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  1. Hey, Billy, quit talking. Saban said he needs another BJ you fat cuck.
  2. ^^ Well, that makes sense, since her husband is such an aggy, he would want to be a cuck like jimbo
  3. "Coach Dennis Sherman Sumlin" soon to be the cuck full version of Coach Dennis Sherman Sumlin Fisher.
  4. “After arriving back in CS, Jim informed me I had been cucked by Del Conte”
  5. Bevo


    I'm glad the FDA Commish is positive that Beta amyloid is the precursor to Alzheimers, that lowering Beta amyloid levels decreases the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and that Biogen's product is the one to use. However, I think we need some evidence that he is correct. So far, evidence points to him being wrong.
  6. Not at all. He found out she was banging dudes and left. That's the polar opposite of the definition of cuck. How do you know that is what happened? What if I told you her curiosity started when Jimbo told her he had cuck in his dna...
  7. Has “most country music is just whiny beta emo romantic shit with a country accent” been posted yet?
  8. This kind of shows what the problem is with the Yankee clubhouse. No one is a competitor and they’re led by a beta, so the team takes on that personality.
  9. Getting here late. Is he talking about normalizing child rape? Obsessing about betas and limp wristed men?
  10. This team will never win shit because it’s led by losers. With loser beta mentality. Fat Mike. Shitty ass Dak.
  11. those "excuses" were made by goldclap and echoed by staya. but elguapo is the beta. that's some message board groupthink shit right there.
  12. I guess they think Hager and the team can just ignore the commissioner? Their beef should be with him, if they think an apology was beta.
  13. One thing’s for sure, if you use “beta male” enough on the Internet, you become an alpha male one day!
  14. Triggering betas on a thread about the relative competence of the White House press secretary. thank you for your service, sir.
  15. I never call anyone a beta because I've got a secret to keep about a certain part of my anatomy.
  16. I would wait at least 6 months after they hit the market. Otherwise you are just paying to be a beta tester.
  17. So beta. He's so upset they decided to play. So did they bow to pressure or did they get new info?
  18. The two pussified beta males edging past each other in a hallway like they're radioactive is what does it to me.
  19. You go around calling people Betas? Do you also call them soy drinkers? Good lord.
  20. And home of the Skaggs Alpha Beta cocktail - some blue concoction that got every girl I knew VERY frisky.
  21. Samanic is a very high beta player at this point. Lots of really poor plays sprinkled in with some nice basketball skill.
  22. It's your house and your kitchen. Cook exactly what you want, and only what you want. Don't be such a beta.
  23. F250

    Cruz vs Beto

    This was some serious beta shit on Cruz's part. At some point a man has to throw a punch. Cruz is an embarrassment to Texans.
  24. I threw my nine year nephew’s beta fish bowl in to a pool full of straws and sun block balls
  25. I would open up a home/bootcamp for beta millenial snowflake rehab.The road is long. Wish me luck.
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