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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Mack Tripper said:

This. The population has doubled since 1980 from 14MM to 28MM.

I don’t know how many the oil booms brought, but like I said, I think it was enough to influence the voting we are seeing now.  Hell, it might have mirrored the rise of the GOP in Texas.

Anecdotal, when my dad was hiring folks for the crew he was on (doodlebuggers for life), it was wherever we happened to be at, which meant a lot of folks from Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, etc.  and guess where we eventually came back to - Texas. And of the folks he and other crews hired, lots of them came from deep rural areas in the South and Oklahoma.  Definite conservatives.

And all my dads friends from that time, or that he hired, are late 50s and up. Many are Trumpkins. I’m friends with a lot of their kids from that time.  

Edited by atomheartbevo

Yeah, DFW is inundated with Okies and most of them are accurate to the stereotype.  (House in the burbs with an F-250 on lift kits, a boat, and a painting in their house of Jesus on top of an oil derrick with an American flag in one hand and an AR-15 in the other while screaming "America!  Fuck yeah!"  Wife wears capri pants and they wear cargo shorts.)

Ted Cruz wheelhouse.


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1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:

Gov. Hot Wheels rolls into the fray.  (Note how he says "I can't verify if this is accurate" yet he posted it anyway.)

What's the scandal here?  If he has a photo ID and is registered, he can vote.


It's absolutely astonishing that he's lending the credence of his office to spread lies from an easily debunked conspiracy site. He should stand up and be a man.

Oh, wait. He can't.

32 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:


Well, get in bed with dicks and you’re likely to get fucked.


God I love a woman that can swear.

If your husband and my wife ever get hit bit a bus, we should hook up.

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Celery Man said:


Was she feeling this way before she lost?

She may be educated but she's a fool.  Most likely a willing fool when it suits her interests.


Posted (edited)


It is still up in the air whether a small group of Tarrant Republicans will succeed in a controversial plan to oust a leader of their party because he’s Muslim.

Tarrant Republican precinct chairs met for nearly four hours Saturday — and considered the issue behind closed doors for more than an hour — before adjourning without voting on the proposal.

“There was no vote on this today,” Tarrant Republican Chair Darl Easton said after the group adjourned, noting that the issue will come up again at a January meeting. “The for and against speakers (never) got exhausted.”


Jihad! Shariah law!

4 hours and it goes no where. Neither side had the votes to resolve it, it appears to me. 

Some juicy quotes in there. 

Edited by cactusflinthead
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

Are the people against the muslin guy coming up with any reasons other than he’s Muslim? 

Umm apparently that's enough. 

Edit: she does make the claim that it is not because he's Muslim but that he is a sleeper D, belongs to CAIR and the MB, and perhaps other things, but there's not even a shred of evidence to back up any of it. 

Edited by cactusflinthead
14 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

Umm apparently that's enough. 

Edit: she does make the claim that it is not because he's Muslim but that he is a sleeper D, belongs to CAIR and the MB, and perhaps other things, but there's not even a shred of evidence to back up any of it. 

The MB is a sneaky group.  No one would expect world domination by starting with infiltrating the tarrant county gop.  Which is exactly why it will work.  

That's the entire point of the Senate you doofuses (I wish it was doofi).
Complain about the House. Right now there are 1,050,493 Montanans (and 961,939 Delawareans) and one Representative while there are only 529,820 Rhode Islanders (and 579,315 Wyomingites) per Representative.
Which is why there needs to be more reps. I'd like to see each rep represent at most 250,000 to 300,000. I'd also like to see the districts be drawn like a grid. The shit we have on Houston is a joke.
12 hours ago, Celery Man said:


Oh my god this bullshit is galling.

However, since 2016, Republican messaging on the national level has resonated with me less and less. As an educated woman, I have felt increasingly disenfranchised by messaging that plays to my fears about things and people who are different — such as “California values” like “dyed hair and tofu,” as one candidate put it. But I’m dating a startup executive from California. I dye my hair, and I eat vegan sometimes. I enjoy travel and meeting different kinds of people. I like having a diverse group of friends, and some of them decorate themselves with tattoos and body jewelry. I am a volunteer at the Burning Man festival, and I’ve seen pretty much everything.

Since 2016, huh? Really? Imbecilic.

I want to be a part of a Republican Party that embraces diversity.

How up your ass and in a bubble can you be as a human? Holy shit.

If this were my household, or my small business, no bank would lend me money. Yet our elected officials just keep agreeing to raise the debt ceiling.

The smartest idiots in the room. Jesus.


  • Like 3

She and many others whine about things they know will never change.  I don’t expect them to switch to (D), but if they want change and to be respected, they’d carry more clout if they switched to Independent.  

Only way you will get change is if you force the GOP to start losing.  Right now, while they may have lost the House, they still have the Senate (and WH), so on some level they think they are still winning, and the lobbying money still flows freely.  

Ds need to take the Senate back with a decent margin, take the WH (very doable in 2020 with the recent losses in WI, PA, MI, AZ), cause the lobbyist dollars to dry up, and on the Republican side,  primary the GOP Congressional leaders.  Then you can get some change in the GOP.  

But as of right now, the GOP Chairwoman recently (literally) that the GOP was the Party of Trump.  That ain’t changing until the party suffers because of him.

25 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

If this were my household, or my small business, no bank would lend me money. Yet our elected officials just keep agreeing to raise the debt ceiling.

The smartest idiots in the room. Jesus.

Frequently comparing the finances of the United States of America to the finances of a middle class household might be the single dumbest talking point in an arsenal of dumb talking points.

  • Like 4
23 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Exactly.  Iowans love dirt.  It’s where corn comes from.

With an assist from a pretty healthy dose of hog and/or cattle shit.

15 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

God I love a woman that can swear.

If your husband and my wife ever get hit bit a bus, we should hook up.

Hit by a bus - or looks like hit by a bus?    I may have a number you can call.  

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

Republicans gonna be in for a shock after 2020 when the lines are redrawn.  

Automatic voter registration passed in Nevada and Michigan, where people applying for driver’s license will now be automatically registered to vote, unless they affirmatively opt out.

Michigan voters also approved several other sweeping changes to their election laws, adding same-day voter registration, making it easier to request absentee ballots, and reinstating the straight-ticket voting option that was nixed by the Republican legislature a few years ago.

Maryland voters also approved same-day registration      

Changes like that,  coupled with litigation challenging Gerrymandered precincts, coupled with redistricting in an era of more Democratic Governors and  legislatures will make 2022 a canary in the coal mine Mid-term election.  I'd think that two more years of Trump will bring us a Democratic POTUS in 2020, and if you look at the make up of the 2020 Senate - with the following Senators up for reelection, a Democratic gain in seats seems likely.     Remember, the GOP will have to defend that Turd for two years as his conduct grows increasingly erratic and loathsome.   So I'd be surprised if we did not have a Dem POTUS and a bunch of new Dem Senators by 2020.     


Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)


Cory Booker (D-New Jersey)
Chris Coons (D-Delaware)
Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)
Doug Jones (D-Alabama)
Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts)
Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon)
Gary Peters (D-Michigan)
Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island)
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Tina Smith (D-Minnesota)


  And then comes the 2022 Mid-terms with the new redistricting kicking in.   I think we have seen a GOP high water mark for a decade or so.    Personally, I see more Hispanic voters leaving  the Democratic Party within a decade of Trump and the current GOP leadership's exit.  They are a better fit in many ways with a moderate GOP stance.   So I see a Blue wave for at least ten years, until we can find out what happens when the olds die off.  Will the Millennials become conservative as they age?   I see fiscal issues becoming far more important, and the GOP can reclaim them by repudiation of trickle down tax cut bullshit, cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits, and some bribes like student loan forgiveness.   But then, if the remaining olds see their socialist swag being cut - they may join the liberal Democrats again out of self interest.   Fun times ahead.                                                                                                                                                            

Edited by Gatorubet
1 hour ago, Gatorubet said:

Automatic voter registration passed in Nevada and Michigan, where people applying for driver’s license will now be automatically registered to vote, unless they affirmatively opt out.

Michigan voters also approved several other sweeping changes to their election laws, adding same-day voter registration, making it easier to request absentee ballots, and reinstating the straight-ticket voting option that was nixed by the Republican legislature a few years ago.

Maryland voters also approved same-day registration      

Changes like that,  coupled with litigation challenging Gerrymandered precincts, coupled with redistricting in an era of more Democratic Governors and  legislatures will make 2022 a canary in the coal mine Mid-term election.  I'd think that two more years of Trump will bring us a Democratic POTUS in 2020, and if you look at the make up of the 2020 Senate - with the following Senators up for reelection, a Democratic gain in seats seems likely.     Remember, the GOP will have to defend that Turd for two years as his conduct grows increasingly erratic and loathsome.   So I'd be surprised if we did not have a Dem POTUS and a bunch of new Dem Senators by 2020.     


Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas)
Steve Daines (R-Montana)
Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming)
Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
Cory Gardner (R-Colorado)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi)
James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
David Perdue (R-GA)
Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota)
Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska)
Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)
Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina)


Cory Booker (D-New Jersey)
Chris Coons (D-Delaware)
Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)
Doug Jones (D-Alabama)
Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts)
Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon)
Gary Peters (D-Michigan)
Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island)
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Tina Smith (D-Minnesota)


  And then comes the 2022 Mid-terms with the new redistricting kicking in.   I think we have seen a GOP high water mark for a decade or so.    Personally, I see more Hispanic voters leaving  the Democratic Party within a decade of Trump and the current GOP leadership's exit.  They are a better fit in many ways with a moderate GOP stance.   So I see a Blue wave for at least ten years, until we can find out what happens when the olds die off.  Will the Millennials become conservative as they age?   I see fiscal issues becoming far more important, and the GOP can reclaim them by repudiation of trickle down tax cut bullshit, cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits, and some bribes like student loan forgiveness.   But then, if the remaining olds see their socialist swag being cut - they may join the liberal Democrats again out of self interest.   Fun times ahead.                                                                                                                                                            

Dems only have one Senate seat they have to worry about there and that's Jones.  I count at least 5 Republican seats that may flip.

4 hours ago, retread said:


North Carolina. Wisconsin, and Michigan are all criminally gerrymandered in favor of the GOP. 


Wisconsin and Michigans maps will both be redone because we have democratic governors there. The democrats won 50% of the vote in North Carolina, but only netted 3 out of 13 seats. That’s bullshit. The Dems have been trying to fight that map in court but to no avail. Hopefully we can win the governorship there, but the GOP has (smartly) made N.C. their party destination for next cycle. 

There are probably a few other states where we will get a more favorable map compared to 2010. The GOP will find house races much tougher to win in the 2020 era.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Voldemort86 said:



reading this article makes me think Brian Kemp should be shot in the face. I can’t believe they’re allowed to get away with that shit. Abrams got screwed. I can’t wait to see how bad they try to rig things in 2020. Georgia is a messed up state.

What the D should do is bring it to light and start getting people registered ASAP. 

Whatever was done, note it and try to circumventing it next time 

Before early voting starts, start organizing people to drive some of those folks to voting places. Early voting is the key here so they avoid the long lines later.

Edited by Gengs1
1 minute ago, Gengs1 said:

What the D should do is bring it to light and start getting people registered ASAP. 

Before early voting starts, start organizing people to drive some of those folks to voting places. Early voting is the key here so they avoid the long lines later 

I wish it was that simple, but a lot of states don’t allow early voting. 


They should have to explain why they only send 2 or 3 voting machines to those areas. What a crock.

25 minutes ago, Voldemort86 said:

I wish it was that simple, but a lot of states don’t allow early voting. 


They should have to explain why they only send 2 or 3 voting machines to those areas. What a crock.

Pardon my ignorance, which states don’t allow early voting?

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