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  1. Lots of sacks today and not just in this game. I have a feeling McVay just wants to go do something else. He almost didn’t come back this year since they made all those trades. We should win this one.
  2. Welp, here we go, the team to me that epitomizes all that was ever right (and wrong) about the big 12 as a conference. The Kansas Stare Wildcats. They play out in the middle of nowhere. Nobody, nationally, has ever given a shit about them, and nobody ever will. Their mascot looks so second rate that most high schools in Texas would be embarrassed to trot it out. Because of their status as a basically grown up junior college in the sticks, Bill Synder made hay recruiting actual functionally illiterate mercenaries doing hard time in the plains, and brought them to Kansas State to terrorize campus, the entire concept of higher education, and opposing schools. They have had runs of high quality where they were national contenders. They have hired really good coaches a couple times that made them a tough out. Somehow, Ron Prince ran their program into the dirt and they still beat us a couple times. For a while they were our only conference mate to have an all time winning record against us which was galling, but now that we’ve beaten them 6 times in a row we probably own the overall series record, though I can’t be bothered enough to go and look it up. I will, like 98% of college football fans, never spend another second thinking about KState or watching anything associated with them after we separate from their glorified JUCO ass, but congrats to them on becoming almost relevant a couple different times nationally during the Big 12 era, I guess. Now take the loss to make 7 in a row and fuck right off Also- RIP fatty fat fat. Hope you are enjoying that great juco in the sky man.
  3. This is dumb. Because if Texas wins out then we are ahead of Bama in the pecking order. And Georgia wont go over Bama. So Georgia is out and Texas is #3 in that scenario.
  4. Interesting things: 1) KSU in #7 in the power ratings. It's the best offense and overall team we face. Alabama is #10. 2) In order of likeliness of making the B12 title game: 1-KSU, 2-Texas, 3-Oklahoma, 4-OKSt - the top 3 are basically a toss up. OSU is a bit less likely. 3) FSU is a virtual lock for the ACC championship. They are through the tough part of their schedule and are the most likely team to go undefeated. 4) Georgia is moving into the teeth of their schedule and have the opportunity to move up. 5) Most likely scenario is that there is 1 undefeated P5 team at the end of the season. However, there is still no individual team more likely to be undefeated than not. 6) There is a good chance there's at least one "at-large" playoff spot (defined as a 1-loss team that didn't win their conference or a 2-loss champion).
  5. It feels like 2008 all over again. Yes, we’re all happy OU lost yesterday, but another top 5 win in the Big 12 Championship would have been nice. Long season, and their schedule is so easy they’ll probably creep back in the top 10 by December. I think Bama winning the West without a competitive loss to Georgia in Atlanta would also be helpful. K State would have 3 losses after we hopefully beat them. It’s a big challenge for us, but a K State win would largely be overlooked nationally. Decent-ish chance that Iowa State is ranked when we play them in Ames. Oregon frankly isn’t nearly as impressive. Good chance they won’t play another ranked team until the PAC Championship. That said, winning the “best conference in 2024” + a top 4 win on the last weekend of the season is going to be tough to say no to. I hope it doesn’t come down to that.
  6. That could be true in many respects. But it still doesn’t explain 50% RZ TDs over the entire year. Going into UofH we were around 42% which put us at 12th in the Big 12z I understand wanting to get the OLine and players to “gel” in the red zone during BYU game and forcing them to punch it in but it’s becoming a recurring theme. Take the points from here on out. Luckily we didn’t need the points against BYU. We will moving forward. I thought overall solid second half for the most part. We didn’t drop the game which was the main objective when your starting QB cannot play. That and getting Maalik as many different looks and things as we could. Unfortunately next Saturday we are on the fast track. I do hope down the line Sark relinquishes a lot of the OC stuff to an up and coming OC…but I don’t think that happens. Our talent level is not going to allow us/that and this group’s perseverance won’t let us lose many games. It’s the in game situational stuff that may continue to take hits if he stays heavily involved in the offense. I don’t want to go coach shopping again. Sark has many things I like. He’s doing a lot of things right. But this is one thing down the road that has to be addressed. 🤘🏼 Hook’em! We won. We didn’t drop a game. Players went out and balled. Maalik got some experience. Sark got to see where he’s at in game play. You never know until they get out there. Just worried about injuries and the RZ. We aren’t scary if we can’t punch it in and don’t take the points. But I am proud of the team, Sark and the win yesterday. Take the points lol!
  7. Thank you. I feel like we have the same discussion every year. The analytics say to.always go for it inside 5. Especially when you are winning and want to limit the opponent's quality possessions.
  8. The INT obviously and fumble were on him regardless of blocking. That hit shouldn't produce a fumble. But it's unfair to say he was terrible, at the same time his QBR and Passer Rating were 30 points lower than Quinns average. He's got a long way to go to be the reason we win games and he likely won't do that at Texas next year. His best throw was the Sanders catch in the 2nd half but other than that he wasn't asked to do a lot and had plenty of below average throws. His slants and check downs were good though and it helped move the chains at times. The RZ issues were in part due to Sarks distrust in him after the early gaffes. He did have some bad luck on the Whittington missed block and Brooks OB Touchdown. Any grade higher or lower than a B is wrong and we're gonna need more out of him next week.
  9. Yes, we are bad at it. That's the point. We were up 15 and the football board was shitting its intestines out because Sark risked going up 18 for going up 22 and getting more "let's get this shit right" snaps. Why? Because those people were convinced that BYU was a legitimate threat to score 15 points unanswered. Those people needed to pull their heads out of their asses. "WELL IF WE WERE PLAYING WASHINGTON..." We weren't. "WELL IF THIS WAS THE ALABAMA GAME..." It wasn't. It was a BYU team that had given up before halftime. That had probably given up before the game even started. BYU was not going to score two touchdowns with an XP and a 2pt conversion unanswered. That was not happening. You could go ask the giant Polynesian head coach at BYU if that was happening and he'd tell you it wasn't. BYU wins this year by getting a lot of turnovers. So you limit turnover-producing risks and just beat them up, which is exactly what we were doing. And, in the bargain, we get to practice our goalline stuff. Which we need to do because we're not good at it, and which we could do in those moments because it was low/zero-risk.
  10. Because I have PTSD from the previous 13 years, part of me is looking at this like it's house money. We're bowl eligible and every win from here on out just means a better bowl. I mean, we know for sure that our team is going to get those desperately needed extra bowl practices. Hallelujah! The other part of me will be really pissed if we don't win the conference and play for the national title.
  11. The OU and BYU games aren’t even comparable. In one, you have your starting QB and a better opponent. In the other, it’s an inferior opponent and you have a QB in his first-ever collegiate start. First, you have to win the game to keep all of your goals on the table. I maybe understand going for it the first time. But you need that damn FG to make it a 3-score game. I also think he’s become WAY to reliant on Savion Red/Wildcat. Running it four times in a row is dumb AF. Kick the FG the second time. Or here’s a thought, put #24 back out there. At any rate, I like Sark. I want him to do well. He’s recruiting like a motherfucker. If he could clean up his in-game coaching, I think we’ve got something we can win some hardware with.
  12. Would love to know what some of you dumb fucks though MM was going to do today. It's the guys first start. He's a backup for a reason. He got it done and we won by damn near 30 points. Did you think he was about to fill in for 2-3 weeks and win a heisman? god damn
  13. It's not often that you watch a full game frustrated as hell, and then look at the scoreboard and you've won by 29 points. A ton of ugly spots, and a lot that needs to be worked on. But we're in a pretty good place if we can look at a win by almost 30 and not feel fucking fantastic about it Happy with how Maalik looked. took a few mph off of the short passes which needed to be done. A few beauts. The turnovers weren't pretty. I'd put a lot of the int on the miscommunication/early snap + pressure. And the fumble wouldn't have happened if Brooks/RG didn't fuck each other up and that dude was blocked. Red zone/goal line is the biggest thing that needs to be fixed. Bit our ass against OU. clearly wasn't going to be a difference maker in this game, but can't have 1st & G inside the 5 and come up empty once a game, let alone twice. Eventually, those points are going to lose us a game. Either figure out how to pump it into the endzone or take the three. I do wonder if they were being careful with Maalik and doing whatever possible to avoid injury because if there's a QB out there that I think could get across the line inside the 2, he is the prototype. 29 point win. Good stuff. Am i fully confident about KSU next week? fuck no. Do I think that we have more talent and should win that game. Fuck yes. Still control our destiny from what I can tell. Take care of business. win out, win the big 12 and I think we're in. If they leave us out then we can come back here in a few months and bitch and whine about how the committee fucked us and chose ____ instead.
  14. Sark was using this a live red zone practice. BYU had absolutely no chance of winning this game. He, the coaches, and the players knew this. I have no problem going for TDs. I do have a problem that we suck at in the red zone.
  15. Game context didn't matter last week. we are up 21-7 right after Houston drove down the field for a TD. It is getting close to halftime where you aren't getting the ball after half. He runs a stupid shit fake and Houston ends up almost beating us. kick the FG, stop the illusion that is momentum(thanks Tom Herman), and at least get a score before half. Sark isn't thinking about game context. He's an OC. he always thinks he can call the winning play and hates kicking FG's. You kick the FG and go up 3 scores in the 4th. He's 7-1 and beat Bama but it is shit like that that cause you to lose games you shouldn't.
  16. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call for the field-goal in Texas’ 2nd Drive of the second half. They had gone three and out in their first drive of The second half. BYU followed that by with a 68 yard drive settling for a field goal. Going up by 18 changes the complexion of the game. BYU was never able to exploit the 10 yard cushion our corners were giving them. However, we had seen that too many times in the past, so there was a chance. PTSD As much as we want to see our goal line offense practiced, we also should have our coaches practice what they would do in real games. Take the three possession lead, and let the defense unload on them. That said, happy for the win.
  17. A win is a win! I’ll take them any way we can get them all year long. I miss Quinn, and I think k-state is going to stack the box and hope Malik throws a few wtf passes. I’m confident sark can design a game plan for Malik to be successful. Onwards and upwards.
  18. Good win. I'm not sure how we fix our redzone issues at this point. Especially with a backup QB we don't trust to throw into tight windows. But after being embarrassed in back to back games the Defense showed up. Imagine how dominating a performance that would have been if this shit conference actually called holding. Next week is another story though. KSU playing like a top 10 team right now. Going to absolutely have to bring our A game to win. Should be fun.
  19. Well i go back way further than that. Its a win but we left so much on the table.
  20. They have 6 points. I'd rather Sark challenge his guys multiple times to score the fucking football from the 1 yard line because we're going to need to in a game that matters. BYU isn't winning this game in a million years. Oh hey look - pick, red zone TD, game over, 7-1 - potentially top 5 in the AP. Let's fire Sark he's a drunk retard! It seems like a lot of you have forgotten what having a good team is like. Sark isn't desperate to win every week - he's trying to build something bigger here and get to where we can contend for a national title. Kicking field goals from the 1 yard line because you're worried some dogshit BYU team is going to score 15 unanswered on us at home after they've been getting their ass-kicked all game is the opposite of what we need.
  21. I'm with those who think he's playing a much better game this year. But everyone keeps saying Sark runs a progression-read offense, I rarely see Quinn going through progressions. It seems like he already has it figured out who he is going to throw the ball to when he gets to the line. He certainly doesn't look off a defender, or throw open a receiver, plays I see a lot of other top-tier QB's routinely make. That has been the most frustrating thing for me to see, even though we are winning.
  22. Some perspective from a BYU fan on this game and our team’s strange 5-2 start. Someone recently said that BYU’s offense makes the difficult look easy and the easy look difficult. We have explosive plays, we’ve utilized successfully trick plays, and can take momentum quickly. However, we go 3 and out ALL THE TIME. Our RBs can’t consistently get 4+ yards, our short passing game leaves lots to be desired, and we’re constantly in 3rd and long situations. We right now average 100 less YPG than our opponents. So how the hell do we win games? Turnovers, and net field position. Our defense is opportunistic. Our corners are ball hawks, we’ve had success forcing fumbles, and our special teams is a huge advantage - mainly our punter. We don’t do any 1 thing particularly well. Run defense struggles at times, pass defense can too - see our game against Hoover and TCU. Thankfully, we’ve tightened up some in the red zone compared to last year. I don’t think we stand a chance outside of you guys playing an ugly game with us. We need to force turnovers, we need a punting duel that favors ours, we need you to not explode offensively while our offense finds its footing after 2+ consecutive 3 and outs. Can it happen? Sure. But I don’t think it’s likely unless Murphy is telegramming his throws to our defense. My heart says BYU 24-20, but my head says Texas 31-14. On a seperate note, I fly in today and want some food recommendations. Ideally some good Mexican and good BBQ would be appreciated!
  23. Someone said Elliot got 4 yellow cards and Hunt got 1. Neither ended up with a red card (which is an automatic point for the opposing team, and would not have helped Baylor much in sets 3 and 4), but Elliot was letting the refs have it the whole game. Especially with that carry call. Elliot has not been friendly with the refs this season. He's been on their asses a lot of the season. Overall, it was a weird match. Sets 1, 3 and 4 saw no ties or lead changes. Baylor led the entire first set and Texas led the entire 3rd and 4th sets. The 5th set only had 2 ties and 1 lead change Don't often see the winning team +27 in set scores and needing to go 5. But that's what happened when our 3 winning sets were +14, +14, +5 and we lost -4 and -2 Our middles had 10 kills and our setter had 8 herself. Swindle had more kills than our MB1 Scariest moment by far was Emma taking a knee/thigh to the head on that short serve. They let her adjust her ponytail and she kept going, so hopefully it was nothing serious. Baylor hit .138 last night. Considering how we rough up opponent's hitting % on night two, good luck to them tonight!
  24. They are trying to affect the field side safety circled below. It's an RPO. If he comes up then Ewers pulls and throws it behind him. This is a staple play in Sark's offense. Ewers is looking to see if the guy is biting on the play fake. He is starting to so Ewers is about to pull it. A couple things go awry. 1st, the DT that is shaded to the A-gap between Campbell and the Center slants right into that gap. The center, who is a freshman, blocks no one and fires right past him. Campbell does what he can but no way you can reach a guy who was shaded inside of you and is firing away from you. Quinn and Sark have what they want. Their X receiver one on one vs a db. However, Mitchell runs another shitty ass route here and creates zero separation. Quinn, having already thrown one pick just like this, decides to pull it down and look at the backside route that Worthy(who runs great routes) has won. However, we failed to block the DT and when Quinn turns he is sacked. This was a money play call by Sark. He got the look he wanted but because two people failed to execute on the play we ended up with a negative. If one of the two guys does his job this play works and we win the RRS. Just an example of how a coach can call an excellent play but look like an idiot when it fails due to faulty execution. I see this far too much with AD. Lazy route running. Lazy blocking in the run or screen game. He needs to do better. If you watch the play again watch Worthy. Guy is pressing him but with inside leverage. Worthy, with a couple moves, immediately wins getting an inside release, solid route stem, and wins on the break.
  25. I guess there's simply nothing we can do about these slow starts that plague us. As long as we keep winning, I guess there's nothing to fix? I keep saying its going to bite us eventually, but it hasn't yet. Suppose I'm the idiot
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