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  1. Whom ever is trying to take the high road and talk about the board melting down, it’s warranted. So frustrating watching this team and the coaching staff keeps letting down our players. We will win this but we will not go undefeated this year with Sark and PK.
  2. This is why Kirk Herbstreit called us a cesspool. We are 5-1. When we win 49-14 this is going to be a stupid ass post. Oklahoma barely beat ucf today. They are still undefeated, a win is a win. It doesn’t matter if you like it or it was stylish. Just win.
  3. There is no value in OU winning at this stage. If we are 10-2 and at least one of top 4 (say UW, FSU and OSU and Georgia) have 1 loss, then having OU as 12-0 opponent would be helpful and hoping for one of the 4 to lose in their championship games. Other than that, OU is best served going 0-6 from now on and finishing in the bottom half of the conference.
  4. Exactly, I remember when OU was playing KSU for B12 championship and I think if OU wins we go to a better bowl or something, but as soon as the game started, we were rooting for KSU with KSU whipping them by about 4 TDs.
  5. If we win out, there are only two teams that can go ahead of us. OU, OSU, and WVU are the only options. After today, it’ll be down to OU and whichever wins the WVU/OSU game. We need to play as though we lose, we’re out and win and you’re in.
  6. I would also point out that Trump (or rather the GQP) is not doing himself any favors in some of those states, and as a whole, he's not campaigning in those states and doing the things needed to flip them back. We saw how that worked with Hillary, and we saw Biden's team (and Biden) work hard to win those states). Which makes me think Trump is not that serious about winning - he seems to be just doing his campaign rallies at friendly venues to raise cash and the flying in and then back home to Mar-a-Lago. Shit, he's put more effort into Iowa than he did MI/PA/GA/AZ/NV combined, and he has Iowa in the bag. Or he and his campaign staff are really just that fucking stupid and don't realize they should focus less on states he will automatically win and more on the battleground states. Oh wait, he's going where the money is, so not stupid.
  7. This is my dilemma: if we entertain the idea that we go undefeated the rest of the way, we actually want OU to also keep winning and look dominant doing so
  8. Jose Altuve is the Tom Brady of MLB. For all the superstars the organization has lost to free agency and the roster turnover since the beginning of this generational dynasty, Jose Altuve has been a constant and the leadership he's grown into is a huge reason this team keeps winning baseball games every October. The moment the cameras captured him going over to Singleton in the dugout after his homer to chest bump Singleton on working a walk to set the table for him exemplifies everything about Altuve's greatness in leadership. The Astros keep winning because they created a culture of expecting to win and keeping their cool when the moment gets big, and there's no one better at doing that than Jose Altuve. GOAT. LEGEND. We are so blessed to call him ours.
  9. Texas is off until Thursday and Friday (Baylor x2 in Austin) so looking at impact matches: UCF finally has a real Big 12 test against Baylor in Waco, so we get to see if they are for real or not. Think we want Baylor to win both, because we play Baylor twice and only play UCF once. WSU lost to USC and has UCLA tomorrow. Stanford has Oregon tomorrow. We need Ohio State to get a quality W at Indiana today. BYU looked really good against a quality ISU team, so that helps us (swept BYU and only play ISU once). Need Minnesota to rack up some more wins - chances against Nebraska, Wisconsin and Purdue for some ranked wins. Sadly our two big non-conf wins don’t look great right now (Minny and Ohio State are a combined 16-19) The big match tonight is Wisky and Nebraska but a loss isn’t going to knock either one out of regional hosting. We really need two of Stanford, WSU and Louisville to pick up some bad/more losses if we win out.
  10. I'm just never sure about that with my teams anymore. It's always something when it matters to stop them. I get we are way ahead of schedule but that doesn't excuse coming home and losing 3 straight. At the absolute worst, win just one and go back up 3-2. Never thought Garcia getting hit would set in motion this kind of collapse. This team turned into a bunch of pussies after that. And it bled over into the 9th in both halves. Got 1st and 2nd no out and at worst, could tie it up and extend the game but nope.
  11. The bullpen is garbage. It has been for six weeks or more. We had no clue this was going to be a contender last winter. We are way ahead of schedule. Fortify the bullpen, re-sign Montgomery and let’s roll next spring. This team will win a championship.
  12. We aren't serious. They're going to win 4 straight.
  13. I'm guessing it isn't a close out game was a big reason. If we won last night, ticket prices would be much higher as you have a chance to see them win the AL. No chance of that now. And losing always causes ticket prices to drop. After 2 game wins there are three options: 1) we win the next two - ticket holder get full refund on what they paid. 2) We win one of the two - Friday becomes a close out game - ticket prices go above what you paid..????? profit 3) Astros win those two - Afternoon game + not a close out game + limited time to sell on a work day Ticket prices go down.
  14. i think we do see him go next level this year, but in not willing to predict how many wins it leads to.
  15. Not all. But there is already a group who are starting to question. FSU was the same, hell we were the same with Mack..... Granted, when winning, the vast majority don't question shit, but when you can find the fee posts or responses to posts on social media in the middle of the streak they have been on as of late, there tends to be a lot more who are also getting uneasy about what is going on for real.... I moved from Michigan a few years ago, but still have friends and family there. From what I hear, this newest thing has put a little rift between the boosters. There are a few who believe that if this turns out to be more than just a simple investigation, Harbaugh is headed back to the NFL and the University will wish him the best... Harbaugh is a good coach. He does what he can to gain every advantage... ... And there is a lot of Michigan people who think he's guilty of this. Not everyone pulls a Baylor with their fingers in their ears until there's no more denying, much less an aggy, who refuses to see anything no matter what until the corch hasn't led them to their "natty" after 5 years. He's done something to piss off the NCAA. They haven't done this much "investing" since who knows when.
  16. You're not wrong. OH1 Skinner playing 6 rotations OH2 Parra playing 6 rotations MB1 O'Neal MB2 Bergmark OPP Philips/Devin L Halter S Swindle D/S Akana and Barnes That could win a title. We should have tried harder to keep Parra. Funny enough, a few Texas fans wanted to go after Kenna Saur after her sensational match 1 against Texas - she and Wenaas are both hitting .208, and her career hitting % at Tech was .200, while Wenaas was .214 at Minnesota The Molly thing is.... she needs a perfect set. She can't clean up the trash - she's The Surgeon because she can terminate a perfect set. She's not getting perfection from a freshman setter, because Fleck isn't back there passing dimes. And Devin's low hitting % is lack of reps, lack of continuity (yanking her quickly) and that she's probably spending the vast majority of practice getting sets from Crownover on the B squad.
  17. Oh ok then, so totaling all the stats for each category, then giving a point for each category you win. 12 stat types in all, so there could be a situation where both teams have 6 each, right? Is there a tiebreaker? Having Triple Doubles as a category is just unfair with Jokic... lol If you are going by totals each week, does that mean the roster locks at some point? Or do you have to continually swap guys through the week to get max games played, and ensure the roster spot plays 6-7 games a week for max total stats? If you guys do keepers for new guys, we should probably submit our picks via DM, in case there is overlap. Or you can pull names out of the sorting hat for a 1-2 snake draft, and we can post it here. Just let us know what round of picks we would have to give up for whoever is eligible and it should be easy. I know who I would target in there
  18. Those were good times man. I can distinctly remember hearing the score from that Cuero game and thinking “Oh man Marble is out!” As an 8th grader playing football you look up to these guys because in a small town they seem larger than life. Every Friday was exciting. Beating Todd Dodge and Cameron that year for the first time in forever was big for us that season in non-district. I also remember the final score being 14-6 Cuero against the Lake Rats. One of the quirks of having autism is I can remember random scores like that one. I get some good laughs out of friends at how I can recall scores like that. That would also be the same score SLC beat them by in the final in their last game in Class 3A. I also remember about that year that we beat Pearsall in the 3rd round 33-0. They were coached by Kiff Hardin. He became a finalist for the Lampasas job in 1995, but we gave it to Mark Bell instead who stayed two seasons before going to China Spring and winning a whole bunch. Things worked out well for Hardin since Gatesville hired him and he got the 2000 state title riding Taurean Henderson and his defense to a title. As random luck would have it I was doing play-by-play for them that year. Never met Hardin as I just showed up from college each week to do their game while the dad of a childhood friend did all the legwork. Fun ride though.
  19. I’ll never understand the lineup switches extreme. At this point just win. We need good Urquidy tonight, rangers have a better lineup that can take advantage of bad pitching and score 6-8 runs quick. Astros seem like when they hit someone hard at most we score is 5-6 lately. I’d love to be wrong and watch is go scorch earth on the rangers tonight.
  20. America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free. I've known Republicans for years. And I've been operating under the assumption that the reason Republicans devote so much time and energy to shouting at the rain was that he simply didn't get it. Well, I was wrong. Republicans' problem isn't that he doesn't get it. Republicans' problem is that he can't sell it! We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you Republicans are not the least bit interested in solving it. They are interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle age, middle class, middle income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family, and American values and character, and you wave a laptop of the President's son and you scream about patriotism. You tell them immigrants are to blame for their lot in life. And you go on television and you call me a traitor. .... We've got serious problems, and we need serious people. And if you want to talk about character, Republicans, you'd better come at me with more than a laptop and nonsensical story about Ukraine. If you want to talk about character and American values, fine. Just tell me where and when, and I'll show up. This a time for serious people, and the GOP's fifteen minutes are up.
  21. I don't think it was as much getting guys work to keep them sharp, rather, that's what we have in the pen if we aren't using Sborz/Chapman/Leclerc. We've been extremely fortunate to play with the lead the entire playoffs generally with starters going deep. Last night is what it looks like when that doesn't happen. I'm pretty jealous of the stros relief options. I texted a buddy at the game right before first pitch I felt like we would need 8 or 9 runs to win last night and unfortunately I was right. Our bats haven't come out and taken over a game yet. Hopefully we see something resembling that tonight. Semien and Seager in particular have got to get it going.
  22. When this photo was published before the game I knew right then we were going to win that game.
  23. The only reason those guys keep winning is because of our own ineptitude. Mack Brown was an "almost" coach at Carolina. He was exactly that here until VY got him over the hump. We hired a couple guys who weren't what we thought they would be. One was good at a G5 it looks because of his QB. The other one took over a program that was ready to go and we hired him 1.5 yrs into his tenure, not knowing whether or not he could recruit or truly coach. Meanwhile OU groomed Riley right under Stoops. Probably let him take the reigns here and there to see if he could handle it.
  24. A good choice if you are willing to go with a "heads I win -- tails you lose" approach. I think it takes away most of the upside of home ownership and wealth creation. You may as well be renting your home, IMHO. I also think we are due for a real correction in rental rates and property values once all of the new MF projects come on line. People are focused on Austin proper (that is certainly a big number of units), but there are so many projects in process all the way from Jarrell to Lockhart, Georgetown to Cedar Park, Buda to New Braunfels, Bee Cave to Marble Falls. I don't see how all of this new product doesn't disrupt the market in a big way.
  25. Lampasas and Davenport are playing on Friday for the district championship at Badger Field. Davenport has the experience of losing the game that decided the district title last year against Canyon Lake and that might be what wins this game for them. Both teams have ridiculously talented offenses and both have sophomores at RB. Every skill position player of importance for Lampasas is an underclassman. Jett Walker has had over a 100 yards on the ground in 6 of 7 games and missed the other by three yards. He went well over 200 last week with at least three TD’s longer than 55 yards. He’s 6’1 195 and has really good open field speed. Reed Jerome directs the offense and the Junior accounts for about 265 yards a game passing and running. I believe he was a linebacker before being the QB. He definitely plays like one. Lampasas has the best freshman WR in the state, regardless of classification, in Ty Johnson. I really have no idea how they wound up with a player like him, but hoo boy is he GOOD. He’s easily the fastest player on the roster and already is 6’2” and 185 or so. He does not look nor play like someone going into just his 8th varsity game. @Beau Vine’s guys can attest to the 87 yard TD he had against them where he took a screen and ran right past six defenders all the way across the field and wound up about 10 yards ahead of everyone. It is not an exaggeration to say he will be the best football player for Lampasas since Johnny Lam Jones. One of these two teams are going to make a run to the regional finals I believe. I expect Lampasas to be playing for a state title next year with everyone returning. Troy Rogers, the Badgers head coach, was the Class 3A state MVP in 1993 as a QB. He was one of the forerunners to the high octane passing offenses we see everywhere as he threw for 3400 yards that year before losing to Clint Finley and Cuero in the regional final. He still has a gunslinger’s mentality and likes to run trick plays anywhere on the field. His high school head coach, Rod Hess, was running a variation of the Mouse Davis run and shoot back then and had won a state title in 1982 at Eastland with his son Jay (the OC of the 1993 team) as the QB. I was in the 8th grade back then and I can still vividly recall the game that decided the district title in 1993. It was the 8th game and Lampasas was hosting Marble Falls. Both were undefeated and in the top 10. Lampasas scored first on a TD pass and never scored again which later led to chants of “We scored first!” in the 40-7 loss. That was a fortuitous loss as Marble Falls lost in the 2nd round to Cuero. Lampasas upset 2nd ranked Sweeny and future UT DL Cedric Woodard in their own 2nd round game. I expect the winner of this one to have to put up at least 45. Last year Davenport won 55-34. I believe Maxpreps has Lampasas ranked 13th and Davenport 23rd. I hope this game goes better for Coach Rogers and Lampasas than the one 30 years ago.
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