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  1. FYI - when a woman hears a man use the word “beta” we automatically know - -small dick -intimidated by other men -low IQ -anger issues -small dick -low self esteem -asshole personality -small dick
  2. I can honestly say that I've never heard beta used as a pejorative before 4 years ago. And I went to a school full of dudes lacking traditional masculine qualities, who tended to overcompensate and lash out at those of certain persuasions. And then you remember who these guys hold up as the ultimate alpha--a litigious, all bark, no bite billionaire who sends out tweets with 4th grade playground insults--and it's truly one of the weirdest phenomenons of recent years.
  3. No alpha ever called anyone a beta.
  4. Triggering betas on a thread about the relative competence of the White House press secretary. thank you for your service, sir.
  5. Is there any greater tell than someone accusing someone else of being a beta? Someone they don’t know and havent ever met? It just screams of an insecurity bubbling right beneath the surface. Because you know what never crosses my fucking mind? That I’m just not enough of a man. It just doesn’t even occur to me to slur someone that way because it’s so far from my concerns. Pussy? Bitch? Coward? Sure. Obvious insults I use regularly. But beta is so new and specific it reeks of projection.
  6. Imagine being an adult male frequently using the word "beta" and thinking that it says more about the intended target than it does about you.
  7. Triggering Betas with facts and science is fun.
  8. This is like Biden Beta kryptonite. Desperately waiting for CR talking points.
  9. One kind of meta development -- that "Jason Collier is Innocent!" mock-salute page drew in so many weirdo incels angrily defending the Pastor Popo of Poundtown as an alpha who is entitled to all the poontang he can get, and all these people mocking him with memes and shit were beta cucks and so on. So the admin has gone deeper into troll mode by changing the name of the group to Thirsty Submissive Women Looking For Their Daddy Dom. Also I have it on good authority that tales of Collier's deeds and downfall at the hands of los Pinche Rangers have reached San Antonio and the Valley and that his praises will soon be sung in authentic corridos.
  10. Here is a not too off the tracks theory. I think it is at least the second most plausible theory after Kellyanne did it by accident just like the time Ted Cruz accidentally tweeted cuck porn. Claudia was pissed at her mom's lockdown and posted the pictures from her mom's phone and twitter account to get her mom arrested. In the tic-tok video Claudia says her mom needs to go to jail. I think it could be the teen rebellion taken to 11. It would be quicker than going through emancipation. * Yes I know Ted Cruz "liked" a sex toy tweet but you know he's a fan.
  11. Foosters


    Pretty weird that Tom is so concerned about masculinity but decides to slink away like a little coward. Behavior of a beta cuck, no?
  12. "If you don't do something, you're not gonna have a country anymore," said the President, addressing alleged election fraud and the collapse of democracy itself to tens of thousands of angry supporters at a professionally financed and organized "Stop the Steal" rally, on a date that MAGAnon/QTwitter insisted was the reckoning day. If not to subvert democracy itself, what was the point of the rally? But it is hilarious that Trump said he was going to march to the capital with them, knowing this was 100% a lie, and then bailed to watch it at home on his TV. And maybe .01% of his supporters even got mad about that. Just utter cucks.
  13. Exactly! These fucking libtard cucks owe us some goddamn unity! I don't give a fuck how they feel about it. Fuck their feelings! What about our feelings? Now get your snowflake asses out there and do some shit that is vastly unpopular to show you're reaching out to us. You fucking Satanist child killers! It's time for healing, you Communist fucks!
  14. In places where you have to declare to vote in primaries fewer than 1 in 3 eligible voters are republicans. Recent polls show it’s more like 1 in 4. The more the establishment embraces the extremists the more irrelevant the party will become also a personality cult needs a personality. Trump is now a cuck as far as the wackadoos are concerned
  15. End of show. I think the best news announced was App is already in beta and launching in Feb in 40 countries, with expanded Worst news was that Humbl Financial won't be available in the US. Missing news was an update about the name change, but according to the timeline it's still on track in Q1 and I would think they would get it done before the app launch with all the branding going into Humbl I need to find and read that shareholder letter
  16. Just announced they'll be launched in 40 countries in February. That 's great and big news. Already beta testing!
  17. Why’s it terrible? Dudes a Max player and has maybe gotten to round 2 once? And that’s with a 7 foot DPOY center, decent to good starting point guards. I’m not the biggest Mitchell fan. Seems like a volume scorer. He can score 39 any night but it may take 31 shots. He doesn’t strike any fear when it comes to the playoffs. His response was what I’d expect out of a beta But then again he could become one of the best players in the league after this
  18. I am interested in watching Rusty get fucked up by Beta.
  19. I don't think your question is dumb, but I just want to emphasize what I've bolded. This is what terrifies me the most, as someone dissatisfied and disillusioned by both of the major (and therefore de facto only) parties. We've just dodged (or more truthfully, been grazed by) a major bullet. This is not the time to press advantages, it's the time to quash existential threats to our nation and the rule of law. This is an inflection point. It's time for both parties to slam the door on the road to totalitarianism, because it doesn't care if it takes the left lane or the right. D's have talked a good game that I hope they will live up to. R's have been feckless cucks up until 1/6, which has given me some glimmer of hope. But it's a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.
  20. HEB just said "do it. I dare you". They just cucked your idiotic ideas and made you sit in the corner and watch while they fucked it in the ass. Or something like that
  21. hahah this fucking beta cuck bitch is taking his ball and going home. a no-show at the swearing in of his successor. what a bitchmade cunt. that's your boy, @Johnny Sack!
  22. Last night a few of them were watching livecams of the White House and wondering why the fucking hell were most of the lights out at one AM? It wasn't like this was anything unusual. It was just that some of them are getting so desperate they have just noticed that there is a livecam of the White House and now they are monitoring it continuously, around the clock, waiting for some sign of the Storm. Some of the Old Heads had to talk them down. There are some cagey vets on there saying it was SOP for most of the lights to go out in the wee hours. They knew, because they'd been fooled before. They'd stared at livecams of the White House for days on end themselves. And yet still they all held out hope that the Storm was coming. Because their Flight Aware skillz put the Urban Meyer fanatics on here to shame. A fucking hang glider can't take off within 50 miles of an AFB that they aren't convinced is a certain harbinger of the imminent arrest of hundreds of thousands of Democrats, RINOs, and celebrities and the liberation of millions of child sex slaves. Hang on a sec; let's see what's up there tonight: Okay, something about the Tenth Amendment meaning an A-10 Warthog is going to play a key role in the Storm A complete post, referring to the little terrorist who swiped Pelosi's laptop: "Riley June Williams. You’ll never guess how many letters" The following Big Brain gibberish at the bottom of a longcat of pics of the people below: "Oh boy, as if we didn’t have bonkers hype already, the 3 year deltas on January 18th are next level. I’ll start with post 541-“Why is the D party MAKING EVERY EFFORT TO BLOCK THE RELEASE OF THIS FISA C-INFO? [8] FIRED. [X] JAILED. Possible SUICIDES. ++ / + TICK TOCK.“ What Q is alluding to are the Rothschilds and Soros empires are now in free fall. Everything we’ve seen the past few days has been a direct attack against the players highlighted in the posts below. Remember, Baron Rothschild who partnered with the Bank of China was tied to Angela Chao & Hunter Biden. No coincidence ++ their puppets are being stripped of power (think Chao, McConnell, Biden next). This is why Maurice Strong is pictured with the fledgling Chinese Communist Party, the CCP is a Rothschild/Deep State front being used to topple the United States & usher in their one world totalitarian order after the successful beta test in China. The Rothschilds own or pull the strings on the Vatican’s 1832 loan to the Holy See, Soros through their investment in Quantum, Obama thru Bin Talal/SA/Gates, the British Crown through the Queen’s chief advisor Evelyn Rothschild, HRC/JE/GM through Evelyn’s wife Lynn Forester (Ghislane’s sister owned the software used by the FBI investigations DB), the CCP & McConnell through the now deceased Baron Ben Rothschild and Nancy Pelosi through the Getty family’s foundations with Baron Jacob Rothschild who sits on the board of Genie Energy with Rupert Murdoch & Michael Steinhardt of the Mega Group (founded by Wexner, Bronfman, Steinhardt & Spielberg.) Somebody posted this to rally the troops for tomorrow: And there's this Tweet: And finally, there's tomorrow's Turner Classic Movies schedule:
  23. I think this week gonna be SPICY for Humbl . If they're referring people to the app in public advertisements it may be live or already beta in Mexico. It's not in US Google Play yet.
  24. Wrt pardon talk, keep in mind that reporting this week that said Trump is not interested in giving out pardons unless he gets his first. He has been strongly advised not to do that because that would assuredly force the DOJ under Garland to charge him with a federal crime as a means of testing the legality of a presidential self pardon in the courts. Also, it would ratchet up pressure on states to go after him as well. He's probably not going to do that so I think Frisco Jenna is kinda fucked. Unless, of course, he resigns on Monday and gets Pence to pardon him, in which case Pence would be the biggest cuck ever.
  25. Seems like it has to be. We already cucked the fuck out of Ash. Can’t be him.
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