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  1. And most were such condescending pricks when you would question anything. Such beta cucks using anonymous info from Twitter and posters claiming inside knowledge.
  2. Okay, now I that I've had about 10 minutes to digest the Sark after Dark rumors, because that's all they are at this point and fuck that shit, I am firmly back on the "it's Urban until someone else is announced by the University" platform. Fisterman and all cucks in here that can't cut even day crew levels of energy, GTFO and find another thread to circle jerk one another over being "right" and your proclaimed successor Sark. The group of believers in this trust tree of delusionals may have lost some members today, but we're not climbing down until the fat lady sings.
  3. Kyle


    This is at the top of the list of stuff that doesn't make sense ... not like they're the Snells growing a bunch of poppies ... I mean really think some hand is going to run to the sheriff and say "I saw Rip being mean to people" and take down the ranch? In other news, this show has to trigger Betas so hard I cannot believe it's survived this long.
  4. Interesting even if Stewart Mandel is a Beta Cuck
  5. Pain Train was such a disaster that I couldn't tell if it was simply malfunctioning, or if the driver had never driven it (or anything else) before. I can see both sides in how Shatter vs. Malice played out. In my view, it's one of those rare fights that regardless of the outcome, the loser is going to have a really valid objection. Beta over Rotator was a robbery.
  6. Yup IT wants to monopolize this shit. They want to cuck 247(already have with Burton IMO) and OB (let that jiggly fuck have to resign for health reasons). They want to be first on the search and hiring and they want to get in good with the new regime. It’s an absolute genius plan if they can pull it off
  7. He needs a good #2 beta type player that succeeds under an alpha dog. A Ginoboli, Kevin Love, or Kevin Durant type.
  8. I posted this earlier, but didn't call out how great of a video it is. If you like laughing at aggys fucking sheep, lucci being the provider of lube to fuck said sheep, and the fact that ol' Jimbo is a cuck, you should watch this video https://captiongenerator.com/2083802/Hitler-finds-out-Texas-AM-Left-Out-of-Playoffs
  9. Yeah I'm working with them in the beta program the more feedback we can give the better. I would like to see a dark theme. Next to the quote option you have the rep option but it doesn't correctly display the "Hook 'em" so it looks weird but if you tap it you have all rep options instead of tapatalk default of like. I'm working with them why the activity feed doesn't work properly. The biggest advantage so far I can tell with the app is the push notifications for your notifications. You also can select push for only DMs and stuff like that.
  10. I hear ya CW, I really do. Thought about that one, along with a few others, and I considered the very points you're making. After having bought the first year that Ford went to the 6.0 Powerstroke and having endured that money pit of a mistake for years because "I just love my black truck!", I am sensitive to the whole "Beta tester" point you've so delicately made here. Couple of things brought me back to the Nox. First, and to your "beta" objection, the Nox has the same guts (internal components) as their Halo series stuff, which are very well vetted and highly regarded. Still a roll of the dice to some extent, but I've been told by several retailers (who have other things to sell, and some more expensive) that NVision is as good as they come when it comes to backing up their products. In fact, the pic below is the seller's personal Halo that he dropped on the concrete floor of his garage. He sent it back into NVision and they replace it no questions asked. Now, he does sell a lot of their procucts and I don't, so... Second, I don't believe the Hogster has a model that can be swapped off a helmet onto a weapon in just a few seconds. That was a big selling point for me. Third, I guess, is I'm just stupid this way.
  11. IF the system is going to remain the same then you need to play to that system. I posted in another thread, but once the SEC had to play itself this year instead of having 8 conference games and 3 cupcakes, 2 of which usually being FCS, they looked pretty normal, which is to say, top heavy. Top heavy is how you get into the playoff. Getting into the playoff is how you get the press. The press is how your brand is built. @camel at sea and @bullet and several others have been saying it for years, mimic the SEC and your numbers will improve. Its true. The problem for the Big 12 is you can't both make your numbers improve AND increase your TV revenues. You kind of need to do the ACC thing where you give up the now for the future. You've got two massive brands, which is enough. The Big Ten is basically OSU/Michigan. The SEC is basically Alabama/Georgia. You've got the base. If you just add massive brands, as alluded too above, you may have more TV money initially, but you'll also have the big guys taking more loses. Prestige worldwide works way better as a post season than a regular season. There has to be 50-70% of the conference that takes its lumps and is paid to do so. To make the jump like the SEC, you need the next group to step up, with 3-4 teams who can compete nationally, but not always be world beaters. If they can remain consistent, for 10-15+ years, you'll start to flesh out a different narrative. Florida wasn't really a thing until the 90s, LSU wasn't until the 2000s (yes I know they won before, but in being a national power), Auburn is a roller coaster. But, due to the BCS, all of them got a crack at a natty and took care of business when they had the opportunity. If you go grab two schools you can validate and also beat up on, play a 8 game conference schedule, add some bye week competition and a couple P5 cross overs, you'll get the press, if your Alphas dominate and you win those cross overs. Texas/Oklahoma always need to be in the top 3 battling it out with either 0-2 losses tops. That gives you the top heavy. Then you need 3-4 beta schools who can all interchange to compete at a high level, all the time, and dedicate their resources to winning. They won't all go 15 years straight, but what you want is for each of them to get 3-4 ten seasons wins over a decade, and be in the 7-8 range for the rest. The Big 12 has the making of that too. Texas Tech, Okie State, KState, TCU, Baylor, West Virginia and now ISU have shown they can step up. You don't want to end up like the Pac though, where they are not top heavy and 3-4 losses is standard. Win the the inter conference, get a few freebee wins, and get 3-4 teams to the end of the season with less than 2 wins, then slap down your bowl games. Keep building fan bases so stadiums end up in the 80s on average and next thing you know you're sitting in the drivers seat. The problem is there is no way of doing that without time. The SEC did it over 20 years and had large rabid fan bases to tap into. They're now able to leverage that into media deals. The Big Ten did as well, with secondaries like Michigan State, Wisconsin, Penn State and Iowa all filling in the OSU/UM gaps. The Big 12 could likely be right on par had they remained together, but they aren't far behind considering their contracts are old. At the end of the day, the Big 12's issue, as noted above, is there just are not any blue bloods on the borders looking for a home, especially the eastern boarders where ALL the money is. The Big kind of got the last of those with Penn State and Nebraska, and they got Nebraska 20 years removed from relevance. If Texas and Oklahoma both left to join the SEC, it may make a bigger immediate paycheck, but they'd need to share losses now with other Prestige Worldwide names, which opens up opportunities for those who aren't canibalizing each other. Additionally, OU and Texas don't need more resources to be successful. They just need to use those resources to be successful. Clemson makes $100m less than Texas in revenue. Making $300m isn't going to get Texas a ring. Oklahoma makes the same revenue as Alabama. Turning resources into success isn't a conference conversation. Iowa State makes $120m less than Texas and went 8-1 in conference this year. So with the assumption that everything stays the same, adding two teams that are in the footprint, could be solid 500 teams where they have spurts of 8-10 wins and, most importantly, have the potential to improve greatly by investing resources (see Iowa State) would help everyone by going to 8 conference games. If everything changes where the CFB is expanding and moving to more P5 games, having ten is sitting in a great spot because you have less mouths. Hell, you may have teams like Cinci paying the Big 12 to join just so they can have the schedule. Side note: if it is just revenue that we're worried about, the way to get that even better than expansion, is by pooling resources. If the Pac 12 and Big 12 combined their rights, even while staying separate conferences, and went to market, they'd make far more than they would raiding. If you add the Big Ten into this consortium, the numbers get freakishly high. Neinas tried to do this prior to 2010 realignment and couldn't the powers to agree on anything, but it dwarfs anything a single conference can get. And why would the Big Ten want in since they make the most? Because now all of the inventory for the ACC and SEC is in ESPN, locking up the east coast and south. With 36 teams combined over 4 time zones, you're able to provide a very unique and well leveraged inventory to multiple outlets simultaneously. In short, you could basically value and sell more like the NFL. And nearly all of their rights come up (outside the Big Ten Network needing fed with inventory) between 2023 and 2025.
  12. Get you a Super Hogster for less than half the price of the Nox and commence operations. You'll save a pile of cash (ie...profit) and don't have to be a beta tester for a new to market thermal scope. Mi dos centavos.
  13. It's Christmas Dinner time ... can you betas please stop hoarding all the tin foil and resume the circle jerk next?
  14. Another room temp IQ that actually thinks I follow Q? A few of the D's in here have sincere ties to their party of choice and values, too many are simply betas playing out their own version of Revenge of the Nerds.
  15. I think it's pretty funny that those dudes named themselves "Beta" well before it became a slang insult, but it's pretty apt. ~~~~~ I'll see your Rodeo Monkey and raise you Greyhound Jockey Monkeys:
  16. It was probably on behalf of Fitlump. Trump was just beta testing an idea.
  17. No liquids. https://battlebots.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/BattleBots-Design-Rules-Rev.2020.0.pdf I've long wondered whether there's some way to have a napalm-like flammable adhesive, but it would be tricky to get past the judges, especially since flames are supposedly for show only. ~~~~~ Rotator got robbed tonight. There's no basis for that decision. As far as I am concerned, that shouldn't have even been a split decision either way. And there's something a little skeevy about the Beta team. They remind me of those dudes who are really into their Real Dolls, but in their case, it's a fighting robot, not a fuckdoll. Also, Uppercut is fucking legit.
  18. LOL, that shit is going to be a key part of the Fox News Cinematic Universe going forward. Some dipshit wrote a column about it at the WSJ, it got the right people worked up, and now they are going to revisit it constantly as part of Owning the Libs. National Review also did a column on this garbage (link goes to Yahoo), with some additional state and community college snobbery as well. https://www.yahoo.com/news/jill-biden-doctorate-garbage-because-212259558.html Interestingly enough, NR wrote a piece that politely and straightforwardly called her Dr. Biden and touted the benefits of community college in 2009. https://www.nationalreview.com/phi-beta-cons/dr-biden-and-americas-community-colleges-carol-iannone/
  19. Remember, Trumpists are the ones who love the label "cuck." Every accusation, confession, etc. That letter is one of the most pathetic pieces of official correspondence I have ever read in my life. The fact that Barr willingly signed that letter, which was almost certainly written by Miller or someone like him, cements Barr's place in history as a submissive, obsequious, simpering bootlicker. Few creatures as pathetic as him in our history have ever held such a position. Barr is in rather rarified air.
  20. Falwell’s out at Liberty. Cuck out front shoulda told ya.
  21. all the CDC cucks should be banned. there is no reason for herman to be employed today. none.
  22. Real women know smart savvy men aren't 'beta' they are MP4 with high definition.
  23. Man ... 2020 literally killing it. (please approve Beta)
  24. Cuck Ted Cruz knows this suit isn't going anywhere and so why not say yes so he can look good to the Trump cult? I hope this shit blows up in his ugly rat face somehow. They will want him to know his place, serve the white man and stay in the back of the bus, dipshit! He is soooo dumb.
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