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  1. Third time is the charm.... NBAA Let's Ride... OK, Cool. Hook'em... All Gas! No Brakes!
  2. Agreed. Walking out of that stadium with the win hearing "Poooooooooor Aggies" is like finishing dinner someone else paid for while being handed a glass with two fingers of Macallan 15. Perfect. The tailgate experience before the game was so much fun, because I freakin' knew (had a great feeling, plus their D sucked at the time) we were going to win that game. The game started with Reggie "The Real Deal" McNeil proclaiming that this was his first start against Texas, only to see Dustin Long trot out for their first series. David Thomas got matched up with a slow LB and it was 7-0 within the first 3 mins of the game. Then El Ced (RIP) ran down their throats for the rest of it and it was all but over. Got back to the tailgate and said nothing to everyone who were sitting, sad, next to a radio listening to Dave while I opened a beer and smiled. My friend looks at me and says, "I don't like it when you're happy."
  3. That's as it should be. 100-1 was stupid odds for a Texas national title. Do I think we are going to win a title? of course not. But if we beat OU in December in Arlington we are likely playing for one- and it's not like the idea of Texas beating Iowa State is so hard to fathom that it's super unlikely we will play in that game in Arlington. If you get in the playoff you figure the longest odds are what- 10 or 12-1? 8-1? 6-1? yeah. 100-1 never made sense. I'd have it at something like 40 or 50-1 I think.
  4. Silver lining: We actually need this kind of loss before the deadline to make sure we aren't deluded into thinking we are going to win a WS with this mediocre bullpen.
  5. Are you sure that wasn't during our first game of the season? I'm still in "It don't make a shit." mode. Texas is going to fuck start their heads and win this side of the bracket 3-0. No idea on the Championship series, but we are going to win our side of the bracket. If not, "He Who Must Not Be Named" will fist himself, probably.
  6. It means we shouldn't place swaying Manchin right now at the top of our list. "We are moving towards justice. We will get it sooner or later. If you stand in the way, it will come later. And if you stand in the way, we will destroy any concept of a legacy you ever dreamed of having. We are going to win either way. We can disagree on tax rates. We can disagree on a lot of other issues. But when it comes to the voting rights of Americans, we act with one voice and disloyalty is not tolerated. If you stand in the way of black voting rights you are a supporter of white supremacy and we will say that about you loudly, repeatedly, and without hesitation. Choose." Again, tunnel vision. The ballot box isn't really where this stuff is going to shift. The reality of this today is the same as it's always been; things will change through the public expression of the power of the masses. A serious effort to break down the causes of Democratic weakness does not include whining about Jill Stein voters. You're a troll.
  7. Reading your posts here is causing to harken back to your "We are going to win" threads.
  8. 101-61. We gonna be really good in the regular season as we have 7 or 8 or 9 arms in the organization that can be a 2-4 starter, and enough bullpen to definitely be servicable. We will be a top 3 run scored and top 7 runs allowed team. We will lose in the round where it's exposed that we don't have enough top end stating pitching and lack that hammer in the bullpen to compete with some of the other teams in top end talent- but if we don't have to face the Yanks or Rays or Dodgers or Padres we might be able to avoid that kind of thing. This team is built to win in 162 games. If we are going to win in the sprint as opposed to marathon we will need some real clutch performances from Correa or Altuve or Bregman. I'd put our organization from 4-18 up against anyone's. I'm worried about no cy young type and no regular that you say- yeah that guys going to put up MVP numbers for sure. Correa, Altuve, Yordan, Bregman- they've all got some blemishes to them health wise or coming off bad seasons or looking for stuff. I don't know that I trust our best against another teams best- but I know I like our 4th starter, 3rd best high leverage reliever or 6th best hitter up against whoever we are playing almost any day.
  9. 2010-2011 is one of my favorite Texas teams. They were like old school Bama before the spread changed Saban's approach. They would literally slow cook teams into oblivion. There was nothing really exciting or outrageously intimidating about that group, but after a 40 minute game you'd look up and find yourself down by 20. They went on a 17 or 18 game streak where they went 17-1 with 15 or 16 wins by double digits, including that epic double digit win over KU at the Phog in front of a raucous crowd that turned silent with about 5 minute left. They're the only team that I really thought we were going to win the national championship with. That end of season collapse absolutely crushed me.
  10. You just regurgitate punditry you hear without educating yourself about the history of any of this. West Virginia Senate History 1990 D+37 1994 D+38 1996 D+53 2000 D+57 2002 D+27 2006 D+31 2008 D+27 (Byrd & Rockefeller dominating for decades) 2010 D+9 2012 D+24 2014 R+28 2018 D+3 2020 R+43 We are losing West Virginia because of the culture war. We aren't going to win West Virginia back through woke austerity we're going to win it back through an aggressive campaign of delivering economic results to the people of West Virginia and then telling them that's what we're doing (hence the need for a $10+M campaign demanding economic benefits for those people). The people whose punditry you regurgitate are woke austerity proponents, so to them West Virginia is an unwinnable hellhole. Obama gave them, "If you uhh like your plan... you can keep it! And uhhhhhhhh learn to code, coal miners!" and a bunch of woke signaling that the coasts and suburbs loved but WV doesn't care about. Horseshit. WV should be ours and we should go get it. Put checks in their hands and they will come along. Not letting Joe Manchin dictate the entirety of Democratic policy for the entire nation isn't telling him to go fuck himself. 63% of West Virginians want a $15 minimum wage. Manchin should be made to feel the pressure of the desires of his constituency. It's a profound weakness of Joe Biden's leadership that he has no inclination to utilize the bully pulpit to enact positive change because he loves his Senate buddies too much. It's a massive problem. When it is tried, it gets their attention. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice President Kamala Harris' West Virginia media appearances last week – in which she tried to sell the Biden administration's COVID-19 stimulus plan – didn't go over well with the red state's longtime Democratic senator, Joe Manchin. Manchin, whose moderate vote is enough to sink President Joe Biden's agenda in a Senate split 50-50, chided the administration for not giving him a heads up on the interviews, contending "That’s not a way of working together.” While Manchin and the White House made up, Harris' misstep with the powerful swing senator exemplifies how politically attuned the administration has to be to push through its legislation in a narrowly divided Senate with moderate pockets on both sides. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do we get to a point where we have the votes to do it?
  11. Best seats I ever had. Wasted. But 6 scholarship linemen. One was a covert dlineman. One was let go as a grad transfer. One was in a wheelchair when recruited. 1A or was it 2A QB who didn't win at that level. And the refs as usual were shitty. Big 12 level non call holding. We weren't going to win but they impacted the dollar value of my ticket in at least keeping it closer. In spite of uncle sonny's claim, there was limited talent and much of it was senior defensive guys. No depth.
  12. Fuck all of the raging pussies in this thread. WE ARE GOING TO WIN
  13. Two 3rd and longs Two QB draw. WE aren't going to win if we try so why do it?
  14. Yea, but you've also believed that "we are going to win" going on the last decade so maybe you need a healthy dose of self-doubt with your Christmas cheer.
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