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Urban Meyer or bust


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7 minutes ago, 1leggedduck said:

Why wouldn't UM have publicly  thanked UT for considering him and said that he isn't interested in coaching again at this time, etc.? Is it because he shouldn't be, and officially has not been, offered a job that still belongs to someone else? I tend to think that if the negotiations actually happened, and I think they did, UM would want to stop any further discussion or speculation about it.  Or, maybe it is just not "proper" for him to have been considering it when TH is still in the job. It just seems odd that no one, from either side, has said anything publicly. I'm not drawing any conclusions, but it just seems strange no one has stabbed a fork in it.

Because he's taking the high road and acting like it never happened.  No need to embarrass us.  Ever been asked out by a girl you're not attracted to?

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5 minutes ago, 1leggedduck said:

Why wouldn't UM have publicly  thanked UT for considering him and said that he isn't interested in coaching again at this time, etc.? Is it because he shouldn't be, and officially has not been, offered a job that still belongs to someone else? I tend to think that if the negotiations actually happened, and I think they did, UM would want to stop any further discussion or speculation about it.  Or, maybe it is just not "proper" for him to have been considering it when TH is still in the job. It just seems odd that no one, from either side, has said anything publicly. I'm not drawing any conclusions, but it just seems strange no one has stabbed a fork in it.

UM has no reason to make any public statement or not make a statement. He has no formal relationship with UT athletics and doesn’t have any reason to help us clean up a PR mess.

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24 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

Glad to see many in this thread still in the denial stage. Never say never.

This whole thread should be studied by psychologists on how opinions/hopes are affected by confirmation bias.  Flight tracking and believing random unnamed posts on the internet are a prime example. 


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7 minutes ago, JPETERMAN said:


No? Really? How sad for you. That also means you have no frame of reference. Shut the fuck up, Donnie.

Ahh, it really doesn't matter, because it's not apropos to the reality, which is that Urban hasn't said "No". He's said yes, and we've said yes to everything he's asked for, including complete control of the football program. 

The fact is, he's not on our timeline, we are on his, and he's not ready to go public, he isn't worried about recruiting, and he doesn't give a fuck about #MensaTom. 

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8 minutes ago, JOSEYWALES66 said:

This whole thread should be studied by psychologists on how opinions/hopes are affected by confirmation bias.  Flight tracking and believing random unnamed posts on the internet are a prime example.

...and completely buying into vague posts by named, known people of bad character, with horrible track records.

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22 minutes ago, 1leggedduck said:

Why wouldn't UM have publicly  thanked UT for considering him and said that he isn't interested in coaching again at this time, etc.? Is it because he shouldn't be, and officially has not been, offered a job that still belongs to someone else? I tend to think that if the negotiations actually happened, and I think they did, UM would want to stop any further discussion or speculation about it.  Or, maybe it is just not "proper" for him to have been considering it when TH is still in the job. It just seems odd that no one, from either side, has said anything publicly. I'm not drawing any conclusions, but it just seems strange no one has stabbed a fork in it.

The job isn't open. Coaches don't publicly talk about potentially taking jobs that are currently occupied, even if they despise the current occupant.

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17 minutes ago, Auto Driller said:

UM has no reason to make any public statement or not make a statement. He has no formal relationship with UT athletics and doesn’t have any reason to help us clean up a PR mess.

I've always thought the ones that say "I'm not interested in job ___-" are self serving ass clowns.  Urban being silent is taking the high road.

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2 minutes ago, elguapo said:

The job isn't open. Coaches don't publicly talk about potentially taking jobs that are currently occupied, even if they despise the current occupant.

This is what I kind of surmised. So like CTJ said, UM will simply not address it instead of publicly saying he turned us down for a job that wasn't even open. 

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I think we all know the right thing to do here.  Take out the football field, put in a swimming and diving pool and a volleyball court.  Pay Eddie Reese and Jerritt Elliot 10 million a year.  Its clear we are a volleyball and swimming and diving school.  Focus on our strengths.  

Edited by chemHORN
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11 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

No ugly chick has asked you out?  

I guess I'm finding my standards are just low given the fact that I am totally on board with a potential Campbell hire.
All I know is if you sit around and wait for the one and only prom queen to ask you out, you're gonna be sitting at home with a bottle of lotion and box of tissues quite a bit.    

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Just now, Mitch Cumsteen said:

I've pretty much written off CUM but I've got a Buckeye crying Jordan photoshop all queued up that I'm going to have to keep in my back pocket for awhile. 

If they play Bama you'll probably get to use it sooner than later.

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Stop feeding the British troll. It should surprise no one that a Brit thinks they know better about something in which they have zero qualifications. Just neg the dumbfuck until he stops or until he can be crowdsourced. 

The British are coming, the British are coming, the British are coming...

Are there one or two lanterns atop the tower?
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22 minutes ago, Sir Ulrich said:

In twitter insider news the BevoBlvd account that came about the same time as squid and interacted with RGL frequently has deleted their account. Yesterday they posted about coming clean about them and Grande Meal being OSU trolls. 

He wouldn't delete his account if he was just trolling. I'm guessing someone inside the AD found him and asked him to take that shit down. I think RGL has been vague enough about it that they wouldn't give him the same ultimatum. 

If Larry is a tOSU troll it would be the strangest long-con I've ever seen - complete with unrelated Texas-centric anecdotes and support posts going back months and all. He has money on the line between him and the Buckeye scoop guy. 

What's more likely - three tOSU guys making up a weirdly specific, complex troll job over the course of a few months to... do what exactly? Entertain a bunch of Texas fans over a potential happening that they wouldn't have anymore info about than any of us? That they wouldn't be able to guarantee wasn't or isn't happening?


Some loudmouth with an AD connect saying more shit than he should on an anonymous Twitter and the AD finding it and asking him to take it down?

Or or... scenario 3...

BevoBlvd being some unrelated party attempting to egg on Larry and the Squid and dipping out at a random moment complete with deleting his account, because, why? 

Edited by ztejas
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31 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

I've pretty much written off CUM but I've got a Buckeye crying Jordan photoshop all queued up that I'm going to have to keep in my back pocket for awhile. 

Maybe time to use it, regardless of whether we get Meyer now that their playoff hopes look to be on life support

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