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  1. Don’t forget CTJ putting the hex on us. Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. KSU doesn’t run a hurry-up offense. If we are subbing our D, and keep the pressure on, we will win. Expect 1-2 trick plays, a qb/half-back pass, fake field goal. They will go all out. Remember, they won the B12 championship game last year.
  2. Spoke to my buddy awhile the other day about everything offseason. Me - ”Any rumors to Brad Ausmus”? Him - “I hope not. Everything I’ve heard is he’s anti-analytics and isn’t suited to the job. Sounds like we’d continue going in reverse.” “We were shocked last season when he was mentioned as a GM candidate.” Me - “What are your personal top 5 choices then”? Him - “AJ Hinch, Omar Lopez, Mark Kotsay, Rodney Linares, Joe Espada” “any rumors to Showalter, Maddon, Bannister, Ausmus, Washington or Counsell are just fabricated to create noise” Me - “Whatever Bagwell wants Bagwell gets” Him - “The perception of the public that Bagwell is calling the shots is extremely overshot. He’s around and Jim definitely likes him and listens. But in no way is he the shot caller. Baggy is awesome with us downstairs. I enjoy talking with him every time he comes down He does exactly what his title says, advises/gives his opinion. But at the end of the day, Jim and Dana make final shot calls. He gets aired out for Abreu, Montero, and Brantley signings when that was actually all Jim. Jim was outbidding himself on Abreu. Montero’s agent took Jim to cleaners. Brantley deal was negotiated at Jim’s golf course in Florida. Ever since cheating scandal, Jim has wanted to be more hands on so he doesn’t get burned by not knowing things. Which has had pros but definitely cons as well. I compare what he’s doing to Jerry Jones a lot, not in a good way“ “He’s gotta trust his baseball guys though. He wants to win consistently but stuff like outbidding yourself on Abreu and overpaying Montero is gonna hurt these next two off seasons. Because between the two of them there’s roughly $8M annually we could have saved and spent on someone else. That’s Neris money we don’t have or for anyone else we wanna go after”
  3. I’m not quite sure how to put a bow on this thing. Watched the parade by myself in the country club bar (queue the Vivaldi) and loved all of it. People tried to talk to me, but shook them off like a reliever who doesn't trust his curve ball. But it’s like watching the end of Lonesome Dove. Or maybe like Star Wars series, if you’re a dork. You needed it to end, but when it does, you don’t know what to do with yourself. Now- we can go win again, and I would not be surprised if we do, but to finally get that monkey off the back is something extraordinary as a lifelong fan. I have a lot of Rangers tshirts that I wear around the house and to the gym. But when I go to games, especially on the road, I wear the same Rangers hat that I bought after I trashed my old one in 2012. It’s the only gear I wear to games and it’s served me well. I’ve worn that hat for games in Detroit, Cleveland, New York, Chicago, Anaheim, lots of places watching the Rangers. My 7yo son and I signed it and noted that it was parade day. I’m not sure if I retire it, or let it ride. I’ll probably let it ride. I just love it for my dad, who brought me from Amarillo to summertime games at the original ballpark in the late 80’s. We didn’t even know who was pitching when we showed up. My old man brought me to the Kenny perfect game just by luck of the calendar. And- he let me drive on the way there from like Wichita Falls to Decatur. Love it for my little dude who watched a lot of games with me this season. Love it for my mother in law who was a Dallas native and passed away in January. And my step-father-in law who grew up on a farm in Arlington and passed away in April. Love it for all of us. We needed this. I’ll use this post to turn the page… ya know, until the off season thread materializes. Go Rangers.
  4. No- it’s because I like hearing things and don’t want my information source to be cut off. Look, I haven’t said anything more than already reported. All I’m saying is it’s not going to be game deciding I don’t think- don’t worry about it. If we don’t win this game it’s because Quinn is hurt- not this dude.
  5. Jerry doesn't give a shit about winning. He pretends to. If he really cared, he'd hire a GM and step out the way. Jerry only cares about his brand and his billions. He knows his team is one of the most popular franchises in the world of any sport. All his games get high ratings. While the other teams are winning since him, he can say he has as many in 4 years in the 90s and the other 3 have combined in the nearly 30 years since is. Jerry only wants to win one way and that's him being the GM with his hillbilly son. Otherwise, he wouldn't get the credit. Nothing is ever going to change with his approach or mindset. "We love our players" is our motto. This 2023 draft is looking as bad as that special teams draft awhile back.
  6. The “keys” to a win are similar for both teams. More is going to be put on AJ’s shoulders than on Maalik’s (from the standpoint that MM needs to protect the ball and allow our talented roster to do most of the work.) no question we have the more talented roster. Obviously winning the turnover battle is huge. This feels like a nail biter which probably means we will win convincingly. There is no question they want this win over Texas. The last team unbeaten and all that. The optimism is great in this thread! I dig it! Honestly, this game has made me nervous all year. I have a very healthy respect for KState and with their HC. The WTF loss to OKie Lite (they are trending up) aside they are a formidable opponent. 🤘🏼 this game just has an OT type feel to it. Down to the wire type feel. I love that our team punches until the end. Hoping I’m wrong and we beat them by two TDs. 🤘🏼🤘🏼
  7. Hence why Houston is aggy at heart. The stuff I have read trying to deflect and downplay the Rangers not only winning it all, but beating Houston to get it done, is some Texags shit. Right after we beat Houston, immediately it was "yeah but Philly is going to push your shit in!". Yeah well, maybe they shouldn't also blow a 3-2 lead going back home like Houston. Then we see pics of how bad the ratings are down this series. Boo hoo who the fuck cares about tv ratings that should only matter to tv execs and advertisers. And this isn't all Astros fans at all. But definitely a noticeable amount doing everything they can to try and spin this. Every single thing Astros fans had in their ammo towards against the Rangers disappeared in the last 2 weeks. Texas beat them to get to the WS. But you still had some saying "hurrr durrrr it means zero if you lose the WS, we will come back and laugh". Lmao. Just like aggy, needing to root for someone else to do the job you couldn't. Riding the coat tails of another team. So, Houston desperately held out hope that somehow Texas would lose the WS. That way, they can still have that in their ammo. And keep posting Cruz gifs and calling Texas choke artists and losing a 3rd WS. But Texas won 3 straight in Arizona. And left no doubt. Holding Arizona to 2 measly runs against pitchers not against the bottom depths of our bullpen. Houston now has zero to say to Texas that means shit. Forever world champions. 1-0 against Houston in the playoffs. Adolis Garcia dropping his nuts all over their team in their own park. Poooor agggy. Whoop!
  8. Holy shit Astros fans are reaching into their inner most aggy here. For starters, the bandwagon comments. Let's go take a look on the old board and compare the years of 2010-2014 when Rangers threads dwarfed Astros threads. The 2010 Rangers thread was so large, it caused server issues at times. Meanwhile, Astros threads almost non-existent. Geez, it's like there isn't much to discuss on a daily basis when your team is sucking shit through a straw. Now look at Astros threads, so by that definition they are bandwagon fans, huh? Then I see Texas isn't the best team just because they won the World Series? Lmao. Jesus christ. Imagine if we flipped the roles here and Texas fans were telling Astros fans this if they had won. And even referencing fucking Euro soccer. MLB is 162 games. You then have 4 rounds of playoffs. LCS and WS are both 7 game series. Then exactly who was the best team this year? Sure wasn't Houston. Sure wasn't the Dodgers who got swept by Arizona. Sure wasn't Atlanta who got pummeled by the Phillies. Oh was it the AL East teams? They won a total of 0 games, 2 of them getting swept by Texas. UT fans clown Matt Leinart for saying this exact same thing after 2005, when he said they were still the better team. And yes, the 9-7 Giants were better than the 16-0 Patriots when it mattered most. This isn't Euro soccer. We crown our champions with a playoff after a regular season. The winner is the last team standing. Gee, how convenient that Rangers finally win it and now all of a sudden, this format doesn't mean they are the best. No one remembers the 16-0 Patriots anymore except for the fact they lost their biggest game. I feel like I am on Texags right now with this logic.
  9. I'll take ugly wins any day. Especially on the road on a b2b. Wedgie played well and we limited a high scoring team to 3 in their own barn. Duchene looked like he could have scored at least a hatty tonight. As razor said in a recent Instagram post, we're watching excellent sausage being made, but sometimes the process is ugly. Good shit. Go Stars!
  10. It's amazing. You've been watching them for years and constantly wrongly predicting their behavior because you fundamentally misunderstand how fascists think and operate and yet you've learned nothing. They're not fucking binary logic machines that operate on "If ---> Then" calculations and all of your "if that's what they wanted to do the only way they could possibly try to go about it is this way that I would do it if I was them and they're not doing what I would do so I must be right" is fucking constantly some of the most wrongheaded thinking about any topic on Surly. Trump is campaigning where he is right now to raise the most money he can for his legal defenses. He doesn't even think he needs to turn out voters and he's sure as shit not worried about only visiting the most important states an entire year before the election. Yes, he's a stupid, irrational dipshit. ALL FASCISTS ARE. That doesn't mean they're incapable of some basic planning. They're not even hiding their plan, we've got a fucking thread on it. And Tuberville's actions are absolutely part of that plan. Because it doesn't take a brilliant mastermind to understand that when you want to illegally seize and hold power, it helps to not be opposed by the military. Especially when they already tried once and failed because they'd wrongly assumed the military would be on their side. If Trump wins, he wants to be able to promote officers who pass his loyalty tests so that he doesn't have to step down at the end of his next term. That's what this is about. Is it a guarantee Tuberville will succeed in his goal? Of course not. But even if he doesn't, he's still thrown a huge wrench in the middle of functioning government and harmed Biden's ability to protect our national security, so it's a win win. And we know Tuberville is down for this shit, because he was involved in planning 1/6. Again, it doesn't take a genius to do this math. This isn't complex or sophisticated. it's exactly as stupid as it looks, because, get this, FASCISTS ARE ALWAYS AS STUPID AS THEY LOOK. And yet they're still often very successful at seizing power and doing shitloads of damage, because they operate in broken systems against people who refuse to understand the threat they pose.
  11. And on the flip side, this reduces all the commandments and theology down to a set of habits that you can form, then feel good about yourself, without actually changing your shitty behavior at all. It's a very, very seductive philosophy for the adherents that makes "righteousness" easy, and a win-win for the clergy, who then gain political power from it. But we digress. The point of prayer is it gives you a moment to focus on something divine for a while instead of the normal shit of the day. Done right, it's what they call "mindfulness" nowadays. There's real mental and physical health benefits to it, even if God doesn't exist; if God does exist, then it's hopefully getting a conversation going. There's a point to doing it loudly and in public, too: Self-aggrandizement. Shit-disturbing. The phony (and in many ways, nasty) side of evangelism.
  12. The aftermath of this game was pretty much where Mack lost me. McCoy had that same shoulder/neck injury that was his achilles heel (Bama, more than once in NFL). Snead took over and did well enough to win, getting us to 42. The D gave up 45, though, and we lost it. Worse, two weeks later, McCoy was still not back to full strength, and worse, was sicker than shit from the flu. Mack started McCoy on a cold, windy day, and McCoy was completely ineffective. Snead stood next to Mack on the sidelines, but Mack kept McCoy on the field until the last play. McCoy was viciously fouled by an ag, while throwing a wounded duck that was intercepted. The fould was called, but for some reason the refs decided it was a dead ball foul and allowed the interception to stand. McCoy was obviously hurt and had to be helped the last few steps to the sideline. We stopped the ags and got the ball back one last time, and Mack - fucking Mack - let McCoy go back out, with less than a minute left, trailing 12-7. A couple of more wounded duck, fluttering, no-chance passes later, McCoy was flattened again, grabbing the shoulder as he went down. The hit was textbook targeting in today's rules: full speed rush, crown of the helmet into the top of the breastbone after the pass was thrown. This time he did not get up, and had to be carted off the field. After 59 minutes and 40 seconds of riding a dead horse, Mack finally sent Snead on the field, for his one and only play. Snead spent the entire game next to Mack, doing everything but begging to go in. Fuck Mack. Fuck Mack forever. And then some.
  13. It's been 13+ years of watching Texas football step on rakes in every direction, repeatedly. I've seen less embarrassing public displays from drunk grown men attempting to footrace one another through a casino. Multiple presidential elections during that span have been less embarrassing. Jeffrey Toobin and Louis CK were thankful that Texas football was running interference for them at different points. Look, it's been a bad run. I get it. But this year isn't that. This board does not have to shit itself in panic every time an opponent with a winning record shows up on the schedule. Hell, it doesn't even take a winning record. There are multiple voluminous posters on this site that predicted Baylor, fucking rape-enabling Baylor!, who had just barely beaten some school called "Long Island University", to beat Texas. I checked and it's not even clear that Long Island U is an accredited university. That win lifted the Baylor record to a gaudy 1-2 before we pummeled them. Get a fucking grip. Texas is about win its 7th straight against Kansas State by stomping a deep mudhole in Kansas State's ass. They may have to blackout the final quarter on television in order to protect the psyches of women and small children. "But closetojumping, Kansas State is streaking right now! We're catching them at the wrong time!?!" Kansas State is indeed a rolling ball of butcher knives. They haven't given up a touchdown in 9 quarters! They've won 3 games in a row. Who does that! Who does that? Teams that play 3 shitty teams in a row, 2 at home, do that. Kansas State was losing to Texas Tech in Lubbock before Tech had to insert their 3rd string freshman QB who had never taken a snap in P5 football. Sadly for our good friends at Tech, that 3rd string freshman with no experience was named ... (checks notes) ... "Jake Strong" and not Arch Manning. Following the defeat of rising 3-5 juggernaut Texas Tech in Lubbock in comeback fashion, KSU has had the luxury of being home for the mighty 4-4 TCU Horned Frogs. TCU has beaten such football titans as Nicholls State, BYU, UH and SMU, 3 of them at home and the other at the formidable TDECU fortress in front of 12,000 slovenly UH fans. Last week, KSU ran roughshod over the mighty Houston Cougars at home to the tune of 41-0. That game followed two jihad games in a row for UH, both at home, where they played their guts out. Please spare us any concepts of the transitive property mattering at all here with a like opponent. No one needs to suffer that indignity. It's not applicable. The reality is that Kansas State plays ugly on the road. They've lost two games as favorites to Missouri and Okie State when KSU was perfectly healthy and experienced. Requiring teams to sojourn in the podunk hillbilly shithole of Manhattan, KS takes more than a little wind out of the sails for any team unfortunate enough to have to visit there. I drove by that area last summer on a road trip and felt depressed just being within physical range of that soul-sucking dump. Texas has homefield advantage in this game and that's not a difference that should be poo-pooed. Part of Chris Klieman's folksy midwestern charm is that he can dial-up the underdog story with his team when they're playing in front of the home crowd. The dynamic shifts dramatically when preaching to inferior talent and inferior intellects who are about charge out onto a field in front of better talent being urged on 100,000 fans that KSU players and coaches will, deep down in their tiny minds, know are simply better than them. "But CTJ, KSU returns their whole OL!! They have 2 QBs! One of them even had a a hit single called 'MMMBop' back in the day! We're in deep shit on defense!" Kansas State does indeed run an efficient offense and they have excellent experience across the offensive line. Cooper Beebe at LG might be an All American. Don't ever watch film of his performance and then consider that of our own Hayden Conner in comparison. It leads to dark thoughts and some pretty disturbing kidnapping fantasies. Anyway, the rest of the OL isn't covering itself in glory, particularly against better competition. They are indeed old though. The Texas pass rush should have an overall field day against these guys. KSU has faced nothing even similar to the Texas front 7. T'Vondre Sweat is going to pull a chokehold buttfuck on the right side of their OL along with Hill, Sorrell and the gang. KSU is going with a 2 QB system now, which is a smart move given that Will Howard can't stand success and will actively try to lose games against any opponent with a pulse. His performance against Okie State was eerily familiar for me and felt like watching a rerun. Weird. He's a decent runner, so you can't ignore his legs. Like many mediocre QBs, pressure leads to mistakes for Howard and he'll go through periods where he can be a turnover machine. Enter freshman phenom, Avery Hanson. After a middling career as the third wheel in a traveling brother folk band, he's turned towards a more promising role as the change of pace QB when Will Howard's averageness simply won't do. Hanson's dulcet lilting as he flies by defenders off the edge has what appears to be a paralyzing effect on the opponent. The defense must wear earplugs while he's out there and focus on playing sound assignment football. With more film now available on the guy, Kwiatkowski has hopefully done his job and put a gameplan together that accounts for dealing with both QBs and what they bring to the table. At the skill spots, KSU has a strong backfield with two TBs who are above average. Neither provides the kind of problems that the midget now playing for the Cowboys caused, but they're not holding the offense back. At WR, they have some dude named RJ Garcia at WR. I played with a wild ass vato named RJ Garcia in junior high, but there's no way he's just entered the college ranks at WR in 40's, is there? Anyway, their WR corps is a weak spot on offense. They're not going to simply streak by anyone on our defense if you ignore the fact that Michael Taaffe and Kitan Crawford will see meaningful snaps. KState does have a damned good TE in Ben "The Pussy Slayer" Sinnott. The Texas back 7 is going to have to prioritize this guy in route coverage, as he gets as much attention from the QBs as he does from cougars and sorority girls in the stands. "closetojumping, Kansas State is going to go 3 high with their safety look. Steve Sarklostagain simply fades into playcaller's block when opponents do that!" You fucking people and your nicknames. Christ. Look, Oklahoma State provided a simple blueprint for handling the 3 high look from KSU. Line up in trips, force a safety to declare, and then you're playing against a standard two deep. Steve Sarkisian is an offensive genius, right? Then we need that genius to fucking show up and be a genius. Or just be a copycat. It doesn't take a genius. In truth, Texas is a poor match-up for the KSU defense. KSU's defense is small. They lost their solid MLB for the season earlier in the year. They have a tub of goo at NT who weighs a metric ton and brings the energy and get-off of a 7/11 clerk working the graveyard shift. The secondary lacks playmakers and the edge rush severely misses alphabet soup guy from last season. I assume the offense will be able to run the ball effectively early and bully the smaller opponent down the field. This should enable Murphy to settle in and exhibit competence in the passing game and utilize multiple weapons. That should lead to pain and punishment for KSU as the game rolls into the 4th quarter. Hayden Conner needs to show up and act like he gives a shit. If he doesn't, bring in someone who will. It's past time to give someone else a look if this low-effort asscrack isn't going to get it done. Murphy needs to not throw off of his backfoot, like at all. If those two things happen, AD Mitchell mixes in a block or two, and Sarkisian can keep from turning into Corporal Upham during the middle of the game and make playcalls that make sense, the offense should roll. "CTJ, we always lose this kind of game. KSU is well-coached and their very polite, if intellectually bereft, fanbase travels well." Kansas State doesn't travel as well as BYU, I can tell you that. What in the fuck was that last week? Shit. I think they had 10k there, at least. It didn't do them much good, nonetheless. KSU is a bully this season. They'll play like it Saturday. Texas needs to come out and hit them in the mouth early and stay physical. What do I mean by "bully"? Well, everything. 1) They shit themselves on the road, as discussed. 2) They beat up on weak opponents and drive up their stats and scores accordingly. As frightening as "Southeast Missouri State" may sound, they're a weak FCS team. 4 Sacks and 588 yards of offense later and KSU showed them what tough guys they are. UCF is not ready for P5 football and hasn't won in the conference yet. KSU showed up with 4 sacks and over 500 yards in that matchup as well. 4 more sacks against Troy. 500+ yards against a hapless TCU defense that we've mocked all season. 3) Against stronger competition, KSU looks mediocre to average. They had 2 sacks combined in road losses to OSU and Mizzou. They were outgained in both games. They lost the turnover battle in both games. Hell, Troy isn't a "bad" team, with two losses to KSU and JMU, but they are just a Sun Belt team with Sun Belt talent. Troy's defense did a good job against KSU, actually. Unfortunately, Troy's offense is poo and gave KSU a short field all game and it was never really in doubt. That's what KSU does - they feast on weaknesses. They're not going to go good on good versus similar or advantaged talent and win most of those match-ups. Texas needs to win or neutralize the turnover battle and show up with high energy against a decent opponent. If Texas does that, they're ultimately going to overwhelm KSU and the mudhole will be thoroughly pounded. While I know this won't do much to assuage the handwringers, here's hoping some logic and an understanding that this Texas team is a return to prior periods of dominance, will help some of the rest of you people get your shit together. Texas rolls this weekend - 38-13. Hook'em
  14. Yep. I posted about it during the ALCS, I think. He was perhaps the worst offender when the Rangers couldn’t protect a lead during their late season 4-18 swoon. He went on the DL and came back the last weekend of regular season. I think he got the decision on Saturday of the Seattle series. And Bochy immediately went to him against Tampa as the first guy out of the ‘pen in games that we were in position to win. It seems silly to say but he was probably Texas’ most “valuable” pitcher in the playoffs. By that I mean no matter how well Monty or Eovaldi pitched, if the bullpen cratered it wasn’t going to matter. We were going to lose. And Sborz was damn near perfect. He was definitely an unsung hero and I love the fact that he will forever be immortalized as the guy on the mound who threw the final pitch. It’s fitting — the final strike was a breaking ball that caught the top of the box. I think he was surprised it was called a strike. There was the ever-so-slightest hesitation before he realized what he’d done. Incredible. All of this.
  15. Making 4 out of 7 WS in this expanded playoff format is pretty incredible but it still hurts that 2 of the other 3 we lost Game 7 of the LCS. The impressive thing is 7 straight DS wins (7-1 if you go back to the very beginning of the run). 4-3 in LCS and 2-2 in the WS reflects the coin flip nature of short series.
  16. I cant say I was a Rangers fan. although I attended my first MLB game in 1986, I was visiting my Grandparents in Hurst, and got to go to a Rangers game with my Uncle who was the biggest Dallas sports homers out there. Dont know who the hell the Rangers played, I dont even know if they won the game, it went into SUPER extra innings. I think we finally left after the 11th inning (I was pissed we didnt stay till the end), next day we find out the game went to 17 or 18 innings. I cant claim fandom, but I know my dearly departed Uncle Ray would have loved this moment. Ray passed in May 2005, he missed the Longhorns winning, the Mavericks winning it, and now the Rangers..... ironically he was still around the last time the Cowboys won anything.
  17. I agree that our OL has to block their 3 down look, but we're gonna throw a lot of looks at them and we can't rely on efficiency there. KSU also blitzes often enough and they get home, so I have a hard time seeing us sustaining 8+play drives due to either penalties or sacks. We also haven't been an efficient running team this year. We just need to score enough, but we won't have the chance to if we can't get them off the field. More drives on offense is how we win. They will likely look to choke the clock with methodical drives. Their WRs and RBs block pretty well, and they pull all kinds of motion to make it easier for the eventual ball carrier to get the edge with blockers. This feels like a Watts game, Manny and Brooks can rotate on the other side. I could see us going heavy edges too.
  18. I'd order a couple doubles, down them, then after we win tell her to go fuck herself and leave. But my life is kind of a mess so what the fuck do I know.
  19. We will win. We have better talent and will play better Saturday morning. After we beat them, Houston quit. They were giant pussies vs KSU. In the KSU vs. Houston game, Houston was going just through the motions at a half ass level at best. I hope KSU thinks they will get the same Texas team at DKR this Saturday that played in Houston a couple of weeks ago. They will be so fucked. It is go time this weekend if this team wants a CFP chance. They will play like it too.
  20. I was in person at the 2006 Rose Bowl. I realized with the teams, the players, the location, hell even the announcers, and definitely with the way it played out and the fact my Texas Longhorns had finally climbed the mountain top that I had likely peaked sports fan wise in that nothing was ever going to top that moment. I've been fairly calm about sports stuff since (I was most certainly not before) 2011 still hurt, it hurt bad in the moment. Now we are back here. Every DFW franchise but this one has won one in my sports conscious life (the 78 Cowboys SB win came when I was way too young to even know about it, much less comprehend it). Not nervous, just sort of ready to see it.
  21. Oh God. Nothing approaches TX/OU for me. Or Texas football, for that matter (minus some other specific stuff over the years that isn't worth getting into). I've been weirdly zen about this whole playoff run. I mean it in a literal sense when I say that when I turn the games on it takes me a second to register that we are in the World Series and a game, two games away etc. from a championship. This shit just came out of nowhere - it's not like we've come up short the past couple years or even been competitive. It doesn't feel like there's any pressure on this team at all and I think it's affected my nervousness/anxiousness as a fan. Also - I already went through all of the ridiculous ups and downs during the season that it kind of hardened me to the same shit during the playoffs. That said - I've definitely gotten worked-up during the games. I got nervous as shit last night once it was clear that Smith didn't have it. That G5 loss to HOU stung like a motherfucker and I started wondering "shit - is this going to turn into one of my worst losses as a fan ever?" Let's whip that ass tonight and end it right here. Anyone wanting us to maybe lose so we can close it out at home is a slapdick fuckface that should quit cheering for any team. I don't care if they close it out in Guatemala - go win that shit tonight.
  22. We don't have to hope for them to win meaningless games. Jimbo is not going anywhere whether he wins or loses. Losing more games and staying is more fun for me.
  23. If we win tonight, it will go down as one of the best post season performances in the history of baseball. Possibly 12-0 on the road, individual records set, team records set, and a mowing down of all of the best AL teams and our equal in the NL. Fuck all the ratings talk. It doesn’t matter.
  24. Arizona failed to win games they were up 2 in the 9th, our starter got hurt in the 3rd, and a game we started Heaney without Adolis. I have 0 worry for tonight even though that means I'll have to wait to go to a world series game another year.
  25. also, I know I only post rough hands/ bad beats, but I also have made some stupid bluffs/ and calls in this downswing from hell. So I am fully aware that I have made mistakes that cost me and are a big part of why I am not winning along with the classic run bad not helping. we dont get many kids in my neighborhood (last time I did Trick/Treat a total of 4 sets of kids came to the house over 3 hours), so I went ahead and played today. got sat at a new table, playing 5 handed, and it was honestly one of the eaisest small win tables Ive been on. I would raise and get called by 1-2 guys, bet the flop and win 60% of the time, bet the turn and get a fold another 30%, and finally on the river I either had it, or made a prepared bluff and they would fold. Rolled my $200 up to $450 over the hour on the table, never having had to bet more than $40. eventually table fills up, play for another 1.5 hours without much movement, slowly chip down to $375ish. Then this hand happens. get dealt Ah7s in later middle position. Limp for $2, Button makes it $12, SB (aggressive better with $500 behind), BB (calling station about $400 behind) call. its $10 more and I am last to act so I call. flop is 7h-3h-3c. Checks to me, and I bet out $25, button folds, SB takes a bit and calls, so does the BB. turn is 4s. checks to me again, and I bet $50. SB hems and haws, asks me how much I am behind, eventually announced a raise to $125. BB folds, and now because of how aggressive this guy is I can eliminate any pairs here other than 44. every other pocket pair I would lose to he would have raised pre from the SB. Me having the Ah takes away most logical flush draws. So at this point, hes either got a 3, 56, or air/flush draw. So I dont think going all in makes sense, I only get called by a 3 or 56. And if he is on a flush draw, ive got one of his outs. Plus, before he raised, he seemed really aggitated that i wouldnt vocalize how much i had behind, I just raised my hands to show the roughly $300 at that point. I dont waste much time to decide that his aggression tendency forces me to call the additional $75, if hes got a 3, I might be able to bluff on a heart river. river is a 10s. and he insta shoves. hes got me covered, Ive got a bit over $200 behind. and this puts me in the tank. Im trying to figure out what he could have that I beat. In theory, that T should have been a blank barring him having ThXh. So I can beat a missed flush draw, worse 7, random 4 maybe 45,46, plus pure air. I actually thought this out. if he doesnt have a 3 but had a T, would he really have shoved into me, the way I have played this hand, acting last to call the additional $10, plus the almost snap call I made on the turn, I have all the 3s, A3, 23,34, and any suited 3. So a naked T should not shove here. because he would have to be worried about me having a 3 or even 44/77. I also didnt think a 3 would shove because he would to get everything he beats to fold, with my hand being one of the very few that could pay him off. If hes put me on a 3, the straight would be the ONLY hand that can shove here for value. I finally just decide that hes aggressive as fuck, and call. he announces, I am good, and mucks his hand, I dont show... and he pitches a fucking fit. demanding to see what I had... and Im like dude, I called you, you mucked, so I dont have to. He questioned the dealer who agreed with me.... which set him on a level of tilt I havent seen in a while. only played for 2 more hands, it was past 7:45 and I wanted to watch the Rangers in peace. in for $200, out for $855
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