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  1. the kid just doesn't have the fire in his belly. fuck him, a fucking beta cuck pussy
  2. Well she *was* raised by a cuck
  3. Guest

    Identifying Trump rioters

    I know all of these Trumpers to a "man", to be spineless coward cucks, so this story doesn't surprise me. But I figured out of the 260+ and counting that have been arrested, I expect at least one would try to garner future alpha-male status within the movement by standing up at arraignment/indictment and declaring, "I will not flee and I will not plea. I will stand trial. I will face my accusers-those who would erode the greatness of the country I love and serve. I will be victorious or die appealing. And if it comes to a prison sentence, I will do it with my head held high. And when my time has been served, I will emerge stronger and more patriotic than ever. You cannot break what is inside of me. I stood up for my President, my God, and my Republic. And I would do it all over again and face these consequences. In my heart, my mind, and my soul...I know I'm right. Our whole movement is right. We are just. We are many. And I will gladly serve my President and my country even if it means me standing in this courtroom in chains before your twisted sense of justice." But nope, we get this fucking "It's not Fair" assclown and a dozen Texas cunts trying to turn their arrest into a real estate game show.
  4. WTF is wrong with this country ??!! We're becoming a nation of cucks. How long before the NFL announces it's going co -ed, and transgender ? They'll start with the kickers of course....
  5. Projecting again? You forgot "cuck" and "libtard."
  6. I have a question that's been haunting me for a while. It seems you are equipped to answer. Exactly how tiny does your dick have to be to use the the term "Beta" when referring to other people? I'm almost too embarrassed to ask from the second hand cringe, but I feel I need to. Please sober up before you answer.
  7. Bless your heart. Whataboutism is so cute. I has to intimidate you Betas a hot chick as sharp as her ... hence why a stupid cow like Psaki is more fitting of your Beta bedroom prowess ... all trying to perform while longing to be a ABCDEFG+_*/ affirmation of Betaness. (We get you Betas are intimidated by strong women and prefer the "let me circle back," i.e. ask a man)
  8. It's refreshing to know that even Betas were smart enough to let this silliness go ... I mean she actually is dumber than a box of rocks ... she would be a national embarrassment if we did not have a corrupt old ra(c/p)ist fool pretending to be president from his basement.
  9. Kyle


    My name is Kyle. I intentionally watched Outlander. I'm one episode away from being a full Beta Biden Bro. The historical stuff is actually decent ... the 18th Century sex scenes entertaining enough ... the plot just silly - like WW84 or the New Star Wars with 18th Century technology.
  10. I don't fancy myself much of a comedian, but at least I fucking try. Betas, low-T, deez nuts...I'm more insulted by the laziness than the stupidity.
  11. Maybe. Ralph, could be about that cuck life.
  12. Your transformation over the past couple of months from "I'm one of the few rational Republican disgusted by the last 4 years" to disingenuous-just-asking-questions guy to full blown MAGA, "Me alpha, you beta" pathetic bullshit would have been entertaining if it wasn't so god damned predictable. We all had you pegged since Day 1 (RIP Now this). All it took was a little AOC talk and some flailing attempts at whataboutism, and you just couldn't help yourself.
  13. I flip to it when FS1 is on commercial sometimes during lunch. Stephen A Smith still just yells insane shit and his cuck side kick has zero anything
  14. Pretty sure it was impossible to know about Surly “at least from 07”... Also...fuck off Ted Cruz you bitch ass trump cuck
  15. gurt


    Just got the email that they are accepting orders in my area (Driftwood). Though the speeds in beta aren’t that great, 50mb to 150mb. Still better than Hughes net though. Especially the latency at 20-40 ms
  16. The absolutist right don't want no politician. They want a King divvying up the Kingdom to Princes like them. Alternative reality over there. Jim and Matt are RINO Betas to them. Freudian concepts in action on a mass scale. They can't take the Center. And the grifters descended upon them like locusts. And they just look at the panda . . .
  17. Finally had a chance to watch the first tournament episode. Very solid fights, but no real surprises. The upsets were more the result of distorted seeding than anything else. Despite higher seedlings, Beta and Mad Hatter faced superior bots.
  18. To be clear, my view on 2 qbs in this class is colored by my view of the following: 1) Murphy is going to take a while potentially, so he's got a high beta. That puts more risk on the QB room. 2) One of Card and Thompson will be gone by the summer. 3) They can't feel certain that either Wright or Lourd will be able to play to this level. Obviously, all of those assumptions could be wrong, or eventually proven wrong by what the staff gets to see in the spring and fall. I'm happy if that's the case. I feel like the variables and therefore, the odds, favor what I'm thinking.
  19. Thanks for that. I had my son print out two copies and he and I both filled out our brackets just before watching last night's show. I'm too lazy to take a photo and upload so I'll just type my predictions here: Mine: Top left Hydra wins out beating Malice, Valkyrie, Upper Cut and Copperhead. Valkyrie beats Whiplash Bottom Left Uppercut beats Beta, Tombstone Tombstone beats Black Dragon Top Right Bloodsport beats Fusion, Witch Doctor Witch Doctor beats Kraken Bottom Right Copperhead beats Bloodsport, End Game and Shatter End Game beats Jackpot ~~~ I was 6 of 8 last night. I missed on Beta shitting the bed and Malice being unable to land a hit on Gigabyte. My son was 5 of 8 with his predictions.
  20. As the texts show this was all Heidi’s idea. She bitched and bitched and despite knowing it was a horrible idea Cuck Cruz gave in cause he has no backbone. Will be fun times in the Cruz household in the near future.
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