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  1. looks like booger got caught robbing the Alpha Beta house.
  2. YGIFS

    Texas Primaries

    Yeah, we're in a part of Austin that is in a couple of competitive judicial races. But 80% of our races are foregone conclusions. Our particular precinct is often examined by consultants and beta-tested for shit because we're a blue sliver in a very red part of town in an overall deep blue city and just literally a couple of miles away from a deep red county in Hays and then Burnet County. If you can win our precinct in anything from Council to Congress, you'll very likely win the whole damn thing. But again, only a few of the races are well-contested. But I really wish more Texans would take advantage of our primary system and use it to hurt bad people instead of voting in meaningless, mainly performative races.
  3. I don't follow your argument that they're not fake Christians. These people would call Jesus a woke snowflake cuck pussy to his face. You seem to be saying that the original breed of Christianity in America was also hypocritical and fake. I can get down with that. But I disagree that they want to rule under the Bible. They want to rule under Bible verses cherry picked mostly from the Old Testament.
  4. Reminds me of when aggy was in American Pie: Beta House
  5. In no way, shape, or form was Falwell Jr. a limp cuck. A cuck, yes. But that dude was rock hard and telling them what to do / stroking it like he was both a coxswain and a rower at a crew competition.
  6. It's entirely acceptable to be a limp cock cuck while your wife is getting nailed by the pool boy.
  7. Is it the one where they compared it to Jimbo's? You know, the guy who only lost 1 game in his third year (COVID), and then plummeted, but then (I dunno if it's this article that's eye rolling), but ThEn He CaMe BaCk DoWn To EaRtH. The writers are fucking beta cucks. And then at the end of the article I read he slumped into his corner and said...but Jizzbo didn't make the CFP or even win his conference.
  8. Been awhile since updating this thread but it's an election year and I'm wondering when some of this AI generated "love" (/sarcasm) is rolling out. The shortened article (originally in Rolling Stone) is not new, but it was copied by other media and it's worth a reminder here that Gab has continued on (after its 2018 deplatforming following the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre) with its owner Torba promoting his Christian Nationalist views. Tennessee seems not to mind hosting Nazis, so here we are in 2024. Link: https://nexttechtoday.com/news/nazi-chatbots-meet-the-worst-new-ai-innovation-from-gab/ (January 10, 2024) Nazi Chatbots: Meet the Worst New AI Innovation From Gab The far-right social media company is preparing to launch “based” AI chatbots that will deny the Holocaust Gab, the far-right social media network, is launching a “based” alternative to mainstream artificial intelligence tools. While only one of the company’s chatbots has been named after Adolf Hitler, the company’s “uncensored” AI will gladly help users make a plot for global Aryan domination. Andrew Torba, Gab’s CEO, first previewed his company’s AI agenda in a Jan. 2023 post declaring that “Christians Must Enter the AI Arms Race.” Torba blasted what he called the “liberal/globalist/talmudic/satanic worldview” of mainstream AI tools and vowed to build a system that upholds “historical and biblical truth.” Torba added: “If the enemy is going to use this technology for evil, shouldn’t we be on the ground floor building one for good?” What does “good” AI look like to Torba and Gab one year later? The company’s tools are still in beta. Still, a preview reveals that Gab has created an array of right-wing AI chatbots, including one named “Uncle A” that poses as Hitler and denies the Holocaust, calling the slaughter of six million Jews “preposterous” and a lie “perpetrated by our enemies.” The broader array of Gab’s AI bots is easily goaded into parroting extremist antisemitic and white supremacist beliefs, as well as conspiratorial disinformation — including that Covid-19 vaccines contain “nanotechnology that could potentially be used to track and control human behavior.” Rest of article:
  9. He is the biggest cuck pussy in history. "I've lived press restriction!" Really? Please tell me all the prisons you have been locked away in....what's that? None? Please tell me how many times agents of the US government have physically harmed/tried to kill you or a family member....what's that, also none? These fucking pathetic simpering pussy-ass morons think that "social and market consequences" are "ZOMG, NO FREEDOM OF THE PRESS!" No, you fucking gutless, spineless, pathetic TV-dinner heir, "no freedom of the press" is when the government takes action against the media. You know, that thing YOUR FUCKING ORANGE GOD HAS ACTUALLY PROMISED TO DO IF HE IS ELECTED AGAIN. As for "every leader kills people," FFS. You are crying like a little bitch about the idea that the current administration in the US is utilizing the fucking rule of law to subject Donald Trump to the criminal process, with every bit of due process afforded to every other criminal defendant in this country, and then some.....while you slobber the knob of someone who just fucking KILLED his chief political rival. Let's be fucking clear, you frat-haired, khaki-cunted cockweasel, you are JUST FINE with leaders fucking MURDERING their rivals.....so long as the leader doing the killing is a guy you like. You have no principles, just bruised knees and a cum-stained chin.
  10. Tucker publishing Russian propaganda the day before Putin kills his political opponent is a first ballot Cuck Hall of Fame entry.
  11. https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/pithinthewind/theyre-burning-books-in-tennessee/article_1f8c631e-850f-11ec-bc9f-dbd44d7e14d7.html I cited this at an official ISD committee meeting of which I was a member of and was screamed at by parents for being too political. If you want, I can send you my credentials and the meeting minutes off-line, but this absolutely happened. And it's going to happen more and more. As I've oft-cited, when I was younger---my father sat me down to watch a documentary on the Nuremberg Trials. I was like 6 or 7. His father and some other relatives fought for the United States. Still others in his extended family fought with the Nazis. They were recent German immigrants, not unique to just our brood. And I watched footage of bodies being burned in industrial ovens, and London bombings, and French occupation. And I will always remember his silence, he was maybe the most well-read military historian I ever knew and I've literally sat with credentialed military historians. And when they showed the book burnings in the Reich buildup years to the War. He pointed to the 24" Sony Trinitron and said, "That was the worst thing they ever did." And I said, in utter awe and shock at the human horrors I had just watched as opposed to some random novels being tossed into a fire, physically harming nobody in the process. And I remember asking, "Why is that the worst, Dad?" And he coldly and boldly replied (and he was a Cold War veteran himself from the North Atlantic to the Cuban Missile Crisis blockade to Vietnam), "They burned the books because they gave people ideas. Once you take that away, everything after that is easy..." We've gone through this 1000 times in human history. The blueprint is always the same. We don't do it because we particularly like it. We don't do it because it's fun. We do it because it works and we start with the ones that think they're going to be on the winning team. The liquidation of undesired populations is the carrot we dangle. The stick is we start with our own to prove allegiance. The Final Solution came about not years later in Auschwitz. It came about with the their own citizens who thought they'd be protected by the Reich. We always, always, always throughout human history send the Stupids into harm's way first. It's called beta-testing for a reason. There is one more cycle of this left to get through in American History and I, for one, cannot wait to turn over enemies of the state. God is not just, he was just merely on your side. He has made a new covenant and the man thought to bring about America's saving is the devil in disguise. The evils of the world have the decency to come in overt evil form like genocide and torture and pillaging and occupation. The true horror, the true trick your Devil plays is smiling and pretending to be your savior. He will protect your gun rights, save the unborn, and keep bad people from crossing our borders. But before he can launch his battle against his true enemies, he must first send his legion of stupids into the vanguard of certain death to test the battlefield. The troubling part that should keep MAGAts up a night is, yes they can wage a civil war. But they genuinely won't know who to shoot at. Let's arrange it so they shoot one another...
  12. Well, that's a fucking weird set of resolutions in Arizona: Boy Scout of the Year, Changing the State Flower, and Democracy Upheaval for Trump. Totally tracks. They're litmus testing shit with ballot initiatives, resolutions, and court delays in performative theatrics as a beta-test for what they can really do between November 2024-January 2025. This is gonna get weird.
  13. Well to be fair to the country, a sizable chunk of it is now convinced that said singer and football player are NATO deep-state psy-operators being protected/promoted by the NFL and the Mainstream Media. NFL-NATO, or INFLATO, if you will. Who also brought Tom Brady's oversized balls to prominence as a beta-test of their HUMINT prowess. And the C.O.'s name? You guessed it. Frank Stallone. Honestly, think about how fuck'd we be if it weren't for our natural resources, reserve currency, and those 2 oceans. We are beyond stupid.
  14. I would bet even young guys getting laid look up to Tate to some extent. Tate shows off wealth and he puts life in simple terms. “If you’re with me, you’re a badass and if not, you’re a beta.” I’m sure that some young men struggle to go against their peers when Tate and/or his philosophy is brought up. And of course, Tate is an actual sex trafficker, which the right normally rails against, but some (many?) on the right embrace Tate. Very bizarre.
  15. lol, I can't believe TC posted that shit. he might as well have posted a cuck video for everyone to watch. same outcome. then again, I guess he had to. pretty awesome that Vlad just humiliated him the whole time. lo, what a traitorous asshole
  16. I mean yeah, that's what it was in 2020. It's pretty compelling. Trump was a disaster as President and will be worse a second time around. If Republicans hadn't been thoroughly cucked they would have this election in the bag, but that's their problem. The funny thing is that if one takes five minutes to look over the record and apply a bit of critical thinking Biden actually has an objectively good record - certainly better than what I expected - but that's typically too much to ask of the American public.
  17. Being cucked by a tinpot dictator is a foundational piece of the Republican identity. Putin is just trying to make him feel at home in a far away land.
  18. I'm pretty sure someone so cucked by Trump that they go dress up as Hitler and storm the Capitol doesn't have the first clue about anything sexual.
  19. Game came out in December and like all of Owlcat's games at release, it had lot of bugs and the content was less baked the further you progressed. So having played the alpha and the beta I decided to wait a couple of months before playing release. I had no game breaking bugs. Most of the bugs I experienced were related to the very complex combat mechanics and things not behaving as expected. If you like WH40K this is must buy IMO. I bet it gets a lot of people introduced to the universe, especially beyond a casual level. If you like party based, turn based CRPGs this is must buy. I personally like it better than Owlcat's last game, Wrath of the Righteous which was CRPG of the year in a lot of places for 2022. If you do not like reading in video games do not buy this. It has a LOT of words going on here. There is some voice acting but it is almost exclusively to party characters and no one has their lines 100% voiced. So we are talking read a book type level of words here. You can skip it all but you shouldn't and if you are inclined to do so, again I would say this is just not the game for you. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2186680/Warhammer_40000_Rogue_Trader/ pretty sure it is on both PS5 and Xbox as well. Steamdeck and gamepad support if you roll that way.
  20. Dont be silly. Tesla charges their customers rubes an extra $15K if they want to beta test Tesla products.
  21. A real alpha jerks off wherever he wants. It's a solid way of asserting dominance. Way to admit you're a beta loser. You probably don't even take daily super ultra mega man brain supplements, as advertised on Alex Jones and Joe Rogan's shows. LOSER.
  22. It’s no wonder Tesla wouldn’t release the exact specs on the steel. I don’t know how this will play out, but it feels like the customers are beta testing the product.
  23. Not only can you switch funds from sibling to sibling, and also grandchildren, but also nieces/nephews/cousins. Obviously the age difference warrants a markedly different investment alpha/beta approach, but I've know folks who've overfunded or kid got a partial scholarship and they transferred it to over the other family with no penalty (just takes an hour of paperwork) and then the other parents just paid them back under the annual gift exemption so the original funding parents didn't have to pay the penalty. And they went out a nice steak dinner as a thank-you for no tax bullshit. I still laugh to this day at how lax the 529 transfer rules actually are, and that they were basically invented in Utah...the state where everybody is pretty much married or related to one another anyway...
  24. I freaking HATE that change. I love how they're doing it to prevent speeding. "We've forced everyone to follow that one assclown that texts and drives 10 under the limit." The bike cucks can eat a bag 'o Stoops'.
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