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  1. Ted Cruz. Let a political opponent run down his wife and father, and cucks himself to be as subserviant as possible afterwards. Throws his children under the fucking bus as an excuse for bailing on his "home" state having a humanitarian crisis. Leadership on display.
  2. Not sure. Cooler ticker? The big difference to me is Mara proposed a North American miner consortium to help censor blocks which is bullshit, and Riot has Austin based hard core bitcoiner on advisory board. In any case up another 31% today. Should sell but it keeps trading in line with BTC price, just higher beta. Sitting on this biggest score of my life is getting harder and harder.
  3. If your brother has an M1 Mac, I've been running a few older games and apps through the beta of Parallels Desktop: https://b2b.parallels.com/apple-silicon/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA962BBhCzARIsAIpWEL3Fk9lkkEwiGQcwg4oYuQlR13I7idFO_Hv1Bi_EK5XOtF72sbjSbEgaAlHKEALw_wcB Also, you will need to get the beta preview/whatever (free for now) of Windows 10 on ARM, which I think is linked to in that link above, but if not: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/how-to-test-windows-10-arm-insider-on-m1-macs/7082dca1-f70c-4986-a73f-4770a11c86d4
  4. A tear rolls off TTom’s cheek as he thinks of the good times threatening the Surly board - back before the Storm was slightly delayed. He crosses his arms against his damp coat, hugging himself to ward off the bitter wind whipping past the railroad overpass. He wonders if it’s true - would the hobo really have given him an extra dollar for the bj if he’d taken his MAGA hat off first? “No”, he tells himself, “beta-cuck libtards all lie!!” He rearranges the cardboard sheets, and groggily approaches sleep, his mind repetitively changing the name “Dominion” into various numerics - trying to find a way to make them equal 45. Tomorrow’s another day. He has four new dollars, many miles to travel, and the FBI are always watching.
  5. Jesus we’ve cucked those Limeys so hard for 250 years now. Has beens. Shitty food, worse weather and ugly people with jacked up grills.
  6. Great fights this week. SPOILERS BELOW. Uppercut made a tactical error against Hydra. It should have used its distraction bot to occupy the flipper and then pounced from the side. That was its chance to mangle Hydra’s weapon. Not sure why it didn’t do this and instead ran its distraction bot at Hydra when its main bot wasn’t in striking distance. Bad tactics and its inability to land with its weapon led to an ass whipping. I can’t believe Rusty kept going. But then again, Sawblaze seems like an overrated bot to me. And was Rusty’s main weapon ducktaped together? Gamma 9 sucks. It’s one of many pointless bots this season that seemingly have no primary weapon. End Game is a knockout artist. Damn. Smeeeee is an interesting design, but they need to make some changes. Switch to a single, heavier primary weapon. And add a locking mechanism, so that a bot can’t escape once Smeeeee surrounds it. Grabot is so perplexingly stupid. I have no idea what its “weapon” is supposed to do. Beta kicked its ass but honestly didn’t do a lot of damage considering how many direct hits it put on Grabot. I’m not sold on Beta and think its 3-0 record is a mirage. Smart tactics by Whiplash. Valkyrie got some solid hits early then got dominated after its weapon went down. So now that the regular season’s over, let’s rank the worst bots. Here’s my Bottom 5: 1. Grabot. This thing is fucking pointless. Its main weapon is a couple of marionette arms positioned harmlessly on top of the bot. 2. Sporkawhatever. The main weapon on this is a low-speed head-patting thing. It looks more solid and functional than the other shitty bots, but it sucks so bad and somehow managed to get its ass thoroughly kicked by Rusty. 3. Pain Train. I don’t care that it “beat” Smeeee because it did not and that was a bullshit decision. This bot is undriveable, moves in random, jerky lurches, has a weapon with no reach, and literally fell completely apart in the battle box. It’s a piece of shit. 4. Rusty. The bumfighter of Battlebots. Rusty is basically a coffee can with an automated shiv. It beat Spork and somehow survived a beat down by Sawblaze, but managed to look incompetent in every fight. 5. Gamma 9. What the fuck is the point of this piece of crap? Honorable mention: Sharko, Bale Spear, Big Dill.
  7. Who the fuck cares what OU and aggy think? One of our coaches is banging a fucking stripper. Who can point to bigger BDE than that? Fucking aggy’s coach is a cuck and OU’s coach is a weak kneed SOB with an alleged belly tattoo...TCU’s coach is a sweaty meatball.
  8. I'll lay out some predictions... Uppercut will destroy Hydra Sawblaze will beat Rusty. I wonder if the dude who builds Rusty managed to find quality replacement parts after his last match. Tantrum v Gamma 9 - who? what? Hypershock v Endgame should be an interesting fight. Two very similar bots. I suspect Hypershock wins as it seems to be a well funded team with quality materials to build. Smeeeeeeeeeee sucks. Don't know if P1 is better, but it will likely win if it's even average for the field. Beta will dominate Grabot Valkyrie v Whiplash - I have no opinion. I generally like the horizontal spinners, but I don't really remember watching these two bots before (though I know I've seen them - just don't remember much about them).
  9. Amber can handle it and would enjoy an army of beta self-sabotaging simps. She was made for this mission to save the Union from a bunch of GQP dummies.
  10. No question Ewers is uber talented and will be a great player, but fuck him if he doesn't want to come to UT. For a guy whose family is a bunch of diehard Longhorns, copy ehlinger with the baby pic in UT gear, and his "loyal to the soil" comments early on, he sure didn't bother wasting time committing to fosu. I had no problem with him decommitting from Herman, but for him to not even bother giving Sark and the new staff a hard look to go to fucking Columbus reeks of Beta energy. With that being said, I'd love for him to jump back in if he decides to, but I'm not losing sleep over a guy who doesn't want to be here. I've shit on Sam in the past for his (lack of) athletic ability and not being as ppl preach him to be, but the dude was an Alpha here. He wanted to be the guy to bring UT back to prominence; he truly is burnt orange-blooded. Ewers doesn't give off that energy at all to me which sucks given his talent and ability. If Murphy wants in, you fucking take him and another QB. Dude will have time to develop here before playing, and he looks like a beast. Ok, rant over.
  11. Yeah.....there's just loads, and loads, and loads of evidence. And a mass of cowardly political cucks like little john there to acquit.
  12. Why is it that for all the name calling (soy boy, Beta, etc) few men like those above, seem to smile naturally? It is always a smirk or a weird uncomfortable looking smile/grimace like they have a thorn stuck in their shorts. I suppose I have no factual evidence that it is thus and it is my bias showing unabashedly, but a sincere smile is very under-rated.
  13. Wait. You went and searched out one of my posts on a different board to neg because I negged you here. Classic beta, cuck behavior. If you want to whine about shit unrelated to football, you're going to get negged.
  14. Gohmert is an embarrassment to Texas - one of many. _____________________________________________ Just a note: Rural broadband is coming rather quickly, thanks to one of Austin's newest residents (Elon). (I have no idea if he will actually live in Austin, but his foundation will). New York (CNN Business)The US government plans to give SpaceX nearly a billion dollars to beam internet from space to people across rural America, where three out of five people say access to broadband is still a pressing issue. The company will receive a total of $856 million, one of the largest subsidies handed out by the Federal Communications Commission under a new program designed to encourage companies to extend broadband access into the United States' most underserved areas over the next 10 years. SpaceX's win is notable because the company competed against more established internet service providers, such as Charter Communications and CenturyLink, which rely on traditional fiber optic cables to deliver high-speed internet to customers. SpaceX's Starlink internet service, which is currently in beta testing and is not yet fully operational, relies on an experimental swarm of nearly 1,000 satellites whizzing around Earth at more than 17,000 miles per hour as they beam the internet to high-tech antennas mounted on people's homes. The FCC did award the bulk of the $9 billion worth of subsidies to more traditional providers. Charter, for example, received more than $1.2 billion to bring high-speed internet into more than 1 million neighborhoods. And the Rural Electric Cooperative Consortium, a joint bid from smaller regional companies, was awarded $1.1 billion to more than 618,000 neighborhoods. Allowing SpaceX to participate in the subsidy program at all was controversial. Traditional telecommunications companies and some broadband advocates argued that SpaceX's Starlink network was too new and unproven. Essentially, the FCC placed a bet that SpaceX's Starlink service will work just as the company promises, but if that turns out not to be the case, it could mean more lengthy delays in getting internet coverage to some of the most in-need areas of the United States. But, if SpaceX's Starlink service does work as intended, it could be a major boon for rural economies in the United States and abroad. That's because the company's unique satellite system is designed to blanket the entire planet in connectivity, rather than stringing cables to individual rural areas. From December 2020 - https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/08/tech/spacex-starlink-subsidies-fcc-scn/index.html
  15. Finally a way to unlock iPhone without taking off your mask or entering your passcode. Requires a linked, unlocked Apple Watch. I downloaded both beta updates and it works great. https://gizmodo.com/heres-how-to-unlock-your-iphone-while-youre-wearing-a-m-1846208159
  16. All that beta cuck bitch ever does is whine.
  17. Pencil pushers at Texas are dumb CDC is a beta cuck
  18. Looks like Ella Vader is either cucking Vader or they are in a 3-way with a Jedi. That family portrait on the side has Sith and Jedi
  19. Things that may sour this party: FINRA/brokers require higher margin for selling options, reducing return on capital, as result of GME fiasco and regulators wanting to discourage options market. probably unlikely. Market actually going flat and we start selling more calls, which is a bit riskier. I previously constructed my portfolio to be neutral (beta-weighted delta 0), and profiting purely from time decay, but going bullish has been way more fun. Gotta keep getting while the getting's good.
  20. Raises hand. Open carry is fucking stupid. I felt much better about this until I found some news clips from NOLA during Katrina. Pretty unsettling shit if we are being honest. Check out gun owners thread on hobby board if you’re curious. And this. This is what I don’t understand. All but 10 or so long arms I have (inherited) are in that database from when I purchased, went thru FFL, etc. 75% or better of what I own is easily found by the govt. Am I worried about that? 0%. I thought he did that pretty well. Drove around in a pickup and was sweating like an aggy at a spelling bee. Because, if you haven’t noticed, Texas isn’t your playground. One of the brightest and most charismatic personalities, with a blue wave behind him due to the fuckface in the Whitehouse, running against a Canadian beta, during a time Rs were pushing thru a justice that made every woman from center right to far left sick and ashamed, still lost. Absofuckinglutely. Who is against that (besides the crazies)? The problem, is that the goal is keeping them from everyone, per his words. Then he took it a step further by saying we’re going to come retroactively get what you’ve already got. Nahfuckthat.gif
  21. I never call anyone a beta because I've got a secret to keep about a certain part of my anatomy.
  22. This. In short, the one thing you'll never hear a real man say is "I'm a real man." The louder you proclaim your alpha vs beta status.....the more you confirm your status as a....not alpha. It's pathetic. So, keep on keeping on. Seriously, there's nothing that clues me in that a guy is completely insecure in his masculinity than the use of terms like "beta" and "soy boy." E.g., Sam Elliott doesn't use the term "soy boy." Sam just shows up in the room, and you know that he's alpha class. A real man let's his actual masculinity and self-assuredness do the talking. "Men" who use pejorative terms against other men, implying that they are something better, demonstrate only their own insecurity, in neon lights.
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