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  1. Liucci: Jimbo Fisher's extension will be another 'bargain' for Texas A&M By Billy Liucci September 1, 2021 Key notes from Billy Liucci interview You're going to see this contract be 10 years, starting from now, with an average right around $9 million per year. You're starting the existing deal over with a significant raise to make him the second-highest paid coach in the SEC behind Nick Saban and one of the highest-paid in college football. This is a great deal. We're going to look at it again as a great bargain. We've been talking about it for the last three years and how wrong people were the first time. Now they're doing it again. People don't seem to understand the no-buyout thing, and that makes me laugh. The buyout is $9 million a year, $90 million guaranteed. Nick Saban doesn't look like he's going to retire anytime soon, but say Alabama comes after Jimbo Fisher in three years when Saban is done. That's the only school that could take Fisher with the money that Texas A&M is paying. If Alabama does that, it means the next three years have been really good in Aggieland. A buyout does nothing. When was the last time a school didn't hire a coach they wanted because of a buyout? Do you think a one-year buyout, another $9 million, would keep A&M from going to get a coach? The buyout is $90 million. It also keeps the coach here. It's like the SEC not having a grant of rights. The SEC basically says, "You want to leave? Go." I don't think there is any danger of Fisher leaving. The danger is losing money. If it doesn't work, you lose money. Everyone is making a big deal about it, but it's like me and Olin living in the same neighborhood. If I saw him driving a Maserati, that's Olin's business. Not mine. The way the media is acting would be like me walking around the neighborhood calling Olin an idiot for spending that money on a car. Who's the idiot in that scenario? A&M is three years into this, and they have a pretty good idea of what they're investing in. People are saying it's only one good year, but it's not. It's one great year and three years of progress. Jimbo's first year was a nice, strong season. They finished ranked and won a bowl game, playing great football at the end of the year. His third year was a top-five finish, an Orange Bowl championship and a legitimate argument to be in the playoff. In 12 years as a coach, Fisher has a national title, a playoff berth and another top-five finish. He probably has five top-ten finishes in 12 years to go along with that. At what point do you look at that resume and say that Fisher is an elite head coach in this game? He is. It's not debatable. Texas A&M has a coach that is among the very best, the top five, in this game. If you look at what Fisher is doing in recruiting and don't feel extremely confident in your investment, I don't know what to tell you.Regarding the timing, coaches don't like negotiating during the season. What if Texas A&M reached the playoff this year and LSU spiraled? I think Texas A&M did the right thing. We got our guy, and he's locked up for as long as he wants to coach.This guy won a national title. He won 27 of 28 games with Jameis Winston in 2013 and 2014. People want to say it was all Winston, but you can't take away a guy's best player. If you take away Vince Young, what did Mack Brown do? Take away Joe Burrow, Ed O doesn't win a championship. I know what Dan Mullen has done, and I know what Jim Harbaugh has done. What in the hell have they done that Jimbo hasn't done? Mullen won a New Year's Six game, and Florida caught some criticism for that extension. The blowback shows how big the spotlight is on Texas A&M and Jimbo Fisher. For the people that say A&M isn't relevant, you're hearing most of that from Texas, Oklahoma and some from LSU. They're whining fake tough guys. If you say a negative thing about Oklahoma, the Sooners go insane. Somebody asked me if I'd rather have Lincoln Riley or Jimbo at Texas A&M, at the answer is Jimbo. Riley is a good coach, but he coaches in a league where he has five times the talent as anybody he plays. They're both good coaches, but it's apples to oranges. Jimbo Fisher is a great fit at Texas A&M. Texas might be the most delusional fanbase in American sports. They're loud on Twitter. They get these talking points, and no matter how bad their team is or how good things are going in College Station, they cannot come off their talking points. How much money did they pay to fire Herman and hire Steve Sarkisian? We know what Sark has done. You want to boil it down to Fisher not winning a title in three years? You spent $75 million to hire Sarkisian. LSU is just scared. They had that great year and smoked the Aggies in 2019, but they've lost two of three to Texas A&M. Jimbo Fisher is the guy they've tried to hire twice. Ed Orgeron is a trainwreck of a coach, and they know it. They were hoping they could possibly hire Fisher at some point, and the Aggies just put up a wall around College Station. A day ago, what was the big cry coming out of Austin, Baton Rouge and Norman? That Fisher would be in Baton Rouge in a year. That was the battle cry from those three fanbases, and they wouldn't shut up about it. Today, 10 years and $90 million later, A&M is stupid for paying it? It's a constantly moving target
  2. I feel like almost every traditional power is relevant and there are a lot of good teams with each P5 conference having at least two CFP contenders - and not a lot separating the best 10 or 12 teams. There isn't a conference you can write off and there isn't a conference that feels like it's just going to steamroll in a CFP or Bowl setting. This seems like a better than average season so far with a high ratio of games that have CFP or conference title implications. I know Texas is nationally relevant for the first time in awhile - which makes me pay attention to the national landscape a bit more than usual - but I don't think it's just that. FYI - of the top 12 all-time wins leaders from FBS 11 are currently ranked. --- And - if that is the case - do we owe it to NIL?
  3. That game fucked me up for a good 48 hours. I was not in a good mental state there for awhile. It was a lot of things, but a big part was that we did everything we could to give the game away.... and were still winning with a minute to go. And then bad things happened.
  4. Sort of. We just need the winner of their matchup to drop one more game. They obviously both play OU. No. It goes to tiebreaker 4 then tiebreaker 5. Also - okie lite looks to have improved a lot since the start of the season. I wouldn't put it past BV to fuck around and find a way to lose that game in Stillwater. Even then - I don't see the pokes going 6-0 in the other games. BUT, IF Texas wins out I think the only thing that has a modicum % chance of happening is Okie Lite finishing with their one loss. WVU isn't winning out. 0% chance. They don't have the horses. If Okie Lite loses tomorrow for all intents and purposes we are in the clear assuming we handle business. I honestly think it's highly unlikely we don't go even if we finish conference play at 7-2.
  5. Finished my rewatch, don’t want to beat belabored points to death but things I didn’t necessarily appreciate as much live as I do now: The backwards pass on the opening KO was definitely there so I understand why Red fielded it now. Should have thrown it but even though he didn’t holy shit the facemask. Absolute boneheaded pick by Ewers on the first turnover. Worthy on the inside slant goes 15 yards and maybe scores if he gets out of one tackle. Needs to slide to avoid fumbles like the one he had. Otherwise he was very good given the circumstances. Should have been given a chance to win the game. Sweat and Hill had very strong games on defense. Ford and Gbenda, honeys what is you doing? Robertson and Connor are a massive liability pores together. I hope we’re done with the bench Majors stuff now because interior OL issues are about to turn up to 11. Brooks is a special back. I was wrong about him. He’s not Bijan but he’s going to go down as the next in line of stand out Texas RBs. OU left 7 points and a couple of really important money down conversions that they had set up, but botched, on the field. Just as we feel like Texas could have won they are right to feel like they could have blown it open. That’s how these back and forth games go. Sark lost the game on the last drive. Should have slowed down as they got to midfield, certainly after the Bowman injury. But more importantly, Sark is a fucking loser for not going for it on that last fourth down. I kind of felt that way live but I didn’t quite appreciate how lucky the defense had been to get those stops leading up to that. The game was over as soon as that decision was made.
  6. Weird how when Caminiti, Bagwell and the Astros were juicing during the steroid era they couldn't quite get over that hump ... like something was missing still ... some advantage they still needed to implement in order to win it all ... So hey, absolutely, a hat tip to that fine organization for mastering cheating with PEDs AND trash can banging ... so that everything somehow fell into place and Astros fans everywhere had their magical fairy tale ending lalalalala we can't hear you we won it all LALALALALALA SORRY CAN'T HEAR YOU GO 'STROS LALALALALA.
  7. That stutsman mother fucker says some real poignant shit at the 2:30 mark. oklahoma only fears God, Texas fears oklahoma. That shit is absolutely true until it ain’t, we need Sark to go on a 5 year run of smooth butt fucking venables/Oklahoma until their souls are taken from them. If we are lucky maybe Ewers gets a rematch and then arch rattles off 4 wins a row. It would be glorious.
  8. Seven win steve needs to: not be the OC, make better in game adjustments, not be a pussy, not let his wife dress him, not lose more than 2 games or he's a failure with this roster and get a hold of PK so we don't run anymore prevent to give the game away(we weren't running prevent). Did I miss anything? He needs to not suck, even though his history says he sucks, and there's no reason to believe he won't continue to suck. Oh also, we demand big 12 titles because we won (checks notes) 3 of them in 22 years. If the posts weren't still here to read this thread would almost be unbelievable lulz. Last but not least the fucking psycho who started it picked Texas to go to the college football playoff.
  9. Damn near every time I try to tune in it's a Cowboys segment. Last week I tried to tune in thinking maybe previewing our game and it was a Bob segment breaking down last years 9ers game. I flipped over 15 minutes later and it was still going. Who the F cares. I don't know who these Cowboys fans are that want Cowboys talk all the time (particularly knowing damn well it's another worthless season) but they suck. Fully realize I'm preaching to the choir but drives me crazy that we have 3 winning franchises in town, tons of great CFB story lines, and all dwarfed by constant talk of Jerry's band of losers.
  10. Not 100% sure the Mack hire was one of the greatest if I'm honest. Sure he was able to out recruit the rest of the conference even with BloU and dick eater winning it all in 2k, and he (or GDGD depending on who you ask) was also smart enough to GTFO Vince's way and let him do his thing. Colt was one of those QB's who go to Okie Lite, Baylor, K-state etc and light people up...but he was fortunate (as were we all) to land on a Texas team that was still stocked with talent from the VY days. Other than that and some 10 win seasons based on our talenting teams, was he anywhere near the coach Royal was? I mean, if you take out Bijan's three 7-yard runs, 19-yard run, 9-yard run, 13-yard run, and 10-yard run, he was a pedestrian 52 yards rushing on 12 carries against the Packers. Certainly not on his way to ROTY.
  11. This is the best shot we’ve had to a CFP in a long time. Sark has his guys (period—no excuses on the personnel on the field or coaching it—the cupboard is not bare and the future pipeline is bright and even our freshman are balling). In short there is NOT a THiNG holding us back. But injuries, execution and COACHING! The Big 12 is down this year. We don’t have to go to Stillwater and play Gundy in the regular season and get screwed by the refs. We don’t have to okay WVU in the regular season. Yes everyone hates us but embrace it. We have more talent than most all of our opponents combined and if we don’t win out it’s on the coach and coaching. this is quite simply the best we will have to get there because we are headed to SEC. No reason we shouldn’t win out. If posters are ok with losing to OU and going 9-3 and all that, that’s y’all’s deal. I’m not. And it’s GD odd to me because some of the same people saying, “It’s ok, just a game. It takes time. Not a big deal if we don’t win Big 12,” are the same posters, for the most part who wanted, FYMB, the only guy since DKR to win a MNC and almost win another (we could’ve have had 3) run out of town on rails. Sark has not won dick as a HC and same posters are like, “No worries man. It’s cool. No biggie. 5-7. It’s fine. 8-5. It’s fine. Lose to OU. Future’s ahead of us. It’s fine.” Did y’all all get lobotomies? or have better edibles than me? (If so share…) lol
  12. Not 100% sure the Mack hire was one of the greatest if I'm honest. Sure he was able to out recruit the rest of the conference even with BloU and dick eater winning it all in 2k, and he (or GDGD depending on who you ask) was also smart enough to GTFO Vince's way and let him do his thing. Colt was one of those QB's who go to Okie Lite, Baylor, K-state etc and light people up...but he was fortunate (as were we all) to land on a Texas team that was still stocked with talent from the VY days. Other than that and some 10 win seasons based on our talenting teams, was he anywhere near the coach Royal was?
  13. Came here to say this. Yesterday I said if Bregman contributed we had a good chance to win. Today Tucker is the guy. They won’t give shit to Yordan and Abreu has at least made them think twice about pitching Tucker too fine and walking him also. Walking him after walking Yordan when Abreu has shown his power stroke is back is also asking for trouble. Tucker goes 2-4 with 3 rbi today. This ends tonight. Let’s go home and put the Astros in the third base dugout so they think they are on the road.
  14. Kansas State was the biggest worry for me a few weeks ago because the interior of their OL is their strength and could potentially negate our DL, but they've looked so bad defensively and Howard has been awful. BYU is somewhat interesting. They also have a relatively strong OL but I don't think they have the horses to hold up on defense. Iowa State is Iowa State. The defense is good, as usual. There is probably going to be a game at some point we have to win ugly and it might be this one.
  15. I might sound crazy, but hear me out... I'm happy with where this team is right now and I'm actually glad we lost to OU in that fashion. If we had come up with a defensive stop after our final field goal, most of our team, coaches, and fanbase would have come away from that game thinking we're a gutsy team that found a way to win at the end of a game where we didn't play our best. Of course there would still be concern about the mistakes that were made, but overall the mindset across the board would be positive and we'd be going into the bye week feeling confident and comfortable. Instead, we all came away from the game realizing there are some glaring areas where we HAVE to get better if we're going to win out and take the Big 12 title (pass rush, penalties, red zone offense, etc). I hate to sound like Mack Brown's "winning too much is bad for the kids", but in reality it's true that success is a terrible teacher. Instead of going through the bye week thinking we're good enough and can find a way to win no matter what; we're going to spend it focusing on those weaknesses and finding a way to get better. I'm predicting that the loss to OU is going to be a net positive for our season, and we're going to win out including the rematch in December.
  16. Fun fact-the composition of a typical CSG's supercarrier and her accompanying surface and sub-surface vessels with standard sailing ranges between the ships. Put them all in a straight line at safe range. Then multiply that by 2 CSG's. That's a column wider than the Gaza Strip itself. Meanwhile, our JV equipment is still helping Ukraine winning against Russia. Oh, right, right. We totally gutted our military and lost our force posture, totally forgot about that 'everybody is saying that'. These squadrons can shoot down shit at 65,000 feet, fly 2,000 miles round-trip without refueling, never mind the missile capabilities of the 2 DESRON squadrons from off-shore. But yeah, totally ignore Russia---they had nothing to do with this. This is all to handle the geographic footprint and military might of Kuwait. If most Americans just had a printed atlas lying around the house, about half the disinformation going on would already be a non-issue. Well, for millennia-we've explained it away as "all part of his plan", "the answers come in his time", or "he has other concerns besides our petty land wars." But this is about to become the largest even in the Holy Land since the birth of his Son. I know he's busy helping players score touchdowns and help politicians win elections. But if ever there was a time to clue us in, it's coming in the next several weeks. The Revelation isn't the End of the World. The revelation may be that we're about to find out that he dropped us off here awhile back and simply forgot to come back and pick us up.
  17. I'm not in the "Fire Seven-win Steve" camp. However, I am in the "Get this shit FIXED, NOW" camp. It's hard for me - and many of you as well - to believe he's going to do it, but I agree he needs another year, maybe even two, to get it all done. This year started out so well, with the Bama win, that it's tough to take the loss to OU in stride. Having the QB shit all over the first part of the game, then losing "the last four - first four" battle, but then and settling in, taking the lead, and finally watching a cluster-fuck D piss away the last minute and change.... that sucked, bigly. As has been pointed out already, we spent all spring, summer, and fall camp preparing for Bama, while OU spent that same time preparing for us. It showed. Here's the deal: go 6-0, or 5-1, maybe even 4-2 the rest of the way, and all (or nearly all) will be forgiven. Reprise Year One and drop 6 in a row, fire the miserable bastard. It might take dumping PK if we don't show some dramatic improvement on that side. One of the reasons that's been tolerated seems to be that the OC doesn't presume to get on the DC, and the HC lets him get away with it. Oh, and while you're at it, Steve... ditch the Ruhlesque wardrobe, and get a decent haircut. Not sure about these days, but some years back, when I was in England on the reg, that brushup shit was the response to "tell me you're gay, without using words." Maybe things are different now, but I'm old and it's stuck with me.
  18. I agree on the time aspect of it. Strong wasn’t given time because he wasn’t a P5 HC. Herman wasn’t given anymore time bc of off-field stuff (legion—and in addition to those was a raging asshole.) how much time will Sark get though is kinda in his court. Ya know? Like wins/losses type deal. This is our last “easy” year. Next year is SEC. The cupboard is stocked with players and a pipeline for more. The criticism, which is absolutely fair, is not going to keep him from having “time.” It’s a win/loss type of thing in my mind. A lot of great coaches (up and coming ones) would kill for our roster. Would have loved to have had last year two world class RBs like Rojo and Bijan. Sark is entirely in control of how much “time” he gets. A lot of people, me included, are pissed because we have this year, a real chance to make the CFP and we don’t want to see it blown up. But yes, not many people have suggested or are suggesting he not have time. Time is up to Sark.
  19. It took Mack 8 years and Superman to bring home a championship. It took Dabo 8 years to play for one, 9 to win one. Year 6 for Kirby. Right or Wrong, we expect to hit on the next Saban that flips things on a dime. Those don't come along very often. Plus, he and the others had assistance from the bag game. I have no idea if Sark is going to work out or not but if progress is being made you have got to have some patience at some point. Obviously, I am rooting for him because I want the mediocrity to end. Patience at least got Michigan back into the conversation....
  20. I think only once and we split that series. I'd prefer winning the Big 12 title if we make it there and beating them then over the regular season game. Going forward the goal should be beat Oklahoma every year....that should be entrenched into our players psyche.
  21. We don't have to give Mack a pass haha. He won a fuck a load of games, made us relevant nationally, and put a ton of players in the NFL. It's a travesty that Vince never won a heisman, but its ridiculous that we never had anybody else win one either. Oklahoma has 4 in the last 20 some odd years. I keep hearing this blind optimism that Sark is going to be good bit but nowhere did I say he was going to win anything significant lol. I'm trying to tell you that you fuckers are the ones who set the optimism level for our head coach at a level that only DKR met and its maddening. Oklahoma won 5 big 12 titles in a row, and 15 or something regarded in 23 years. Their fans can say "venables better win a conference championshiop" haha. Ours need to hope that we recruit well, put kids in the nfl, and we start winning 10 games again. Titles of any sort are just gravy until we become a football program that wins those conference championships year in and year out.
  22. At the end of the day we are 5-1 to begin season 3 of Sark. We were also 5-1 to begin season 2 of Herman. As much as I want to believe this team is far superior to Herman's and we're going to win our next 7 games and clinch our first conference title in 14 years, we are a battered fanbase that no longer buys stock in potential. Results are all that matter at this stage, and until those results come we'll remain pessimistic and skeptic. Chris Fowler had the most Texas fan appropriate reaction moments after Texas beat Alabama when he said "Texas. Is. 2-0!". He stopped short of saying Texas is back because he knows how often that has been said over the past decade + only to see the season eventually fall apart. All there is to do at this point is to ride out the rest of the season and see how we ended up in early December.
  23. I appreciate your kind words and thank you. but don’t get why you are bothered by what I think of Sark. My opinion doesn’t matter in the scheme of things and it’s not going to affect Sark’s job or his recruiting or in game decisions. It doesn’t change a damn thing. I criticized Mack plenty. And often and loudly. I wasn’t alive when DKR coached. None of the coaches we have had since DKR are above reproach. That includes Mack. My point was as much as MB screwed up he at least has a championship. If Sark is a better coach then he needs to prove it by winning one. That’s where I come down on it and it’s pretty simple to me. 5-7, 8-5 and we’re off to 5-1 with plenty of talent to make that our only loss this year. People have already crowned Sark’s ass and they should be just as critical of him as they have been everyone else. I don’t really see it as that complicated a thing.
  24. This is just my two cents: I lost my dad (a UT grad) in 2005 the Tuesday before OU weekend in our glorious run to win it all. I lost my aunt, who was more like a mother to me On September 28 (I was in the room with her when she took her last breath) and went to her funeral Friday the 6th and drove to Dallas in what I hoped would be a win for UT over OU. I have like many others watched us fuck around in the wilderness for stretches my entire life. We sucked in the 1990’s when I was in college at UT. I stayed for every Eyes win or lose. I can count on one hand the times I have not and two of those were unavoidable leaving early type of deals. One thing I feel like I have fucking earned is the right to criticize the Head Coach and any of the staff I so choose. Win and you won’t hear much out of me. Don’t and I have earned the right to not only criticize the fuck out of the coaching staff I will do it on blast and ride their asses like Zorro until they do win the big one. Period. I don’t have the hatred some still do for Mack because we actually won the Big One and would have won a second one if Colt doesn’t get hurt. My whole life has been UT football from the time I was a little girl and my dad spent his time that he wasn’t hunting with my brother teaching me everything he knew about it. I miss him and I miss that I will never be able to call him and talk about football with him. I cannot fathom why people take criticism of Sark personally. Unless posters are in fact Sark or a wife or family member. He hasn’t won anything yet and I’m not aggy and I am not going to go “well we beat Bama so the season is over and wasn’t that glorious!” Yes it was glorious and NO the GD season isn’t over. Win out and I won’t say Jack shit about Sark. Drop a loss or two more and posters should just put me on ignore because I have earned the right to criticize his ass until he wins. Anything less than a Big 12 Championship to me is bullshit with our roster. That’s Sark’s job. He wants to call plays fine. Then call winning ones and win every GD game from here on out. Stop starting games so lethargic and sloppy and win out damnit. If it seems like I’m heated I am and that’s because I am tired of being called an idiot by posters who CLEARLY know just about as much as me but somehow think Sark is above any reproach or criticism. Fuck off with that.
  25. It sucks to think it’s a lost season since there is so much left to go. Sigh. I’d still like to somehow get JJ from Minny because having him as a running weapon would be awesome. I haven’t given up on the season but I see now that SF may be unbeatable. Like it’s not hey if we get another crack at them we will win kind of thing. I do think we can beat Philly. And this team can still win the division. I too am curious about Lance but it gives me pause as Shanahan did not want to keep him. He’ll maybe be like a Taysom Hill type deal or something. Might be too much of a project. I defended Dak for a long time and I like him as a person etc…but we’ve seen the ceiling. Romo should get more shit but doesn’t but I remember the Jessica Simpson shit and the Carrie Underwood shit and so forth. I did get to go to one NFL game my whole life and it was the Cowboys v Giants in Dak and Zeke’s amazing first year and thought cool. We got something. And it just never came together since. I blame Jerry because I have to find someone to blame and he is an asshole so it’s easy.
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