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  1. Is op's pussy still bruised? Or has he moved to live among other metro betas smelling each other's farts.
  2. A lot of skeptics pinned their hopes on the tether case bringing down Bitcoin. It was much ado about nothing. They settled last month. Admitted no wrongdoing. Agreed to two years of audits going forward. https://www.coindesk.com/ny-ags-850m-probe-of-bitfinex-tether-ends-in-an-18-5m-settlement Edit: just finished the piece. I’ve liked Rickards, but seems to be falling into the trap that a lot of boomer gold bugs do. Their misinformed takes are at their core fueled by a concern that Bitcoin will take market share from gold over time. And they should be scared because some degree of that is assured and probably already happening. They’ve been waiting for years for inflation to take off and increasing distrust in the monetary system to provide their time in the sun. That time is coming, but they’re about to be cucked by Bitcoin and it’s very upsetting. Just look at Peter Schiff.
  3. I dont know much about it or if its good/bad....but the new rage is that gme has a super high negative beta and negative betas are supposedly pretty rare.... Layman terms is gme acts inversely to the market as a whole...market goes down gme goes up...
  4. Dear Mitch, Do it. Your threat is to take away American freedoms and think that won’t backfire in your stupid fat face? Do it you dumb fuck. Most Americans don’t really follow politics because nothing really changes, corporations rule both parties, but people get TV and don’t give a fuck, but once you start doing open horrible shit like Trump did, people show up and vote. A lot of people. Your stupid party full of racist cucks are in the minority. And your solution is to poke the bear? The only reasons your stupid ass party has so much control is because you used to not say the bad parts out loud. But now you threaten abortion rights, gay rights, voting rights, etc. Take your threat and get fucked.
  5. Good Lord, this thespian is an effing c. It would have been awesome if she was paired up with a non beta male. They should put her on with that mysoginist dude from a couple of years ago... Shane?
  6. I'm late but it's fucking comical to call this guy a beta, pussy or anything of the like. The above clip helped influence a couple of childhood friends to enlist (I would've, too, but had recently been arrested days after processing.) Harry is a badass that guy can only fantasize about being.
  7. Burt


    I have a 40 yr old libertarian friend who, on the surface, appears to be the ultimate alpha male - three time state rasslin champion in high school, good baseball player, etc. Sometime around 2015 he morphed into a total Trumptard and the word 'cuck' became part of his regular vernacular. In 2018 his wife started fucking a guy in his mid 20s. He found this out by coming home early and actually seeing firsthand that guy's cock inside his wife. He just turned and went back outside to wait on the guy to leave. He and his wife are still married but he no longer uses the word.
  8. Using the word cuck is for me a flag that your IQ is likely at room temperature. I’ve never heard it said by someone who had anything interesting or even amusing to offer.
  9. Most "cuck porn" involves a black guy doing the wife, or so I've heard. So the insult is not just "your wife cheats on you", its "your wife cheats on you with a black guy." Which is why right wingers use it so often. Its a racist insult, but the racism can be plausibly denied.
  10. From what I understand the cucks are often, if not usually, into it. I don't understand it at all.
  11. Definitionally, one must enjoy the act of playing the cuck in order to be a cuck. In other words, if a normal reaction to a partner cheating is hurt, jealousy, disappointment . . ., the cuck says give me more. But I think it all comes back to the iron rule of Trumpism - every accusation is a confession. Ergo . . .
  12. Guest


    So every non-Trumper is a Cuck? Is that the score? I guess that would stink for the husband involved. I'll tell you what else stinks, being a Trumper husband. You guys may not be beta-cucks, but y'all are married to some seriously large tubs of shit. Did I miss a meeting around Texas? Good lord, the female Trump supporters are some fluffy ass women. I mean, we all like a full buttocks and everything, but seriously-how do you Trumpers navigate that? I bet dollars to donuts, the weight of the average wife of the average Surly Trump supporter is 175. And I'm being kind. How do y'all fuck stuff like that?
  13. My understanding is that a cuck would be the type of guy that watches another man insult and belittle and humiliate his wife, not do anything about it, and shortly thereafter dedicate significant amounts of time to advance the other man's career and finances.
  14. Quite possibly the worst pejorative to emerge from our recent political history. I hate it. From now on I see the word cuck, I neg the man typing it.
  15. I agree with that. The studies have been exhaustive...a family of 4 getting combo meals at Popeye's or McDonald's or wherever, you can built 12 healthy meals for that same amount of money from HEB. It's a tired excuse that needs to end if we're gonna make meaningful progress. Just like working class white families that clamor that they can't go eat a reasonable family meal at Chili's or Applebee's. That's also bullshit, those places are not cheap, they're not working class prices. They're $20+/person. Anyway, having said that...there still is a challenge of access to affordable, healthy foods. People want to extend their food dollar, and get better stuff for their kids to eat, but it can be tough when you're miles away from a grocer with produce. And your only options are a Dollar General and a Jack-in-the-Box. HEB/Favor platform is making a dent in this, it's been an interesting "beta" test for underserved communities for a few years now. Hope it can be modeled nationwide, particularly in midwest/northeast urban areas.
  16. When are these Republican commentators who keep talking about how other people are "beta males" going to do something like, I don't know, join the military or something.
  17. You know, I had it at 100. But then I remember that guys like Jimbo Fisher exist and I'm pretty sure he's been accurately called a Beta by plenty of alphas before. I mean, probably at least a dozen instances alone of him being called that to his face while they fucked his ex wife.
  18. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Chances have to be at like 90% that anyone who uses Beta as some kind of insult is fucking projecting like a motherfucker. Also, lol at calling Harry Windsor is a fucking beta. Money fucking matters, sure, but the dude has slayed an insane amount of hot ass in his life. And Charlie Kirk is clearly an incel.
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