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  1. It's extremely relative to Trump's grip on reality. I mean, take his money, I guess, in theory. But I'm of the school of there's some money you don't need to make. Representing Trump is a line you don't cross twice. The fact that their legal arguments are more grounded than his vile spewings, while true, is still in that grey-if-I'm-being-generous area that I wouldn't go under threat.
  2. There is an option. There are always options. The question is whether the Democratic Party wants to explore an option that would enable it to win in November. Or whether it would prefer the option of least resistance, which will result in MAGA winning the White House, the House, and the Senate, which will confine women to second-class citizenry (if they're lucky), which will destroy our economy and standing in the world, and which will doom the Republic.
  3. There is an uproar but Biden won the primaries and 2020, Harris does not have that, Newsom does not have that, Bernie does not have that. Only Biden does and it is not even close. At the end of the day there is no option, build a time machine if you want options, go back in time and show the nation this debate (to tell you the truth they would probably scoff and say yeah that is Biden.) At least the panic would have been more subdued last night.
  4. Full quote from article: Schlossnagle: Trev came to me the day before the regional to have a conversation. He asked me if I was frustrated. I told him that I had some frustration with how slow the ballpark process was going and that it was tough to operate without a sport administrator, but I was committed to working through it. He then made a comment to me — kind of comparing his situation of leaving his alma mater, Nebraska. He said to me, ‘You know, Jim, if you ever don’t feel like this is the place for you, that’s OK, and it’s OK to move on.’ I was a little taken aback by that, and that was the moment that I began to think that maybe this wasn’t going to work out. No one ever contacted me or my agent about a new contract for our staff, so I just decided to focus on getting our team to Omaha and winning.
  5. It's starting to feel like we're going to have two or three in one day here soon. Slow slow slow...all at once!
  6. But you have the Democratic Civil War you fear right now. Most of the party is in an uproar that this guy can't be our nominee. He's only our nominee because nobody runs against a sitting president. But he's the sitting president because he was elected in 2020 as a guy who is vastly different from the guy that exists today. And frankly, we weren't aware of the guy who exists today until last night. But now that we see the switch now that we've swallowed the bait, quite a lot of the party isn't fucking happy. So sitting here and saying "we can't ditch Biden because we'll have a civil war" strikes me as akin to if Lincoln had said after Fort Sumter "we can't send federal troops into Virginia because we'll have a Civil War." Sorry, Abe--Civil War already dun got declared. The only question is whether we're going to resolve it before November.
  7. Warnock Ossof in 2021 Senate elections during midterms to keep the senate Competitive Governorship for the rest. Again only really lost Va. Of course deeply unbalanced races don't reall count I am neither counting the Newsom Recall or Abbott or Desantis winning, real close races are what matter. What used to be called bellweather counties before the Trump reorganization.
  8. Mark Chestnutt had it right sitting up there at that old vfw watching the Dodger game instead of going home to that harpy
  9. More on Dave Roberts, as it stands right now, it's between managing the Dodgers and his deep respect for the 12th man. I'm being told he his torn. Before you scoff and say no way, remember, this is an AD with something to prove and I'm being told money is not an issue, if we have to, the university is willing to sell off Hitlers gold and other artifacts. More on Roberts later. As for the DBU coach, he was never ever a potential hire, so any reports of Albert's interviewing him and he turning the job down are false. Again, this is a huge opening in the baseball world and the world is watching. Switching over to the investigation, I'm being told the ncaa has asked theFBI to step in (due to burner phones and currency crossing state lines). At this point it doesn't look like tu will have to dismantle their athletic program, but don't sleep on the fed not seeing the 12th man disrespected in this manner. General Pattons words still ring throughout Washington.
  10. Welp... if we're going to get all technical about "little brother", let's remember that aggy was created as nothing more than one College, of The University of Texas. It stayed that way for a long time - as realized in their Spirit song, which needed to have its words changed from "... the Aggies are we, we are from Texas AMC" to "... the Aggies so true, we are from Texas AMU" to preserve the rhyme, after they got permission to call themselves a University. They knew. Hell, Texas College of Mines knew they were more of a brother to aggy, well before becoming UTEP. So, aggy, the bottom line is that in fact, Texas is not a brother to you at all, not big brother, certainly not little brother. Texas was, is, and will always be: YOUR DADDY. Hook'em.
  11. I mean that is the same as Biden right now but lets follow through. What happens to the voters that prefer Newsom? Or Whitmer? or Bernie? How do you convince them that a person that has never won a primary that she will beat Trump in an election? Gavin does not have a victory either in a primary so it boils down if wining the senate in Cali is more relevant than governorship, then you have Bernie that at least won a primary. At the end of the day the primaries are of a tool of "shut the fuck up" ore than they are a smart means to pick a candidate. The winer tells the loser that he does not have the votes. And the loser side shuts the fuck up. What we would get is a backroom deal that fraction of the voter base will reject. In short I hope biden survives until it is too late to pretend there is an option to change, and if he dies in Oct we ride Harris cause that is what the convention said. Nightmare fuel is the democratic civil war.
  12. Yeah agreed. If you plan to go the portal route you better be prepared to win the bidding war or that’s a bad strategy. I have no clue what the strategy is for Sark but I like to think he has a plan to ensure DT isn’t a huge liability next year. So I’m just going ro see what happens a in Dec/Jan vs worrying about it now.
  13. This is why we should get drunk and make offers at 2:00am - everyone looks good.
  14. We have the most stacked wide receiver room I can remember and we are potentially bringing in multiple five star receivers in this class. Ryan Wingo and Silas Bolden are going to be rotational players for God’s sake and we cannot sign one single defensive tackle? Perhaps we need to shift a little bit of our focus from wide receiver to the defensive line?
  15. So how did the DM experience end? Lost a first round pick or 2, gained Larry nance and Dyson Daniel’s and didn’t win a playoff game?
  16. There aren’t a ton of high end portal DL that become available and the ones that did we got outbid for. That doesn’t sound like a great strategy either.
  17. Keep us posted, OP. I have some ranch acreage, and in 20+ years my kids may have to deal with it. Back when the land had low value, it didn't seem like a big deal. If my son wanted it, he could take less of the rest of the estate. But prices jumped over Covid, and now it's worth something. Enough for me to plan better. I'm thinking about getting a new plat/survey done and recording it as 2 separate tracts of roughly similar value. That way the kids can decide (if they dont want to keep it whole) to sever into already logical "faolir" parts and go their separate ways.
  18. They're not legally bound. They're bound under the Rules of the Convention. Guess what a majority of the Convention can do--change the fucking rules. But that's not ideal. Far from it. That's why it would be far better for Biden to step down. But to do that, he needs to have people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in his ear telling him it's time to do that. And that doesn't seem to be happening right now. But were it to happen, I suspect he might agree. So no--there is currently no Plan B. But that just means we need to start figuring out a Plan B right fucking pronto.
  19. If they went with Earley, I don’t how that would be for long haul. Throw it in the category of a players pick and we’ve seen how that can go. They would keep a chunk of their portal guys tho.
  20. Wow looks like we just landed a couple of solid transfers
  21. The difference between 2024 and 2011 is going to be mobile phone technology and the documentation and misleading they provide.
  22. I still can't believe that stupid NYT oped, hey Biden please resign and Kamala Too, surrender the country now to whoever the chump is speaker today ok bye! I think Trump panic is hurting us now, we have the worst fucking voter base.
  23. You guys don't get it. We had great DTs last year and gave up a bunch of points and yards through the air. So Sark figures that if we're much easier to run on, opponents will do that instead of schooling our pass coverage. They grind out 7-minute drives, then we turn around and score in under 3. We give up 40 points every Saturday but score 50. Hello again, playoffs!
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