEC we are no longer concerned with winning an SEC championship, the narrative will be sealed that the top 4-6 teams in the SEC are better than anyone else because SEC, period.
  9. Nah, we would have recommended him. We love dumpster fires, couch burning, etc. Plus makes tOSU less relevant, a win for Texas going into the playoff era.
  10. With this bullpen day shit it is gonna be a miracle if we win (Last time i said it would be a miracle based on lineup we actually won so lets keep the miracles going)
  11. The only problem with the idea of us going unbeaten the rest of the way is the Big 12 refs, and possibly injuries. The Big12 refs will know that we have to win every game, so they will push it, no doubt. The reality is we need to win every game by two TDs, so we can eliminate the refs from the equation.
  12. We’re gonna lose today but win next week. Giants will beat Philly. We win the division at 8-8. And we’re gonna listen to bullshit about how anything can happen and we could go on a run. Blah blah blah. Then we get embarrassed at home, and the Garrett era is finally over.
  13. Pointless to be conservative. You have zero to lose. Go out there and try to win and make some plays. Might as well pack it up for the day if we are going to play like this on offense.
  14. Yeah, I really do need a round 1 win. Emotionally. It's not going to be good for me as a fan if we manage to drop that one. Let's see what the matchup is and go from there.
  15. We're in game 2 of a new coach's term. Obviously we're not as good out of the gate as we hoped, but we're going to win 3 straight and be 4-1 going into the OU game.
  16. I guarantee we are going to win today because of gundy. he is an imbecile and is going to run chuba 50 times into a brick wall. he will have man coverage and not trust sanders.
  17. Nah. We win three games in this tournament, very doable, we were hosting. The Big 12 was probably getting two hosts. It was there, but we sucked shit so we didn't take it. So now we are going on the road as a #2 somewhere.
  18. Exactly what we should ask of such vague notions as "the war on terror." Again, I go to Woody Allen in Love and Death (sadly not nearly as good as I recall it) when he asked of a sergeant saying how Russia must win. "What do we win?"
  19. So if KU wins, we go to Sugar no matter what? Win or lose in Big 12 Champ game? already answer up thread add: if TCU loses to ISU, and Texas backs into CCG, Where would Texas go if they lose? Still Alamo I guess?
  20. Some kids are going to go to Stanford. It's a great university, but we also have Herb Hand who can find those diamond in the rough types, too. Just keep winning. It's not like Texas doesn't have great academics, too. Winning cures all. /obviously
  21. The situation Trump finds himself in is hilarious. Stop counting votes now and Biden wins. Keep counting them and Biden wins. I guess all he can do is say "Well it looked like we were going to win at one point! Rigged!".
  22. the second biggest thing that happened yesterday to potentially bolster our chances of getting into the tournament was OU's win-- that improves their resume and moves them more securely away from the bubble, meaning if we win in Norman, it's a slightly better win than it was already going to be we are solidly on the bubble now but it's really hard to say what else will be necessary to get us in-- all of the reasonable scenarios feel pretty favorable. If you assume the win over Oklahoma State, it doesn't seem like a loss to OU and then going 1-1 in the B12 tournament gets us in but it's possible if the rest of the bubble moves the way we need it to. If we win out in the regular season and then lose our first-round Big 12 game? That would also be close. If we win out and win a Big 12 tournament game, I feel certain we're in-- as in, we could still be left out but it would be a surprise. I really want to see where Palm and Lunardi have us post-Tech-win.
  23. We win the division if we go 7-3 regardless of what Oakland does. That's 3 games at home against the (possibly worse than we thought they were?) Angles, three games at the (not very good) Blue Jays, and four games at the fucking pathetic Orioles. If we can't win 7 of those 10, we probably should just stay in Houston and not bother.
  24. They end up with the schedule tightening up some at the end. Toronto has an obscenely west schedule. andrew and I just taped our pod and we played what would the final records be going through series by series- I had the Astros winning the division and out of the playoffs by 2 games. He had the Astros out of the playoffs but only 2 games away from winning the division. It’s going to be super close. Unless we go ahead and win 12 in a row or something.
  25. This is all predicated on texas winning but today is going to be so fucking exciting. It's going to be emotional. Not sure if it's going to be great since we need some help but having a day like today the last week of the season is awesome. I couldn't ask for a better day of football. I won't be moving from my couch until about 10pm tonight and the family is aware. Love that we play at 11 am too. Maximum excitement for the rest of the games...provided we win of course.
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