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  1. Bevo


    I'm glad the FDA Commish is positive that Beta amyloid is the precursor to Alzheimers, that lowering Beta amyloid levels decreases the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and that Biogen's product is the one to use. However, I think we need some evidence that he is correct. So far, evidence points to him being wrong.
  2. But it wasn’t his own son, it was actually him the whole time, who was infinite and all-knowing, so he couldn’t die. But it was a sacrifice to save us from the imperfection of his own creation. It all makes perfect sense. Only begotten son of God? Joseph was like the sorriest cuck ever. Father’s Day must sort of suck for him.
  3. The two pussified beta males edging past each other in a hallway like they're radioactive is what does it to me.
  4. what the fuck? I get up at 2am and rewind an hour and it’s syndicated national crap? are you telling me these beta assholes tapped out before 1am?
  5. My son pledged Beta this past spring. He said its diversity was a selling point. There weren’t a lot of options this past year for freshman to meet people so he appreciated the social opportunities pledging provided.
  6. Wonder if the ASU shit will cause aggy to slow their bag roll for a bit. While they're on the subject, the NCAA should look into the goings on at cuck ranch last summer.
  7. The #1's team that one of yall put together can't shoot for shit. LeBron by far the best floor spacer in that lineup, and though he's a better shooter than his detractors would have you believe, he's still a far cry from a knockdown shooter. So Hakeem and Shaq are getting 4 defenders in the paint. And there might not be a better 4th or 5th banana imaginable than KG, because he was such a beta bitch on offense. He's being super passive? Great. We have 4 guys who are better scorers anyway. Add to that he was a very good passer and can reasonably spread the floor PLUS he can defend 3 positions and that's guy I want filling out my starting 5. At some point these mega stars cannibalize one another. With KG pretty much nothing gets sacrificed when you knock him down to 8 shots per 48
  8. Whatever you say, kiddo. Joe Biden is definitely 100% as bad as trump in every way possible and wants to get cucked by daddy putin just like trump did. I definitely believe that because I'm a completely sane, not trolling, intellectual giant We're just so lucky to have very fine people like yourself and GRUhorn to keep the record straight
  9. That's a BP drug. Beta blocker. I take one daily along with verapamil to control irregular heart rhythm. Xanax is fairly easy to get. Just tell the Doc you get panic attacks.
  10. Did anyone catch the Newsmax commercial on ESPN during the Super Regional last night? They were conducting a poll on whether Trump should be allowed back on Facebook, and it was one of those shitty scam polls where you had to text something to a 5 digit number and it probably charges you $5.00 or something. Anyway, there was this full screen picture of Dotard, and next to it it said "Text BETA to 12345 to make your voice heard!" I wish I had snapped a pic before it went off screen. I picture some pissed off secretly liberal PA who hates his job snickering behind the production board as that ad ran.
  11. I can understand that Texas’ success hurts them terribly but to be gravely disappointed that your conference foes lose is some real beta, pussy shit.
  12. drumpf isn't even a beta. he's closer to a mu
  13. I moved to a jurisdiction that literally doubled my annual income tax. Honestly, I don't feel the effects in my spending power much, and I'm just a modest desk jockey wage cuck. Zuckerberg's net worth fluctuates up and down 2.fucking.billion.dollars every single day, based on the price of FB stock. He literally wouldn't even know if a some or tens of Ms were trimmed from his bank account once a year. The difference I do feel is a sense of security when there aren't bums crowding the street, or paying for an extravagant meal without guilt because the person issuing the check isn't sharing a studio apartment with the line cook. But then again, people like Zuck aren't rolling around in our neighborhoods anyway, so they're just as blissfully oblivious...
  14. Fuck that beta shit. If you want that fish to survive, you better get a alpha that will give that cat what for if he tries that shit again.
  15. Definite interest. He was stalking the fish from the start. Now time to go buy a replacement beta fish
  16. No, UT just hires alcoholics (reformed & unreformed) and philanderers, not cucks.
  17. https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/06/08/the-aducanumab-approval Worth clicking through for the full text... As the world knows, the FDA approved Biogen’s anti-amyloid antibody today, surely the first marketed drug whose Phase III trial was stopped for futility. I think this is one of the worst FDA decisions I have ever seen, because – like the advisory committee that reviewed the application, and like the FDA’s own statisticians – I don’t believe that Biogen really demonstrated efficacy. No problem apparently. The agency seems to have approved it based on its demonstrated ability to clear beta-amyloid, and is asking Biogen to run a confirmatory trial to show efficacy. They will be absolutely overjoyed to do that, of course, because the whole time that’s going, they will be selling the first drug that (in theory) targets the etiology of Alzheimer’s. The backed-up demand is going to be gigantic, and Biogen is going to make enormous amounts of money. They have nine years, as it turns out, to get this trial done, and I feel safe in predicting that it’s going to take alllll niiiiine loooong sloooow years to get this done. Why shouldn’t it? The company certainly showed no interest whatsoever, not even a twitch, in running a confirmatory trial before this, so why should they hop to running one while the drug is selling? I continue to think that odds are quite good, and certainly unacceptably so for Biogen, that the drug will turn out in the end to have no real effect on Alzheimer’s patients at all. I’ve been dreading a decision like this for a long time.
  18. This entire genre has one of the highest betas in entertainment. For people that enjoy it, it’s peak TV. For the rest of us, it doesn’t work, at all. I struggle to even chuckle at even their legendary bits. It’s just very polarizing. Hope this dude gets clean.
  19. Bevo


    I don't think much of the drug, but I don't think they have the mechanism of the disease understood well enough. Is beta amyloid a precursor or a sequela? If it truly is a precursor maybe a two treatment cocktail with the monoclonal will be effective. My biggest problem is that insurance will be paying for it and it will contribute to rising healthcare costs and worse coverage for everyone.
  20. How dumb is this? Approval based on a surrogate endpoint, and post-hoc reanalysis of the data. So now, they get to market it, generate the revenues, and essentially use paying customers to actually test the product for effectiveness on someone else's dime. What a fucking world. Doesn't look like FDA has posted the post-marketing study requirements, but that will be interesting to see what the exact requirements are. https://www.statnews.com/2021/06/07/fda-grants-historic-approval-to-alzheimers-drug-designed-to-slow-cognitive-decline/ FDA grants historic approval to Alzheimer’s drug designed to slow cognitive decline The Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved the first new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease in nearly two decades, a landmark decision that has been eagerly awaited by millions of Americans diagnosed with the condition but that will be hotly contested by some in the scientific community who doubt the drug’s effectiveness. While other drugs treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s, the new medicine, called Aduhelm, is the first to attack what some believe is an underlying cause of the disease and slow cognitive decline, albeit marginally. It does so by eliminating clumps of a toxic protein believed to destroy neurons and cause dementia. Aduhelm is not a cure for Alzheimer’s, and it doesn’t reverse the disease’s progression. The drug — which just two years ago was declared a stunning failure — is now expected to generate billions of dollars in revenue for its maker, Biogen. ... But the approval of Aduhelm, also known by its scientific name aducanumab, is all but sure to become one of the most controversial and disputed decisions on a drug application in recent years. The FDA granted marketing clearance to the drug over the strong objections of a panel of independent experts it convened in November. Those advisers reviewed Biogen’s clinical data and concluded overwhelmingly that there was insufficient evidence that the treatment had significant benefits for patients. They argued the drug should not be approved, as have many outside experts. Others saw enough evidence of efficacy — and a desperate need for new treatments. Instead of judging Biogen’s treatment solely on its effects on cognition, the FDA granted a conditional approval based on Aduhelm’s ability to clear the toxic proteins, called beta-amyloid. In order to continue marketing the drug, Biogen will need to complete a large clinical trial to confirm that removing the plaque has cognitive benefits, the FDA said. If that study fails, the FDA has the authority to rescind its approval. In approving the drug on a conditional basis, the agency departed from decades of regulatory precedent, setting a new bar for treatments with considerable potential but unproven benefits — a standard that could also be applied to other devastating diseases.
  21. They have deep pockets, use them. Go ahead, bring your case about a man attacking a small female employee with a shopping cart only to be leveled by a single punch from same female. Let's get your deposition, show the video, get you on the stand, ask why you were attacking her, and be sure the courtroom is filled with women to laugh at you. Let's see if you have a facebook page where you brag of being an alpha among the betas; where you decry the snowflakes; where you have your guns hanging all over your absurd man-cave. Oh, please file and pursue this lawsuit, bitch. We'll keep the woman who dropped you like a burlap sack of shit in a strait jacket so you'll feel save in the courtroom, bitch. I'm not an attorney, but this would be a gas.
  22. The question that comes to my mind 90% of the time when people follow someone for supposedly being "alpha". Most of the time, genuine Betas don't know who to actually follow, because genuinely "Alpha" people don't actually need any fucking followers, and don't pave a road for them. The people most worth following do, in fact, have followers, but typically not that many.
  23. ztejas

    USMNT 2021

    There's no way he is. Like zero chance. But Berhalter is a shit-eating monkey being yanked around on a choke chain by all of the dickless cucks "running" this org.
  24. That’s Dabo’s game. Cucks gunna cuck, I guess.
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