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  1. I was trying to cut over from Dean Keaton to MLK on San Jacinto then tried Robert Deadman around 10:30 this morning Both streets are blocked off by DPS, Fire and EMS etc.....
  2. Good for NASCAR. Fuck off, Brandon Brown. (Had no idea where to put this, BTW.) https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/05/sport/nascar-brandon-brown-lgbcoin/index.html
  3. I won’t claim to know anything of substance about their politics or culture but looks like gas price hikes have caused some unrest.
  4. She seems happy. Beat cancer. Good at her job. I'd eat that. I'm proud of her.
  5. Let's put someone in there who will get the job done! Get the varmints who have scurried from the drain'ed swamp.
  6. Without a doubt, my family's favorite Christmas movie. We make it a point to watch it every year. "You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card.”
  7. i understand wanting to be coached by Deion, but this seems really, really stupid on this kid's part.
  8. Tell this rookie which two or three Defense players are going to win us some games next year?!? Will it be Portal, Freshmen, Sophomore or Junior/Seniors who make the most big plays?
  9. Our fifth Buford, GA offer of the day. https://247sports.com/player/jadon-perlotte-46127890/
  10. Everybody clear on that? Good, now that we all agree... The game just changed, folks. Does the University of Texas even have the stomach to play ball anymore? I don't think so.* *I reserve the right to change my mind if/when Urban is hired.
  11. I sure hope I’m in Miami on vacation and they are so happy the U is making a bowl. Im saddened by the pity I’m recieving. Would rather shit talking.
  12. Position coaches, like Sam Pittman or Dabo (went from WR coach / recruiting coordinator to interim to HC) Survivors from previous failed regime (Dabo, Stoops) Coordinators (Stoops, Riley, Snyder) HS legends (Malzahn) Lower division legends (Leipold, Klieman) G5 winners (Urban at Utah; Rhule) Guys who haven't won big enough at a P5 (Saban at MSU; all of the above) NFL failures (Carroll) I am not itching to fire Sark or any of the staff at this point, but just pointing out that every kind of resume has its pitfalls and rewards. Somebody in our slapdick organization has to be able to realize when the guy is the guy. And then they need to GTFO his way. Going back to Dana X. Bible, we've exactly one seamless transfer of power. He handed off to the guy he beat out for the job ten years previously -- Blair Cherry -- who did something you just don't see anymore: he bided his time for a decade. Cherry's four-year run was as great as Bible's peak, but our fans and boosters wore him out with unrealistic expectations -- an NC every year, even though we'd never won a single one yet. 9-1 seasons and undefeated conference championships capped off by major bowl wins were not enough. (Yes, he lost to Bud Wilkinson's OU that year, 14-13). He was an insomniac, ulcerated wreck at the end of four years, but it looked like he managed to leave the program in good hands, just as Bible had done in leaving it to him. Cherry's successor went 23-8 with two top ten finishes and a Cotton Bowl win in his first three years....and then drove the program off a cliff. Yes, this was Ed Price, truly the worst coach in Texas history, who took a dynasty and in six years turned it into a 1-9 team. So the whole promoting from within thing is also dangerous. We tried that at the end of Royal's tenure too. By most accounts, Akers was not Royal's guy. That was his DC Mike Campbell, but some of our boosters meddled and Akers won out. Who knows if Campbell would have been any better in the long run -- probably not, 'cause we needed young, post-integration blood on the sidelines then -- but maybe, who knows. And Akers did represent continuity, but not as much. At any rate, he, and the complete catastrophe that was the McWilliams Restoration, represented the end of the Royal era, and decades later, Mack did not get to execute his succession plan, which time has proven would have been a disaster, anyway.... Fuck this season. This is an off-season thread.
  13. This whole LT thing has gotta go. Look at Casey's stats and please explain.
  14. https://deadline.com/2021/11/double-deuce-mgm-road-house-jake-gyllenhaal-and-doug-liman-circling-1234871495/
  15. Video going around the paid sites. https://streamable.com/35hg54
  16. Seriously, wtf is wrong with people. Can they just take this guy outback and tie him to a post and give him the Old Yeller treatment? https://www.theblaze.com/news/portland-man-allegedly-raped-child-dog-deer#toggle-gdpr
  17. This is argued about in multiple threads so let’s lay it all out in one main thread. I have and always will be someone that believes your team reflects it’s leadership. I know we need new talent on the 40 but the ones we have are not 1 and 2 star guys, that’s Baylor who just beat us and they have a coach that is helping that lower end talent develop and play about their “star” rankings. Beyond just star ranking how about our poor second half performances and the apparent no adjustments at all? One game? Ok maybe it’s just the ou meltdown but no it’s been 4 straight games of wtf second half meltdowns. How anyone thinks that’s just the players is beyond me. but let’s hear the arguments from both sides, and just saying “we need 5 star studs” isn’t a argument and it’s lazy tbh. Great coaches have the ability to at the least have his team improving week to week and maybe it won’t mean we win games but it does mean if we are getting better we will probably win some games as I think we should have done.
  18. I earlier said I’d light myself on fire like those pictures of the monks and sit Indian style outside DKR if we play a 1 score game with Kansas. Gas is getting expensive. I’m not skinny. Anyone got $15 they can lend me to see the pyrotechnics? What a depressing game tonight. the sun will come up tomorrow. If We can rally down the stretch and beat moonshine aggy, rock chalk and wheat aggy @closetojumpingcan do a fist pump somewhere down in Galveston as “7 Win Steve” will ride again. hey, a girl can hope, right?
  19. Prenote: Anyone can use this thread to provide random information about the misc goings on in their life I'll go back to last Thursday to start, before I jump to today, soon after I woke up I realized that I couldn't pee. I felt like I wanted to pee, but nothing came out. A few hours into this I called my Urologist, and the office said I could get an appointment the first week of December, which didn't seem like it would really be helpful but they could have a nurse call me back and so I went onto that list. By about 10:30 I was in Urgent Care, and they really couldn't tell me anything, so I got an anti-biotic prescription called and they said go to the ER if you are still in pain (actually more like pressure, a lot of pressure). Thankfully the nurse called back and they could see me just after 3pm, now this is about 10 hours after I had woken up and still no more than 2-3 drips at a time, and I try to pee like every 10 minutes. So we get to the Urologist office (short sidebar - at least I wasn't in manacles and leg chains, like 2 older guys who were there with Corrections officers - and the nurse ultrasounds by bladder and says it is over 1 liter and they will put in a catheter. Well she can't get the first catheter past the blockage to my bladder, so she goes off for the 2nd catheter and to let the doctor in the office know we are having problems. Thankfully the 2nd catheter gets almost all of the way in, not far enough to inflate the balloon, but enough to start to drain the urine. And that was almost instant relief, and with the lessor stress on the bladder she and her aide are able to get the balloon inflated and a successful insertion of my new best friend - Mr Catheter. Total urine that they were able to drain (yes they measured) was just over 1200 milliliters (1.2 liters or just over 40 ozs for those of you non-metric centric types) Jump to today, after seeing my Urologist on Monday, they finally got back to me this morning and I am now scheduled to have a prostate resection on Tuesday afternoon. I've been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate for about 10 year, had 3 biopsies (all cancer free), and been on medicine for almost 2 years (FloMax). My Dr said if it all goes well it will take 2-3 days to recover and be back to peeing by myself, and if there are complications it can be 2-3 weeks and include getting a new Mr. Catheter. Things to know - if you are of an older age (and really you will know when it is you), then you need to have a urologist, so there is someone to call when you have a problem. Otherwise, I'd have had to talk to someone I'd never met about having this procedure. I'm not going to lie, having a prostate biopsy is no walk in the park - they are shooting a needle into your prostate with a device that they shove up your ass. No anesthesia, no drinks, no bullet; maybe just a mild numbing agent. And then you piss & shit (and cum) blood for a day or more. But then you will, maybe, know if you have prostate cancer. - it hurts when you pee then you have a problem; what I found out is that it can hurt to not pee. - a catheter is by no means a modern device, and the elastic straps with little buttons that are supposed to keep in place must have been invented in the 1930's. If you need a cath, look at buying some velco straps to hold it into place or a sleeve for you leg as a bag holder (I don't know how well this work, as I don't have the ones I ordered yet) But most importantly #GoGreen beat Michigan (I mean let's keep thing in perspective tl:dr - Wally is old, can't pee right, is having surgery but had 2 young women working on his junk last week
  20. Actually we know what going on, the bigger question is what are the broader implications for our society and culture? Rising equity is great for current homeowners, but is it good for large swaths of the population to be priced out of their own neighborhoods? Will your kids ever be able to buy a house anywhere near your neighborhood? Alternatively, I bet most of you who are living in good spots currently grew up in much different circumstances. Will our kids see the same improvement? There is a massive consolidation of ownership of the housing stock going on in this country. 50 years ago all houses and most apartment buildings we’re individually owned. Today more and more people every day live in dwellings owned by fewer and fewer groups. As an apartment developer by trade, my job is to deliver vehicles that reach further and further into peoples pockets to facilitate this consolidation of ownership capital. This is how capitalism works but is this a good thing? What does the future hold for construction materials and labor markets? Do we ever return to a scenario where available land, relaxed approvals, and reasonable costs create affordable suburban lifestyles again? Did we just experience a one time set of circumstances that can’t be duplicated and we shouldn’t expect it to? Are prices currently a bubble? Houses and apartments are being purchased with real equity these days Vs the run up in 05/06/07. But how far can the appreciation go? Can Incomes keep pace? Where is the demand coming from? We know supply is short because of lack of listed inventory on resales and lack of ability for builders to build enough new supply due to geography, approvals, and costs. But isn’t one house bought equal to one house sold? Is this a zero sum game or are the demographics of increasing rate of household formation really driving demand for new housing units? These are things I wonder about as our housing situation in the country seems to be in unprecedented times. Interested in what you all think as well.
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