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  1. Even if you totally ignore losing your starting center, cornerback, and safety, and having your All-American tight end clearly limited, I don't really see how this is true. Plenty of blame to go around, but our players brought their C game, and I put much of the blame for that on them and not the coaches. Stupid penalties, stupid turnovers, awful tackling, shit execution, Jaylon Ford looking like he was drunk as a skunk, AD Mitchell doing whatever the fuck it was AD Mitchell was doing, Jerrin Thompson dropping gifted interceptions, Gbenda blowing coverages, etc. Someone check the security footage at the strip clubs in Dallas, because something was up. If you want to blame all of that on the coaches because the buck stops there, sure, I get that. And were there questionable decisions end of game? Sure. The running play on 3rd and 9 was somewhat similar to the 3rd and 7 running play on the last Bama drive. It works and everyone loves how tough you are, how you are out-Bama-ing-Bama, the culture has changed, blah blah blah. It doesn't work and you are a fucking turtling pussy who can't manage the clock (and yes, I realize they aren't perfectly comparable). The goal line shit show is much more egregious to me. I've always been anti-Sark, for a lot of the reasons stated in the OP. And maybe deep down I still am. But his talent accumulation and the way this team looked the first 5 games won me over to some degree. OU brought their A game, we brought our C game and had a few bad breaks, and lost on basically a last second touchdown. It fucking sucks, but if we meet OU again I am willing to bet we win by >7.
  2. No, that's not what I said. What I said was... it wouldn't be unprecedented for it to happen, and anything that's going to happen, hasn't happened yet. But it's neither impossible nor completely improbable. It's also possible we win out, to the point of even winning it all. Equally likely, I'd say. And I'm here for it Nothing more entertaining than a CTJ meltdown. Hell ... it's his username. Almost like he knew what he was doing when he chose that.
  3. Texas is FOURTH in the RPI, but unless the committee goes straight RPI, we probably aren't hosting. Two of our losses are to RPI #2 and #5 (Stanford and WSU) and #48 (Long Beach State), with wins over #16 BYU (x2), #25 KU (x2), #39 Minnesota, #41 Rice and #52 Ohio State. We offset those 3 losses that with 7 top 52 wins. Texas has the chance for 7 more top 50 wins at the moment, but our biggest knock is going be lack of top 25 matches (6, with a 4-2 record currently, and KU is barely hanging onto top 25 in the RPI) Matches remaining (RPI rankings): 28 Baylor (x2) 31 UCF 33 TCU 34 ISU 47 Houston (x2) 89 Texas Tech 92 Kansas State 117 Cincinnati 196 West Virginia (x2) AVCA Poll: 1. Wisconsin (60) 2. Nebraska (4) 3. Stanford 4. Washington State 5. Oregon 6. Louisville 7. Texas 8. Pittsburgh 9. BYU 10. Tennessee 11. Georgia Tech 12. Arkansas 13. Penn State 14. Florida 15. Purdue 16. Kansas 17. Creighton 18. Dayton 19. Arizona State 20. Baylor 21. Houston 22. Auburn 23. Kentucky 24. Minnesota 25. Iowa State
  4. OU scored 24 of their 34 points on the bookends of each half. 7 after an INT in plus territory on first possession 3 points to go to half 7 points coming out of half 7 points with 15 seconds left 3 of the other 10 were scored because of a running into the punter and dropped int in the end zone. Outside of the last drive PK and the defense gave us a chance to win. Nobody would have cared about OU scoring with 15 seconds left if we were up 10 like we should have been.
  5. Didn’t ever say I want Sark fired or think he should be run off. Just pointing out that he’s likely not elite enough to overcome the HC cannot be an OC and win a MNC deal. I thought what Dykes did last year was great. I didn’t think it was sustainable but I’d still take the year they had last year over what we’ve endured since Colt left the 40 acres. Having said that Sark has done a lot of the right things. Never said otherwise. We also have elite talent and depth now bc @closetojumping @immamac @RGBIII @SydneyCarton @SquishMitten and many others saw to it we’d be at the forefront of NIL and all that shit. If we’re going to pick apart all my posts because of a bad take here and there then pretty much everyone on this board should stop posting including yourself. Sark also went 8-5 with Bijan and Rojo. And then after losses said we should have run the ball more even though he was calling the damn plays. Think about that. My complimenting Dykes had more to do with the fact he managed to cobble together a Frankenstein team and do what we couldn’t do. I said it wasn’t sustainable year over year. But he out Coached Sark last year. Dykes likely won’t again. We are doing a lot of the right things. Dykes did what he had to do to get recruiting momentum. It’s not as sustainable. Not unless you start getting a pipeline.
  6. You went on and on about the sonny dykes show, so there is some hesitancy to listen to any of the shit you just typed. Have you watched tcu play this year? Do you still want what dykes has going? who is the flavor of the month this time? west virginia's head coach? Sark has turned around the staff, the recruiting, the culture, and it shows everywhere you look. Mack brown era we throw a pick to start the game and oklahoma fucking mud holes us. Bama storms back to take the lead during mack or herman times and we get mud holed. I do understand the frustration but at the end of the day we are 5-1 and this team battles, they fight their asses off for 4 quarters. Our stating qb threw two picks and fumbled once, if I told you that before the game started you think we lose by 4 with a chance to win it at the end????? I will still be here when we run sark off and hire Herman 2.0 lol.
  7. Yes. We lost to OU. Our biggest rival, and for most of the past several decades, the gatekeeper to winning any kind of title. If that's not a big deal to you, fuck off. Like I said... Games haven't been played yet. We've seen inexplicable collapses from Sark even while he coached here. I strive to be realistic about my expectations (I did NOT think we had title winning talent this year) and, again, keep what I hope happens separate from my expectations. Oh, fuck off; if you can't enjoy CTJ's flowery bulshitting and can't grasp why it should be featured in its own thread, you're probably the kind of unwashed philistine who thought The Last Jedi was a bad movie. Constant, I say this with the deep love and respect that I always have for you: Go back to eating the ripest fruits of Bob Stoops' Fresh Organic Dick Farm and choke on it.
  8. Codaxx

    3rd and 9

    I think this correct, but that is in the irrational world of sports chat rooms. I think the decision is pretty obvious. We can quibble over percentages, but making the FG or the 1st down on 4th and 4 are both probably around a coin flip (with OU down 2 starters in the secondary, I think odds are better for going for it).. IF either fail it doesnt matter, the odds on the outcome are essentially the same.. IF you make the first down, the odds dramatically increase for a Texas win compared to making the FG. Making the first down puts OU's chances at winning at essentially 0.
  9. It took the absolute dumpster fire of Charlie Strong to finally break the association I had between wanting Texas' coach to succeed and believing Texas' coach will succeed. I feel like our last three hires have mirrored the three before those: 1. A great coaching staff that had, over the years, fallen off considerably, is finally let go, to be replaced by a good defensive coordinator who had had limited head coaching success elsewhere, only to then struggle to even achieve a winning season. 2. Hey, hiring a great defensive coach didn't work, let's hire a great offensive mind instead! BUT... make sure he's an insufferable arrogant dickhead who everyone hates. He wins some games he shouldn't, we see more success, but it's clear the program isn't going in the right direction (and we really don't want to put up with that shithead any more). Questionable choices re: drugs. 3. I'm stunned. I'm pissed. Why did we hire THIS guy? But then the guy comes in, says all the right things, hires a great supporting cast, and we're recruiting as well or better than anyone in the country. First couple of years are rough, and we ride the last guy's running back talent to some ok shit, then the recruiting matures AND WE ARE WINNING BIG... except for the big ones. Always seem to be coming just short of the gold. Goddamn OU. (One obvious difference: Mack almost never lost games he should've won.) The parallels among the last 6 coaches (7, really, because Akers seems like he more or less fits in the Mack/Sark mold, but maybe not so much on the nose?) are uncanny and really seem to describe Texas Football since DKR. But while I'm not confusing hope and belief any more, I'm not panicking either. 1. Past results doesn't guarantee future behavior. We've never seen a sober Sark as a head coach. 2. The whole NIL thing, which has the potential to turn our recruiting into a machine like what we had in the days before scholarship limits. 3. The games haven't been played yet.
  10. Maybe I'm too old-school-educated for the modern world...but I'm having a hard time grasping that fighting back then going on offense against an attacking enemy constitutes "genocide." Of course every conflict in that region (and most other regions) involves one or more race/religion against another, and to win you have to severely damage the enemy. To me "genocide" is the unprovoked killing of masses of people for the sole reason that they belong to a particular race or ethnic group. I guess arguably if the retaliation is devoid of any military or anti-terrorist purpose, and is just blowing up buildings because Palestinians live there....then that's where we get the genocide label?
  11. The goal should always have been winning the Big 12, not worrying about making the playoff. We still have a chance to win the Big 12 but we have zero margin for error and probably need help to stay at #2. That said, everyone was shitting on how terrible the Big 12 was and it probably still is. WVU has won numerous close games. That's not going to continue to happen unless they're this year's TCU. Sure, there are many loseable games left on the schedule. It's foolish to think otherwise. It would be nice if we'd stop having posters make declarative threads about how unbeatable our team is or likening them to 2005's team that was perfection. Losing to OU, our lone rival in a game where we tend to never have the same chip on our shoulder that they do, was always a possibility. Pretty sure ctj told us otherwise last week but we all drink the koolaid time to time.
  12. No wonder our fanbase catches so much shit. How many teams go undefeated in a season on average? Did anyone here actually expect that going into the season? Yet here we are, lose a game coach sucks, blah blah blah... blOU was put in a position that they had to make plays during the last 75 seconds to win the game. They managed to do it, discussing that is a different topic. Which many of you have done in spades. Hindsight is 20/20. Team played like dog shit, the could have turtled but didn't. Not sure that would have happened anytime in recent memory. Why don't you give the coaches and players a chance to accomplish what many thought would be progress? Win 10+. Buy hey, you do you. Be sure to come thump your chest, because you called it, if the wheels come off your beloved program. I came into this season knowing I'd be happy with 10 wins, anything over would be gravy. It's still on the table and I'll continue to believe they get there.
  13. ASSUMING we could get to 12-1, I think a potentially problematic scenario is Alabama and Georgia winning out then Georgia losing to them in the SECCG. It might be ironically better for us for Bama to pick up another loss before the SECCG to take them out of the equation entirely. We've seen too much SEC fuckery to think that we'd be a safe pick over 12-1 Alabama even with a H2H win. After all, they'd have the best loss between us 🙄 However - I think it's unlikely that the SEC would get two teams in over a one loss B12 champ. I'm pretty confident that we'd get in over 12-1 FSU or really any of the PAC teams (with one loss). The B10 and SEC will both get a spot barring catastrophe. What we need is for none of SC, UO and Wash to go undefeated and for FSU to pick up a loss. If that happens and we win out it's gravy.
  14. I don't know. I'd argue it's more miserable to continue hoping for a return to success at the beginning of each season, only to be let down by the most gut-wrenching, cringeworthy games. Texas Football is a cruel bitch sometimes. Mediocrity is easier tbh, losing games we should win is much worse when there's a lot on the line. I really thought we were turning a corner, and then Stoops 2.0 comes in and shits all over us. Again. Thank God for Vince Young and Colt McCoy, or we might not even have a MNC since 1970. Prove us all wrong Sark, and go win the Big 12 somehow.
  15. I stayed away this weekend, assuming the board would be loaded with doom and gloom and then a bunch of rationalization. After clicking around, it looks like things held together here somewhat nicely. That considered, now I'm worried about things here in the opposite direction. The general optimism towards the rest of the season across numerous threads creates the impression that a whole herd of you guys aren't prepared for what's actually going to unfold. That could lead to utter catastrophe when the inevitable happens, leading to numerous psychotic breaks for stunned denizens of this board and I'd hate to see it/hear about it. The reality is, Steve Sarklostagain still hasn't done a fucking thing in his career to merit receiving the benefit of the doubt from the fanbase and posters on this board. He's never won more than 9 games, he's been outcoached on numerous occasions, and he's a born loser at heart, reflected repeatedly in a career of inexplicable losses. Seven Loss Steve's entire head coaching history reflects a penchant for winning games that surprise people and then following that soon enough with an inexplicable loss or seven. 2009 - UW plays LSU close to open the season, then pulls a wild upset of USC in week 3 before going 5-7 with headscratching losses to a failing Weis-led ND program that went 6-6 and ended up firing their fat idiot head coach to end the year and then a loss to an eventual 4-8 ASU team that lost all 5 games they played after beating UW. "but closetojumping, UW was 0-11 in 2008! he can't be dinged for the turnaround in that season!" - wait, there's more. 2010 - After upsetting 18th ranked USC on the road in the Colesseum, Seven Win turns around the next week at home and shits the bed against an ASU that had lost 3 straight and went 6-6. 2011 - No real surprising wins this season, but ol'Seven Loss did find a way to climb into the dumpster and light his team on fire by losing to an Oregon State that was 2-8 at the time and finished 3-9. 2012 - a 3rd straight 7 win season. Steve Sarkloseian took some early losses against good teams and brought his team roaring back to a 7-4 record and 4 game winning streak before bending his Washington team over and letting a 3-9 Washington State team just buttfuck it into oblivion in the annual rivalry game. He had some big time "we're back!" wins this season, beating #7 Stanford and #Oregon State. 2013 - Finally, a retooled roster with all of Seven Loss' own players! UW marches out to a 4-0 record before getting buzzsawed by the #5 and then #2 teams in the country, the latter in blowout fashion. Not the end of the world. Then, they headed to Tempe, still ranked, and were beaten by 4 touchdowns via a Todd Graham-led ASU team on no one's radar. At 8-4, and showing an obvious trajectory towards titles, USC calls Seven Win Steve home! 2014 - Seven Win's best year to date, he takes a USC team, ranked 15th to open the year, and they finish ranked #20 with underdog wins against two ranked opponents while also inexplicably losing a slap fight to a Boston College team that would finish 7-6. 2015 - Uneven Steven had USC open at #8 and then plummet out of the top 25 at 3-2 when he was seen visibly drunk on the sidelines during a loss to an unranked UW team and eventually fired for repeating the behavior the following week at practices. 2021 - No valued win in this 5-7 season of rebuilding! a 7-3 roster, but Texas did have standout losses to eventual 7-6 Iowa State, 2-10 Kansas, and 6-7 West Virginia. 2022 - We can argue about Texas Tech but Texas should have won that fucking game. Seven Win Steve freezing up with his playcalling against Tech, TCU, and Okie State played critical roles in the eventual 8-5 season. 2023 - If you can't find the next headscratching loss, you're not alone. No one else seems to be able to on this board either. I'll help you out though. It is likely going to be among one of these opponents, and will likely be at least two of them, given history: @UH BYU KSU @TCU @ISU Tech I've bolded my best bets, but it could happen with any of them. Stop talking about the playoffs or rematching against OU. Texas doesn't have the coach for that. We're staring down the barrel of a 9-3 regular season. Sarkisian has said privately that he views bowl games as prep for the next season and the outcome doesn't concern him one way or the other. I'm assuming a banner year is in order here, and we see another career high 9 win season at 9-4. You can keep all of the receipts on this that you'd like, but you're not going to need them.
  16. One score losses to colorado, and Texas tech though man. That's the overall theme at Texas, and I guess at this point it is what it is. Here is the problem with the what if scenario with saban, they gave him chances to win titles that he shouldn't have gotten...then he won the fucking title to prove that he deserved it anyway. It's hard to argue that he didn't deserve to be there when he won the game. Mack should have won those fucking games, especially if we are going to continue to shit on sark for not winning games we think he should. If we were all sensible we would realize that Texas isn't really a football school, it's an academic school that has a bad ass swim team, great track teams, good to great baseball teams, and in football we win a lot of games but very little else of significance.
  17. It matters when you lose, if we win out and beat OU in the championship game then i’d bet we go to the playoffs. Not many teams ranked ahead of us right now won’t have one loss and will have a better resume at the end of the season.
  18. it will NOT be OU's best game of the year per FEI's Game Ratings but that's only because of how much they smoked the hell out of Arkansas State those are opponent adjusted and exclude garbage time. they played a very, very good game vs Texas but the odds of them having that success rate again, being that successful running the ball, being that successful in the red zone, and getting that much HAVOC are extremely low. here they were vs Iowa State fore example (%tile vs Texas in red) and Cincy (%tile vs Texas in red) the rematch in December is going to be very good but don't get it twisted - they played a very, very, very good game that is unlikely to be re-created. the odds of this being their new baseline is very low considering we had a 5 game baseline before this. *** here is where the copium starts - i fully expect this to show up on message board geniuses. OU won the middle 8. OU won when rushing (!!!). OU won on early downs. OU was +3 in turnovers, +4 in sacks, +11% in HAVOC created, had more than 2x as much HAVOC from their front 7 as Texas did, were +10% in run stuff rate, +43% in red zone success, +4% in stop rate, had +10 points in turnover luck, had half as many penalties as Texas and had 4 of the 5 big plays in this game by absolute EPA...they still had to have a drive down the length of the field with no time outs to win. OU played THAT much better and still only had a 59% postgame winning expectancy per Bill C lol. will share the advanced box score he puts out when it's done. Texas should absolutely win out and then absolutely beat those Okie asses in the B12 championship.
  19. All this run down the clock early in the drive nonsense is just hindsight talk. What was going to happen under the Sark plan was we get another 1st (or two) and OU has no timeouts and we are setting up for a shorter FG to win it and Sark gets credit for a perfect last drive. Getting to a point on the field where we give ourselves a chance to win more than outweighs any let's strategically milk the clock concerns AT THAT POINT IN TIME.
  20. Yeah, it is going to take a little while. The RRS is the one game that still gets a major reaction out of me when we lose. Winning that game is always one of the benchmarks for a successful season and you never get that back. Even if you win out, get a rematch, and win, there's always going to be a bit of an asterisk on that conference championship unless OU manages to drop a couple of league games; otherwise it is just a stupid football version of double jeopardy. I attended the 2018 Big 12 championship and without a doubt the Cotton Bowl is the one that feels like it matters more, even if it doesn't on paper.
  21. at this point we are 7 years since he won 10 games. we are 10 years past him winning a national championship. We are 9 years past him winning a conf championship. he's finished unranked in the AP poll (3) more often than he has finished ranked (2) he constantly looks under prepared on the sideline his teams are now in year 3 of taking a step back every single year. he can't keep a QB healthy. percentage wise he has won fewer games than Sumlin (66.2% for Sumlin, 65.2% for Jimbo) and has somehow only won 4% more conf games than Sumlin (52.1% to 56.8%) - he's only ever had 2 winning conference seasons - Sumlin only had 1 losing conference season. dude went 4-4 a lot but still. %wise for him to tie Sumlin for win% he had to win 10 games I think (10-3) and he is 4-2. so 1 loss the rest of the way lol going 51-26 got Sumlin fired by the boosters. they may not be able to fire him $$ wise but they can turn off the spigots quickly and remind him who is really in charge. the issue they are going to have is that he is a very, very, very stubborn man and he is going to take that about as bad as any coach in the country - see how he handled that at FSU. either way they made their bed with this fucking guy and now have to live with it. i couldn't be happier
  22. This was the best loss we could have taken in the eyes of the committee. Imagine if we won that game yesterday and played OU again in Arlington and they gave us our only loss... They would go over us and we would be furious. Im not saying the game on Saturday was meaningless. It was very important, but in the big picture, we still control our own destiny if we win out. Time to see how this team responds, and I think they will respond very well.
  23. I really wish I could be a fly on the wall for Sark/PK conversation after this game. The second we took the sack, we were playing for a field goal, barring OU falling for the draw offsides attempt by the offense on 4th and 4. I can’t imagine Sark thinking “my defense has held them scoreless for the past 20 minutes… I better go for it and score a TD, because by dipshit DC will revert to old habits and play prevent against the fastest defense in the nation”. I wish we could see what was going through Sark’s mind, during their game winning drive. I bet he was pretty frustrated to see the DBs 12+ yards off and no effective blitzes dialed up to disrupt DG.
  24. Yeah, if Gameday returns, the Fair has to force them to go to a spot like over by the Texas Star where Gameday is in its own separate area that doesn't interfere with getting through the Fair. It was nut to butt at 8:45-9. We watched it for a bit and then went to get some food in the Pavilion. Not worth standing around for. Fox does a much better job when they are here as they set up by the Hall of State where it's more open. We got in pretty easily on the other side of the Cotton Bowl. We went in one of the side entrances as they are plentiful on that side. I think that's a large part of the problem. The south facing end only has 3-4 entrances on that side to service way too many people. You're better served to enter around the endzones and work your way towards your seats. Getting out for us was a double beating as we had to navigate a sea of OU fans who for the most part didn't taunt at all. I think they were just relieved to win it. It also didn't help that pretty much the whole stadium stayed till the end.
  25. In the big 12, Texas and OU have historically dominated in talent and the winner of the RRR wins the conference (usually) and sets them up for BCS bowls and NY6 and CFP. OU is going to find out starting next year that just because you win the RRR doesn’t mean you can coast to the conf title game once you have to play Georgia, Florida, LSU, Ole Miss, Aggy, Bama afterwards instead of ISU, KSU, WV, Tech, Baylor, etc. Same goes for us, but we are building a program and talent that can win those games too.
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