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Welcome LSU fans: Please leave your memes at the door

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3 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:


Why LSU Will Win Easily... or... Why U.T. Sux.. (It's the same thing)....

What kind of school bans Cowboy costumes for Halloween... and their friggin' band wears... er, uh... cowboy costumes? 

Your coach kisses his players. And 90% of your socialist leftist brain washed students think this should be required.

Your past coach was made to have the opening speech to his new team include the following... "You cannot own guns" and "This is a safe locker room for you to announce you're gay"... that was dictated from the Chancellor's office... u.t. is insane... completely socially engineered.  For the opening speech to his team? You're gone.

You're in Austin. You have more homeless people crapping in the streets than any place outside California which presumably is why all the California refugees are flooding into Austin.  Looking for the toilet...

You think criticizing the policies that multiply homelessness is criticizing the homeless... No, dumb asses... Your liberal leftist communist policies of higher taxes, exported jobs, less income, higher rents, open borders, less home ownership and voting for leftists like the Clintons and Obamas has destroyed almost every major city in America... all run by leftists... i.e., socialists... And remember Joseph Stalin: "The purpose of socialism is communism."

You think communism is a good idea. Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn... find out what Socialism leads to... dumbasses.

You remind those of us who are still sane and well reasoned living in parts of Texas that still matter of the state of California and that's the reason the refugees from California are flooding our state... mostly coming to Austin. They're coming here because they've so screwed up the state of California that there is well over a million homeless there. It's reported as 150,000 by noted Socialist Governor Liar Newsome. 

You've taken the most beautiful town in Texas and turned it into a toilet.

You hold SXSW which started out as something amazingly cool and fun and now the place looks like a zoo... where free speech is no longer tolerated. Ironic how all the leftists now want to silent all opposition.... Not really... It's what Hitler and Mao and all other dictators did. Yeah.. Hitler was a Socialist... Fascism is of the Left... dumbasses. 

Read something your Socialist Indoctrination Professors at u.t. DONT approve of... You'll learn the truth.  Try Unauthorized Biography of Obama by Webster Tarpley.

You have three roads in the whole city... 290, 35 and mopac... and enough traffic for a city the size of Houston or Dallas... Worst traffic in America...

I apologize... I said the word "America" and you dumbasses think that's racist.

Your student population looks more and more like a testament to the dangers of Over-Soyification... Seriously... Does every male wear those same stupid glasses and have that same spikey hairdo and hope that their UT degree gets them an opportunity to be a Youtube star?  Wasn't that a u.t. student in the geico ad with the mini-pony????

You think there's more than two genders... Hell... You think it's unlimited.

You think Hillary is nice and hasn't had over 500 people killed.

You think this is hate speech and the writer should be arrested... because you dumbasses don't believe in free speech and don't know smack talk when you see it.

You're a bunch of communists who think they'll change the world once they put in jail anyone who offends them, anyone who says something you disagree with and anyone named Alex Jones... who lives in of all places... Austin.

You believe anyone using the name Alex Jones should be banned and imprisoned.

You think gender studies is a degree program. And you like it.

You believe in Open Borders... why? Because you're a bunch of flouridated dumb asses. You don't understand that statement... because you're a bunch of flouridated dumbasses.

One of the greatest Texans ever, Red McCombs, came from UT and even has the damn business school named after him... And your parade of leftist socialist wieirdos does nothing but sully his good name.

You think Barbara Jordan is worth honoring.

You think criticizing a black person is racist.

You hate all the Bushes, even though they think they're from Texas and you don't realize they've been working with the Clintons and Obamas on everything all along.  The Bushes make the Clintons look like angels.

LBJ school of public affairs. Congrats... you honor the only president who was in on the planning of the killing of the previous president. Not that Hillary wouldn't try to kill anyone she decided to kill... in the few moments she's not drugged into a stuper each day long enough to get the latest photo and sound bite released to the 100% controlled leftist media.

The American Atheist Association was founded where? Oh yeah.. .Austin... What happened to that reprobrate Austinite-Transplant founder? By the way, her son that she sued the Baltimore School system to stop prayer in schools... became a Christian.

You cringe at the mention of the word, "Christian”.

Your QB is a good one. The guy is Tim Tebow with an arm.  Love him.  But 'We're baaaaaack..." just because you beat an SEC team that didn't care to play you in the first place? Please... YOU LOST FOUR GAMES IN THE SEASON YOU ARE "BAAAAAAACK"

The first school shooting happened where? Yeah... 3 blocks from the American Atheist Association... which had opened 3 weeks before the shooting... 3 years after prayer in schools was "outlawed"...  (unconstitutionally beginning the erosive elimination of free speech in America, so yeah... you got a hand in that for eternity)... You do get a few points because the Texans in Austin back then were still Texans and there was no need for a SWAT team because the Texans went to their cars, got their guns and pinned down Charles Whitman on their own.

The best thing I can say about U.T. and Austin is that Texas A&M had the good sense to dump you dumb asses.

The next to best thing I can say is when driving through Austin right after A&M joined the SEC, I screamed with joy at the 60 foot wide billboard A&M had placed right across from DKR stadium on 35 that proclaimed: "THIS IS SEC COUNTRY"...

Something you'll get a big friggin' dose of in a regular-season-game-that-matters Saturday night when LSU comes in and kicks your burnt orange butts into next year.  This is as strong an LSU team as you will see.  This is the only thing in this missive that's not debatable.  

You remember games that matter against SEC powers right?  Remember when Colt - who was a great guy and QB - got hit one time by an SEC backer when the game mattered and about broke every bone in his body?  Wait to you feel Chaisson, Lawrence, Phillips, Delpit, Stevens and others hit. The twig 12 does not have regular season hubris like these MOFO's are gonna bring.



Oh... buy my latest book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You'll hate it. It's making fun of Politically Correct Dumbasses everywhere. You included.
P.S. I apologize for calling you dumbasses…  And if you believe I’m sorry… You’re a dumbass.   The Cow, The Buick & The Taxi, Buy it. Thanks so much.

Yours Truly

Emmit Drallid


Oh and yes... I'm certain I'll get banned from here after one post.


  • Like 4
7 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:


Why LSU Will Win Easily... or... Why U.T. Sux.. (It's the same thing)....

What kind of school bans Cowboy costumes for Halloween... and their friggin' band wears... er, uh... cowboy costumes? 

Your coach kisses his players. And 90% of your socialist leftist brain washed students think this should be required.

Your past coach was made to have the opening speech to his new team include the following... "You cannot own guns" and "This is a safe locker room for you to announce you're gay"... that was dictated from the Chancellor's office... u.t. is insane... completely socially engineered.  For the opening speech to his team? You're gone.

You're in Austin. You have more homeless people crapping in the streets than any place outside California which presumably is why all the California refugees are flooding into Austin.  Looking for the toilet...

You think criticizing the policies that multiply homelessness is criticizing the homeless... No, dumb asses... Your liberal leftist communist policies of higher taxes, exported jobs, less income, higher rents, open borders, less home ownership and voting for leftists like the Clintons and Obamas has destroyed almost every major city in America... all run by leftists... i.e., socialists... And remember Joseph Stalin: "The purpose of socialism is communism."

You think communism is a good idea. Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn... find out what Socialism leads to... dumbasses.

You remind those of us who are still sane and well reasoned living in parts of Texas that still matter of the state of California and that's the reason the refugees from California are flooding our state... mostly coming to Austin. They're coming here because they've so screwed up the state of California that there is well over a million homeless there. It's reported as 150,000 by noted Socialist Governor Liar Newsome. 

You've taken the most beautiful town in Texas and turned it into a toilet.

You hold SXSW which started out as something amazingly cool and fun and now the place looks like a zoo... where free speech is no longer tolerated. Ironic how all the leftists now want to silent all opposition.... Not really... It's what Hitler and Mao and all other dictators did. Yeah.. Hitler was a Socialist... Fascism is of the Left... dumbasses. 

Read something your Socialist Indoctrination Professors at u.t. DONT approve of... You'll learn the truth.  Try Unauthorized Biography of Obama by Webster Tarpley.

You have three roads in the whole city... 290, 35 and mopac... and enough traffic for a city the size of Houston or Dallas... Worst traffic in America...

I apologize... I said the word "America" and you dumbasses think that's racist.

Your student population looks more and more like a testament to the dangers of Over-Soyification... Seriously... Does every male wear those same stupid glasses and have that same spikey hairdo and hope that their UT degree gets them an opportunity to be a Youtube star?  Wasn't that a u.t. student in the geico ad with the mini-pony????

You think there's more than two genders... Hell... You think it's unlimited.

You think Hillary is nice and hasn't had over 500 people killed.

You think this is hate speech and the writer should be arrested... because you dumbasses don't believe in free speech and don't know smack talk when you see it.

You're a bunch of communists who think they'll change the world once they put in jail anyone who offends them, anyone who says something you disagree with and anyone named Alex Jones... who lives in of all places... Austin.

You believe anyone using the name Alex Jones should be banned and imprisoned.

You think gender studies is a degree program. And you like it.

You believe in Open Borders... why? Because you're a bunch of flouridated dumb asses. You don't understand that statement... because you're a bunch of flouridated dumbasses.

One of the greatest Texans ever, Red McCombs, came from UT and even has the damn business school named after him... And your parade of leftist socialist wieirdos does nothing but sully his good name.

You think Barbara Jordan is worth honoring.

You think criticizing a black person is racist.

You hate all the Bushes, even though they think they're from Texas and you don't realize they've been working with the Clintons and Obamas on everything all along.  The Bushes make the Clintons look like angels.

LBJ school of public affairs. Congrats... you honor the only president who was in on the planning of the killing of the previous president. Not that Hillary wouldn't try to kill anyone she decided to kill... in the few moments she's not drugged into a stuper each day long enough to get the latest photo and sound bite released to the 100% controlled leftist media.

The American Atheist Association was founded where? Oh yeah.. .Austin... What happened to that reprobrate Austinite-Transplant founder? By the way, her son that she sued the Baltimore School system to stop prayer in schools... became a Christian.

You cringe at the mention of the word, "Christian”.

Your QB is a good one. The guy is Tim Tebow with an arm.  Love him.  But 'We're baaaaaack..." just because you beat an SEC team that didn't care to play you in the first place? Please... YOU LOST FOUR GAMES IN THE SEASON YOU ARE "BAAAAAAACK"

The first school shooting happened where? Yeah... 3 blocks from the American Atheist Association... which had opened 3 weeks before the shooting... 3 years after prayer in schools was "outlawed"...  (unconstitutionally beginning the erosive elimination of free speech in America, so yeah... you got a hand in that for eternity)... You do get a few points because the Texans in Austin back then were still Texans and there was no need for a SWAT team because the Texans went to their cars, got their guns and pinned down Charles Whitman on their own.

The best thing I can say about U.T. and Austin is that Texas A&M had the good sense to dump you dumb asses.

The next to best thing I can say is when driving through Austin right after A&M joined the SEC, I screamed with joy at the 60 foot wide billboard A&M had placed right across from DKR stadium on 35 that proclaimed: "THIS IS SEC COUNTRY"...

Something you'll get a big friggin' dose of in a regular-season-game-that-matters Saturday night when LSU comes in and kicks your burnt orange butts into next year.  This is as strong an LSU team as you will see.  This is the only thing in this missive that's not debatable.  

You remember games that matter against SEC powers right?  Remember when Colt - who was a great guy and QB - got hit one time by an SEC backer when the game mattered and about broke every bone in his body?  Wait to you feel Chaisson, Lawrence, Phillips, Delpit, Stevens and others hit. The twig 12 does not have regular season hubris like these MOFO's are gonna bring.



Oh... buy my latest book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You'll hate it. It's making fun of Politically Correct Dumbasses everywhere. You included.
P.S. I apologize for calling you dumbasses…  And if you believe I’m sorry… You’re a dumbass.   The Cow, The Buick & The Taxi, Buy it. Thanks so much.

Yours Truly

Emmit Drallid


Oh and yes... I'm certain I'll get banned from here after one post.

We don't ban people for being highly regarded here.

  • Like 4
8 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:


Why LSU Will Win Easily... or... Why U.T. Sux.. (It's the same thing)....

What kind of school bans Cowboy costumes for Halloween... and their friggin' band wears... er, uh... cowboy costumes? 

Your coach kisses his players. And 90% of your socialist leftist brain washed students think this should be required.

Your past coach was made to have the opening speech to his new team include the following... "You cannot own guns" and "This is a safe locker room for you to announce you're gay"... that was dictated from the Chancellor's office... u.t. is insane... completely socially engineered.  For the opening speech to his team? You're gone.

You're in Austin. You have more homeless people crapping in the streets than any place outside California which presumably is why all the California refugees are flooding into Austin.  Looking for the toilet...

You think criticizing the policies that multiply homelessness is criticizing the homeless... No, dumb asses... Your liberal leftist communist policies of higher taxes, exported jobs, less income, higher rents, open borders, less home ownership and voting for leftists like the Clintons and Obamas has destroyed almost every major city in America... all run by leftists... i.e., socialists... And remember Joseph Stalin: "The purpose of socialism is communism."

You think communism is a good idea. Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn... find out what Socialism leads to... dumbasses.

You remind those of us who are still sane and well reasoned living in parts of Texas that still matter of the state of California and that's the reason the refugees from California are flooding our state... mostly coming to Austin. They're coming here because they've so screwed up the state of California that there is well over a million homeless there. It's reported as 150,000 by noted Socialist Governor Liar Newsome. 

You've taken the most beautiful town in Texas and turned it into a toilet.

You hold SXSW which started out as something amazingly cool and fun and now the place looks like a zoo... where free speech is no longer tolerated. Ironic how all the leftists now want to silent all opposition.... Not really... It's what Hitler and Mao and all other dictators did. Yeah.. Hitler was a Socialist... Fascism is of the Left... dumbasses. 

Read something your Socialist Indoctrination Professors at u.t. DONT approve of... You'll learn the truth.  Try Unauthorized Biography of Obama by Webster Tarpley.

You have three roads in the whole city... 290, 35 and mopac... and enough traffic for a city the size of Houston or Dallas... Worst traffic in America...

I apologize... I said the word "America" and you dumbasses think that's racist.

Your student population looks more and more like a testament to the dangers of Over-Soyification... Seriously... Does every male wear those same stupid glasses and have that same spikey hairdo and hope that their UT degree gets them an opportunity to be a Youtube star?  Wasn't that a u.t. student in the geico ad with the mini-pony????

You think there's more than two genders... Hell... You think it's unlimited.

You think Hillary is nice and hasn't had over 500 people killed.

You think this is hate speech and the writer should be arrested... because you dumbasses don't believe in free speech and don't know smack talk when you see it.

You're a bunch of communists who think they'll change the world once they put in jail anyone who offends them, anyone who says something you disagree with and anyone named Alex Jones... who lives in of all places... Austin.

You believe anyone using the name Alex Jones should be banned and imprisoned.

You think gender studies is a degree program. And you like it.

You believe in Open Borders... why? Because you're a bunch of flouridated dumb asses. You don't understand that statement... because you're a bunch of flouridated dumbasses.

One of the greatest Texans ever, Red McCombs, came from UT and even has the damn business school named after him... And your parade of leftist socialist wieirdos does nothing but sully his good name.

You think Barbara Jordan is worth honoring.

You think criticizing a black person is racist.

You hate all the Bushes, even though they think they're from Texas and you don't realize they've been working with the Clintons and Obamas on everything all along.  The Bushes make the Clintons look like angels.

LBJ school of public affairs. Congrats... you honor the only president who was in on the planning of the killing of the previous president. Not that Hillary wouldn't try to kill anyone she decided to kill... in the few moments she's not drugged into a stuper each day long enough to get the latest photo and sound bite released to the 100% controlled leftist media.

The American Atheist Association was founded where? Oh yeah.. .Austin... What happened to that reprobrate Austinite-Transplant founder? By the way, her son that she sued the Baltimore School system to stop prayer in schools... became a Christian.

You cringe at the mention of the word, "Christian”.

Your QB is a good one. The guy is Tim Tebow with an arm.  Love him.  But 'We're baaaaaack..." just because you beat an SEC team that didn't care to play you in the first place? Please... YOU LOST FOUR GAMES IN THE SEASON YOU ARE "BAAAAAAACK"

The first school shooting happened where? Yeah... 3 blocks from the American Atheist Association... which had opened 3 weeks before the shooting... 3 years after prayer in schools was "outlawed"...  (unconstitutionally beginning the erosive elimination of free speech in America, so yeah... you got a hand in that for eternity)... You do get a few points because the Texans in Austin back then were still Texans and there was no need for a SWAT team because the Texans went to their cars, got their guns and pinned down Charles Whitman on their own.

The best thing I can say about U.T. and Austin is that Texas A&M had the good sense to dump you dumb asses.

The next to best thing I can say is when driving through Austin right after A&M joined the SEC, I screamed with joy at the 60 foot wide billboard A&M had placed right across from DKR stadium on 35 that proclaimed: "THIS IS SEC COUNTRY"...

Something you'll get a big friggin' dose of in a regular-season-game-that-matters Saturday night when LSU comes in and kicks your burnt orange butts into next year.  This is as strong an LSU team as you will see.  This is the only thing in this missive that's not debatable.  

You remember games that matter against SEC powers right?  Remember when Colt - who was a great guy and QB - got hit one time by an SEC backer when the game mattered and about broke every bone in his body?  Wait to you feel Chaisson, Lawrence, Phillips, Delpit, Stevens and others hit. The twig 12 does not have regular season hubris like these MOFO's are gonna bring.



Oh... buy my latest book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You'll hate it. It's making fun of Politically Correct Dumbasses everywhere. You included.
P.S. I apologize for calling you dumbasses…  And if you believe I’m sorry… You’re a dumbass.   The Cow, The Buick & The Taxi, Buy it. Thanks so much.

Yours Truly

Emmit Drallid


Oh and yes... I'm certain I'll get banned from here after one post.

I’ve never seen a more obvious aggy troll

  • Like 6

Holy shit. If I was an LSU poster on this board and a fellow "alum" posted that shit, I'd probably see myself out, lest I am lumped in with whatever that was.

My God.

  • Like 1
25 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:


Why LSU Will Win Easily... or... Why U.T. Sux.. (It's the same thing)....

What kind of school bans Cowboy costumes for Halloween... and their friggin' band wears... er, uh... cowboy costumes? 

Your coach kisses his players. And 90% of your socialist leftist brain washed students think this should be required.

Your past coach was made to have the opening speech to his new team include the following... "You cannot own guns" and "This is a safe locker room for you to announce you're gay"... that was dictated from the Chancellor's office... u.t. is insane... completely socially engineered.  For the opening speech to his team? You're gone.

You're in Austin. You have more homeless people crapping in the streets than any place outside California which presumably is why all the California refugees are flooding into Austin.  Looking for the toilet...

You think criticizing the policies that multiply homelessness is criticizing the homeless... No, dumb asses... Your liberal leftist communist policies of higher taxes, exported jobs, less income, higher rents, open borders, less home ownership and voting for leftists like the Clintons and Obamas has destroyed almost every major city in America... all run by leftists... i.e., socialists... And remember Joseph Stalin: "The purpose of socialism is communism."

You think communism is a good idea. Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn... find out what Socialism leads to... dumbasses.

You remind those of us who are still sane and well reasoned living in parts of Texas that still matter of the state of California and that's the reason the refugees from California are flooding our state... mostly coming to Austin. They're coming here because they've so screwed up the state of California that there is well over a million homeless there. It's reported as 150,000 by noted Socialist Governor Liar Newsome. 

You've taken the most beautiful town in Texas and turned it into a toilet.

You hold SXSW which started out as something amazingly cool and fun and now the place looks like a zoo... where free speech is no longer tolerated. Ironic how all the leftists now want to silent all opposition.... Not really... It's what Hitler and Mao and all other dictators did. Yeah.. Hitler was a Socialist... Fascism is of the Left... dumbasses. 

Read something your Socialist Indoctrination Professors at u.t. DONT approve of... You'll learn the truth.  Try Unauthorized Biography of Obama by Webster Tarpley.

You have three roads in the whole city... 290, 35 and mopac... and enough traffic for a city the size of Houston or Dallas... Worst traffic in America...

I apologize... I said the word "America" and you dumbasses think that's racist.

Your student population looks more and more like a testament to the dangers of Over-Soyification... Seriously... Does every male wear those same stupid glasses and have that same spikey hairdo and hope that their UT degree gets them an opportunity to be a Youtube star?  Wasn't that a u.t. student in the geico ad with the mini-pony????

You think there's more than two genders... Hell... You think it's unlimited.

You think Hillary is nice and hasn't had over 500 people killed.

You think this is hate speech and the writer should be arrested... because you dumbasses don't believe in free speech and don't know smack talk when you see it.

You're a bunch of communists who think they'll change the world once they put in jail anyone who offends them, anyone who says something you disagree with and anyone named Alex Jones... who lives in of all places... Austin.

You believe anyone using the name Alex Jones should be banned and imprisoned.

You think gender studies is a degree program. And you like it.

You believe in Open Borders... why? Because you're a bunch of flouridated dumb asses. You don't understand that statement... because you're a bunch of flouridated dumbasses.

One of the greatest Texans ever, Red McCombs, came from UT and even has the damn business school named after him... And your parade of leftist socialist wieirdos does nothing but sully his good name.

You think Barbara Jordan is worth honoring.

You think criticizing a black person is racist.

You hate all the Bushes, even though they think they're from Texas and you don't realize they've been working with the Clintons and Obamas on everything all along.  The Bushes make the Clintons look like angels.

LBJ school of public affairs. Congrats... you honor the only president who was in on the planning of the killing of the previous president. Not that Hillary wouldn't try to kill anyone she decided to kill... in the few moments she's not drugged into a stuper each day long enough to get the latest photo and sound bite released to the 100% controlled leftist media.

The American Atheist Association was founded where? Oh yeah.. .Austin... What happened to that reprobrate Austinite-Transplant founder? By the way, her son that she sued the Baltimore School system to stop prayer in schools... became a Christian.

You cringe at the mention of the word, "Christian”.

Your QB is a good one. The guy is Tim Tebow with an arm.  Love him.  But 'We're baaaaaack..." just because you beat an SEC team that didn't care to play you in the first place? Please... YOU LOST FOUR GAMES IN THE SEASON YOU ARE "BAAAAAAACK"

The first school shooting happened where? Yeah... 3 blocks from the American Atheist Association... which had opened 3 weeks before the shooting... 3 years after prayer in schools was "outlawed"...  (unconstitutionally beginning the erosive elimination of free speech in America, so yeah... you got a hand in that for eternity)... You do get a few points because the Texans in Austin back then were still Texans and there was no need for a SWAT team because the Texans went to their cars, got their guns and pinned down Charles Whitman on their own.

The best thing I can say about U.T. and Austin is that Texas A&M had the good sense to dump you dumb asses.

The next to best thing I can say is when driving through Austin right after A&M joined the SEC, I screamed with joy at the 60 foot wide billboard A&M had placed right across from DKR stadium on 35 that proclaimed: "THIS IS SEC COUNTRY"...

Something you'll get a big friggin' dose of in a regular-season-game-that-matters Saturday night when LSU comes in and kicks your burnt orange butts into next year.  This is as strong an LSU team as you will see.  This is the only thing in this missive that's not debatable.  

You remember games that matter against SEC powers right?  Remember when Colt - who was a great guy and QB - got hit one time by an SEC backer when the game mattered and about broke every bone in his body?  Wait to you feel Chaisson, Lawrence, Phillips, Delpit, Stevens and others hit. The twig 12 does not have regular season hubris like these MOFO's are gonna bring.



Oh... buy my latest book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You'll hate it. It's making fun of Politically Correct Dumbasses everywhere. You included.
P.S. I apologize for calling you dumbasses…  And if you believe I’m sorry… You’re a dumbass.   The Cow, The Buick & The Taxi, Buy it. Thanks so much.

Yours Truly

Emmit Drallid


Oh and yes... I'm certain I'll get banned from here after one post.

the butthurt from Tom Herman spurning LSU lingers I see



Just now, TopsInAmericaTim said:

The u.t. brain on drugs ... and... oh wait... that's all there is

10000% LSU .... proving my point again... DUMBASS  Everyone that hates u.t. isn't an aggie. There are those of us who live in Texas who have watched you dumbasses screw up austin and next you'll screw up texas...  LSU is going to kick your asses hard Saturday night... Because true karma is that Austin and ut are shit holes.  Literal shit holes.  And you don't have to be an Aggie to figure that out.  In fact.... now that you mention it... an aggie couldnt figure that out

  • Fuck You 12
1 minute ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

10000% LSU .... proving my point again... DUMBASS  Everyone that hates u.t. isn't an aggie. There are those of us who live in Texas who have watched you dumbasses screw up austin and next you'll screw up texas...  LSU is going to kick your asses hard Saturday night... Because true karma is that Austin and ut are shit holes.  Literal shit holes.  And you don't have to be an Aggie to figure that out.  In fact.... now that you mention it... an aggie couldnt figure that out

I could drink this remedial authentic Cajun gibberish all day. 

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

10000% LSU .... proving my point again... DUMBASS  Everyone that hates u.t. isn't an aggie. There are those of us who live in Texas who have watched you dumbasses screw up austin and next you'll screw up texas...  LSU is going to kick your asses hard Saturday night... Because true karma is that Austin and ut are shit holes.  Literal shit holes.  And you don't have to be an Aggie to figure that out.  In fact.... now that you mention it... an aggie couldnt figure that out

you should probably get help and start taking some meds and plz dont shoot up innocents

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

10000% LSU .... proving my point again... DUMBASS  Everyone that hates u.t. isn't an aggie. There are those of us who live in Texas who have watched you dumbasses screw up austin and next you'll screw up texas...  LSU is going to kick your asses hard Saturday night... Because true karma is that Austin and ut are shit holes.  Literal shit holes.  And you don't have to be an Aggie to figure that out.  In fact.... now that you mention it... an aggie couldnt figure that out

Show me on the doll where the city of Austin hurt you, Tim. 

  • Haha 1
45 minutes ago, thedentist45 said:

If you don't get banned, it'll be because no one will take the time to read that novel.

Because it wasn't approved by some Gay, Communist, Fourteen x Pie Gendered Professor????  ut is a shithole. austin is a literal shithole.  Get your asses out of texas. Sending in my Tigers to right the freaking ship.  Wait till those Tigahs hit your backs and receivers. I'll give you this. I dont think they'll hurt your QB. TOUGH SOB. True Texan.

  • Fuck You 12
1 minute ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

Because it wasn't approved by some Gay, Communist, Fourteen x Pie Gendered Professor????  ut is a shithole. austin is a literal shithole.  Get your asses out of texas. Sending in my Tigers to right the freaking ship.  Wait till those Tigahs hit your backs and receivers. I'll give you this. I dont think they'll hurt your QB. TOUGH SOB. True Texan.

Geaux away

  • Like 2
Just now, TopsInAmericaTim said:

Glad you got Hermann..  He's brought ut baaaaaaaack... TO A FOUR LOSS SEASON.  Play in the SEC and youd be 6-6

you have a functioning (?) regard as head corch. good luck with that. 


  • Haha 1
42 minutes ago, bigcigar said:

aggy gonna aggy. There will be 1 good game Saturday and it doesn’t start until after texags is in full meltdown.

this is the perfect microcosm of ut arrogance.  no... not everyone that hates ut is aggie.  Most of Texas is learning to hate you. And those of us with a brain have seen how insane it is to have the ut outlaw cowboy costumes on halloween.. ut is a sick leftist joke of a school where freedom of speech and reasoned thought is outlawed... YOU FREAKING BANNED COWBOY COSTUMES ON HALLOWEEN.  ut is a joke.

  • Fuck You 5
22 hours ago, DanTheHorn said:

When Texas fans think of a corn dog they think about Texas vs OU weekend, cold beer and beating the hell out of OU. Don't think that is going to register any traction here except for those that have not been fortunate enough to attend Texas vs OU.

I think you steers and queers got corndog mixed up with CornHole...

  • Fuck You 4
Because it wasn't approved by some Gay, Communist, Fourteen x Pie Gendered Professor????  ut is a shithole. austin is a literal shithole.  Get your asses out of texas. Sending in my Tigers to right the freaking ship.  Wait till those Tigahs hit your backs and receivers. I'll give you this. I dont think they'll hurt your QB. TOUGH SOB. True Texan.

Holy shit, you take retard to a new level. On top of that, your mom is a whore.
  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

No dumbass.  Tiger.  Texan.  Smart.  ...  hate the left. which is ut and austin.

Did you not know there is only one name for you guys now. Bayou Aggy! The way you have come here to troll and show your asses proves it.

Edited by DanTheHorn
  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

   Austin... yeah... great going.

You understand homelessness follows affluency, right? In Texas, we call them homeless people. In Louisiana, they're the majority citizenship.

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

NEAUX.... I'll get banned pretty soon anyway. It's the ut way.    LSU going to fix ut where it belongs saturday night.  

You don't have to get banned, dumbass. All we ask is you be cordial and not be a fucking repetitive aggy mouth breathing retard. That's it. It's cool to think your team is going to win, obviously. You're taking this shit too personal. 

59 minutes ago, BigBenBamboozle said:


You have to say this with the voice of a total dumbass... like duh.... .... "He mention words Alex jones... duh... I told by media Alex Jones is bad... duh.... I think everything not approved by govenmint is bad duh... I think you disagree with my ut professors... you duh stupid... duh... conclusion... Alex jones bad... you must be tin foil"

You are the perfect ut protoype.  A freaking brain dead moron.

  • Like 1
  • Fuck You 3
1 hour ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

an SEC team that didn't care to play you in the first place? Please...

Shirley, you can't be Sirius.

If you are, guessing you spent more time in Collie Station than just seven overtimes.

If you're not, you need to step up your smack - the "didn't want to be there" schtick is old old old, and it was wrong the day after that game. 





You've been advised.










Let the record reflect that in the past 3 days, there's been more talk on this board about "buttsex" than in the history of the shag/surly existence. 

Buncha real macho, manly, red-blooded American men talking about buttsex 24/7.

8 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

Holy shit, you take retard to a new level. On top of that, your mom is a whore.

my mom is a whore?  yep.  ut genius at work... Great comeback Dumbass Leftist Communist ... You Shit In The Streets In Austin too?


  • Fuck You 4
10 minutes ago, TopsInAmericaTim said:

I think you steers and queers got corndog mixed up with CornHole...

So by being critical of my comment in which I was saying that we should not talk about LSU fans as corndogs as the rest of the SEC teams do, you are saying you guys like to be referred to as Corndogs? or would you prefer CornHoles? I like Bayou Aggy.

4 minutes ago, Foosters said:

Let the record reflect that in the past 3 days, there's been more talk on this board about "buttsex" than in the history of the shag/surly existence. 

Buncha real macho, manly, red-blooded American men talking about buttsex 24/7.

HECK... you're right... we know where we're going... ButtPlug Sales in Louisiana are reported up 10 million percent.

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