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  1. We are still not winning. *rub rub rub* We may have to go deeper in the 'pen. *furiously rubbing*
  2. Can't wait until the 3rd....if we win that one we will have a 2 game cushion Go reds!!!
  3. Had we kicked it earlier, then the game changes later in the game and we likely go for the 1st down and the win.
  4. So, as of right now….we don’t have a clue where we are going…..don’t matter…just win.
  5. We're going to be better than we were in 2021 and all we did that year was win the AL title.
  6. And if we go 10-0 after that we win the B12 and have an outside CFP chance and guaranteed NY6.
  7. We have the 2 score lead we need to keep ALL fucking game to win this. Go HORNS!!!!!
  8. Your dogs knew we were going to win. They're like "chill out we saw this coming"
  9. When we win this game today (and we fucking will) I think most of y’all will be going offline for a bit.
  10. Yep. We have to be consistently good before we can be great. Just stack wins and go from there.
  11. ztejas

    USMNT 2021

    We're going to win this 1-0 on some bullshit header in the 8nth minute. So despite the overwhelming talent we possess we will continue to win games as we have for our entire history.
  12. He was a great coordinator and was a winning head coach. And after we fire him he will go someplace else and win. I do not know what is going on around here.
  13. Prediction: We go 4-14 in conference play. Then Abmas and Disu go crazy in the Big 12 tourney and we win it. Let me dream.
  14. Don't be this. You can be this during the game when we do stupid shit, but not after a win. We won, dude. We're winning on Friday, too. We're going to the CCG.
  15. Screw you Espada and your boyfriend Chas. We win anyway. This is how we are going to have to win more often than not because it’s 6 against 9 at the plate.
  16. I think we lock up a 2 seed today with a win and not going 0-3 vs Kansas next weekend. I think if we win both series and win a couple of games in the big 12, we will be a high rated 2 seed.
  17. Honestly we are in win-win territoy..we win out, win the big 12, Or Herman gets fired and we still win.
  18. Totally agree. If we're counting on him as our first guy off the bench, it's going to be hard to win what we want to win.
  19. If both Texas and Tech win, we go night slot. If only one wins, I'd imagine Bedlam gets the night spot.
  20. People here were convinced Texas was going to win. The offense can't even get off the bus. We ain't winning tonight.
  21. We have a home win against #25 and a neutral field win against #20. If you go by the last CFP ranking anyway.
  22. Win out, beat OU in the big 12 CCG, go to the playoffs. We have everything to play for still. Just win baby
  23. It's a novelty and sign of uniqueness when you're winning. We're not winning. In fact, we suck. So, yeah, go ahead and raise the flag.
  24. Let's go ahead and win the east so we drop a dozen draft spots below teams with 3 or 4 more wins.
  25. I love how much aggy is investing in an LSU win. It’s going to be fucking glorious to hear all their excuses after we win.
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