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Posted (edited)

My dad and uncle used to come to our high school baseball games with a thermos full of coffee and Maker’s.   It works

Edited by Trey3216
1 hour ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

Didn’t Emil Kizer trademark that?

Kizer’s concoction was a double shot of Starbucks espresso poured into a 24 oz Steel Reserve High Gravity Malt Liquor in a Styrofoam cup full of ice. 

Called it ‘beer coffee’.

1 minute ago, Foggy Notion said:

Kizer’s concoction was a double shot of Starbucks espresso poured into a 24 oz Steel Reserve High Gravity Malt Liquor in a Styrofoam cup full of ice. 

Called it ‘beer coffee’.

Yeah I was remembering that.

Posted (edited)

About 20 years ago, we bought a new coffee maker that was fancier than our existing one, but the one we were replacing still worked well enough. 

So I decided to give the older one a viking funeral by using it to see what would happen if I brewed coffee with unconventional ingredients - Mt. Dew, Budweiser, and Jim Beam, in that order. 

The Mt. Dewfee was thick, tarry, and acrid. It did not taste good, and it bore no promise worth further investigation. 

The Budwoffee was very, very bad. It smelled like fertilizer or a chemical fire, and tasted about the same. Really offensive. 

The Jim Boffee, however, took things to another level. It didn't exactly percolate, so much as smolder and off-gas. However much bourbon I started with (half a pot?) burned off and evaporated, eventually yielding about a half a finger of dense, mastic-like meconium. It was the most profane thing I've ever tasted. 

Our apartment filled with noxious fumes, so we opened up the doors and windows. In doing so, we discovered that our neighbors had already been reacting to the smell (we lived in four lofts about a business, and apparently had some common ducts or HVAC or whatever) and were on the verge of calling the city to report the problem. Mrs. Doom and I convinced them not to, but did not take responsibility for the odor until a month or two later once we could all laugh about it. 

So I'll pass on the PBRoffee, thanks. 

Edited by Prepuce of Doom
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Posted (edited)

20 years ago, I was drinking $1 PBRs at the bar at the Chili Parlour with two other lawyers, a dedicated drinker at the other end of the bar, and the bartender.  On a Wednesday night.

The door comes flying open, letting the streetlight glare into the dark bar, as one buddy's wife comes barging in -- "GODDAMIT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE!  YOU'RE LATE FOR [the function they were supposed to go to]!!!"  My buddy hustles out the door.  The door swings shut.  Shit got real quiet.  The bartender waits, and says "that....was AWESOME."  We all chuckled, and kept drinking our PBRs.  Had to pay our buddy's share, though.  We left $10 for him, and we tipped pretty well.

PBR ain't all bad.

Edited by Brisketexan
About 20 years ago, we bought a new coffee maker that was fancier than our existing one, but the one we were replacing still worked well enough. 
So I decided to give the older one a viking funeral by using it to see what would happen if I brewed coffee with unconventional ingredients - Mt. Dew, Budweiser, and Jim Beam, in that order. 
The Mt. Dewfee was thick, tarry, and acrid. It did not taste good, and it bore no promise worth further investigation. 
The Budwoffee was very, very bad. It smelled like fertilizer or a chemical fire, and tasted about the same. Really offensive. 
The Jim Boffee, however, took things to another level. It didn't exactly percolate, so much as smolder and off-gas. However much bourbon I started with (half a pot?) burned off and evaporated, eventually yielding about a half a finger of dense, mastic-like meconium. It was the most profane thing I've ever tasted. 
Our apartment filled with noxious fumes, so we opened up the doors and windows. In doing so, we discovered that our neighbors had already been reacting to the smell (we lived in four lofts about a business, and apparently had some common ducts or HVAC or whatever) and were on the verge of calling the city to report the problem. Mrs. Doom and I convinced them not to, but did not take responsibility for the odor until a month or two later once we could all laugh about it. 
So I'll pass on the PBRoffee, thanks. 


I love coffee and booze, but rarely enjoy mixing them in the same container.  I've been known to chase Bloody Marys with coffee (especially if on a football weekend bender and I need to rally from Friday and roll into Saturday hard).

Regarding PBR coffee:


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