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  1. It's been almost 3 years since January 6th, and yet they are quieter than ever, no matter how much he screams in all-caps on truth.social. He is constantly pushing these people, yet they just won't show up for him, even at his rallies, and they haven't been showing up at the ballot box - his record isn't as bad as Elise Stefanik's, but it's not too far off. Is there a chance some incel will do something? Sure, if his mom gives him bus money, and he gets the nerve up to risk being around minorities/women, but the masses aren't showing up for Trump at his trials/indictments/rallies like they would have in 2020. Thankfully the judges/DAs/AGs/prosecutors don't let fear stop them, otherwise they'd retire from their current jobs and move to a small town somewhere and setup a practice dealing with family estates/trusts/wills/etc. They have nothing left to run on. That's why this would-be impeachment is happening, and many of them are not even self-aware enough to realize that A) it'll be defeated in the Senate, and B) this is a really bad look for them heading into the election year. It's a very weak move, and I hate the term, but "beta" applies fully.
  2. Again, they think NIL is bags. ERob knows how much they enjoyed a cuck for the last 6 years.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/13/tech/tesla-recall-autopilot/index.html Recall is an odd choice of terminology when the fixes take place through over the air updates, but Tesla is being forced to modify their FSD software. Apparently too many people trusting a system that should not be trusted to autonomously drive the car, so now the car will check more often and potentially disengage the system. More warnings is a bullshit measure in my opinion. If the data suggests drivers are ignoring "some warnings", adding more warnings is no guarantee they will be paying attention when needed. I'm still trying to figure out why Tesla is even allowed to beta test their crap software on the roads with the general public in the first place.
  4. What? I don’t know how to not sound condescending here but this is a terrible beta approach. If you don’t own land I may get it, it’s an ignorance thing. But if somebody comes on my property and alters it they will do the right thing and fix it or deal with the sheriff or game warden. I would be civil until it’s time to not be civil.
  5. I still can't believe A&M is allowing themselves to be cucked by Eljjah Robinson. Wait, nevermind. I can believe it.
  6. They would have been orders of magnitude better off keeping cuckbo around for Little Brother Bowl and coming to terms with Elko earlier this month to be named as his replacement the day after the firing was announced. Then they wouldn't have had the Mike Stoops fiasco or the circle of aggy bowl conflict of interest cesspool of cucks. Thank god we let Herman curb stomp Colorado in the Alamo Bowl and saved all the disgrace and shame aggy is bringing on themselves
  7. I don't think he's there for a game that happens in January. Louisiana state championship. Watching Dom McKinley while wearing Cuse gear, so he really is cucking aggy.
  8. Sure we might freeze to death in our homes this winter but at least that beta cuck Beto isn't governor!
  9. He says Austin is becoming Los Angeles and there's crime all over the place, because Austin fired a bunch of police and then a third of the Austin police quit. Lots of New World Order stuff. White liberal women over 45 with cucked husbands are destroying the country.
  10. In typical fashion, the aggie swings are extremely high beta. They can’t do anything normal, largely because they need the attention. First, go out and blow the doors off the coaching salary market by offering a guy a 10 year at $75M, fully guaranteed. Then re-up that to an extended 10 and $95M. Wait, that didn’t work. Next, shit yourself, panic, fire the guy and try to go even bigger. Get rejected, panic, and snap all the way back to “salt of the earth, does more with less, gets ATM, true X’a and O’s guy who can do REAL. RECRUITING. “ Then fully embrace that direction and declare it the way of the future. We’re days away from Liucci starting to imply, subtly at first, that Melko is about substance, while other coaches and programs are merely about flash and style. That guy is sprinting away from Klein. Was this a joke? The notion that Max Wright is going to wring out like a 7th or 8th year there, doing very little besides date rape as a 25/26 year old man is perfect. That guy is one true aggie. Hopefully he keeps his serial rapist mustache as well. Your son is already clearly outpacing you mentally. The news is, and always has been, boring. You know some of the redass sycophants that love being contacted by Billdo responded with high praise. These are the guys wearing tight fitting, high rising maroon Bike shorts. They wear their whistle to the obligatory 10th grade history class that they teach and make inappropriate comments about the two hot girls in the class to the jocks stuck in that class period with him. They also have no idea who Colin Klein is.
  11. For someone who’s image is portrayed as the ultimate alpha, LeBron can sure be a beta at times.
  12. Listening to broadcasters whine about injustice when it comes to any decision regarding programming and ratings is so stupid. Corby would suck Norm’s cock while his wife cucked him with Jub on air if the cumulus folks demanded it. FSU is an inferior team in an inferior conference and it’s fairly easy to justify Bama from a football perspective. Quality of wins counts as much as quality of losses. Alternatively, if Disney simply said we paid big money for this fucker and we’re mandating Bama/SEC because it will draw more eyeballs then that’s fine too. What would Corby say if it was Ou in Bama’s place?
  13. I have no idea. I'm going with Trumpublicans are beta testing the idea that repaying a loan is a vice.
  14. These bitches just paid to be cucked by a cuck. Maybe they should boycott themselves.
  15. That's what makes his departure even more of a tragedy. Yeah sure, I'll laugh at the dipshittery of future aggy coaches, but I doubt any of them will capture the essence of aggy quite like that insecure, little cuck did. It was a magical time.
  16. I’m still struggling with the “conference pride” issue. SEC perfected it and it’s useful for SOS, now SOR blah blah blah. Media cucks blah blah blah. But I can’t root for “Rig 12 teams” this year. And most years. Sometimes a team will earn respect and I’ll support em. But not this blanket amnesty for teams that wish to do us harm. I don’t do SECSEC unless it’s to mock the aggies. That’s over now. We can and should be classy and still have “Texas against the world” mentality. Ain’t nobody gon help us! Nobody ran to our aid when the Japanese bombed the Alamo! Right?
  17. Their fans are pasty, no-sunlight seeing neo-hippie cucks who think they beat "the same" Texas team last year. Adonai Mitchell alone will go 8 for 140 with 2 TDs. Remember Bama? He's kinda good in big games. Ask OK State. On their first possession, when Sweat and Murphy and friends inflict Penix and the UW offense with erectile dysfunction, their fans will be pissing their pants wetter than the perpetual drizzle that falls on that rotten fish and bigfoot's dick smelling dump. The only good thing to come out of UW was Darrell Royal who knew to leave asap, so he could get here and get the stink off of him. UW's gonna get blown out worse than Steve Emtman's knees. Fuck 'em.
  18. Contestant 371 in Squid Games is a UT undergrad and law school alum. Didn't get much screen time and fell victim to the above mentioned cuck in episode 2.
  19. They'll likely beat okstate badly because it's a bdf school who sucks and they now have a great corch not Jimbo who everyone knew was a cuck but Aggy had to allow to coach as part of their ongoing patriotism because the corp. But if they don't win it's because they were worn out by playing real sec teams not bdf teams like Texas. Also, because their players were fighting in our nation's wars. What you don't know about the war going on? Lucky you stupid tsip, your freedom isn't free. Aggy fights for it so they don't have time for games. Did I do that right? I drank an entire bottle of bourbon and stuck toothpicks into my brain to get into the role ...
  20. Do you mean you own a mixed breed who is 1/2 Husky? Or do you mean you are a cuck?
  21. I'm reading that poor sap who was only 2 months into his marriage when news broke Bobby P was nailing his wife is still married. Would anyone here stay with their wife after being cucked by Petrino on the national stage?
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