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  1. Reading what all these Republican “men” are saying, sounds like a lot of Republican men didn’t go to a prom or homecoming. I hate the alpha/beta shit, but holy fuck, way to actually play into the beta stereotype.
  2. You are on a texas longhorns message board with tens of thousands of posts. Because you are a shameless cuck with an embarrassment fetish.
  3. Open Beta information https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/skull-and-bones/news-updates/63lU49UJ7nEm7pv4xwBf68/devblog-open-beta buy it https://store.ubisoft.com/us/skull-and-bones/6295077a27efc536e38350a0.html?lang=en_US
  4. Never knew so many powerful men were cucks.
  5. Come on Ted Cruz, please, please, please come out and say spouses are off limits, please you dumb cuck.
  6. I assume that Adams uses terms like alpha or beta every 15 minutes or so.
  7. Oh yes it was/is. If I told a male (who didn't know of him) of an actor who was trained in dance, drama, ice-skated, and was also an all around athlete and who played not only a drag queen, but a pedophile during his career--they would call him a 'beta' in the targeted language some people use, but they would be wrong cause Patrick Swayze was so Alpha he'd just look at that male and laugh. He didn't win a ton of awards but he made some memorable movies. It was mentioned earlier that Roadhouse wasn't 'great,' and that is accurate but it's watchable in a coherent tidy way.
  8. Personally, I think it's time to put that notion to bed. For all his flaws, Abbott isn't dumb enough at this point to think Trump would consider him a viable VP candidate. And, at his age, he likely isn't entertaining the thought that Trump would select him for SCOTUS should a position open up. That leaves us with two options: Abbott believes this is a good policy and is promoting a State's Rights stance against the federal government. This option is ideologically consistent with longstanding anti-federalism beliefs among Texas conservatives going back to the Antebellum. Abbott is doing this because he recognizes that his supporters, both voters and financial backers, want this. This option is logically consistent for someone who wants to be re-elected or wants to pad his bank account as he heads into retirement. Let's just face it. Today, the Republican Party of Texas is now the Retrograde Party of Trump. If you want continued support from its base, you have to behave like a reactionary and rancorous xenophobe. And you had better stand up to those effeminate pansies in DC because no red-blooded Texan is gonna take orders from those pointy-headed liberals, RINOs, and various other beta cucks. That's it. Don't just be an asshole; be THE asshole and we'll shower you with praise and money. That's the more straightforward and logical explanation.
  9. Tiny D is America's flacid pen...nisula. This dude is a dud. He'll be a footnote in a history book banned by.. checks notes.... him? If a politician embodied the essence of a 'cuck', this is him. What a JAG-off.
  10. If you were going to ask me to guess the game a cuck is really into, that would be the one....
  11. Trump will have the nomination wrapped up in a few hours. Nikki will fall in line like the rest of these cucks for the self preservation of their GOP political careers.
  12. Naw, that’s entirely consistent with his big cuck energy.
  13. You have county commissioners putting in writing that they will not stop trucks delivering women to New Mexico for abortions? Are you sure this "beta test" isn't just in your head?
  14. Obviously this kinda thing isn’t needed right now. But I enjoy the rush of being part of the beta test in case shit goes sideways. They won’t stop our trucks and I have it in writing from a few county commissioners out that way whom pledged otherwise. as for the $500 gift cards placed in the glovebox of some of those cabs to give to the scared women for food and hotels (their medical bills are on them for obvious reasons), I wouldn’t know anything about that. The fucked next fucked up thing to sweat though is when Texas starts monitoring online communication or does an undercover/sting deal. That’s not just Lobo internet hyperbole, it’s just what’s next so they can toss some red meat to their base.
  15. just dropped in to pile on the spectacular flameout of this horrible pussy. What a shitty human being. A coward. A liar. A cuck. You know, a republican.
  16. He tried to run an anti-Trump campaign by being…trumpier than Trump. He talks about how pathetic it is to kiss the ring. Then he drops out…and immediately endorses Trump and kisses the ring. Page 1 of the book “Every Accusation is a Confession” will start with “Republicans’ constant use of the term ‘cuck.’” These “men” are the cuckiest bunch of cucks to ever cuck. Its pathetic. They’re pathetic. Every man in America should put on orange makeup and a cotton candy wig and rail Casey in front of Ron just to hear him thank you for fucking his wife silly.
  17. Mike had a few flashes of showing some spine the last three years. But I'm starting to think his new tack is like uber-Christian, "Be the bigger person/holier than thou/forgive/turn the other cheek." I mean, it sorta tracks with his previous belief set before he became VP/trump's toy. Now I'm certainly not sure if he believes it in his bones or is just beta-testing it as a "vibe" to the be stalwart forgiver and give himself over unto the Lord & America. But it may well end up playing to the voter base down the road. He was right, it's just not his time in 2024. But he may be doing this new angle for one of the two above stated purposes to secure opportunities for himself and his twisted agenda down the road in 2028/2032. Or maybe this is genuinely how he feels, who the fuck knows with this fucking clown? Were you, or I, or most normal humans nearly hung on the orders of our "friend", and luckily got out of it? I'd exact revenge. Of course, this is no ordinary foe, physical revenge is not possible. But you'd at least take to the streets and the media and let him know how you really felt about him almost making your children, fatherless. At the very least, yeah---I'd probably quit giving said "friend" handjobs. You would too if you were married to that cartooned hairdo cunt.
  18. Haha, I'm probably missing some things here but last year Ryan Day, coming off back to back Michigan losses, brought an elite undefeated squad to Ann Arbor. Quite probably the second or third best team in the land, depending on them vs. Georgia. He put up the stiffest fight of any Michigan opponent this past season, more than the national finalist and arguably Bama, and anyone dating back to TCU last year. His QB threw for more yards and TDs than any other Michigan opponent. They scored more than any other Michigan opponent. It was only a last second INT on a drive to win the game against Michigan that took them down, and the QB was hit on the play. In the aftermath of this, he has decided to: run off his rising senior incumbent QB who finished 14th nationally in passer rating. run off his rising senior WR who was arguably the best blocking WR in the country. run off his starting center. take a new center who can't snap (lol). take a new power run QB who lost his first battle to Adrian Martinez and lost a second round of PT to Avery Johnson. take a malcontent running back who the entire Ole Miss offense shoved into the portal after a stepback season. add zero tackles. add zero guards. add zero tight ends. fire the Special Teams coach whose unit was always SP+ top-20. fire the QB coach whose recruiting + position performance was always national top-3. fire the safeties coach for seemingly no reason. publicly cuck program luminary and WR coach Brian Hartline, who many argue is the best in the business when you consider recruiting and development (MHJr, Olave, Wilson, Jaxon Smith-Njigba, etc.). hire Bill O'Brien off one of the worst offenses in NFL history. Am I missing anything? Crazier things have worked but gottdamn Ryan, that's an, uh, interesting offseason.
  19. Jerking off a mushroom dick as small as his would certainly explain why the blisters are confined to such a tiny area of his hand. The man is just an alpha male leader in every sense of the word, and you beta cucks just can't deal with it.
  20. According to my aggy superfan friend Bjork is a cuck similar to Bilbo.
  21. There's also zero evidence, none, that the Biden Administration lied about the timing of the deaths. They said they got there too late in their filings on Monday. Nonetheless, as Mrs. Whiggins astutely points out, non-professional border guards in the form of TNG have been interfering with the normal operation of CBP, which is no great shakes itself, but probably capable of saving a few people here and there. That makes them responsible. Even the letter from DHS general counsel on January 14 does not "lie." https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24361467/letter-to-k-paxton-from-j-meyer-1142024.pdf Texas’s failure to provide access to the border persists even in instances of imminent danger to life and safety. On January 12, 2024, upon learning from Grupo Beta, a group affiliated with the National Institute of Migration of Mexico, that a group of migrants was attempting to cross the river, Border Patrol contacted Texas officials and requested access to the border. Texas refused. Later, a rescue team from Mexico was able to rescue two individuals from the group, both with signs of hypothermia. Three individuals drowned. Texas has demonstrated that even in the most exigent circumstances, it will not allow Border Patrol access to the border to conduct law enforcement and emergency response activities. Who is lying? It seems to be "The RIght Scoop."
  22. Fuck every motherfucker in Iowa who supported this traitorous cuck. You deserve your station in life. Go plow corn.
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