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  1. Im trying to figure out how a trump supporter was inside the capital in the line of fire since antifa was the group that broke into the capital. I don’t expect you to explain. Enough arrests have happened by now that’s you just have to disbelieve your lying eyes a little bit harder. Ttom, I remember our conversations from the old days, and how you were fixated on gay marriage as somehow being a problem for all of society. And then I remember you latching onto that guy who claimed being gay was a choice who was teaching at UT for awhile. Then I come here tonight and see all this nonsense about betas and effeminate people. It makes me wonder, would you maybe be able to solve a bunch of your own mental anguish if you found a counselor and started working through your concerns about your sexuality? I promise it’s ok once you get through it. I had to struggle to get to a comfortable place with my sexuality too. I think talking to a counselor would be good for you in any case. It s sad to see you this way.
  2. I think a Roomba with an electric mixer could probably have beaten Aegis, so it's hard for me to get a read on Fusion. I'm not yet convinced that it's any good, personally. The Hydra/Huge matchup was really disappointing. I get the "letter of the law" argument, and I give full credit to Farmer Rankin for figuring out how to neutralize Huge, but I think the judges could have just as easily applied the scoring criteria in a way to give Huge the victory. At the start of the season, they were all about how there's now 5 points available for damage, and yet the judges have had two really bad decisions (Hydra/Huge and Beta/Rotator) where the "winning" team didn't even use their primary weapon. It was delightful to see Ghost Raptor get mutilated. Conspicuously absent post-fight interview with his tittybaby driver, too. The Jackpot team is really growing on me. And fuck all this Discovery+ bullshit. I'm not paying $5 a month to see the exclusive matches, but Discovery can take their half-screen splash ads that obscure the "free" matches and shove them up their ass.
  3. The Texas GOP, having been suckered into being led around by a NYC businessman and a Canadian transplant, letting a Florida transplant born in Georgia rally them as party leader Cucks. Apparently there’s no native Texan Republicans they can follow.
  4. I'm completely dumbfounded there isn't more of a sense of urgency here. Pelosi is having conversations with Milley about ignoring orders from Trump (or God knows what else), but she is still asking Trump to resign/Pence to invoke the 25th - (maybe ask pretty please with a cherry on top!?) - or we'll bring articles of impeachment next week. What in the actual F!? There is no valid reason I can fathom for waiting any longer! I mean sure, our democracy might hang in the balance here, but it's even politically smart as well by making the spinless GOP cucks in the Senate go on the record here.
  5. I started rewatching the series tonight. Tobias as the OG Beta Soy Boy is pure greatness.
  6. He is a disgrace and traitor (and a cuck). He does not deserve to be associated with the great state of Texas.
  7. I agree. Holy fuck was Pence pissed yesterday. Donald Trump put his life in danger - it's one thing to embarrass him, cuck him, spit on him, tie him up and use his asshole, but Trump unleashed an angry mob on the building he was in.
  8. Gatorubet


    My dead military family members can beat up your dead military family members. And they had better genes, ‘cause I’m slightly saner than you. Oh look! They are counting the electoral votes for Biden. So.... when your team finally gets beat by the Democrat beta cucks on 1/7/21, what does that say about your side? Seems like your family at Arlington would think you are - yaknow - a limp wristed beta. Just asking questions.
  9. Fucking GOP cucks need to shut up about resigning and turn this fat bitch president into Julius Caesar.
  10. Good damn right I’m mad. Watching limp wristed betas shit on the graves of all my family who died fighting for this country along with everyone else buried in Arlington National Cemetery along with the very central tenant of the Democratic process has got me furious.. Which is why I posted here at 3:30 DC time y’all are in for a reckoning. The fact that you are not pisssd says everything anyone needs to know about you Hint. This isn’t over You started violence and normalized it. We’ll finish it
  11. Not lonely at all, dipshit. You all out of minorities to fight your battles for you? This is what majority law looks like Know your place, beta boy
  12. Precisely..... Who was really colluding with Russia? Who “suppressed votes?” Who took bribes from foreign actors? Who corrupted the FISA court? Who is now desperately trying to attach Pence to Child tape? Who gets us into wars and who gets us out? Who lifts minorities out of poverty and who keeps them ghetto-Ed for political advantage? Believing that the minorities (expect Asians) NEED white lib handouts cuz there’s no way they can compete without another “program?” Who actually can point at solutions to a really bad flu without demolishing our middle class and small businesses man? Who is actually serving the “top 1%?” Who censors I informational and interferes with elections. You’re God Damed right “for every accusation” Twice. You are a solid human who I admire and have for a while....but if you spent one minute trying to concoct some impeachable narrative that the country had to suffer for 3 years , groundless and abuse of “power”. And then were completely cool with Chinese completely marginalizing Biden family to the point where Joe couldn’t even be granted clearance of any level into any secure location, let alone Swallwell. If you as an attorney watched what they did to Mike Flynn and are cool with that. But Rudy and Sidney Powell “have no evidence”. Then this is more corrosive than I thought because you are at your core a good person, but this thing has even gotten to you. Maybe care less about your popularity here and more about truth. Enjoy freedom being taken back for the next few weeks. I hear Pelosi is barricaded in her “chambers” looking for the police that she wanted defunded to come help. Too late, bitch. Check mate! Good job on having HR1 having nothing to do with vaccine distribution or economic relief, but removing gender-centric dialogue removed from the Congressional record. To include “Anen!” This is the team you’ve hitched your wagon to. Won’t matter soon as a “correction” is now underway and we will laugh at how important all of this was to the Beta males yesterday
  13. Yer Goddamn right I am There’s foundational shit in men’s lives that are worth dying for. This is one of them. You’d need a Y chromosome to understand. You went too far by destroying everyone of our promulgated Human and Natural Rights ( not to mention pussies like you who lie at the drop of a hat to further your abjectly unAmerican). Then you went after the very franchise foundational to the most sophisticated and successful form government in the history of the world.....mocked those who were shocked that people exist who are cool with the most brazen attack on our homeland that had ever occurred. You are now learning what a motivated majority does when their representative government stops being effective and is replaced with another one that doesn’t suffer Nancy Pelosi, foreign influence on our ejections and all of our policy, destruction religious liberty and normalization of child rape and institutional censorship of more than half your citizens. This will end horribly for you and you need to be pissing down your effeminate, pussy legs. I warned you for over 10 years that today would come, as organically as the need for sustenance during famine would. The absolute lowest IQ dork fucks here we’re the reason Donald Trump as chief executive became not only possible, but necessary. Good thing for you, Wildcat. You and your tinker bell brethren weren’t the only ones “keeping lists” This is larger than you can possibly manage and we will absolutely run your bitch ass over to raise our children safely with our property and freedom and human rights in tact Remember forever where you stood when it was time to be counted and heart check. Tell your pussy ass brood if your treasonous cowardice and hope that some mercy comes to you for what many have been hung for My God how did my University allow such abject morons to matriculate through what had been a rather rigorous ciriculum. Y’all are just fucking stupid for causing this and circle jerking yourselves into believing that you will ever be taken seriously again. Assholes like “Huckleberry” AMD Wildcat and the resident paramours of constitutional law are not only ignorant of it, but offer the absolute most moronic understanding of 1. What’s in it 2. Why it’s in it 3. The absolute remedy or cure for those who breach its precepts. Enjoy your reckoning Wildcat. Unlike your pussy, cowardly beta male SOP. I won’t concoct some story of you threatening other poster’s lives, even though what you’ve done here is MUCH closer to that than me expressing that any BLM protests in my front yard (hypothetical) wound be removed from Texas by the Texas Rangers and Sherifs departments who endorse the law LONG before I (hypothetically) escorted these hypothetical “mostly peacefuls” from the state. And your giant vagina reported that as death threats, while here you are naming me by name and calling for violence against me. I’m sure you won’t receive any sort of reprimand and I don’t want you to. I just want you to show up and attempt Amy sort of violence against me or my loved ones as you watch your brethren beta males get run through as the men in the room take back our country. Remember who you stood with as this declassification begins. You were warned and vis free will stood with treason, corruption, violence, insurrection and pedophiles Fuck you
  14. Q1 catalysts are: - Ticker Change is probably a smallish movement (probably will be the soonest, they've done it with Delaware SOS already, so it's just FINRA left now) - Conference Call on 1/22 (Remembering what happened last time could be nice, but people are wary now... if you want to watch https://www.humblpay.com/investors/investor-call) - The big kahuna is the App release, and there is hope that they will announce more on that. I signed up for the Beta testing but they haven't released that yet. It might point to the direction that is going if it comes out sooner than the call. Otherwise I wont be expecting it I'm treating TSNP like I did ALPP, accumulating if it dips low enough, not selling.
  15. Law and Order and Democracy. Fucking Republican cucks and domestic terrorist party.
  16. Lol, they are a bunch of cucks. They will do nothing and will never turn on dear leader. It'll be some excuse. "He did everything he needed to do. I heard he ordered the arrests of all the democrats but the deep state in doj refused and the military is planning to take control. When? In two weeks. Guaranteed."
  17. Hahhahahahhahaha, he is a cuck but he likely got death threats after Trump started screaming about Georgia in particular being rigged. I have a little bit of respect for him going on CNN and saying this.
  18. MD friend told me she would only eat fast food if it was made with butter and not the usual veggie, canola, or other seed oils. We're talking about real butter from the utter. Not the fake stuff. She claims these other oils are highly processed, provide little nutritional value, and are incredibly bad for you. She had me stunned. So I put down my banjo and I asked well what's wrong with my regular cooking oils and my tub of I Cannot Believe It's Not Butter? Well it's simple really. Cooking oils and butter contain saturated fats, Omega 6 Linoleic, Omega 3 Alpha Linolenic Acid, and Omega 9 Oleic Acid. All these are burned for calories by our body or are stored as body fat but we want to focus on the one that is found in so many foods we eat today. Optimally we want to have a balance of Omega 6 and Omega 3 FAs but over the last 150 the Western diet has morphed into one where Omega 6s account for over 20% of the average American's caloric intake. Omega 6 Linoleic Acids. Seed oils are highly rich in Omega 6 Linoleic Acid - not to be confused with omega 3 fatty acids found in your fish oil supplements. Scientists have found consuming excess of amounts of Omega 6 (<10% of daily calories), like eating P Terry's french fries fried with canola oil, leads to a cycle within our cells called Catastrophic Lipid Peroxidation Cascades. Most importantly, this cycle involves mitochondrial dysfunction (Energy Dysregulation & failure) and the creation of Lipid Hydroperoxides. If you remember the color of your HS biology teacher's underwear (baby blue), you'll know that Mitochondria are the power house of the cell. Under normal function your mitochondria will 'burn' fats through a process called FA Beta-Oxidation or carbohydrates through Glycolysis to produce energy. HOWEVER, when your cells experience Catastrophic Lipid Peroxidation Cascades from excess Omega 6 your body is no longer able to 'burn' fats. And there's only one place for these fats to go... Pretty obvious right? You eat fast food and you get fat. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. Curling 40 lbs of fat just to pull out your dick is pretty terrible but it can get much worse than that. Remember Lipid Hydroperoxide (LOOH)? Well this breaks down into some highly toxic aldehydes... 4-HNE, MDA, OxLams, Acrolein, and Carboxyethyl pyrrole. Collectively here's what these do: Cytotoxic - kills cells (like chemo, snake venom) Mutagenic - Alters DNA (leads to degenerative diseases; Alzheimers, Macular Degeneration, Parkinson's, etc) Genotoxic - DNA destruction (cancer) Carcinogenic - Causes cancer Atherogenic - plaque build up in arteries (atherosclerosis, heart disease, heart attacks) Thrombogenic - inducing clots (Strokes, heart attacks) Obesogenic - immense weight gain Sounds a lot like all the high risk conditions for high covid mortality. You should have stuck with butter. If you're curious about the history of Omega 6 FAs in western diets over the last 150 years and how this correlates with Diseases of Civilization, or if you want to a run down of the science behind this, I can recommend no one other than Dr. Chris Knobbe. Here's a recent presentation loaded with everything you need to know. Good, bad, ugly of oils (in no particular order) God tier: BUTTER Good Oils(>3% Omega 6): Coconut oil MCTs Other Oils(~10% Omega 6): Avocado oil (great for high temp cooking) Lard (classic) Olive Oil (Mussolini special) Flaxseed oil (high in Omega 3s but still contains a shit ton of Omega 6s) Death oils(<10% Omega 6) THROW THESE AWAY: Cottonseed oil [death] Peanut Oil Palm Oil Sunflower Oil [death] Safflower Oil Rapeseed Oil (a Waco, Tx favorite) Corn Oil [death brought to you by Nebraska] Soy Oil [death and pussification] Canola Oil [death] Vegetable Oil [death] FAKE BUTTER [death] Margarine [death] Shortening [death] There's also a lot of research behind Omega 3 and Omega 6 ratios. Studies suggest a 1:1 ratio is ideal for health and longevity. However, Omega 6 is consumed in excess by 2-5x of Omega 3s in the US. So stop eating fast food. Avoid salad dressing. Watch your sauces. Read the ingredients label.
  19. I dunno, it would have looked less obvious if called the Dean of "Electoral College" and asked him to find 38 votes in the Quad to put him at 270. But I guess the play is you have to focus on one state to cast doubt on the other close states. Georgia makes the most sense since it was reliably red for awhile, and because all eyes are on it anyway with the two runoff elections. I would have thought Arizona would have made for a battleground as well, but ah well. They can't go back to Pennsylvania after how bad they fucked up everything from shaking down the state legislature to using the beta version of MapQuest to get to the Four Seasons. I know his team is dumb, but they're not that dumb. This whole thing would have played better (not sane or normal, but less crazy and desperate) if they also torched a state that Trump carried just to show they were thorough and not biased, sore losers. Like Florida. Still announce he's won it, but they did uncover a few thousand fraudulent votes and they just want to make sure it's all on the up-and-up. While the gambit does provide a wedge into other states, it also carries with it a tremendous risk of unintended consequence. Should 1 or both GOP Senators win-relection, Trump's team claim its proof that Georgia would remain Red. When it actually reinforces something we have all been talking on here about for months, it means that bunch of people came out in November specifically to vote against Trump because they don't like him, and then reverted back to their typical red-leaning votes...like millions of other Americans did---myself included. In the end, Perdue and/or Kelly winning doesn't change the Electoral College voters from Georgia...it'll give him something to whine about but it'll also drive home the point that a lot of Republicans or typical non-voters/independents just don't like you, Mr. President. I don't think his team has thought through how he's gonna handle that.
  20. Absolutely nothing will change aside from his address. Nothing. Even if he doesn't run in '24 he can still say he's going to run, and keep vacuuming up money from every cuck ass sucker in this dumb ass country. Then pass the baton to his kids so they can continue the grift and show him numbers on an ipad or whatever fucking device until the moment he dies.
  21. No that your coach who is the cuck aggy Bob...
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