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  1. you mispelled Tim Scott and the Senate....<.que your "token" bullshit racist as fuck response here> See, here's what's happening. The thing about IT manifesting ITSELF in the form of Donald Trump and his unignorable 33% growth in GDP DURING a COERCIVE ECONOMIC SHUT DOWN (cementing him further in history as the most productive President you've ever heard of, despite fighting the assholes who hate this country the whole time) the thing that is happening here is a tectonic shift in energy. In the spirit of your go to card - "every accusation is an admittance" while making a career at "victimization" so as to drum up appeal for your bullshit, destructive policy ever becoming popular...you ran out of legitimately being a "vicitim" of anything, so you went and co-horted those who had a legit beef (sometimes, sometimes not), marginalized the fuck out of that - but you didn't care...you amplified that pet cause in that news-cycle for your own perceived politcal advantage and allowed that particular group to suffer all the blow back from your faux outrage...you didn't care what happened to them because you never gave a shit in the first place (Me Too Movement crickets just one example)....you are being exposed. You are NOT smarter than everyone,...quite the opposite actually. So, anyway, what's happening here is this shift to who actually are the oppresors in this America? or, I guess in the vernacular of this forum "Who are actually the racists" - in terms you can understand - 1. Who manipulates the media in a transparent as fuck attempt to control the message? 2. Who turns the agencies of the government against the citizenry? Nixon was run out of office, correctly, because of almost NOTHING next to what the DNC considers SOP now 3. The big business tech giants and Wall Street aren't pouring buckets of money at Biden because he represents any sort of resistance to them whatsover. Trump was right about that in the debate, and you should have heard more about that, acutally. Biden being corrupt as fuck really didn't need to be a focus of anything, iet's already clear and justice will be meted out appropirately. He's been involved in a money laundering operation since 2018 - nothing Guilianni is doing isn't already well chronicled within the FBI. But the comprimising position Biden is in with his Wall Street benefactors...that's not a small thing when you have a completely frail, plyable, scared as fuck low energy, never made a dollar in the private sector that wasn't bribery shape like the old man y'all trotting out there until Pelosi can run her 25th amendment plans out and have Kamala and AOC ride this out....that needs more attention...But it would require that any journalist remaining care about the obvious, first...before anything "investagatory" should be expected. The group doing all of that is YOU....the places these riots are popping off are ALL in Democrat strongholds and you think its a bad look for YOUR POLITCAL gain that riots in Philly be shown on television so YOU don't inform the public - ON PURPOSE...but the beautiful thing here is that YOU are again misjudging what's happening here, PA is already lost but YOUR contrived news and polling doesn't let YOU know that. You can not keep a lid on this and watching you try is costing you MORE traction. This shit doesn't play anywhere outside of places like this, where you only like to read what you want to read for your own circle jerk, beta male bullshit. Everyone knows Biden was on the take, everyone knows the "Russia" thing was contrived and because YOU did that, you somehow are trying to excuse Biden's business partnership with the leadership of our nuclear enemy as "not news worthy" Hell, even Barrack was as late to help as he was because HE KNOWS EXACTLY how far gone Biden has become and doesn't want anything sucking him into it. I came here really to watch the implosion with popcorn as your self-awareness becomes ecessary and you need to again sort it all out for yourself and only find YOU as responsible. Have a nice weekend, Syd - you fucking moron - stop killing us! We aren't all Covid positive senior citizens in New York who can't fight back. We can, and will.
  2. I think Paul nailed the comment about large diaphragm condensers. They almost always suck unless you spend considerable money. I got seduced by the brand "Neumann" (which is of course legendary) and bought a TLM103 some 25 years ago. I battled that fucking thing for 5 years before finally figuring out it sucked. I moved up to a modern, modular system which allowed capsule swaps on FET or tube bodies and holy moly, the difference was night and day. Unfortunately, it cost in the many thousands of dollars. I eventually sold it because I stopped recording when real life took over. That said, I have recorded vocals of really good singers with my EV RE20 and my (wait for it) Shure Beta 58 and I'll be damned if both aren't quite a bit better than that Neumann TLM103, which cost more. Short story long, you might want to reconsider that Rode vocal mic, but you never know what will work on a particular singer. The drum pack is probably fine, although 181 condensers can be a little harsh. Aim them a bit off center and they could work. Speaking of drum mic'ing, I think people (understandably) get overly wrapped up in "matched" pairs and whatnot. If I could only buy one great small diaphragm condenser or ribbon mic, then that's where I'd start. Aim it straight down, kinda splitting the difference between the snare and the kick beater. Grab another mic -- ANY mic -- and place it near the floor tom, pointing towards the snare, parallel to the ground. Add a kick mic -- ANY mic -- and maybe a snare mic. Voila. Done. Use that really good overhead to get the room and the tone of the kit, use the others to beef up the individual drums. I think some dipshit -- probably Fletcher -- called the overhead/floor tom/kick mic his "3 mic technique" on rec.audio.pro 30 years ago and built a reputation out of that obvious solution plus a couple of sessions assisting Jimmy Miller while the Stones drank, smoked and snorted their way through France. Such is life. At any rate, one great mic plus some pedestrian auxiliaries often works out better than a bunch of mediocre mics. Your mileage may vary, but it's best not to fight the 70 years of accumulated knowledge, of which I have acquired 0.001%.
  3. I would wait at least 6 months after they hit the market. Otherwise you are just paying to be a beta tester.
  4. Ha. Look at that beta cuck Joe Biden actually giving a shit about Covid protocols, social distancing, and genuinely caring about people who come out to see him speak! What a low energy pussy! Doesn't even need Herculian life saving efforts to keep him off a ventilator.
  5. We got my daughter a beta a few months ago. I'll probably end up throwing him in there too to get out of the 5 Gal tank.
  6. Yep your attitude of just win by 1 is why our beta team gets their asses kicked on the regular. You score there and tell them to gonfuck themselves
  7. People should know this is a team of beta cucks. Look at last year how LSU straight up punked them before the game and they just stood there. It's a reflection on the coach. We don't have killers, we have guys who lay down scared.
  8. Now I’m hearing rumors of this turtle mother fucker spreading the Mark Kelly nazi story even tho he did background research on it beforehand and it was confirmed to not be true. He’s trying to spread it anyway, trick people, have them vote for mcstinky, then probably admit he screwed up after the election. please fall somewhere and die you miserable turtle cuck who cares more about the GOP than the people of this country.
  9. Here is why everyone are cucks People are freaking out about Biden saying we need to transition to Renewables and ignoring Trump saying immigrants are idiots who follow the rules or Trump melting down over Wall Street, Facui, Children in Cages
  10. Talk slow, look at the camera, talk to the people, look presidential, ignore the orangutan. Repeat the mantra Joe. I'd need a beta blocker the size of a whopper to not jump the podium and attack that idiot.
  11. @bad_teammate @David Dennison suck my cock while I sing eyes of Texas. You beta liberal cucks.
  12. Not much else to say. It goes beyond political ideology. The number of republicans that voiced opposition to the shitstain that leads the GOP was negligible, so I won't even consider voting R til the entire party is decimated and rebuilt. The democrats have their fair share of morons, and I disagree with a fair number of their positions, but we can deal with that after every one of the current republican cocksuckers is out of work. Also, the republican needs to stop declaring itself a proxy for the religious right. I am all for the right of individuals to pursue their own religious beliefs, but I don't give a fuck what the bible says about anything relating to public policy decisions that affect us all. Parading Jerry Falwell Jr around on stage, while he spends his spare time masturbating in the closet watching his wife get plowed is a perfect representation of how Trump cucked the entire goddamn party.
  13. Starting now on Stadia, play the HUMANKIND beta free for seven days. Click to Play now through October 28 at 9 AM PT. You can also pre-order the full game (launching April 2021) on the Stadia store for $50.99 USD or €50.99. That’s a special limited-time price for pre-orders, so don’t wait. No subscription required. If you're interested in this kind of game, this is a great chance to also try out Stadia at no costs to you. Humankind trailer:
  14. So he didn't freak out about a disease that has a 99.9 percent survival rate? Good for him. I'm out on him though for rolling over and prostrating himself before the blm crowd over his shirt. He proved himself a spineless cuck over that.
  15. Gooner Cuck. It's Lincoln Riley's screen name on all the OU $9.95 sites.
  16. The fundamental economics of college athletics is the problem. Every school and their fan bases want to be a "winner." Yet at the end of the season the aggregate winning percentage will be .500. There simply aren't enough good coaches to go around, and schools are desperate because they need that football revenue. Go ahead and put your foot down and refuse to guarantee your contracts.....and then watch the coach you want to hire sign with another school that will. If you have $200 million in debt tied to your stadium expansion, you're gonna pay what it takes to pack the stands. And if your first hire fails, the desperation increases and so do the poor decisions. Fuck up your hires enough times and you reach aggy levels of desperation, resulting in $75 mil guaranteed for a hobbit cuck..
  17. It is. It is a common finance term. Eg, unlevered or levered beta, unlevered or levered cash flow. fuck face is a simpleton piece of shit but y’all are barking up the wrong tree on that one.
  18. Problematic traditions were never an issue until 8 months ago. Take the L loser and go sit with Tom Herman on his throne of shit you beta cuck cloakroom troll.
  19. This! No beta males need apply. Be sure to check the Adam's apples though.
  20. I am not ashamed to admit that I just reflexively licked my computer screen. Now I gotta fire up some chili. Did I mention I'm working on a chili kit based on the San Antonio Chili Queens' recipe? It's pretty close to dialed in. I'm trying to balance things without deviating very far from what has been recorded. At least one ingredient just isn't feasible from a cost standpoint, but there's a substitute that is. It's not the same as running dehydrated peppers, but it's close. I'll send out beta test kits to a few folks here soon if anyone wants to try it and give me feedback.
  21. 3 of the 4 Republican State Supreme Court Judges have a Libertarian on the ballot along with the Democratic candidate, and the Dem is a woman in every case. That to me is going to be fun to watch. No green candidates. Maybe I’m a beta soy boy, but when I see a choice for judge, I always go woman. My mom would at least hear me out when I fucked up as a kid and was in trouble but my dad wouldn’t.
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