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I hadn't heard of this crazy situation before.  In Mississippi, in order to win a statewide election you not only need to win a majority of the votes statewide, you also need to win a majority of the 122 state districts. If neither candidate wins based on those requirements, the state House decides the winner.  GOP controls 80 of the 122 House districts. Guess who they always put into office?

Zero African-Americans hold a statewide office even though they make up 37% of the population. It's been since Reconstruction since an African-American has held a statewide office.

I couldn't find the race breakdown of the 122 districts but in the 82 counties, only 30% or 25 counties have an African-American majority. I assume districts have been packed and cracked to limit African-American majority as much as possible.

Current lawsuit to end this practice: https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/05/politics/mississippi-election-system-jim-crow-era/index.html



Yes, if the Dem nominee were to win, you bet your ass it would end up going all the way to SCOTUS I'm sure. 

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