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Wives and the Stupid Shit They Say/Do


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3 hours ago, Budkudzu said:

Soul Mate:  I've turned the thermostat down to 68

Bud: Why?

Soul Mate:  It's going to be real hot today and I want to make sure the house stays cool

Bud: Just keep it where it's set and the AC will just turn on more often, but it will stay just as cool any other day

Soul Mate:  You don't understand.  It's going to be real hot today

Mona Lisa:  Is the thermostat set at 69?

Me:  Yep.

Mona Lisa:  Good.

Me:  Yep.


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On 6/23/2024 at 2:12 PM, thunderlounge said:

So this was my morning…





Painting the bathroom this weekend. Didn’t get to bed til after 2 this morning. 

Wife was supposed to pick up her sister at 1030 this morning to run up to their mom’s place to help get ready to move. I planned on painting instead (good call.)

Well, she goes out to the garage to have a smoke. Finishes, waits a second, dumps the ashtray and came in to take a shower. This was about 5 after 9.

I really, really wanted to roll back over for another hour.

Thankfully, I didn’t. 

I wandered into the kitchen towards the coffee pot.

I thought I smelled smoke, figured she probably didn’t get the door from the garage shut tight. (New seal breaking in.)

Open the door to flames about a foot under my yak, smoke so thick you couldn’t see.

Thankfully I had a brush soaking in water from painting. I had already cleaned it, but wanted to soak it over night.

Chucked the brush, dumped the 3/4 gallon of water on it, which knocked it back enough to grab the fire extinguisher, and finish it off.

Called the fire dept to check for hot spots.

Another 90 seconds and we would have lost everything, maybe our lives.


So pissed I’m calm. Not bueno.

Needless to say, fixing all that is now on her. I’m not touching it more than I have to. She’s learning a hard lesson, and it better got damn stick.


Fucking smokers.

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