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  1. I think I’m going to this game. So we better win or I’m gonna be pissed that I wasted an entire day and $60 in gas.
  2. If we win the next one you're going to hear it until my generation and I are dead and buried. I just want you to accept that.
  3. On the one hand, fuck Duke. On the other, I want another data point before 7:40 that the B1G is overrated and we are going to win
  4. Napoleon

    USMNT 2022

    I think that we win 2-0. Could be more. I am not going to bet one penny on that result, especially if it is solid copper.
  5. Hey motherfucker control your shit you worthless cocksucker who gets to go fishing in a week. We got shit to win bitch
  6. How’s our APR looking going into next season? If the cards fall right we may find ourselves in a bowl as a 5 win team
  7. JSN won’t go ahead of Bijan if Bijan has 2K and we win 9 games. Not sure which will be harder, the 2K or 9 games.
  8. Holy shit. We’re going to win big this year guys. If Stewy predicts we suck there is no greater predictor of success. He’s a total rube.
  9. What the hell is going on in here? How are we somehow arguing about two awesome catches in one of the biggest wins of the last 20 years?
  10. Long way to go but win tonight and 3 back in loss column . They know we coming…. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. the same, as all the previous games ......... I don't give a fuck who we start, they're all expected to go out there and fucking WIN !
  12. We just ran MJ Hegar on this plan and it failed. The Texas Dems need to go win voters with material promises and stop playing scared of it.
  13. eh. 12th or 19th doesn't really matter. if we aren't going to lose both of these games I'd rather see us win the division.
  14. I will never mentally count Florida as anything other than a loss. If it goes our way, we were probably going to win anyway.
  15. Regardless of who "wins" the 2020 election, those in opposition are going to believe the election was stolen. We aren't ending the year without more bloodshed.
  16. Never go full Leinhart. Suck it, birch. We had the better goalie and better grit. That shit can win Lord Stanley’s tournament.
  17. I think they're going to roll us. Often when I feel that way we end up winning unexpectedly. Here's to hoping.
  18. That guy seems to “get” this event. We are in damn good shape moving forward with this bunch. Now let’s go win one over there in 2023.
  19. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2021

    I’m calling it now. Honduras is going to beat us. It is tough as shit to win there and they gave us all we could handle in the nations cup.
  20. And we can't even get him to 40 fucking pitches through 3. Texas thought they were just going to show up and win.
  21. I couldn’t go to both the regional and the super that year. I knew we would win the regional so I took off for the super
  22. "well, if they're going to win 95-105 games anyway, we may as well spot then 81." - some dumbass idiot in Marly's head
  23. Ha. My baseline is little bitch, but noted. Maybe if we win it all. Maybe next year. Maybe I’ll go fuck myself.
  24. DanTheHorn


    If we win the BIG XII then I can fully celebrate otherwise it is going to feel good but only because it has been so long.
  25. Good try, but we don't elect POTUS by majority vote in our country. Don't go changing the rules just to claim the win Pig.
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