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  1. This. People are giving way too much credence to the idea that everyone wins out. How many times have we seen four Power 5 undefeated conference champs? Florida has two rivalry games and probably Louisville. The Pac 12 can still beat itself up. Also, Oklahoma's demise has improved the quality of Texas's perceived strength of schedule. If it ends up 12-1 Texas, 10-3 Oklahoma State, 10-2 Oklahoma, 10-2 Kansas, 8-4 Kansas State, that's going to look just as impressive as whatever the Pac 12 has after they beat each other late.
  2. This. So many people are retarded and think every team is going to win out and we will have a historical year with 4 undefeated P5 champs. Not happening.
  3. Up to now, it sounds like Sark is telling Manning, and the Manning family, that he thinks MM is a better option. Maybe he'll change his view in the off season - or maybe he won't. If Ewers returns next year, which is a strong possibility, who the hell thinks Manning is going to play third string next year? Redshirting is not an option. Sure, Arch, we'll give you a chance to be backup, which itself would only mean you'll throw five passes in four games next year - that is, unless we continue to think MM deserves more of a chance than you. Manning isn't gonna stick around for this bullshit. Again, redshirting is not an option. He's got a career in the NFL waiting for him, and if that means jumping on an amazing opportunity at FSU, or Georgia, or who knows, Notre Dame, he'll take it. MM isn't gonna win another game. They've got his number now. He's had two games, and IMHO, he'll never make the pros. You cannot risk losing Manning because MM is a great guy and wonderful human being. They're all great guys - but if Sark loses Manning to keep MM around, he better start polishing up his resume.
  4. I know we're technically a possibility for the Peach Bowl, but they're gonna spend a pick on us if we don't make the CFP. It'd be Cotton or Fiesta. Peach takes ACC/UND/SEC team. Win out-CFP at best as #4 (assuming Big XII title). Worst case-Cotton or Fiesta Drop one to either ISU or Big XII title game, maybe still Cotton or Fiesta as at-large. Not sure what happens after that since even with their last chance to pick us, even the Alamo Bowl would be like, "Nah dog, we're good..." PopTarts would obviously be happy to take a 10-2/11-2 Texas team, but we'll spending a lot more time in SEC country next season so lotta fans may just opt to not go and wait to play @Florida or one of the Sunshine State's 19 bowl games.
  5. If we do make the title game it wouldn't Surprise me if we played Oklahoma State and I think we can imagine the refereeing horror that will occur in that game. It will make the Charlie Strong game look like kids play. We're not winning this conference they are never going to allow that so just buckle up. We simply can't afford sark's typical terrible game decisions the rest of the way He's got to get better.
  6. It's the price we're going to have to pay to leave this shitty conference. The fans of the rig 12 schools know they're going to be irrelevant in football once we're gone so this is their last hurrah so to speak. I just wish sports media like ESPN would pick up on what's going on. I'm surprised they're not since Texas is such a cash cow for them The sooner we accept that they will never allow texas or oklahoma to win this conference this year the easier the no lube ass rape that is coming is going to be.
  7. oSu is in. UCF might be their only chance to lose in just purely a letdown after winning Bedlam but the new Big 12 entrants are 5-19 so far. Houston isn't winning and BYU might be the worst team in the Big 12. So it's more about are we going to do our part or shit the bed like we always do.
  8. *pulls out the black light* Nope, no orgasms yet. My point was that this season so far has played out in reverse of so many other seasons, even those where we've beaten ou and then they go on to the conf championship game. I got so fucking tired of watching them luck into winning games like we did against Houston or K State the past few weeks. OTOH, they have dropped games they shouldn't have -- for so many years that has been our domain. For once we aren't looking up at the rest of conference standings, hoping that ou or someone else will lose so that we can get back into contention for a conference championship. Am I counting on a conference championship, or a playoff spot? Hell no, for too many years we've been really good at finding creative ways to fuck up our season. But we control our destiny late in the season, and that doesn't happen often. And ou is mired in sadness at the moment, hoping that various pieces fall into place for them. So hell yes, I am enjoying the fuck out of this season so far. If we do wind up winning out, then yeah, there will be a mess to clean up.
  9. Well I am torn in my assessment, but the bottom line is we looked unbeatable, then we shit the bed, then we rallied and won a game that I think we would have lost last year. I'm still pissed about the tackle pass interference that was not called that allowed K-State an opportunity that never should have existed to score their late first score. Direct result of shit Big 12 officiating. But damn we give up 14 points in my drive to meet by buddy for a drink! The bottom line is we had so many different folks step up in different ways it was truly a team victory. And most importantly it showed the mental toughness needed to win these sorts of games. Championship teams find a way to win, and while this team has not won a championship of any kind in years, the took the necessary step today to make that goal again a reality. It would have been easy to have lost confidence and let K-State carry their momentum to victory. Certainly we were got a break on the decision not to kick a field goal. But that decision was based on the fact that they simply could not run the ball on our D. So it was a gamble that this was the one and best chance for K-State to win the game. Anyhow kudos to everyone. Murphy looked fantastic at first, then made some bad mistakes, that he would not make if he like Ewers had a full season under his belt. Defense won this game because it did what it had to when it needed to. But if we don't get fucked by the Refs we go into half at 20 or 24 to nada. I just wish once in my fucking life we would actually come out ahead on the referee game... (but I know that's never going to happen, never, ever, ever...) Great win. Lots to criticize (or nit pick) but the bottom line is we only have one loss and are on track to perhaps for the first time in a very long time have the sort of season we all hope for every single year. Lets hope that this is a game where the lessons are taken to heart, and we improve once again and raise the bar!
  10. I responded to the post quoted below on the football board but I am posting here as well in the preemptive hopes that pussies needing ATM to win in order have their negative worldview validated can do it in private. You idiots were saying this about Miami, then Alabama, then Tennessee, then Ole Miss, and now it will be LSU. It’s uninformed handwringing. These imbeciles have played an easy schedule to get this far and they’ll probably be 7-4 heading into the LSU game. Whoop! The combined record of the teams they have beaten this year is 16-29. Auburn, at 5-4, is the “best” opponent they have beaten. Auburn got to 5 wins by pummeling the death row jaggernauts of UMass, Cal, Samford, Miss State and Vanderbilt. That’s a combined opp record of 17-30. Texas ATM has beaten no one of merit. Miss State sucks. ATM will beat them and call it yet another “statement game”. They’ll chest pound and then beat an FCS opponent and question the integrity of the CFP rankings without any shame or irony because, by gawd, they’re the best 7-4 team in the country! They will forget that they are 0-9 in their last 9 away games and that Death Valley at night is brutal. They’ll have people in the media predicting they’re hot and primed for an upset. You guys on this site will have followed them back up on the rollercoaster out of some sense of bizarre self-loathing, needing ATM to hurt you in order to feel whole. Then LSU will spank them in public and we will all point and laugh. Then the lot of you guys that do this shit will probably wait a few days before telling us why you’re worried and convinced that they’re going to roll their opponent in the Podunk Loser Bowl.
  11. You idiots were saying this about Miami, then Alabama, then Tennessee, then Ole Miss, and now it will be LSU. It’s uninformed handwringing. These imbeciles have played an easy schedule to get this far and they’ll probably be 7-4 heading into the LSU game. Whoop! The combined record of the teams they have beaten this year is 16-29. Auburn, at 5-4, is the “best” opponent they have beaten. Auburn got to 5 wins by pummeling the death row jaggernauts of UMass, Cal, Samford, Miss State and Vanderbilt. That’s a combined opp record of 17-30. Texas ATM has beaten no one of merit. Miss State sucks. ATM will beat them and call it yet another “statement game”. They’ll chest pound and then beat an FCS opponent and question the integrity of the CFP rankings without any shame or irony because, by gawd, they’re the best 7-4 team in the country! They will forget that they are 0-9 in their last 9 away games and that Death Valley at night is brutal. They’ll have people in the media predicting they’re hot and primed for an upset. You guys on this site will have followed them back up on the rollercoaster out of some sense of bizarre self-loathing, needing ATM to hurt you in order to feel whole. Then LSU will spank them in public and we will all point and laugh. Then the lot of you guys that do this shit will probably wait a few days before telling us why you’re worried and convinced that they’re going to roll their opponent in the Podunk Loser Bowl.
  12. what the fuck is up with everyone saying the bolded part? are you the same fuck who said the same thing in the Houston game? "defense completely stuffing them, go for the jugular!" yeah, and in that game and this one, what happened.... the defense suddenly couldnt stop anything. and to be VERY honest, thats happened to Sark's defenses a LOT in the last 2 years, like the defense blows just as many leads as Herman's teams.... the difference is Sarks teams have managed to win in the end in most of them. you take the points early, and maybe you dont have to freak out about not having them later. our glaring hole on defense is the secondary... none of our DB's and safeties have any fucking clue how to defend a high arcing ball coming to them. the slant route is worth 15 yards against us everytime and the only time we get INTs is when the opposing QB badly throws a ball.
  13. I said best we needed the best win and best loss, I did not say Texas would only have one good win. Kansas, KSU, and oSu to go with Bama are good wins. Doesn’t matter though there are already too many teams with better losses than us and we aren’t curb stomping weaker opponents. It’s not trending well.
  14. idgaf what happens in other games from here on out. We win the rest of ours plus CCG and the playoff committee will have to do some real fuckery to leave us out. Fuckery how? Michigan or Ohio State (undefeated or 1 loss) FLorida State (undefeated) SEC Champ (undefeated or 1 loss) Washington/Oregon (undefeated or 1 loss) Texas (1-loss) Who would the 4 slots go to?
  15. LonghornBreeder


    /old man over-hand-tosses his walker straight at you, @Goredho/ We don't have players, much less the entire team except our starting QB leave the field before singing The Eyes with THE HOME CROWD. We don't have players who obvious don't give a fuck about winning on the damned starting roster. We're fighting to the last snap, not hanging our heads to stare at our dicks, and winning one-score games (despite extra help this year from the Rig12). Some of those criteria are fucking pitiful and a scar on our history, but that is exactly where we were 3 years ago. Fuck off, complaining about culture. I'll go stop drinking in celebration now.
  16. The beauty of winning this early in the window is getting to go star chasing with a championship under the GMs belt. Add Ohtani and let the vets who want a ring file in. Let's hope Langford can be ready to go by May so we can flip Leody for assets over the summer.
  17. Pancho


    It feels like everyone is just going on “eye test” so don’t be surprised if we are stuck at 7 come Tuesday. It’s why saying shit like “win and we are in” should only apply to the B12 title game because there’s no way anyone knows if “win and we are in” is applicable to the CFP. SEC, B10, and Florida State are a lock so….who is left?
  18. I’ll give you some time to look this up, but find me a coach with a title that didn’t have a “burrow” type player. Then do me this favor, point to the Derrick Henry, Joe burrow, devonta smith, Trevor Lawrence, Vince young, or equivalent player on our roster right now ! Those great coaches you think that are out there just nailing every big call are actually just bullying other teams with better players. Henry rushed like 42 times to win the sec championship and a heisman his jr season. His ol was stacked with nfl draft picks. I’ve never looked but I bet their 4th conversion rate was real high. All I’m saying is I think sark can bring us to the promise land with his warts, because we are going to have a stacked team if he continues to recruit the way he is right now. Our staff is bad ass. The future is bright. Just my opinion bro.
  19. Y’all worry too fucking much. Shit happens the way it is supposed to happen. If we win out and don’t get in the CFP it’s not the worst thing. I just wanted to go to our last Big12 CCG. That we can still do. I’d rather a NY bowl type deal than possibly get bitch slapped in a CFP
  20. I'm at the point where I almost want to treat any third and long with Murphy as though we're about to punt. He's horrible on obvious passing downs. Limit him to deep shots, comeback throws, hitches, etc. Our running game, receivers, defense, special teams should be good enough to win our last three games as long as Murphy doesn't turn the ball over. But he will turn it over if we give him free reign to sit back and make reads. Savior Red should probably get more snaps but where he actually reads the end and hands it off sometimes. If our passing game is going to be limited, might as well make the running game more intricate.
  21. Had Kansas state came out and thrown for 4 quarters we get blown out bro. I mean like shit stomped. There aren’t any perfect game day coaches. Urban, saban, Mack, stoops, Dabo, Kirby, Pete carrol…they just out talent people. I promise you can go to any fan base in America and ask them to name a play during a national championship winning season that was a wtf are you doing moment and they will give you a dozen.
  22. i want to start a new thread titled: TAKE THE GODDAMN POINTS SARK but like jules i'm trying real hard +++ we were cooking with gas just like houston fucking glitch in the matrix deja vu all over again TAKE THE GODDAMN POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't care if we don't know how it would have played out i do care about watching the same stupid fucking decision fail over and over and over and over i give zero fucks about the analytics of the modern game the karma of the game turned when we didn't take the points just like it did against houston an absolute miracle delivered by the football gods jesus fucking christ the stadium was DEAD heading in to overtime TOTAL CONTROL up 350 yards on the opposition and we CHOOSE to kill our momentum we're fucking going nowhere in the postseason if we can't put the sword to the opponent another win that felt like a loss we did not deserve to win this game fucking fucikity fuck take the goddamn points
  23. Nicole44


    A win is a win but we’ve been skating on a thin line for 2 of the past three games. We best not sleep on Iowa State in what is likely to be a night game in the freezing cold up there. Proud that the guys keep punching and fighting. Basically lost the turnover battle. Sark still doing SOS (same Old Sark shit), Maalik didn’t have a great overall game, lots of ref fuckery and we won a tough game that I posted many times would go to OT/come down to the wire. We escaped with a win and it’s a good thing this game has been hyped up all week long and KState was ranked because it helps with the committee. But the way we fell apart today was scary. Proud of the win as always but we still have TCU (think we will win east like BYU) Iowa State and TT. Iowa State can capitalize on some of the shit that happened today and KState almost did. A win is a win and it’s great to be 8-1. Hookem
  24. Guest


    It is, but damn if I don't feel like this team is 5-4 or some shit. Nine games in and I still I have no idea if we are going to win a game or not. I figured that K-State would be close and possibly a loss because... well, look at the past decade. Still, I don't have our team figured out at all. They are good but don't put people away?
  25. There was zero chance we were getting the ball in the end zone in any OT or 2 points conversion period. Thank you K State. 8-1 feels good. Getting any win while Ewers is out feels good. Overcoming coaching feels good. Keep going.
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