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Lawyer Rec

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My son is on special education for emotional disturbance issues. He is currently in a Behavioral Support Services class. I need him removed from that class over safety concerns and lack of qualified personnel. I do not know if I will need to sue the district for this or not.


I need legal advice / help along those lines and no idea where to start.



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Here is what my friend texted back to me last night.

Hi there! So since the kid is in special education, he would have an IEP. They can do an ARD meeting to review his plan. If they have already tried that and the district isn't willing to fulfill what parent thinks the kid needs, then they can file for a Due Process Hearing, which is basically special educationlitigation where both sides present and hearing officer decides. There are Advocate attorneys they can hire to represent the kid and parents.


I didn't press her for a lawyer rec since it look like you have one now.  Good luck

Edited by midtown
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5 hours ago, South Austin said:

Not sure he handles cases outside Central Texas, but Marty Cirkiel--father of Austin restauranteur Shawn Cirkiel--has a very good reputation in this area. 

Yeah, but he said it's Fort Bend.  SW corner of Houston area.  Not really close enough to make it reasonable.

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Thanks all. I think I’m good for the moment. Waiting for the emergency ARD. I have a couple of teachers helping me navigate the process, as the district sucks.

Lon story short - my son’s BSS (behavioral support services class) teacher has been following the wrong BIP (behavior intervention plan) all school year. On Tuesday, my son came home with finger print bruises on the insides of his biceps, which were caused from an illegal hold.

So, CPS, Fort Bend ISD police and the district are all investigating. Lots of fun.

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