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  1. This shit has me laughing so hard but couldn't find the JPP thread(if one was even created here).
  2. Site will have planned downtime 04/14/20 Does anyone have any details on this? What am I supposed to do during this outage? WORK.....thanks Obama @immamac
  3. Didn't see a thread about this and think this is a topic worth discussing. Widespread violence in that country related to the midterms. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/man-tosses-severed-head-at-voting-station-as-mexicos-midterm-election-violence-rages/ar-AAKLGdD?ocid=uxbndlbing
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/24/world/europe/france-yellow-vest-protest.html Upset about taxes or bread or something.
  5. https://money.cnn.com/2018/08/02/news/companies/brookstone-bankruptcy/index.html
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/08/02/active-shooter-reported-at-wright-patterson-air-force-base.html
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/26/facebook-on-pace-for-biggest-one-day-loss-in-value-for-any-company-sin.html Facebook on Thursday posted the largest one-day loss in market value by any company in U.S. stock market history after releasing a disastrous quarterly report. The social media giant's market capitalization plummeted by $119 billion to $510 billion as its stock price plummeted by 19 percent. At Wednesday's close, Facebook's market cap had totaled nearly $630 billion, according to FactSet. No company in the history of the U.S. stock market has ever lost $100 billion in market value in just one day, but two came close. https://variety.com/2018/digital/news/facebook-market-cap-120-billion-user-growth-slow-1202886792/ The stock drop, to its lowest levels in nearly three months, wiped out nearly $120 billion in market capitalization for Facebook and dragged down other internet and tech stocks including Twitter and Snap. Facebook’s market cap was $629 billion at market close Wednesday, and ended the day Thursday at around $510 billion. The massive drop in market value represented the biggest single-day decline in history for any publicly held company, according to Thomson Reuters data. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth plummeted more than $15 billion with the stock dive, although it’s still around $67 billion, according to Forbes’ real-time net worth tracker. What drove the selloff: Investor concern about Facebook’s growth cooling down. Facebook’s daily active users for the second quarter of 2018 were effectively flat in the U.S. sequentially, and even declined in Europe compared with Q1 — marking the first time the company has seen such a decline in recent quarters. The big story from the earnings report was the forecast that revenue will decelerate in the second half of 2018, Pivotal Research analyst Brian Wieser wrote in a research note. “[W]hile the company is still growing at a fast clip, the days of 30%+ [revenue] growth are numbered,” he wrote.
  8. http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-twitter-fake-accounts-20180709-story.html Twitter Inc.'s stock sank Monday after a news report said the company suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June — a cleanup of the platform that may affect user growth. That's gonna leave a mark. The company estimates that roughly 5% of its active users are fake or involved in spam, but outside researchers have said the number is much higher. That's gonna leave a scar.
  9. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/15/629226998/protests-break-out-in-chicago-following-deadly-police-shooting Cops shot a guy yesterday saying, "He had a gun, and was getting ready to use it." Folks protest and throw things. Cops release a short body cam clip suggesting he was indeed reaching for a weapon. Protests in Chicago escalated on Saturday night, becoming a tense clash between demonstrators and police over the fatal shooting of a man on the city's South Side. On Sunday, police released a 30-second video clip from an officer's body-worn an camera showing a black man shot by Chicago police had a gun in a holster at his hip. According to The Associated Press, the man was "running away and reaching toward his waist when he was shot multiple times." Vid in link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/07/15/chicago-police-shoot-and-kill-man-sparking-wave-of-clashes-and-protests/?utm_term=.db32a32f94d1
  10. I have this little pile of bug parts collecting on a window sill. Directly above the pile is the window shade housing and a small hole. I think something is pushing dead bugs or digested/discarted parts through the hole in the window shade housing and they are piling up on the sill below. I keep cleaning them up but they keep coming. This picture has about 3 days worth. I think it might be a spider that’s eating ants or something. We sprayed for ants about two months ago which coincidentally is about when this started happening.
  11. "With what, possession of a condiment?"
  12. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-26/brazil-working-around-strike-but-fuel-food-scarce-in-many-areas Truckers strike every year but this year is worse. Brazil has been racked by 2-3 years of all their government leaders getting in trouble for corruption.
  13. So, you are driving along and another motorist does something stupid, dangerous and offensive. Road rage rises. An intersection looms ahead. You and the motorist meet. Words are exchanged. What's your next move? For Henry George Weaver, of New Tripoli, PA, the solution is to fling poo. Literally. http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/lehigh-county/index.ssf/2018/06/road_rage_defecation.html
  14. Canceling all future shows.
  15. Where we are today: good thread outlining what we know with thoughts on the decision tree that led to where we are today: VVV First, and perhaps most importantly, at the time of the Mueller testimony to Congress we KNOW there was an ACTIVE counterintelligence investigation into Trump. Mueller testified to this fact. Trump would spare nothing to root this out and shut it down. It took less than a month after the Mueller testimony for the crosshairs to find DNI Coats leading to his departure. This suggests the CI investigation was not being run through the FBI as Barr presumably would would have known enough to shut it down. It appears the CI investigation into Trump was in the hands of the DNI, potentially initiated by one Andrew MCabe, who Trump apparently has pressured DOJ to indict. Could be that former DNI Coats and/or the Deputy DNI Trump refused to appoint are ready to speak.
  16. at the hands of these devils... fuck that den of destruction on a stick.
  17. First off. This isn't a complaint. I'm genuinely curious. Kick the PAT, and it's a 2 TD lead. You miss it, they can score a TD, 2-pt, and field goal. You make it, and it's still a 2 TD lead. I know the coaches have the chart. Can someone set me straight?
  18. Posting this in DT because it maybe won't get ate up with political pissbagging? Maybe? Anyway, Peru impeached their president and some people are upset. The protests were sparked by Monday’s dramatic and unexpected vote to impeach Mr Vizcarra, who stood accused of corruption relating to his time as a regional governor. He denied the charges but, using a vaguely-worded clause in the constitution, members of congress voted overwhelmingly to remove him on the grounds of “permanent moral incapacity”. Hours later, Mr Vizcarra quit. Usually, his job would go to the vice-president, but Mr Vizcarra had no deputy, the consequence of previous battles between the executive and congress. The post instead passed to the house speaker, Mr Merino, a relatively unknown and unremarkable career politician, who was sworn in as Peru’s unlikely president the next day. https://www.ft.com/content/8b933864-f7fb-4f0e-9f40-dc0ff522ea45
  19. For work. Not because he’s crazy. well, maybe for both. http://www.justjared.com/2020/09/23/tom-cruise-is-heading-to-space-in-october-2021-for-new-movie/ It looks like Tom Cruise is officially heading to space! The Space Shuttle Almanac took to Twitter on Monday (September 21) to share a photo of spacecrafts and countries set to launch from in the next three years. Under the October 2021 part, the chart reads “SpaceX Crew Dragon,” with an image of a small space vehicle beside it. Next to the illustration are a list of three names: “SpaceX Pilot Lopez Alegria, Tourist 1 Tom Cruise and Tourist 2 Doug Liman.” The tourist flight also shows a vacant spot for a third visitor. Doug Liman is the director attached to the movie. Back in May, it was announced that Tom had teamed up with Elon Musk and Space X to film as movie in outer space, and NASA confirmed news that talks were happening between them all. As of right now, it is unclear whether the October 2021 is just a preliminary one of Tom and Dougto scope out space for the movie or if they will be filming at that point. You can check out the Space Shuttle Almanac’s tweet here!
  20. Not sure why during a cold spell, I get a hankering for a Dairy Queen Blizzard. My go to is the Cookie Jar blizzard. It's a combo of Oreo and Cookie dough.
  21. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/11/what-the-hell-is-going-on-in-chile-a-protester-explains.html using lasers to screw up drones and sensors:
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