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  1. Only betas whine about a meaningless thing like neg rep.
  2. That is what used to be the Beta Theta Pi house (now ATO house) across from the tennis center -- Lamar and 24th street area.
  3. In some ways, I think we may be relying to much on history for explaining the current political environment. It's the standard narrative that the "white working class" is pushed towards Trumpism because of "economic uncertainty". I think that narrative is pretty shaky. A couple of points. 1. The typical analysis on the rise of Nazism is usually paired with severe economic distress in Germany. While I understand there has been a growth in wealth inequities in the US, we are not seeing massive unemployment or inflation. To the contrary, we are/were near record lows on both. Uneven growth has perhaps priced some people out of population centers - like San Francisco or New York - but those are still heavily blue areas. 2. To Bozo's point, certainly there have been folks that have been displaced by technology, but I believe there are more people with free time and luxuries compared to 20 years ago. I'm not sure how to quantify that, but I think the rise of paid sports for kids would support that. The percentage of dual income families peaked around 1990, and has slightly tapered since [Pew]. Average home sizes have increased, by nearly 1000 ft in 40 years, and with smaller families, that has mean nearly doubling the sf per person [ok... AEI sucks, but not sure if they are gaming the numbers.] Number of cars per person has increased [DOE] . Maybe my perception on comparative wealth is skewed by growing up poor, and now being upper-middle class. But I believe people are generally better off today than they were 30 years ago. So, if I am right, what the fuck is happening? Some other potential explanations: A. Environmental concerns are a greater threat to middle class life style than job security. Certainly there are a lot of people who can afford to buy $50k trucks. But, they are continually told that in order to address climate change, they should scale back the size of their truck, or scale back how much they drive it. If they own a big house, they are told about the environmental impacts of it. Travel causes emissions. Eating meat causes emissions. (insert fart joke here). Don't water that your grass too much. Don't dump your oil down the storm sewer. In the Dem bubble, we rightly identify that many in the middle and lower class vote against their own interests on tax code or health care, but do we recognize the resistance to actually following progressive efforts regarding environmentalism? The problem is that environmental issues are too important to just back off because it costs votes. I think Dems/progressives need to recognize the hill that needs to be overcome. While we are telling folks that they need to by with less - not because they can't afford it, but because the Earth can't - the Republicans are telling them that climate change is a hoax. It's a pretty little lie. And once they are hostile to progressives, it's easy to dismiss basic analysis of the tax code or health care disfunction. B. The internet has made it too easy to compare yourself to others, and 50% of the people out there are below average. Maybe in absolute terms, things have gotten better for middle class and certainly I don't believe there is want of 1930s Germany. But, on a day to day, constant barrage of information demonstrating what you lack, is the psychological damage the same. That's from the internet. That's from a well tuned marketing machine, that includes social media plants. It's reality shows focused on the wealthy. Does this create a sense of want? On a subset of the internet, I am curious how porn might play into this. You get a lot of older white guys, many with fat wives, and they are regularly watching something they will never, ever have. Sure, they might be able to hire a couple of pros to recreate the scenario, but they are still part of it, which will leave the experience a little...short. You get the "cuck" rhetoric, which really highlights an insecurity around sex. More obviously, you have the incels. Only some of them have been radicalized to violence, but many others have found solidarity in hating women for their lack of success.
  4. Take a gander at the janky-ass award that didn’t merit a dinner or even a private office meeting. Trump gave Rick Scott 5 minutes in the corner on the way to the links. I don’t like using ‘cuck’, but Sen Scott fits the bill. The award probably fell off 45’s cart on hole 4.
  5. Because the millennials are all stupid betas that cannot think for themselves. At least boomers were savvy enough to sell out. Fuck both or them! #genx
  6. What the mouth-breathing fuckwad betas forget is they're all built on a public asset - that's why people with brains and critical thinking can understand the common carrier position. Of course these same bed-wetters were cheering Barry's "you didn't build that." ... plus they think bleks can't figure out he DMV much less worthy of SCOTUS.
  7. That pretty sums up our culture. I keep thinking the adults will step in and regain control ... but not confident at this point. Count me as tired of Karens and Betas driving everything.
  8. KD is dumb when it comes to social media. He refuses to learn and that's on him and the criticism he takes on the subject is warranted. That written, Rapaport putting DM's on blast from shit talking he participated is about the most beta thing he could do. Don't like it? Don't shit talk with folks and then whine when they hurt your feelings. The whole thing is silly and should be beneath KD, but...... here we are.....
  9. Did Republicans really think people would just forget the last half decade and how your entire party cucked itself for a malignant sociopath? Any claims of the moral high ground from you people on virtually any topic will be given the side-eye for the foreseeable. That's the negotiated terms when you dawn that MAGA hat, your credibility goes up in flames in the eyes of sober-minded adults.
  10. A call for more nuanced and intellectual thought by surly members, brought to you by the poster who said this: "Bless your heart. Whataboutism is so cute. I has to intimidate you Betas a hot chick as sharp as her ... hence why a stupid cow like Psaki is more fitting of your Beta bedroom prowess ... all trying to perform while longing to be a ABCDEFG+_*/ affirmation of Betaness."
  11. How do we get this cucked bitch busted for cheating. I'd love to see aggy banned from TV again
  12. he’s still in the white house running shit you stupid lib cucks. biden is on the universal backlot with the psycho house and Apollo 11.
  13. I’m much more inclined to believe this... ...than this hot take. However there’s no simple, generalized take that spans that large of an age range. For the younger hetero folk I’m inclined to believe that dating apps allow the supply (DTF ladies) are enabled to be pickier on how they respond to demand (horny dudes). I have also read a survey somewhere that noted married folk, that tend to be at the higher end of this study’s age range, are having less sex as well. I think a mix of technology and culture are heavy factors (no, not ‘beta culture’ whatever the fuck that means). Parents of the 1950s didn’t have endless entertainment / distractions via their phones/Netflix/etc and I’m also inclined to believe they weren’t juggling 14 different activities for their children, working all manner of odd hours remotely, and generally quite as exhausted as modern parents trying to keep up with Instagram. I know this article only covers a decade but I bet it’s been a long decline in general as the complexity of modern life grows while accelerating technology broadens the ability to find entertainment elsewhere and the ability to ‘window shop’ if you’re single. Luckily I also contributed positively last Friday with a non virgin 25+ woman who isn’t South Austin’s mom. Who knows but look forward to more of Kyle’s hilarious inputs.
  14. Insufferable Karens + Beta Culture = No Sex.
  15. "butthole surfing cuck" seems pretty insulting to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️ also i was just making a super clever joke that, based on your response, clearly landed. lol
  16. Cancun Cruz has apparently decided the best way for him to become prez is to embrace his inner cuck. Anyone who fucks his wife while he watches has to then sign a pledge to vote for him.
  17. Bilbo will have them developed by the time the hit the field. Trust the cuck, er corch. 😉
  18. This is the demographic that most uses phrases like snowflake, soy boy, and beta male lol
  19. This thing has become Qanon for stonkers. Execs are going to recall all the shares to vote and force the shorts to cover! GME has super high Beta and that's why it opposite the market! GME mentioned shorts in their latest filing, to the moon! Do your research bro!!!!1!!!1 I don't think anybody really knows shit here, other than the powers that be do fucky things when the stock goes on a run and that this whole "battle" has been large HF vs large HF duking it out in the options market since late January. Those large funds will make most of the money and the diamond hands small guy who is waiting for 1k to take profits on his 10-15 shares is going to get bubkis. I'm glad you took some profits @Bone3421 If this thing goes back below $50 I think I'll take a bite and go long on the turnaround being successful.
  20. Nice. Maybe throw in cuck or other Trump-like words since you've decided to go heel in Cloak Room.
  21. I don't make money on radio ratings anymore so I'll leave that to you fanboi cucks. But the Fan has definitely gotten too sportsy since Entercom came in. Say hi to Junes next time you're down in the whiny bitch bunker with him.
  22. Durant is the ultimate beta - left OKC to sign with GS after choking away a 3-1 lead.
  23. I mean- 80% of the people in your profession are bored housewives who slap a sign on the side of their car and call themselves agents. They give the top 5 or 10 percent of your profession, who are really good, a black eye. There is a higher beta for professionalism and competence in your profession than any other I’ve ever run into. Reading your stuff on here it’s beyond clear that you are awesome at your job. And it’s an important job. 80% of the licensed people in it are clowns (and I realize similar could be said for mortgage- but it’s less than real estate agents). maybe it’s different in CA bc of how high value the properties are. But that’s the case around here I promise.
  24. What the fuck is she supposed to do? Grab a halberd, take the senate floor by force and change the rules like Conan the Barbarian? “lulz 1 of 100 doesn’t just change the rules singlehandedly like Thanos. Democrats are such cucks”
  25. This kid seemed like a beta cuck extremist. Color me shocked he’s being defended
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