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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×

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11 hours ago, ocugolf said:

Wife and I were expecting our first on December 8. Had an ultrasound this morning and there was no heartbeat. Baby had been totally healthy. 

So now, we are preparing for a C-Section this afternoon. Flooded with questions and emotions. We don’t have a name. How the fuck do you plan for funeral? Nurses keep talking about taking pictures and holding the baby. I’m totally not ready for any of this. I feel helpless. So thoughts and prayers my way would greatly appreciated in the coming hours.

Words can't even express my feelings for your family, so sorry for your loss. 





C-Section went well. Wife is feeling pretty good physically. Baby daughter came out at 5 pounds and 4 ounces. Decided with the first and middle name of Sloane McKenzie. The umbilical cord had wrapped around the neck twice and formed a knot. The wife had felt the baby on Thursday night and we were the first ultrasound on Friday morning, so we were so close. 

The doctors and nurses have been absolutely wonderful, and we are so thankful for that. The outpouring of love from family and friends as really filled our hearts. I greatly appreciate everyone here with the kind words.

Life’s going to suck for a while. Walking by the nursery is going to be crushing for the wife. I was driving home this morning to shower and “Tears in Heaven” came on the radio. I mean what are the odds?!? Had to pull over on the interstate and ugly cry. 

We’ll make it. It’ll be hard, but we’ll make it. Thanks again for the support. It means more than I could ever convey.

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Cant stop thinking about this man.



Just horrible. I thought about this all night and how you had your nursery all set up etc. We miscarried may 2017 at about 9 weeks. We were pregnant with again by September and had a boy in june. Hes our rainbow baby.


Good luck to your family in the recovery and healing process. Keep us updated. This has become my favorite thread on surly/shag for a reason...a good place for advice/support.


Posted (edited)

Thoughts and prayers my man. We miscarried at 14 weeks with our first kiddo. We had just started telling family and friends after week 13 so I can't even fathom how tough it is for y'all. I'll never forget may 4th, 2016 because of it. I'll also never forget April 13th, 2017 when my daughter was born though too.

 Stay strong and be there for each other.  Your wife sounds like a damn strong woman and you're going to be closer then you've ever imagine. Sloane is a great name and never stop loving her.

Edited by millhouse

This is terrible. I can't imagine someone going through the physical pain of recovering from a C-section while dealing with this. Praying for you guys.


My oldest is 11 today. The time has just flown by. I remember being so scared shitless when she was arriving and the moment she popped out and took my breath away. She's been a handful from birth to now. The dread teen years and puberty are knocking on our door. I imagine the handfulness won't change. She's whip smart, very determined, and definitely takes after her mother, both good and bad. She makes me strive to be the father she thinks I am. 

From this:


To this:


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So we were finally able to get LittleBigD in to see his neurologist to get some answers on his problems at school.  We are dealing with ADHD.  Doc started him on a very low dose of Clonidine this past weekend and he's been a completely different kid.  He stays focused, respects boundaries, and listens.   We have our sweet little boy back and so far it's been great.  Hoping and praying it continues.   We didn't want to put him on any other medication on top of what he currently takes for his epilepsy, but we are glad it's not the adderall/ritalin route.   We go back to the neurologist for a follow up in a month. 

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I’m so sorry for your loss ocugolf.

The exact same thing happened to my BIL and SIL. They were three weeks from their due date and lost their son due to cord strangulation.

My SIL actually had to be induced and go through labor and vaginal birth on Christmas Eve.

My nephew’s funeral was one of the saddest things I’ve ever experienced.

Everyone was so sympathetic and supportive and wonderful to them. While they were in the hospital recovering, my phone rang at 4:30 AM on Christmas Day. It was my BIL and he called because he knew I’d be up because I’m a night owl and had been doing Santa stuff. I talked with both of them for four hours and I somehow became their person that they could be angry with. Not angry AT - but the person they could cuss with and say how pissed off they were and voice all the ugly thoughts they had about the situation without fear of being judged.

Y’all will need all the kind and empathetic people in your life but find your people that you can rage to. Because there’s going to be anger and rage to go with your heartbreak and sorrow.

And you need to have a healthy place to voice that. It’s normal. What happened is so shitty and unfair and you have every right to be mad at the world, at god, at the universe, at everyone. But don’t let the anger eat you or eat at your relationship with each other.

I hope for you to find strength and some measures of peace in your journey through your loss.

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So, daughter starts off with the sniffles last week.  Saturday, she developed a slight cough. Sunday morning and Sunday night, it got progressively worse to where Monday morning she was up from 2 am on.  We decided to take her to walk-in hours at the pediatrician Monday, and she was diagnosed with a "mild" case of RSV.  Dr. had us come back in the next morning.  We came in Tuesday morning, and doc was happily surprised how well she was doing.  Said her lungs responded well to the steroid pill he gave us, and she was making a good recovery.  Said no need to come back in unless things got worse.

Next morning, she was laboring to breathe, and her respiratory rate was around 65 breaths / minute.  We took her into office hours yesterday morning, and the other doc told us to head to Dell Children's and she'll have us direct admitted.  We're on day two now.  She started off with a nasal cannula, and bottle feeding as needed, but she was struggling to breathe while feeding, so they dropped in the feeding line through her nose.  They slowly added pressure to her breathing cannula (from 6 to 8, to 10), then about 2:30 am, they told me we're heading downstairs to Pediatric ICU.  

5 am, somewhere around 2 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours, and we're wheeling our girl down to PICU with all our stuff in tow, and we get here.  Started off with a CPAP mask, and she wasn't liking it.  They intubated an hour later, inserted a PICC line, and here we sit.  They're starting her tube feeding again, milk, straight to the small intestine.  

Sorry for the long diatribe, gotta vent somewhere.  Did I mention she's 2.5 months old?

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Damn.  I came here to post a funny, then read about ocugolf and PvilleStang.  Legit Ts&Ps, guys.  PVS, keep us informed.

Conversation over pizza dinner tonight:

4 y/o son:  "Mommy?"

Mrs. Sola (no pics):  "Yes, Sweetheart?"

4 y/o son:  "I love you, mommy, but I like pizza better."


Mrs. Sola:  (◔_◔)


13 hours ago, solamente73 said:

Damn.  I came here to post a funny, then read about ocugolf and PvilleStang.  Legit Ts&Ps, guys.  PVS, keep us informed.

Conversation over pizza dinner tonight:

4 y/o son:  "Mommy?"

Mrs. Sola (no pics):  "Yes, Sweetheart?"

4 y/o son:  "I love you, mommy, but I like pizza better."


Mrs. Sola:  (◔_◔)


Two year old daughter while potty training...

MiniNAAL: love you mama

MrsNAAL: I love you too

MiniNAAL: I love my poop


Kids being sick sucks. I’d rather be sick ten times than they be sick once. The helpless feeling sucks. My five year old has strep so I just made the lovely 3am run all the way across town to the only pharmacy open for more fever meds. This shit needs to go away.


So, still stuck in PICU.  We were very hopeful that the breathing tube was coming out today, but no such luck.  She developed a bacteria infection from the RSV.  So we're on day 4 of the breathing tube and PICC line.  Looks like we'll be eating turkey with the nurses.  


I have to admit, I've been completely moved by a few of the charities around here.  Project Linus brought her a beautiful blanket and stuffed animal, and the Assistance League dropped off a free book and baby rattle toy.  You dont think much about these until you're stuck in a hospital room and cant even think straight. 


And on a less depressing note, who puts an angled mirror next to the toilet?!  I never wanted to know what I looked like taking a dump from the side, but thanks to this place, I now have to live with this image.


Had our third about a week ago. Yesterday, I come down with a stomach bug, and I’m exploding out of both ends. Then my oldest comes down with it last night and paints her room in vomit. Momma and the baby ran out of the house like Stoops chasing a bag of dicks. So now it’s me, a 3-year old, and a 5-year old randomly racing each other to the nearest toilet. The joys of parenthood!

All the while I’m getting texts from the wife that she’s soooo bored at her parents house.

  • Haha 1
Had our third about a week ago. Yesterday, I come down with a stomach bug, and I’m exploding out of both ends. Then my oldest comes down with it last night and paints her room in vomit. Momma and the baby ran out of the house like Stoops chasing a bag of dicks. So now it’s me, a 3-year old, and a 5-year old randomly racing each other to the nearest toilet. The joys of parenthood!


All the while I’m getting texts from the wife that she’s soooo bored at her parents house.

Been there. 4 years ago my twins were 1, oldest was 2. I was on my way to work and started feeling like shit. Called wife. Just so happened her mom was coming in town for a couple days then they were going to her house for Xmas holiday. I would join a few days later.


Tested positive for flu. I went to hide in my office until MIL could get there and evacuate everyone. Sick as hell for 5 days with flu all alone.


Well, 1 week later, and we're finally home.  It's been a crazy ride I dont ever want to go down again.  Seeing her with a ventilator tube and not being able to hold her had to be one of the hardest things in a parents' world.  To be around so many families going through such horrible things.  To hear nurses running down the hallway calling for a crash cart.  

7 pm last night, we were upgraded to a private room outside of the ICU, and she had all her sensors removed but her o2 sensor, her feeding tube pulled, and we were able to hold her without worrying something would fall out.  She began feeding normally again, and this morning we got our release orders.  I cant say how thankful I am for those doctors and nurses, but i hope i never have to see them at their work again.

And on that note, we're now looking for a nanny.

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Pville, you didn’t have a bunch of Christmas decorations stolen out of your yard did you? Saw something on the news and the dude had a UT hat on.
I wish. I'll be putting them out tomorrow or Friday.

My wife has the ability to burp on command. (I know. I was so lucky to land her.) When my son was 3 we tried to see if he could do it, too, but he couldn't.

Well he's now 5 and recently came to show us that not only can he now burp on command, but has taken it a step further and can talk while doing so. We are so proud.

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My oldest won his 1st 12U travel football tournament last weekend.  I took him out of the shitty all white catholic school league and dropped him in inner city football for the last 2 yrs. He is the leader on the team now after having to prove his rights.   They traveled this year and killed teams.  All those kids are 12. Still have the world championship of youth football coming up next to the HOF in 2 weeks.   Guess why he wears 44?  My nemesis Hager but he loves him.  Very proud of him and all the hard work he puts in.  So much hard work and he loves it.  Don't even push him.  He pushes me.  Also, he fucking dominated.  Also,then this kid got invited to do a HR Derby/ All Star game in Miami Marlins Stadium on Dec. 27-31.  He hits a baseball like no one's business.  Bryce Harper destroyed this HR derby back in the day.  It will be live online.  Grand parents cant wait to watch.  I can't express how proud I am of my son.  BTW he gets mostly As and some Bs.

You look like a really proud dad in that first picture. Congrats!
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My angel just got done spraying a whole fucking can of Pam all over our kitchen.
Asked the sonofabitch why, “it’s your fault for leaving it out so I could get it Daddy”

That got the spanking more than the mess.

Lil asshole.

  • Like 1
My angel just got done spraying a whole fucking can of Pam all over our kitchen.
Asked the sonofabitch why, “it’s your fault for leaving it out so I could get it Daddy”

That got the spanking more than the mess.

Lil asshole.

He’s not dumb.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
22 hours ago, BigDHornfan said:

My angel just got done spraying a whole fucking can of Pam all over our kitchen.
Asked the sonofabitch why, “it’s your fault for leaving it out so I could get it Daddy”

That got the spanking more than the mess.

Lil asshole.

A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that it was in its nature to do so.

scorpions gonna scorpion.

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   Our daughter is 5'1 at 10 years old and already able to hit over a women's net, though she is just learning. Here is to hoping that 8 years from now, Texas is one of the schools asking her to play for them.


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You're lucky she's into sports. I have a niece that is almost 6' at age 12 and has no interest in sports. Here's a pic from a few years ago. She's on the far left with her Girl Scout troop. She's taller than her Troop leader.ab1a38641f742ef898de863b79bc51f1.jpg



  • Haha 1

My twin daughters turned 17 over the weekend (no pics). I remember how terrified I was when I brought them home from the hospital, now I'm just as scared to have to let them out into the world in about 18 months or so. I worry that they're not ready but deep down, I'm pretty sure I'm the one that's not ready. 

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On 12/4/2018 at 8:11 PM, Modessit said:

You're lucky she's into sports. I have a niece that is almost 6' at age 12 and has no interest in sports. Here's a pic from a few years ago. She's on the far left with her Girl Scout troop. She's taller than her Troop leader.ab1a38641f742ef898de863b79bc51f1.jpg



    Well, both her parents were athletes so it's what she knows. My wife ran in college and was on the podium in 4 out of the 5 city 5k's she ran last year. They have a kid's 1k that they run as well and the kiddo placed in 4 out of 5 of them too. She hates it when mommy wins and she doesn't. She also likes sports because as a single kid, it gives her a group to belong to.

   Our daughter is 5'1 at 10 years old and already able to hit over a women's net,

Same with my 12 YO. She was over 5’ at 10. At her annual appt in November, the pediatrician said she may squeak out another 1/2”. She’s now 5’3”. There’s a ton of height on my wife’s side...every guy is over 6’4” and up to 6’10” but it didn’t make it to her.


18 month old has some kind of cold and ear infection. We got some strong abx from the pediatrician but our biggest obstacle is her vomiting from the amount of phlegm she's coughing up and swallowing. How long does this shit last and does anyone have any recs of how to get through it?


How you holding up ocugolf? I have two friends who went through the exact same tragedy, and both followed up with amazing healthy beautiful children. I wish the same for you if it be your desire to try again. 

18 month old has some kind of cold and ear infection. We got some strong abx from the pediatrician but our biggest obstacle is her vomiting from the amount of phlegm she's coughing up and swallowing. How long does this shit last and does anyone have any recs of how to get through it?
Put Vick's on the bottom of her feet with socks on. That'll do wonders for the cough. Boogie Mist to dry up the nasal passages to try to cut down on new mucus. Vick's humidifier stuff at night will help with breathing.

Antibiotics for the ear infection will have that cleared up in less than a week.

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