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Texas Tech @ Oklahoma


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1 hour ago, Moby Ric said:

JFC this Tech team is awful.  It will take a miracle for Wells to make Tech a decent team.  Here's to another decade of shitty Tech football.  Thanks for firing Leach you fucking assholes.

May go down as the worst moment in Texas Tech football history when they fired Leach.

Edited by Big Frog II
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All I'm saying is at least it was just a thorough beat down, the likes of which Tech has suffered many times to helmet teams on the road since I started watching Tech football back in the mid '80s, not a psyche killing, historically bad evisceration that people will talk about for years, like the 82-27 loss to TCU in 2014.  Thank 'lil Dick Bag Riley for that, definitely.

I just don't see how anybody can expect Wells and Yost to do much with the shitburger QB situation Arizona Cardinals head coach and noted QB guru Kliff Kingsbury left behind.  It's just damage control for the Tech coaching staff right now.   Mediocre to poor talent across the board, save for a few good receivers, no depth, and trying to run an offensive system a lot of guys don't really fit into.

Edited by Dirk X West
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On 9/28/2019 at 1:46 PM, XYZ said:

I’m guessing that Orlando’s game plan against OU will not be too different than what they did against OSU.

I honestly have no idea what you do if you're Texas. OU absolutely has the depth at WR and TE to break the OSU game plan open. I see the appeal of trying to make them go 10+ plays every time they have the ball, I'm just pretty sure that OU can, in fact, consistently do that. And that keeps Sam on the bench. The opposite would be to ramp up the aggression, try to force some turnovers or havoc plays and get them into low percentage third down situations; get just a few stops that way, paired with keeping them off the field with efficient ball control offense, and you keep their point total down. I like that conceptually, but he showed incredibly poor situational awareness when trying to do that vs LSU, so I don't know how you trust that either.

All of that said, Texas has played better defense vs OU than everyone not named Alabama over the past two plus years. Held an all time great offense under 30 in 2017 with a putrid offense. Granted, that was also a loaded Texas defense. 2018 was very good for three quarters. The B12 championship game was a pretty strong performance all things considered - yes, they gave up 500 yards, but they forced FGs in the red zone and bottled up the run. So I don't know what exactly to expect in terms of game plan, but I do expect them to come out and compete.

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