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Wives and the Stupid Shit They Say/Do


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So we built our house 5 years ago. We are in NE texas so very inexpensive on a larger home. I'm not an engineer but I was really involved on a lot of things including the HVAC system, tankless heaters, audio, etc. I did two AC units with 3 zones each. So, 6 separate thermostats. One is in what I call the mother in law room. It is a bedroom for guests, but typically my smother in law. It has it's own thermostat. It is off the kitchen and NEVER EVER USED unless they are here.

Tonight I walk in there, and the thermostat is at 74 and I lose my shit. That thermostat is ONLY for that room by design when I helped with the HVAC guys. It should be set at 90 when nobody is staying.

She says she lowered it because sometimes she goes to the bathroom in there because it is near the kitchen.

No words.

I mean, what did you expect?
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9 hours ago, markstanco said:

Yes, all new homes do this. There are zones in areas to save money. Which we are not fully utilizing this potential obviously.

I have a bonus room up in the attic with a big screen. I set it to 500 degrees in the summer so it wont come on, ever. Unless of course I go up there then i change it.

So how are the zones controlled independently when you only have 2 units? Adjustable duct gates or what?

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6 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

I know this is a rhetorical question, but my non rhetorical answer: She'll set them at various temperatures between 60 degrees and 90 degrees and the cold front will meet the warm front causing it to rain in your living room.

I added a combo office for the wife/play area for the kids that is open to the main area most of the time (doors stay open). In that room I added a mini-split system. I come home almost every day to find the mini-split set at 70 and working it's ass off trying to cool that room and the rest of the house because the doors are left open. She sets the rest of the house at 80. It is completely lost on her that we aren't saving money unless she keeps the doors closed.

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53 minutes ago, Jameslaw121 said:

Meant to post this awhile back but never got around to it

Ranger's are getting blown out and send in Jeff Mathis to pick (Ranger's catcher)

Me "They're sending in Mathis to pitch"

Her : "Wow, is he still going to catch too??"

You have a wife that recognizes by name a professional baseball player, and knows his position?  Nice humblebrag, dipshit. 

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57 minutes ago, Jameslaw121 said:

Meant to post this awhile back but never got around to it

Ranger's are getting blown out and send in Jeff Mathis to pick (Ranger's catcher)

Me "They're sending in Mathis to pitch"

Her : "Wow, is he still going to catch too??"

I'm going to give her credit for knowing Mathis is a catcher.

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19 hours ago, markstanco said:

Yes, all new homes do this. There are zones in areas to save money. Which we are not fully utilizing this potential obviously.

I have a bonus room up in the attic with a big screen. I set it to 500 degrees in the summer so it wont come on, ever. Unless of course I go up there then i change it.

Hey when you go up there, set it lower it will get cooler faster kthxbai

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On 9/6/2019 at 11:17 AM, Pogo said:

Each thermostat controls a baffle at the air handler that only lets air into that specific zone.


On 9/6/2019 at 12:34 PM, Anastasis said:

Doesn't that create pressure balance and airflow issues?  In the same way that closing off a bunch of vents would. 


No, when you close off a bunch of vents the air still goes through the ducts all the way to those closed vents. With two zone there are just baffles that move the air where it needs to go based on the setting so it never goes all the way through the ducts that are closed off.  

We build our house a couple of years ago and we almost never use our 2nd thermostat for our lower level. 




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On 9/5/2019 at 11:24 PM, markstanco said:


So we built our house 5 years ago. We are in NE texas so very inexpensive on a larger home. I'm not an engineer but I was really involved on a lot of things including the HVAC system, tankless heaters, audio, etc. I did two AC units with 3 zones each. So, 6 separate thermostats. One is in what I call the mother in law room. It is a bedroom for guests, but typically my smother in law. It has it's own thermostat. It is off the kitchen and NEVER EVER USED unless they are here.

Tonight I walk in there, and the thermostat is at 74 and I lose my shit. That thermostat is ONLY for that room by design when I helped with the HVAC guys. It should be set at 90 when nobody is staying.

She says she lowered it because sometimes she goes to the bathroom in there because it is near the kitchen.

No words.

So you're the guy who's fucking my wife?

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Putting something important on my desk among all the other papers and not telling me is not the same thing as "giving" it to me. 

Asking about it a month later and me saying that I never saw it - even after I've cleaned off my desk - is not the same thing as me "losing" it. 

Edited by crimsonlonghorn
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On 9/6/2019 at 12:24 AM, markstanco said:


So we built our house 5 years ago. We are in NE texas so very inexpensive on a larger home. I'm not an engineer but I was really involved on a lot of things including the HVAC system, tankless heaters, audio, etc. I did two AC units with 3 zones each. So, 6 separate thermostats. One is in what I call the mother in law room. It is a bedroom for guests, but typically my smother in law. It has it's own thermostat. It is off the kitchen and NEVER EVER USED unless they are here.

Tonight I walk in there, and the thermostat is at 74 and I lose my shit. That thermostat is ONLY for that room by design when I helped with the HVAC guys. It should be set at 90 when nobody is staying.

She says she lowered it because sometimes she goes to the bathroom in there because it is near the kitchen.

No words.


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18 hours ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

Putting something important on my desk among all the other papers and not telling me is not the same thing as "giving" it to me. 

Asking about it a month later and me saying that I never saw it - even after I've cleaned off my desk - is not the same thing as me "losing" it. 

Oh, I’d be losing it.


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5 hours ago, VolenteHawk said:

Oh, I’d be losing it.


I have a rule for this at home and work.  If you have paperwork to give me and do not hand it to me personally, you leave it in my desk chair.....not on my desk.  That way I have to pick it up before sitting down.

Dropping something on someone's desk that they aren't aware of is begging for it to be commingled or overlooked.  Its an IDGAF move by the deliverer. 

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Had to schedule a Dr's appointment for my kid. It's a pain because she works and I never know when she's off work. I set it up and called my wife to tell her, wife then says she'd be happy to go with daughter to the appointment. I said great, she needs to be checked out at 10, as the appointment is at 10:30. I told her to text the kid and ask when she needed to go back to school, if at all. 

Wife: She said she has to go back afterwards because she has a test. I'll check her out from 10-11:30 on the school app

Me: What if there's bloodwork, or the appointments are running behind? You should ask her when her test is happening and go from there. Make sure you allow for enough time.

W: Done, checked out from 10-11:30.

M: Why did you do that if you don't know when she needs to go back???

W: UGH, I can always edit it! Gawd! 

It's pretty clear that women have never heard of "measure twice, cut once".

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My dog found and ate some article of clothing that looks like panties or a swimsuit bottom yesterday.  Dog then threw it up in my daughter's (no pics, she's 6 years old you pervs) room.  They were a size 7, my daughter wears a size 7.  My wife is convinced that I was cheating on her yesterday and now is not talking to me.  The peace and quiet is nice.

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1 minute ago, txhorns said:

My dog found and ate some article of clothing that looks like panties or a swimsuit bottom yesterday.  Dog then threw it up in my daughter's (no pics, she's 6 years old you pervs) room.  They were a size 7, my daughter wears a size 7.  My wife is convinced that I was cheating on her yesterday and now is not talking to me.  The peace and quiet is nice.

Your wife is cheating on you.

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My dog found and ate some article of clothing that looks like panties or a swimsuit bottom yesterday.  Dog then threw it up in my daughter's (no pics, she's 6 years old you pervs) room.  They were a size 7, my daughter wears a size 7.  My wife is convinced that I was cheating on her yesterday and now is not talking to me.  The peace and quiet is nice.
Pics of your new squeeze?
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1 hour ago, txhorns said:

My dog found and ate some article of clothing that looks like panties or a swimsuit bottom yesterday.  Dog then threw it up in my daughter's (no pics, she's 6 years old you pervs) room.  They were a size 7, my daughter wears a size 7.  My wife is convinced that I was cheating on her yesterday and now is not talking to me.  The peace and quiet is nice.

Makes perfect sense to me you asshole. 

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