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  1. Fair Hopefully that's what we'll use it for not historically we haven't been aggressive in FA. But maybe that changes with Wemby.
  2. The cringe goes farther back than that. Originally it seemed like schools that used the term were rarely a threat to actually ""use it" when referring to their own school's accomplishments. Back in the late 90's and early 2000's it was kind of frowned upon here and other longhorn boards. I guess the thinking back in the day was that a MNC or an NCAA championship was pretty hard to come by so when mentioned we spelled it out or gave it a proper abbreviation rather than just naming it after a marginal lite beer that gave you the trots. If I remember correctly, aggy was fond of it, so it was dismissed. The whole world of nomenclature and dynamic of NCAA sports has changed in the last few years so what do I know. Far be it from me to correct the guy that is hanging out in cemeteries to escort his new coach to safety and makes more in one year than I need for retirement.
  3. The picks will matter because we can use them to make future trades, dillingham wasn't ever gonna do shit for us and he won't do shit in Minnesota
  4. Spurs going to Spur....those picks won't matter when Wemby bails cause they don't do enough to put talent around him to win.
  5. Can you explain what is going on with that tweet?
  6. Wtf. 2030? What are we thinking? I could see 2025 protected and 2026 unprotected...
  7. Eh..... I mean picks 7 years out aren't really doing much. I guess we save some money, but man the Spurs don't know how to trade.
  8. You won't find "decent" built-in sound. It all sounds like shit. For something easy, samsung tv's paired with samsung soundbars. Once hooked up, they act as one unit with the tv remote. Once you set it up, that's all that will need to be done. Honestly it would be easier with a roku box vice the "smart" part of tv. Their UI's are typically terrible, especially for the olds. If they also have cable, all they have to do is change the input. If they're going with something like YoutubeTV or Hulu Live TV, then no need to switch inputs at all. (And the roku remote will turn the tv on/off and sound up/down just fine, so still only 1 remote needed.
  9. Going to be quite awkward if/when some of those guys come over.
  10. We not only stole they coach. We stole they lingo.
  11. next time i go to the register i'm asking for bacon with my cone
  12. Well we are within walking distance of the confluence of the roaring fork and frying pan. Got some flies, got some spots picked out. Hatch on the Pan is 11-3 around here so I guess I’ll have to manage a lunch break or fifteen of them. Fly shop guy said he wants to explore up toward independence pass after I asked about it so I think I’ll head up there too. Like this but a bit more water further down stream. Going to 10,000 Sunday above Ruedi Reservoir for little ferocious brookies and an alpine lake. Streams like this… Got some spots on the fork too but the flows are high. Still going to find a drake hatch spot down valley before we leave. I think it’s gonna be a good month. it’s on boys, the combo of lesbian sex and fly fishing in the roaring fork valley? I expect nothing but pure jealousy out of each and every one of you.
  13. 7 game winning streak with no JV, Javier, Urquidy, or Tucker. just like we all drew it up for getting back to .500
  14. And they were one of the five best shooting teams in the NBA this year while we were one of the five worst.
  15. Let’s be real, which of those four don’t have big red flags in terms of reliability. Plus everyone keeps presuming, without much evidence, that Garcia and LMJ would both be useful in the bullpen if we suddenly have enough starters.
  16. I probably differ from many on this board in that I actually agree with this comment. College sports is kind of a joke now with NIL, all of the bidding wars, unlimited transfers, etc... While that reality undoubtedly benefits Texas more than any other school, my give a fuck is far less than it used to be. However, there's just something inherently funny about watching a bunch of insufferable, insecure Neidermeyer wannabes struggle to understand why everyone else on the planet thinks you're a fucking joke. I will never get tired of watching you dipshits get punched in the nuts repeatedly, whether it be by our hand or your own. Thats why this latest installment of "Watch Aggy Get Cockslapped" was so enjoyable....... "In the orange corner, we have Chris Del Conte, the best AD in the game right now and its really not debatable. And in the maroon corner you have Trev Alberts, a barely sentient butt plug who is well on his way to fucking up his 3rd athletic department. Hmmmm....I wonder how this will turn out?" Good luck with that dynamic moving forward, by the way.
  17. I love defense ——- Can we bring Derrick white back. And Murray ? Or is not possible ?
  18. my favorite "we fired one today. the mail room is a lot quieter". It is always the late 80's on texags.
  19. 2 man game between Alpi and Reed is going to be ELITE. Fuck I can’t wait.
  20. 5th guy BOR guy should be done like July 31st and only if we don’t get back 2 of Bloss, JV, Garcia and LMJ before that day. 2 of those guys back and no use messing with it at that level imo.
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