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I'vs searched so if there is a thread pleas point me.   but if not how are we not talking about him?


He's the #1 podcast on the internet.  And his guests are through the roof.   Will wait to see if I missed the thread. 

  • Hook 'Em 1

He was a fucking moon-landing truther, and some other truther shit, and buddies with Alex Jones.  

He has his moments, but, you know, the stupid can be strong in him - even now, he still likes to provide a platform for the 9/11 and Alex Jones crowd.  I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t bought into the Qanon shit, because he loves conspiracy theories.  

But he can do good interviews.  


I can listen to most of his stuff. My favorites are:

Jocko willink

Tim Kennedy 

Jake Roberts 


Ben Shapiro 

Neil degrasse Tyson

Adam canover (because he is absolutely ridiculous in his interview)

Leah Ramimi (the scientology stuff is freaking crazy)

Kevin hart

Billy corgin (smashing pumpkins guy)

McCauley culkin

That's just off top of my head 

No CR intended. 


  • Like 1
29 minutes ago, Butch Had Not said:

Billy corgin (smashing pumpkins guy)


Thanks for clarifying that. Didn't want to get him confused with all the other Billy Corgans.

  • Hook 'Em 1
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  • Haha 2

He's Oprah for men, and a bit of a moron on many subjects. For example a few months back they were talking about Netflix, and Rogan had no idea there was a difference between a company's valuation and their actual profits. I learned that in high school I believe. 


Never heard anyone that's so positive about pot. That's his soapbox. He'll listen to most arguments regarding a myriad of topics but with pot, there isn't any wavering with him. 

Not perfect podcast but enjoy it. 


Dan Aykroyd sure is an interesting fella. 

It was funny how Rogan kept throwing increasingly crazy things at him. "Ok, well what about Sasquatch? Certainly not, right?"



Joe's all over the place.  Some interviews are a too juvenile.  Some are too droll.  Some he commandeers  the conversation. 

But some, he defers to the guest and you get some really good information out of it.  The episodes with Brian Cox are fantastic, as are the other ones iwth scientists and academics.

I tune out of the ones involving his D-list celebrity/comedian friends, when they're just chit chatting over absolutely mundane shit.


I see how some people don't buy into his brand of bullshit.  I kinda admire his being a sort of working-class renaissance man.  Diverse career.  Diverse interests.  Has a bit of pseudo-intellectual-caveman thing going on.  Does more of less what he wants. 

  • Like 2

there's a shit ton of flat bill hurley to him, i'll put one of his podcasts on when i see an interesting guest and within 30 minutes I'm punching out due to the general dude bro-ness

  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, PilotsError said:

There's a line. Spiking someone's drink with Molly crosses it. Jesus.



I listen a couple of times a week depending on the guest. The reason why I believe he is so popular is he is the "every man" guy. Sure he has his beliefs on things, some that I don't agree with and some that I agree with but he doesn't brow beat his guest if they say something he disagrees with. He has an open an honest discussion and isn't afraid to be proven wrong and gives plenty of rope for some of his guests to hang themselves before he in the nicest way possible tell them that what they just said isn't accurate. 

He isn't putting on an act he is just having a conversation with someone for a couple of hours.

For pure entertainment purposes he is at his best with other comedians. 


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Sober October podcast yesterday they talked about Ari spiking Bert's drink with Molly.  Just a shit thing to do.

Joe understand that if you allow people to speak, and not turn everything into an argument, you get better conversation.  I'm a huge fan, but he got insanely popular and it seems like the inevitable tearing down is starting to happen.  


It's mind candy & Joe gives zero fucks.  He catches enough shit from the pseudo-intellectual critic herds, he'll just bail and do something else.

Many guests are great (like the sleep guy, fucking fantastic).  He's just a guy doing his thing.  Turned me on to Dan Carlin (Wrath of the Khans).  Better than most.  What I do like is that he is such a champion for helping others.  His talk about most people having such a scarcity mindset is spot-on.  He genuinely seems to want to help people and will go out of his way to use his influence to promote as many other people trying to make it as he can.  

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, PilotsError said:

There's a line. Spiking someone's drink with Molly crosses it. Jesus.

I heard that yesterday. Shit like that will ruin a friendship forever. Especially if I have to be around my kids after the fact. I think ari knows he fucked up, but the fact that he won’t give a sincere apology and take accountability for what he did would make me want to fucking sucker punch him. 

6 hours ago, PilotsError said:

There's a line. Spiking someone's drink with Molly crosses it. Jesus.

Yeah.  I saw that yesterday and couldn't believe it.  Not funny at all.  Even among friends.  Maybe especially among friends.

4 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

I heard that yesterday. Shit like that will ruin a friendship forever. Especially if I have to be around my kids after the fact. I think ari knows he fucked up, but the fact that he won’t give a sincere apology and take accountability for what he did would make me want to fucking sucker punch him. 

Yeah, without a sincere apology that would be the end of my friendship with him.  And even with a sincere apology you can bet I'll never leave a drink in his vicinity again.

14 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

It's mind candy & Joe gives zero fucks.  He catches enough shit from the pseudo-intellectual critic herds, he'll just bail and do something else.

Many guests are great (like the sleep guy, fucking fantastic).  He's just a guy doing his thing.  Turned me on to Dan Carlin (Wrath of the Khans).  Better than most.  What I do like is that he is such a champion for helping others.  His talk about most people having such a scarcity mindset is spot-on.  He genuinely seems to want to help people and will go out of his way to use his influence to promote as many other people trying to make it as he can.  

Who was the sleep guy?  I'd like to listen to that.  I much prefer his non-comedian guests to the comics.


When Ari left the room to take a piss and they were asking Burt if he was still mad at Ari, that was pretty relatable. 

“It’s not that I’m mad, but it triggers me a little bit. It hurts more than anything, knowing that I can’t trust one of my best friends anymore”

we don’t know these guys, but Burt seems like the last person that would hold a grudge. I kinda felt for him right there.


Anyone catch any clips from the John Carmack (of Doom fame) episode?  I think Joe gets in perhaps a few sentences over the 2.5 hours. 


One area that I like/hate about this format is when the expert guests decide to go outside their realm of expertise.  It can be interesting to hear an astrophysicist talking about gun control or the drug war, but at that point they're just like the rest of us with personal bias, shaky facts, and some flat wrong info.

On 9/14/2019 at 4:24 PM, David Dennison said:

2 Bears, 1 Cave is much better.

I struggle to listen to Bert Kreischer for too long. He reminds me too much of some acquaintances that always one-up you on every story. and in Kreischer's case, I think some of his more famous stories are bs.


53 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

Who was the sleep guy?  I'd like to listen to that.  I much prefer his non-comedian guests to the comics.

Matthew Walker - episode #1109

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Several years ago I listened to his podcast fairly often. These days I will listen to clips here and there unless it is a guest I am really interested in...that seems to be fairly rare.

He does let some of the crazy and unhinged fucks have a platform. For many people that is fine because it is just entertainment...but for others it just feeds their own delusions. So then more people are just repeating crazy shit, which I don’t have time for.

I prefer when he has musicians or fighters/BJJ guys on. Except for Eddie Bravo, that guy is a lame jackass.

10 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

Several years ago I listened to his podcast fairly often. These days I will listen to clips here and there unless it is a guest I am really interested in...that seems to be fairly rare.

He does let some of the crazy and unhinged fucks have a platform. For many people that is fine because it is just entertainment...but for others it just feeds their own delusions. So then more people are just repeating crazy shit, which I don’t have time for.

I prefer when he has musicians or fighters/BJJ guys on. Except for Eddie Bravo, that guy is a lame jackass.

Bravo is a walking case-study in the concept that just because you are great at one thing (BJJ, beating a Gracie at tournament, 10th planet expansion, Rubber guard, etc.) doesn't mean you are good at everything else (comedy, all his moon-bat crazy conspiracy nonsense, etc).  He's become unwatchable.  His stuttering, elevated volume speaking is like nails on a chalkboard.  

Bravo is a walking case-study in the concept that just because you are great at one thing (BJJ, beating a Gracie at tournament, 10th planet expansion, Rubber guard, etc.) doesn't mean you are good at everything else (comedy, all his moon-bat crazy conspiracy nonsense, etc).  He's become unwatchable.  His stuttering, elevated volume speaking is like nails on a chalkboard.  

I don’t even really want to hear him talk about BJJ either haha.

He had Bernie Sanders on.  If that's not an indication of your perceived influence, then I don't know what is (along with Andrew Yang, Tulsi, etc)

I like the comedians, fighters, & hunters most of all (Rinella, Cam, etc).  In the end, I respect that he's a part of a paradigm shift in media/entertainment and how conversations are being held.  These long-form discussions (like the topic or not) are what we need more of.  Not this sound-bite, bumper sticker bullshit of people espousing talking points and talking over one another.  He also has in dissenting opinions (is that not the spirit of having an actual debate) and is a HUGE opponent of all this de-platforming or do-monetizing of people who's opinions we disagree with.  

  • Like 4
18 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:


I don’t even really want to hear him talk about BJJ either haha.


He also is developing the Rogan HGH/TRT, giant-head-syndrome....

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40 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

He had Bernie Sanders on.  If that's not an indication of your perceived influence, then I don't know what is (along with Andrew Yang, Tulsi, etc)

I like the comedians, fighters, & hunters most of all (Rinella, Cam, etc).  In the end, I respect that he's a part of a paradigm shift in media/entertainment and how conversations are being held.  These long-form discussions (like the topic or not) are what we need more of.  Not this sound-bite, bumper sticker bullshit of people espousing talking points and talking over one another.  He also has in dissenting opinions (is that not the spirit of having an actual debate) and is a HUGE opponent of all this de-platforming or do-monetizing of people who's opinions we disagree with.  


100% and even more refreshing in this soundbite, social media, chasing a squirrel world we now live in. 


Rogan and others met both needs of shorter sound bites and long form interviews. It's in his financial best interest to have more bite-sized pieces of the interviews because most people will not listen to a 2 hour interview.

But absolutely Rogan is a big player in political messages. His interview with Bernie has over 10m views in a month. I'm sure most did not listen to the entire hour but how many rallies does Bernie have to attend to get that many eyes.


When he had Chuck Palasomething, the writer of Fight Club and Choke, was a really good listen.

Dorian Yates was good. If you're even remotely interested in weight lifting you need to listen to it. 

Billy CORBIN, was an interesting listen with all the Florida sports shit and BALCO.

Rob Zombie was just on last week, that's one cool mother fucker.

Very surprisingly Richard Rawlings was a good and funny listen. Not near  the douchebag he seems on TV.

His crazy Australian hunting buddy had some crazy stories.

I don't listen near as much as i used to when he would air them live. They would come on while i was at work and had more time to put my earbuds in and listen. 


I love the sober October casts, it’s always funny when they are all on the show.  They are making Bert’s “The Machine” story into a movie.  It’s either going to great or terrible I think, depending on how it’s done.  

2 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

He had Bernie Sanders on.  If that's not an indication of your perceived influence, then I don't know what is (along with Andrew Yang, Tulsi, etc)

I like the comedians, fighters, & hunters most of all (Rinella, Cam, etc).  In the end, I respect that he's a part of a paradigm shift in media/entertainment and how conversations are being held.  These long-form discussions (like the topic or not) are what we need more of.  Not this sound-bite, bumper sticker bullshit of people espousing talking points and talking over one another.  He also has in dissenting opinions (is that not the spirit of having an actual debate) and is a HUGE opponent of all this de-platforming or do-monetizing of people who's opinions we disagree with.  

I couldn’t agree with you more. Even when he has people like Ben Shapiro on, or other people he doesn’t agree with, he does a good job of calling out things he doesn’t agree with in a respectful way. It’s kind of an art. Some people think they’re being respectful just because they aren’t calling the other person an idiot, or getting in a shouting match, but really they’re just being condescending. I think that’s one of the main reasons politicians like coming on his show. Everyone running for President, right or left, should be coming on his show IMO. His audience is pretty much split down the middle from a political viewpoint. 

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, JimmyHoffa said:



I listen a couple of times a week depending on the guest. The reason why I believe he is so popular is he is the "every man" guy. Sure he has his beliefs on things, some that I don't agree with and some that I agree with but he doesn't brow beat his guest if they say something he disagrees with. He has an open an honest discussion and isn't afraid to be proven wrong and gives plenty of rope for some of his guests to hang themselves before he in the nicest way possible tell them that what they just said isn't accurate. 

He isn't putting on an act he is just having a conversation with someone for a couple of hours.

For pure entertainment purposes he is at his best with other comedians. 


This is exactly where I'm at.

I see people that worship him and treat him as a demi-god, and that's fucking absurd.  But he knows what he doesn't know, admits to being a moron on a pretty regular basis, and allows for a long form conversation that allows people to develop their points completely instead of sound bite exchanges.  He's also open minded and frequently changes his position when presented with evidence that contradicts his previously held incorrect belief.

I don't listen to every episode, but I listen to any episode where I find the guest interesting.  Some of my favorite episodes are ones where I vehemently disagree with the guest.  I also love pretty much everything with the Sober October crew (Ari Shaffir, Tom Segura, Bert Kreischer) or Joey Diaz.

Edited by Al_4_ISU
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

I struggle to listen to Bert Kreischer for too long. He reminds me too much of some acquaintances that always one-up you on every story. and in Kreischer's case, I think some of his more famous stories are bs.


A lot of his old classmates have come forward and confirmed the Machine story,.

I think he is prone to wild hyperbole about opinions or describing things, but there are just way too many people who have witnessed his stories that pretty much back up his factual account.  Tracy Morgan story comes to mind.  Morgan denies it, but there are multiple other witnesses that confirm the general chain of events.

He reminds me a lot of one of my best childhood friends who has a tendency to get hyperbolic and one-up you on stories.  He's (Bert) self deprecating enough that the one upping doesn't really bother me.

Edited by Al_4_ISU

I used to listen to him a whole lot more, now I just catch quick bites or only watch guests that interest me. I do like when the group is together just shooting the shit. 

Holy shit at Ari spiking Berts drink with molly

Just now, Zepol87 said:

I used to listen to him a whole lot more, now I just catch quick bites or only watch guests that interest me. I do like when the group is together just shooting the shit. 

Holy shit at Ari spiking Berts drink with molly

Ari definitely crossed a line with that.

I think he's funny, but I can never tell if he's that completely fucked, or if everything is just a joke with him.  He seems the least solid of the 4, but I think the fact that they still stay friends speaks to how differently top level comedians are wired from the rest of us.

I remember years back where Bert's wife absolutely hated Ari because he commented on a social media post of their daughter in a cast "Way to go, retard" or something to that effect.  I also have a friend that is somewhat like Ari, so I guess I can understand a little bit why they put up with it, but Jesus, spiking a drink with Molly is fucked up.

  • 3 weeks later...
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