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  1. That's what real men do. Play the victim card. Over, and over, and over again. That's how they assert their dominance over beta cucks and women alike. I'd tell you where they learned the playbook, but I suspect you already know.
  2. Jerking off a mushroom dick as small as his would certainly explain why the blisters are confined to such a tiny area of his hand. The man is just an alpha male leader in every sense of the word, and you beta cucks just can't deal with it.
  3. This beta cuck for the O’s is throwing batting practice to everyone except Judge who he hit in the 1st and just walked again. When you give up a homer to Higashioka you probably should go ahead and ask to be pulled from the game.
  4. Wait. You went and searched out one of my posts on a different board to neg because I negged you here. Classic beta, cuck behavior. If you want to whine about shit unrelated to football, you're going to get negged.
  5. I never made the Pat=Patrick connection. Never mind the wardrobe. noCR, pos rep. somebody, somebody explain to me why I'm the beta cuck and the guy with feminine birthing hips wearing rouge off camera is idolized by "real Texas men"
  6. AlphaHorn lol. What kind of dipshit decides that’s a great username? I mean, if he did pick that to be ironic, sure, go ahead. But he really thinks he’s some super Male here to whip all us beta cucks into shape. Such a tragedy.
  7. People should know this is a team of beta cucks. Look at last year how LSU straight up punked them before the game and they just stood there. It's a reflection on the coach. We don't have killers, we have guys who lay down scared.
  8. His wife is pegging his sweet ass tonight. Weak ass beta cuck. To keep his ego intact, what’s it gonna take. Gonna have to tell the boys at Cracker Barrel that he made that candystriper cry and put that libtard in her place.
  9. Trumpkins are the biggest snowflakes of all. Johnny is a pussy who likely was bullied as a child and therefore turned into a bully himself. Sad. Now, ironically, he could now use a good ass kicking. Kicking the shit out of beta cucks is no damn fun, though.
  10. I suspect there have been IP bans but these pathologicals use VPNs to come back like digital zombies. I bet their wives are largely clueless to their bullshit. Honey are you watching porn again? No babes, just chatting with some friends online. Beta cucks.
  11. And to boost donations. Stop the steal ran its course, and glomming on to midterm candidates at a 95/5 split is over. On to 2024 asap. also, what kind of beta cuck soyboys just say ok when they’re told they can’t leave a place they want to leave?
  12. Obtaining a bye and getting an extra week of rest after a long season is more than enough reason to want to win the conference. No one remembers regular season champions in basketball but everyone celebrates the conference tourney champion. In conclusion, eat shit with your beta cuck attitude.
  13. It's definitely not my intention to talk shit about a team that I love and spend an unhealthy amount of time, money, and energy obsessed with. What you'd call "talking mad shit", I'd call "cautious pragmatism". But that might just be because I'm a scared beta cuck, etc etc
  14. Well after the alpha-males (non-beta cucks who listen to faggy science) are done shitting themselves almost to death with horse paste...they're gonna need to clean out their vaginas via douche to avoid UTI. But I'm sure their guns will save them. Fucking pussies.
  15. Oh boy.. this is something. Let's say it were true. TX/OU were so butthurt over the one great season by both of these schools that they ordered Bowlsby to not crown a champion? Doesn't that reflect more on Bowlsby as a beta cuck and as not acting in the interests of the B12 and could therefore be grounds for termination?
  16. I get it. You’re a beta cuck pussy that spends his days in the cloak room jerking off Denison but in the real world actions have consequences but the fact that you went so triggered by it tells me your hair is purple and your Facebook badge celebrates your vaccine status.
  17. imagine being such a beta-cuck that you incessantly rail against a politician in your safe space, and the second the thread you've hijacked with politics is moved to the politics board (where you'll be asked to defend your assertions), you scurry off like a cockroach. what's up with that @BabaYaga? why are you such a snowflake?
  18. I'm glad I didn't watch that game from your weak beta-cuck perspective. I bet the 2005 NC game was terrible for you too, instead of celebrating you were calculating how many times we would have lost if we could replay the game over and over.
  19. Ha. Look at that beta cuck Joe Biden actually giving a shit about Covid protocols, social distancing, and genuinely caring about people who come out to see him speak! What a low energy pussy! Doesn't even need Herculian life saving efforts to keep him off a ventilator.
  20. Jesus fucking christ. For a bunch of wannabe "alphas" who are obsessed with calling their opponents "cucks," their leader is the biggest fucking gaping vagina beta cuck who just got totally dominated by a dictator and is now crawling back from the safety of being back across the ocean from a scary dictator. This is your hero GOP.
  21. So, did the refs cheat for Maryland, O-state, and WV too? Or are you just being a beta cuck over OU losses... Let me take a wild guess, you're also an avid leftist? You don't have to answer, I know you are by how weak you sound. Scoreboard, pussy.
  22. What about the new woke power ads w/ amazing women and their beta cuck boyfriends? One is a guy folliwing his badass female cyclist all over tarnation; the other a guy who doesn't know how to operate outdoor equipment while his badass girlfriend mountain climbs and kayaks. Woke as F.
  23. fuck. that. I don’t care if he comes in and never plays a snap because he’s a fat idiot who won’t work out or go to class. if herman loses him to beta cuck jimbo I want this whole goddamn thing burned to the ground. take a year off like UAB, start fresh in 2020.
  24. troph


    I have some flannel and I'm more of the F350 type lezzie who owns exactly one pair of heels and thinks a collection of open toed shoes means flip flops and multiple styles of birkenstocks. Subaru's are no longer lesbian cars, they are now for beta cuck hipster with well trimmed beards to show how manly and woke (at the same time) they are.
  25. This x1000. These supposed alpha males in the GOP suggest that a group of people whose land was stolen from them and then they were forced to travel around through checkpoints in their land should just “be nice”. If that happened to you @Ag with kids is that what you would do? If so, I’m guessing you won’t mind if I call you a beta cuck?
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