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Urban Meyer or bust


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  On 12/5/2020 at 4:30 PM, LonghornSean said:

I don't hate Herbie as much as most of y'all but yeah that segment this morning was complete bullshit, as if crazy fan expectations are unique to Texas.  He also kept making the point that UT has "NINE!" regents looking over the coach's shoulder. "Nine!"



Yeah, not sure what Herbie's angle was there.  Every large public university of note has a system board of some sort.  The University System of Ohio is no different.  Ours are actually nationally respected for staying outta shit like this unless it's to earmark trailer-fulls of cash for high profile hires.  

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  On 12/5/2020 at 4:30 PM, LonghornSean said:

I don't hate Herbie as much as most of y'all but yeah that segment this morning was complete bullshit, as if crazy fan expectations are unique to Texas.  He also kept making the point that UT has "NINE!" regents looking over the coach's shoulder. "Nine!"



Well Urban will get paid $1,333,333.33 for each regent so there’s that.  

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So Tim Brando knows what Jay Hartzell wants?  I'm sure the UT President will be pleased to know Tim Brando has him all figured out.  I wonder how Timmy knows all this?  

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  On 12/5/2020 at 4:32 PM, Baconboy said:

Right, while completely ignoring the fact that Texas is tied for 3rd in all-time wins. Made it sound like Texas has only been successful under Mack Brown and when Earl Campbell was here in the late '70s. Quoted a coach from the 1950s about the difficulty of meeting the high expectations of our fans. Implied we should keep Herman, then looked completely dumbfounded & angry when Desmond Howard said there's a disconnect between Herman and the players. 


I guess Herbstreit thinks Yale and Princeton should have much higher expectations given they have as many or more football national championships than Alabama 

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  On 12/5/2020 at 4:35 PM, Gravy Train said:

Fox segment on Gaylord Fockers.  Fuck you, if we had a coaching tree worth a shit, OU's QB accolades would be a shade of what they've become.  

Such a shit day of media coverage, I'm turning the TV off and spending the rest of the day outside.  Today somehow feels worse to me than the final days of Charlie Lulz.  Since then, the conference has only regressed, the agenda of officiating to offense production over defense is cemented, and football around the nation looks far gimpier/softer than even the worst programs of the early aughts.


"It's a gimmick offense."  Or so was the phrase that was used to describe Leach and his slew of QB's that dominated the stats in their day.  Now a Riley a Leach protégé is a QB whisperer at "QB U".  Give me a fkn break.  Leach and Tech got hosed from the respect they deserved.  

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  On 12/5/2020 at 3:29 PM, Burt Macklin said:

Doesn't Urban usually do the Fox show all day though?  Unless he suddenly goes missing once the 11 AM games start, not sure what significance this would have.

Carrington is not qualified for Pantoni/Chang's position.  They watch film and help scout/assess talent in addition to a lot of other things. That's way outside of Carrington's realm of expertise. 


Queue the zoom (no Toobin)......

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  On 12/5/2020 at 4:38 PM, wood said:

Here's the response that he blocked me over...



Lol Brando is a moron. I had Hartzell as a professor twice and he was my thesis advisor for a class. That man doesn’t give a rats ass about control, he just wants to be the best. I remember before he took over McCombs he wanted it to be better than Penn and completely turned the Honors program upside down to do it. I have no doubt he would do whatever it takes to bring Texas football back to the top.

Edited by Octavian
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I wish just once these fucking imbeciles would clearly articulate what they think the problem is with coaches at Texas.

What - specifically - are you talking about? And no, saying that DKR retired at 54 and generically stating that coaches were "undermined" is not specific and is meaningless drivel - how were they undermined, how was any of it specific to Texas? Can you articulate how this is different than other schools who are on the same historic level as Texas? Is there any substance at all to your claims?

Also - the related argument is that, outside of Mack's tenure, Texas has been only OK for the last 40 years - and this somehow means that we should accept mediocrity. I mean, what kind of fucked-up logic is that? Isn't that why we're having the conversation of trying to get the right coach in the first place? 

If David McWilliams or John Mackovic or Charlie Strong had kicked ass at other schools after leaving Texas, these idiots may have a point. But exactly none of them did. Which - call me crazy - indicates to me that their problem at Texas was their same problem elsewhere - they just weren't all that fucking good. Thus, blaming their failures on the school is absurdly irrational. 

They echo this sentiment about institutional reasons for Texas's mediocrity (though nobody ever states what those reasons actually are), when the actual answer is fucking simple: we're mediocre when we have mediocre coaches. We're good when we have good coaches. This isn't complicated. 

I don't know if they're just dumb, or have some sort of agenda or what.

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're just dipshits. 

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