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  1. We may have stumbled on to something. TGCH was the bull and Zack was the cuck. Could be why Zack is so mad @ Tom. Could also explain why Zack has all those toys in his office (looking for a replacement for the wife)!
  2. Oooh yeah for sure. Just strikes me how fucking slimy that guy is. THEN I just watched the part where he tells Meadow his dad filed a restraining order against her roommate. What a fucking beta
  3. This is from 2017...but what it says about Tom and how he is a media control freak/Anwar also makes a cameo here. This piece is pretty scathing. Writer hated Tom. Some highlights: But eventually, everyone shows their true colors. Tom Herman is a well noted control freak. His latest decision is evidence of that. And it didn’t even take until a losing streak for us to really see it. ——— You want to tell me Nick Saban can be a jerk to media? Urban Meyer too? Sure. But guess what? Even those guys haven’t tried to tell the media when they can report their message. And those guys have won multiple national championships. ——— If Tom Herman thinks his quotes have been misconstrued over his first few months in Austin, maybe it’s in regards to what happened at the Texas High School Coaches Clinic a couple weeks back, that’s on him. Pick and choose your words more carefully. It’s not the media’s job to try and sugarcoat what your saying and give it the most pro-Texas spin possible. Unfortunately, the only local media member I’ve seen vocally speak out against this silly policy is Anwar Richardson of OrangeBloods. Kudos to him. The rest have gotten in line like the cucks that they apparently are, as they don’t want to ruffle anyone’s feathers in Austin. What a shame. https://www.heartlandcollegesports.com/2017/08/03/tom-herman-texas-longhorns-social-media-use/ ———— anyway that was written before Tom even coached a game here. People knew what a piece of fuck he was back then. It’s funny he was trying to control the narrative with Anwar yesterday. I love that Klatt called him out on it. Awesome!
  4. He’s a Trump fan. Put a bunch of links to interracial cuck porn and he’ll never put it down.
  5. Kyler to DeAndre is a miracle every week. Jesus it's crazy. BoB truly is a fucking Jeff Fisher cuck coach. What an inept retard.
  6. Yeah, I’m usually day one kinda guy, but I was on the beta, and crazy busy with work. Dodged a bullet. Downloading 14.3 beta now for that ProRaw though, so hopefully servers are coming back online.
  7. It’s just so sad that not only is Fatty fuckface attempting a coup but he has so many supporters in the Republican Party egging it on. These seditious cucks are okay with letting fatty demolish the republic, for what? More favor in a second term? It’s regarded
  8. So if a Democrat spreads false information he's called a liar and should be removed but this is just par for the party of law and order? What a bunch of cucks.
  9. I don’t like the lack of a dashboard on the Y and 3, I found my S and now X to be much better in that regard. We just got a new Macan (awesome for a combustible engine) and getting back in my X after a few days driving was like a breath of fresh air. I agree 100% about the interior of the Y and 3. The 100% software interface is still miles ahead of the competition. Even the beta version of auto-pilot is amazing for stop and go traffic or dealing with minor distractions on clearly marked roads (yes I still watch the road etc). The lack of maintenance (hate oil changes etc) is a silent benefit that really makes the luxury experience - it’s better than having a PA take your car for service for you. The core drive experience is still unlike any other vehicle so it’s relevance remains paramount to any choice of vehicle. The Tesla experience even if dated is far superior to everything else imo. I’ve had two Teslas and the major repair issue was the door handles. I also had a electrical system battery failure (not the power train battery). I bought both CPO and the X had non-OEM wheels and they weren’t good so I squawked and got 4 OEM black turbine wheels for free. I also had a minor power train battery issue recently they resolved. Service is good, it used to be other worldly. I think pressure to make a profit has reigned in their insane service levels. I’ve yet to spend a single dollar on them except for detailing and tires.
  10. I think that's more fan fiction. Since his wife cucked him FCB has been on an ugly downward spiral. Taylor is nothing special but I seriously doubt she would lie in the gutter with him. I don't see it. It's just people who hate everyone at 247 projecting their own bullshit, IMO.
  11. @workswithseed this is why so many people here, who like myself voted for Bush, fucking LOATHE the current GOP and Trump. Watch that video twice or 12 times. Fuck TRUMPIsm and all the cucks like Ted Cruz and you that defend it.
  12. Insanity considering the average American sorely needs social programs and better healthcare that every other developed western democracy has to live a better life. The average American republican supporter is the cuck of the political world.
  13. Santorum is such a cuck. Says you need evidence, but keeps trying his best to push back to support dear leader. Just grow a pair you fucking piece of shit.
  14. That’s all I said and all the betas in their feelings go ape shit. Y’all are actively dumping ballots out of no where, changing ballots, keeping monitors from their monitoring positions, physically, blocking out the windows from people seeing whatever it is you are up to. ACTIVELY destroying the franchise like you’ve done with the rest of the. Constitution . Now a judge has ruled that the monitors be allowed in and you’ve ignored THAT so police need to come and escort them back in. God knows what you’ve done while they’ve been not monitored. only answer is is that NONE of this will count You pussies will continue with. “There’s never been ANY REAL evidence of voter fraud . This will go to the Supreme Court where you know who is waiting for you [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji3590][emoji3590] If this were being done by Republicans, major cities would be on fire now (cuz racism and that one black dude who posts here (“Pop?) is fucking your wives. But. No riots. Just justice You assholes ruined the country and you are in for a reckoning. Chuck Schumer and this broad https://images.app.goo.gl/PvVHJcT4BUezGFiL7 expecting her to “recuse herself” from rulings re:Constitutional Matters Buhhhhhbwaaaahahaha
  15. The biggest upside to this god-awful election being over are the end of the even more god-awful Hegar ads. Motorcycles, tats, weight lifting, bratty kids, more motorcycles and a Beta husband have run their course for the rest of humanity, at least as far as political ad space goes. $10MM - $15MM well spent, indeed.
  16. Counter point is a lot of first time voters motivated to vote for Trump. They probably voted straight team R as well. When he goes away do they still come out for generic R they never heard of? Republicans lack imagination. If Biden stalls at all, and McConnell will obstruct his face off, Trump will come back in 2024. The cucks in the R party will be powerless to stop it.
  17. Pence saying that all votes will be counted, ignoring that his boss says that counting them is fraud. He is such a fucking cuck.
  18. Think cuck blocking more apropos for GOP.
  19. Win or not, fuck you, Tom. You fucking cuck ass bitch. Sam should be your God and that's who you need to pray to, or else you would be winless.
  20. Unless you're a cuck all victories are glorious. Dont equate coaching changes to the current players as 25% of them won't be on the team next year.
  21. You assumed incorrectly and no , straight marriage isn’t in there either That’s all many of us were trying to say. Of course. Here. That makes me (us) an immediate hater of homosexuals. What we “hated” was your legislation from the bench and lumps like Sotomayor who are there only for that purpose while you have kept actual legal talent like Robert Bork( possibly the most giant legal scholar of our time) from that court somehow. Doesn’t matter in here though because anything against the group think posted here now is automatically vilified and personal attacks replete with some imagined “racism, homophobic , xenophobic ” assignments are not only immediate, but expected. Of course those who don’t agree with you are not wanting to face this vitriolic backlash. But I don’t care at all about that and only covet the expository “character revealing” of those who immediately turn to that sort of bombastic response as a reflection of who they really are, deep down, who would trade in some sort of political discourse for that, with the greatest dispatch. I could spend a lot of time (a) defending myself here to a bunch of fuckstuck beta male man-buns in skinny jeans or (b)let it go and continue to watch grown people act this way by scribbling out something that is obviously going to launch you into further hysteria orbit. I picked (b) so you can quit pretending that you are not one who would “go there” in a political discussion. We get it. The liberal (death spiral) orthodoxy needs be met in lockstep to post here or else the most vile shit possible is completely excusable. Here. The few times I’ve returned fire in this way I’ve been “warned about abusive posting” by the reasonable folks who moderate this space. So, allowing you your demonstration of character, here, in writing has been my effort so far until you begin to eat your young on Tuesday. Now. Fuck off
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