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  1. Texas a&m bought Eric Dickerson a Trans Am & Jimho whatever $75 million buys. Then they cite the Honor Code. Cucks before it was cool. Never change. ED Comes Clean
  2. Did improper use result in multiple fucking suspension arms doing an RUD? There's more at issue here than your $8,000 early access beta pedestrian smearing software, but you seem incapable of discussing literally anything else
  3. The problem is, that applies to all of the Rs. Ted. Rubio. Josh. Nutter Speaker. Mitch. Gym. Matt. It’s a herd of Betas sniffing the wind for the scent of Trump’s spay tan - so they know which way to run.
  4. To be fair, Hunter's dong is large enough to be justification for many, many things. Not the least of those things being the massive uptick in "Republicans" crying in their basement as they jack off to cuck porn.
  5. i genuinely cannot tell if your question is a conversation starter regarding the government's role in fostering things that aren't economically rational in a commercial sense in their early development but have potentially substantial positive externalities...or if you are just using this as a springboard to bitch about regulation. as someone who is currently dealing with city bureaucracy just to i can finish some god damned fucking landscaping adjustments to my property, you are catching me in a particular anti-regulatory mood but if you are implying that letting the marketplace dictate the direction of major areas of critical society infrastructure without regulatory guardrails, you're acting like an insane person that just waves their hands when trains carrying toxic chemicals completely destroy entire towns in ohio or chemical plants in east houston explode or fedex and swa planes nearly collide on the runway at austin bergstrom because you didn't get directly affected. if you are asking more of the former, like most everything in life, it is a balance. is it possible to overreach, of course. if there are governmental mechanisms of exclusion from certain private parties pursuing a potentially disruptive technology are weaponized because of economic rent seeking behavior from established market participants (or others for whatever motivation) leveraging its power through the political process, that is super bad. but that doesn't mean that some upstart group of folks that are willing to deploy some experimental shit that is potentially dangerous to unsuspecting members of society (driving on i-35 next to a dipshit unwittingly beta testing his tesla's autopilot bullshit in traffic) should be able to operate with impunity or else that is also super bad.
  6. 100% this. VHS vs Beta nah. Research and subsidize disruptive tech that can radically improve or preserve our lives and the health of the planet, absolutely yes.
  7. Yeah, that was his other "tell." Call 'em Betas, or Cucks, or Pussies, or F***, or whatever else terminology they throw around in hateland...but "wienies", Ted? There had to be a few hundred MAGA 'tough guys' in the crowd that were Pavlovian clapping that looked at one another like, "Did he just Wienies? Like the shit we called the little guys in Kindergarten? Why?"
  8. Trying to meet somewhere in the middle...I get it's in your financial interest to be a Tesla cheerleader and that you seem to be genuinely into the technology of "autopilot." Driving is not a difficult activity. However it's both tedious and unpredictable. I'm sure Tesla with cameras only can do just fine with driving in ideal conditions. Well-lit, no precipitation, no sun glare...and the fact a driver doesn't mind becoming a beta-testing version of a driving instructor each time they use it. The driver not only babysits the autodriver they also have to respond to prompts from Tesla, and keep aware for the unexpected, unpredictable activity ahead, behind, and on either side. Also I note the route you described seems like one you've taken hundreds if not thousands of time in the past. I think you're an extreme outlier from any joy you're getting from the tech of autopilot but if you think it's going to scale immensely you're going to be sadly disappointed.
  9. I know we hate Elon here and that none of his shit will ever work as ever advertised... except that yesterday my FSD beta Model 3 drove me 12.9 miles to Costco on neighborhood streets with 25 mph speed limit, rural roads with 45-50 mph speed limit with stop signs at intersections, turning onto a a state highway with 65 mph speed limit and cross-traffic, a city street with 45mph speed limits with multiple stoplights at major intersections and one stretch of road construction down to one lane... all with zero intervention from me, the driver. There may be other ways to skin this cat, but to say that Tesla's approach is doomed to failure just isn't supported by reality.
  10. Difference is, OceanGate only put their "crew" at risk and not innocent third-parties. Elon puts my life, my kids' and wife's lives, and your life at risk with his beta testing horseshit. You're part of the problem if you don't watch your system like a hawk, Guadaloopy. If you do, more power to you.
  11. UT lost those five games by an average of 7 points. Aggy lost those 12 games by an average of 17.58 points. Before that - the last decade+ of the SWC when Jackie & RC were coaching aggy to their dominance over Texas, they were cheating so bad they were put on Double Secret probation, lost television scheduling and were hit by two postseason bowl bans. aggy was sanctioned by the NCAA so much they wound up in the all time top 10 cheaters of college football. They, along with the death-penalty SMU cheaters, caused the destruction of the SWC - contrary to what those lying mouthbreathers still accuse UT of doing. Too bad those inbred cult cucks don’t teach that to the fish camp lemmings.
  12. Well they did for a couple weeks but jimbo couldn't find any takers for his cuck fetish anymore
  13. It's obvious that Klein is just cucking them ERob style. He made a non-binding handshake deal to be the aggy oc just so he could crash their in-homes to recruit for his real employer, K State. That's why he's not updating social media or websites. He doesn't really work for aggy.
  14. It is. Mine is updating as I post this. I question that Waymo is "light years" ahead of Tesla. Waymo vehicles only operate in limited geographic areas that are meticulously mapped with LIDAR so that the vehicles can compare the LIDAR map to what its LIDAR sees. That's why Waymo vehicles have seen limited release only in urban and suburban areas. They cannot operate outside of those limited areas. LIDAR maps not only need to be exceptionally thorough, they need to be constantly updated with roadway changes and construction impacts. Tesla's is a more general approach that aims to develop an AI Driver that can operate on any roads and use visual input and GPS to make it's driving decisions like human drivers currently do. It is a more adaptable approach than the LIDAR-mapped approach. Telsa's FSD beta vehicles are operating all over the country. I don't know which approach will win out. If we ever want to move to a fully autonomous transportation system on all of our roads, Tesla's approach seems to have the most potential. If we want to limit fully autonomous vehicles to higher population urban areas only, then Waymo surely has the jump there.
  15. We have soy-soaked PNW cucks challenging Texans… what a bizarre fucking world.
  16. I’m sure you’ll accuse us of blowing up your conference again. It must really, really hurt. As soon as you found out you were playing Daddy, it was over. Fucking cuck.
  17. #4: beta-cuck nerd whom compensates for low-T by talking non-stop and over-the-top hand gestures in an attempt to seem strong. #5: an actual, kinda tough guy. But once you see him in the photographs in a baseball uniform attempting to "play", America's pastime. You're like, "No thanks, we already have a Rosie O'Donnell."
  18. Sounds like a "cuck-a-ganza is about to happen in collie station.
  19. Kinda like they learned how to cuck? Be a cuck? Be cucked? (I don't know if cuck can be used as a verb) I am going with they learned how to be a cuck to enjoy and absorb the humiliation from their last head ball coach.
  20. We love to see it, but man that dude has been nonconsensually cucking Baylor with us for months.
  21. Tewww roit, myte! I went to law school with a brilliant guy, a Phi Beta Kappa as an undergrad, a native of the briny backwood swamps and sloughs of south Alabama, who absolutely worships to this day the final scene, voice over fade away, just before the creidts roll.
  22. Holy shit aggy if so fucked. It is now apparent that Jimbo turned the entire leadership into to cucks in his own image.
  23. Bears berating a dead horse as Lobo is wont to do. But for such the "Man's Man", a real "Alpha Male owning the Beta Cucks" that so many of friends and family jerk off to. Trump is literally the least sportsman/outdoorsy President of my lifetime, by fucking far. Shit, I think even Taft went fishing every now and again. Yeah, he kinda sorta plays golf. At the same fucking three courses, cheats, and can't walk the course. Wears a ladies watch and maxi pad for one tennis match decades ago. And then that random video of him trying to play beach volleyball in mom jeans after Top Gun came out. Never fired a weapon, can't fish, hunt, swim, ride a bike, setup a tent, take a hike, jog, saddle a horse, mend a fence, fix a toilet, repair anything around the house, shoot pool, throw darts, toss a football, carry a tune, drink a beer, spin a yarn, write a poem, charm a woman, handle a donnybrook, earn a smile from his children, drive a car, brew a cup of coffee, or just shut the fuck up and not talk. Every cliche of manhood, he fails at. Totally and completely. The one fucking time I saw a photo of him on a boat, he was about to commit rape. Somebody please, this holiday season. For the love of Baby Christ. Ask your family member, what in the ever living fuck is so damn manly about Donald Trump? If you like his tax plans or judicial appointments, okay. Story for another day. But what the fuck do women find so alluring about him? What in the holy hell do other men see in him that makes them think, "This guy? This guy is my type of guy?" I get the rest of his ruse, with the benefit of hindsight. The populist, hatred filled narrative. But I'll just never get, and 'cause I'm dumb, the other angle of "Projecting Strength & Power." What the fuck am I missing there?
  24. This is a good point. Not that we're extra special, but what are naturally our two biggest rivalries aside from OU which is set in stone for the near future in Dallas (praise be), it is kinda weird to have Arkansas and A&M both the road. Maybe they switch that up soon, and not whining...I think we can beat the shit outta both next year in their houses. But If that's a permanent thing, while it'll be fun to have 'em both at DKR in odd-numbered years...it sucks to have both as away games each cycle. Ah, who knows. I think they're gonna beta-test a buncha shit with all the conference realignments, not just SEC. But did make plans this morning at dropoff with my buddy who is married to a Nashville native and he got us tickets through work for the Vandy game next season. Could give a shit about the game but would love for our girls to all see the Music City. Also, October gonna be a hot mess in Austin. Kinda in a good way, but also shitty
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