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  1. Google Is Killing Cloud Print at the End of 2020 https://www.howtogeek.com/448993/google-is-killing-cloud-print-at-the-end-of-2020/#:~:text=After a decade in beta,anywhere—even over the internet.
  2. You have a weird and hilariously stupid viewpoint The only people who talk about "beta males" are insanely immature idiots who have no idea how to actually be a man and think it constitutes being a fake aggressive asshole trying to push everyone around
  3. One thing’s for sure, if you use “beta male” enough on the Internet, you become an alpha male one day!
  4. I'm glad you were explicit. I wanted to delve more into ousux, but I figured I'd be banned in 10 minutes given the beta male snowflakes that dominate this breast-feeding wonderland. ousux is a shitty school in a shitty state with 1/2 our cash that's been treating us like a grievance studies major on a football field since a Michigan QB was in the White House. Maybe that's it - life reflects the interwebs - we really are just a bunch of soft pussies. We've been turning out beta males more suited for the garden club than the executive suite since anyone can remember.
  5. Refreshing. The magat horde will be calling him a RINO cuck libtard who is guilty of sedition in very short order.
  6. Houston has the highest beta of any team in the league. 3 seed? Not surprised. Lottery? Not surprised.
  7. Now that's funny. We just fucked Michelle in front of him and made him watch. Totally cucked. He isn't going to be able to recruit regardless now. Who is going to believe a divorce isn't incoming whether it now or in a yr? He has to be fired now. Keeping him will do more damage than firing him. Maybe we get lucky with Campbell, Fickell or whoever. Just the facts now.
  8. Why? Have you read anything about what’s been coming out? You mad bro because what Im saying is true. Fucking read the depositions you cuck.
  9. I mean at this point who the fuck cares? He's obviously the best we can do. He probably is better than Herman. Why the fuck not even though I think he could be Herman 2.0. We just cant keep cucked Herman now.
  10. The guy that just lost to that cuck Fisher and his Gulf Coast offense?
  11. Yeah but our coach is cucking the entire fan base
  12. I fucking hate Herman but at least he didn’t get literally cucked by one of his players like your coach did aggy
  13. Yes. I’m moving onto recruiting possibilities and will be participating in a project that will take about a year for D/FW. On that note, Jimbo is the real deal. Herman was running a good recruiting system, but he learned it all from Mack and Meyer. The ags have done a ton of shit right lately. They moved to a conference kids want to play in, they hired a cucked coach that is known for being a good recruiter and being dirty as shit on the trail, and that coach has made savvy recruiting moves in our in state metro areas. Meyer will combat all those moves. Herman did a good job there, but it’s clear he has received a vote of no confidence from the hs coaches in terms of them believing he will keep his job.
  14. Stupid beta. They've already happened. Everyone you're seeing now are just body doubles to keep the general public complacent until the storm descends.
  15. What the fuck is the obsession with Trumpsters wanting everyone to know what manly manly men they are (no insecurity issues there, I'm sure), and calling everyone else betas? And how, exactly, is Donald fucking Trump someone they can hold up as the ultimate alpha male? That shit would be embarrassing "track talk" in a high school locker room.
  16. This is exactly what happens whenever “Bad Teamate. Hobbes and WildcatO9 mistakenly take on the MAGA army and not wait until after dark to prey on elderly couples sitting in restaurants or mothers with children in strollers EVERY FUCKING TIME The acne faced? Bird chested betas who are HEAVILY represented on this board have been running into this problem for their entire limpwristed lives. You can’t win a fight, throw like a bitch and totally shred on a skateboard, but this happens everytime you try and go up a Trump crowd. And it’s pissing you off And you’ve defunded the one group who could be helping you
  17. /r/Longhornnation is to be ignored. There were a good number of people there in favor of keeping Charlie even after Kansas debacle. Cucks from r/cfb congregate there.
  18. This cuck can't even put 70 on the board properly.
  19. I think he's trying to say Tim Brando is a worthless, fat cuck who should be releived of his duties and publicly stoned.
  20. Rubio is a genius. Normally a nasty little worm freak like him is gonna pay $100+ to some chick on onlyfans to call him a cuck and tell him he has a small dick, but instead he gets it for free.
  21. Doubt a guy like Urban would be swayed by the biggest coaching cuck on the planet when it comes to rivalries. How much respect does Urban really have for a peer who, for decades, has rolled over on his belly for all his rivals and wants everyone to know what great friends he is with the coaches who routinely humiliated him? I predict Mack’s pathetic bleating backfires on him.
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