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  1. Jerking off a mushroom dick as small as his would certainly explain why the blisters are confined to such a tiny area of his hand. The man is just an alpha male leader in every sense of the word, and you beta cucks just can't deal with it.
  2. According to my aggy superfan friend Bjork is a cuck similar to Bilbo.
  3. There's also zero evidence, none, that the Biden Administration lied about the timing of the deaths. They said they got there too late in their filings on Monday. Nonetheless, as Mrs. Whiggins astutely points out, non-professional border guards in the form of TNG have been interfering with the normal operation of CBP, which is no great shakes itself, but probably capable of saving a few people here and there. That makes them responsible. Even the letter from DHS general counsel on January 14 does not "lie." https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24361467/letter-to-k-paxton-from-j-meyer-1142024.pdf Texas’s failure to provide access to the border persists even in instances of imminent danger to life and safety. On January 12, 2024, upon learning from Grupo Beta, a group affiliated with the National Institute of Migration of Mexico, that a group of migrants was attempting to cross the river, Border Patrol contacted Texas officials and requested access to the border. Texas refused. Later, a rescue team from Mexico was able to rescue two individuals from the group, both with signs of hypothermia. Three individuals drowned. Texas has demonstrated that even in the most exigent circumstances, it will not allow Border Patrol access to the border to conduct law enforcement and emergency response activities. Who is lying? It seems to be "The RIght Scoop."
  4. Fuck every motherfucker in Iowa who supported this traitorous cuck. You deserve your station in life. Go plow corn.
  5. Exactly. The Cunty Cancun Canadian Cuban cleaned his clock and he cried like cuck that his is.
  6. All they did was replace a Cuck with a Fat Fuck. It's highly amusing that the Aggy gomers think that is somehow a recipe for success.
  7. Every dude from Alabama needs to vacation in College Station once just to fuck the Aggie wives and hear those redass cucks say "it just means more" at climax.
  8. Seeing that we gave Sark an extra 4 years after actually reaching the CFP makes that jimbo contract extension even worse. Its why I never worry about those morons. Everything they do, you can be assured is a suboptimal decision. In their minds paying that little cuck all that money and fully guaranteeing it for 10 years meant that they were on top of the CFB world. They are hardwired for failure. Always have been. Always will be.
  9. Also, as long as we're thinning gene pools, can we start with anyone who has ever uttered "low T beta" unironically?
  10. The fact you use verbiage like low T beta lets me know you’re a bitch. True alphas don’t say shit like that. Now sit down little man.
  11. So many low T betas on this site holy fuck. I used to be pissed at the globalists depopulation agenda but after reading this thread we definitely have plenty of people who would improve the gene pool by exiting said gene pool.
  12. It's not Jay and Michelle's fault. It's the fault of all the people who follow them. Emanuel, Berna, Nurys, Ed, Olivia, Moriah (absolute worst), James (simp+cuck), and Asaf. They're all playing scared of Kyland, Horacio, and Zara. I'd absolutely pick those last 3 as the favorites to win a final but to be so scared of them they're ok being at the bottom of an alliance controlled by mid-competitors is stupid.
  13. Nice of them to blur out the cuck and child from this photo
  14. And the dipshit pays to be on this free site, too. LMFAO what a cuck.
  15. You’re forgetting that these people are a bunch of bitchass betas who crumble the second someone pushes back. See the Jan 6 “revolutionaries” who started crying when maced and who fled like a bunch of cockroaches the second that Babitt bitch got plugged. See also the sad panda boys crying like bitches begging for leniency when haled into court. The worst they were able to muster was hitting an old man with a hammer, and he fucking lived through it, bunch of weak wristed tiny dicked wannabes.
  16. I'm sure all those French and Russian and Etc. Etc. who accomplished revolutions cried and gave up the first time they were maced (or beheaded or mowed down with gunfire or cannons). These people are the most beta of all betas to ever play revolution. It's like elevated cosplay.
  17. Aaron Rodgers, like some other public figures, is a constant reminder that it's fine if you need to believe in an alternate reality. It's fine if you project onto someone your need for validation and a sense of belonging and power. What just confuses some of us is why you decide that those "leadership" figures have to be the absolute dumbest fucking, beta-males around. I get following Dean Martin or Tom Brady or Ronald Reagan, they were men of substance. But so many of y'all just cower at the altar of these fucking simpletons. Or I guess that's the trick, play stupid for the stupids?
  18. This team will never win shit because it’s led by losers. With loser beta mentality. Fat Mike. Shitty ass Dak.
  19. Mom told me once that if she were ever stuck in bed and couldn't get up or communicate, to put all the old MGM musicals on the TV. She later added the 2006 BCS title game to that dream playlist. Well, she was in the ICU, and there wasn't a way to get anything on the TV there, so I played some songs from musicals on my phone. She was falling apart and barely there, but that connected with her in her last moments. So now I can't even THINK of this song without crying. Somewhat less wholesome is this song. I was the other guy in a relationship. I thought I loved her; she just wanted me (and others) for sex while she cucked her "boyfriend." So this song is relatable.
  20. Mulaney told us that he was nervous as shit at first when he began dating Olivia Munn because she had been with this big, strapping jock. In the end, she confirmed that John is much more of a alpha male and better in bed than Aaron ever would be. Which would explain why so many beta snowflakes worship Rodgers. OF course, John was high as fuck when he told this story so maybe it's not true. I don;t think this is terribly political. That we're debating whether or not Jimmy Kimmel was involved on Epstein's island is pretty telling considering two former U.S. Presidents were involved and nobody is remotely surprised by that part of the narrative. I don't think Kimmel is that funny. I think he does all that political material to cozy up to his Hollywood friends so they'll come and do his show. Maybe he believes it, maybe he doesn't. Who gives a shit? If he's a pedophile, burn him alive. If he's not, sue the fuck outta Aaron and laugh all the way to the bank. And I don't think Aaron is particularly political the other way either. I think he just thinks he suffers from "I'm the smartest guy here and if I say something dumb, it's because they're all too dumb to realize my genius." It's a totally normal human response, we're all guilty of it from time to time. We just don't appear on national television every week to spout off about it. If anybody had "Aaron Rodgers versus JImmy Kimmel" on their Epstein 2024 bingo card, you've already won the year. Take the next 51 weeks off, you've earned it.
  21. I think he literally made a venn-diagram of R's who voted for Phelan and against his school voucher bill(s). And he's going after them first, one by one. He'll use their voting on guns and abortion 'n shit and fodder, but in the end---it's the voucher program that embarrassed him most, considering it took that many special sessions to basically just broadcast his failure of leadership. Holland's just the beta test case. This will go through primary/runoff season. It does come across as bold and brave to their hardcore base. But little by little, as demography changes, they can't afford to have their kinda average to moderate GOP'ers stay home anymore on election day. I know in the CR space, every Republican is an evil moron who will take up arms in the streets to defend the RPT. But in reality, a lot of them will look at this infighting and not out being noble, but just out of being human and wanting to avoid drama, and think, "Oh fuck this soap opera. Nobody else bothers to vote in primaries or runoffs, why the fuck should I? Let them be adults and figure it out." Won't be a huge amount of Republicans, but it's gonna be enough to sway some extremist races in many districts. I mean, an Abbott-backed primary opponent vs. Holland bitchy slap-fight. We all know a lotta rural/exurban Texans who would look at that and think, "Buncha bitches up in here. Sort if out like adults."
  22. You, my friend, have blessedly not been inducted into Incel Theory. Because so, so much of this is all about dudes getting themselves laid. See, these dudes view women’s control over reproduction as the cog that leads to a breakdown of society (defined as men not getting laid). Per incel theory, birth control and anti-virals allow women to have sex with who they want without concern that they will be forced to carry a child to term and take care of it (and worry about STDs). And so, per incel theory, young women flock to have sex with the top few percentile of men and don’t sex up all the nice guys who would be good husbands. And then, after they had their fun and they get older, they look for a beta to marry and maybe have one kid with. How to fix this? Well, first you make it so that any sex act may lead (for women) to life-altering consequences. Next, you cut sex ed and make sex terrifying and also make basic health care inaccessible. And now it’s fixed! All those women can either live celibate and alone forever, or they can get with the program and get assigned their husband early if they want any sort of companionship and intimacy. Win for society (society, here, is dudes getting laid). All perfectly rational here except it’s the thought process of incel weirdos who think they are owed sex. But the kernel of truth is that women’s autonomy hinges on birth control and reproductive health. Which is what these people want to go away.
  23. Fair Play is pretty good. Very freaky, pretty hot redhead gets promoted/rich at work and her Gen Z beta bitch subordinate/boyfriend can’t deal. One small quibble. Another movie with a fully clothed strip club scene. Where does do these places exist in the reality?
  24. That's what real men do. Play the victim card. Over, and over, and over again. That's how they assert their dominance over beta cucks and women alike. I'd tell you where they learned the playbook, but I suspect you already know.
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