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Jason Isbell, Sturgill Simpson, Chris Stapleton, and Other Good Stuff

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First run through this is not living up to expectations.  Fucking hell. 

Co signed.

These synths are fucking horrid. If you could get rid of those, you would have the bad ass rock and roll album advertised.
I don't hate it. All I see is an album he can play songs off of and completely destroy his guitar.
I also don't hate synths. I'm anxious to see the Netflix show.

This will kill in his power trio live show.

But I have a very low tolerance for synth, and these are just so loud and shimmery in the mix.
2 minutes ago, HenryJames said:


well put.


back to sturgill. on second and third listens there are some solid tunes on here.  the synth is a little overboard in places, but thats ok.  make art not friends is pretty f'ing solid.


I'm digging it, synths don't bother me and there's a 70s/80s vibe to a lot of the songs so it fits. Mercury in Retrograde is awesome. I can see this getting more play than Sailor, which I liked as well.


I don't hate it, but it's not going to be my favorite either. 

Remember to Breathe might be the one I like best after the first run through. Best Clockmaker on Mars is another one. 

If they have to compare it to ZZ Top, it's probably because they went nuts on the synth too. It's nothing like Rio Grande Mud. 

Oh well. It's his art and I don't think he particularly gives a shit if we like it or not. 

And yes, I got notified that the album is shipped because I'm a sucker for red vinyl. 



I fucking love this record. Really digging the synth on this record. It's gritty and dirty and progressive.

I've learned that I should not have any expectations about what Sturgill will do next. I don't think he'll ever put out another "country" record. In fact, I think he purposely tries to do something weird and unexpected to challenge his fans on every record. Fuck, her may push the "make art not friends" and do an EDM heavy 80s inspired record of gothy club bangers next. And I'll happily wait in line to see how he does it. This dude is fucking awesome. 

  • Like 3
I fucking love this record. Really digging the synth on this record. It's gritty and dirty and progressive.
I've learned that I should not have any expectations about what Sturgill will do next. I don't think he'll ever put out another "country" record. In fact, I think he purposely tries to do something weird and unexpected to challenge his fans on every record. Fuck, her may push the "make art not friends" and do an EDM heavy 80s inspired record of gothy club bangers next. And I'll happily wait in line to see how he does it. This dude is fucking awesome. 

I respect everything this dude does. And I don’t care what he puts out. I’ll buy it even if I only listen once.

The Netflix movie is wild. Definitely reminds me of the old MTV Liquid Television stuff. I have no idea what’s going on with the samurai apocalypse storyline, but it’s cool to look at and the music makes for a good soundtrack.

13 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

Sturgill was on with Rogan again. 

Big Sturgill fan here.  I'm trying, but I don't get the new album at all.  Fine - no problem - respect his art.  BUT, just listened to the Rogan podcast.  Very interesting.  Sturgill is a cool motherfucker.

10 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

Y'all are gonna have to listen or watch the Rogan podcast pretty soon because I've got questions and comments. 

I will say that after hearing it I'm going to listen to the synth more closely.


almost finished.


why don't y'all just go ahead and give the highlights for those of us who are never gonna listen to a joe fucking rogan podcast. 


Sturgill Simpson also brought his band onto the Joe Rogan podcast, as well as Green Beret Medic Justin Laseck, who is a wounded veteran that lost both legs below the knees and his testicles in combat, and is traveling with Sturgill Simpson to speak at the concerts. “Around an album release, if I’m going to have a bunch of attention on me, I thought it would be a good opportunity to put attention on what other people can do to help these guys and their families,” Sturgill said. He met Justin Laseck when he visited the Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland. “The place is full of guys like him. And then when I went back, it was all new faces,” Sturgill said. “There’s got to be something you can do to help in whatever way.”

Justin Laseck gives a detailed account of his story at about the 31-minute mark of the podcast. Other members on his squad were killed in the same incident and he speaks about the importance of what Sturgill is trying to do for the families of the fallen.


Sturgill also explains that the reason Sound & Fury took so long to release was to wait for the animated film to be finished after he first approached one of the filmmakers just to make a couple of videos for the project. Sturgill also said of producing Tyler Childers, “I just stood around in the control room and pretended to do stuff.”



Overseen by Japanese director Jumpei Mizusaki of the animation studio Kamikaze Douga, it's a series of hyper-violent, post-apocalyptic vignettes that's equal parts Mad Max and Heavy Metal, and loaded with subtle nods to classic anime works like Cowboy Bebop,

that's what I'd like to ask about. He went through the list of people that worked on the movie or were inspirations for it, and outside of Kurosawa I didn't know any of them. 

He said they had anime or Japanese movies like Yojimbo running during recording the entire time. The keyboard guy recorded with a joint in his mouth the whole time too. And they were doing it on the fly and had to figure out what they were doing after they had it recorded and sat in the can for a year.


What’s wrong with Joe Rogan?


My only nit with Sound & Fury is that I don’t like the doubled up heavy reverb vocals. But it fits the style.


And the credits say based on the story by Sturgill Simpson. Where can I find that?



Been listening to sturgill for a couple weeks now. I love isbell. A lot. Tonight I realized it might be a Kobe vs shaq deal.  Sturgill made his move, time for Jason to get off the stump and take his place back.  The other thread there’s a lot of political talk and who’s good and who’s bad. Isbell did good on his last record with it. Sturgill, sound and fury granted its 2 years old, is better than anything isbells last album had on it. 

Im rambling.  Need to figure out a game for al4isu and 4th and 5 to hang out. You guys seem like good dudes. I’m a huge nerd.  

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I would love to get back to Austin for a game (went in 2010) but I farm, and there's a complete overlap between conference play and corn harvest.  I just can't schedule time off in October or November.

A more realistic option for me would be to vacation in Austin in say February, based around a concert or ISU/UT hoops.  My wife loves Austin, so it's definitely in the cards.

  • Like 1
Been listening to sturgill for a couple weeks now. I love isbell. A lot. Tonight I realized it might be a Kobe vs shaq deal.  Sturgill made his move, time for Jason to get off the stump and take his place back.  The other thread there’s a lot of political talk and who’s good and who’s bad. Isbell did good on his last record with it. Sturgill, sound and fury granted its 2 years old, is better than anything isbells last album had on it. 
Im rambling.  Need to figure out a game for al4isu and 4th and 5 to hang out. You guys seem like good dudes. I’m a huge nerd.  

This isn’t an either/or.

Make art not friends is my new favorite song. It’s SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOD
On 9/27/2019 at 8:41 PM, NOMAAA said:

Well the movie is great. 

Yes. Yes, it is. 

This is starting to grow on me.

He doesn't seem to be ready to play nice with Nashville. 


I don't know if Hank3 belongs in this thread or somewhere else. He's another one that doesn't seem like he gives a damn about what record companies think. 

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